public DrillConfigService(int numberOfRecordsToQueryDip, int dipMarginOfError, int numberOfRecordsToQueryAzimuth, int azimuthMarginOfError)
     DrillConfigModel = new DrillConfigModel(
Example #2
        public static DrillSiteService CreateRandomDrillSite(DrillConfigModel config, Random random)
            var lng     = random.NextDouble() * 360 - 180;
            var lat     = random.NextDouble() * 180 - 90;
            var azimuth = random.NextDouble() * 360;
            var dip     = random.NextDouble() * 90;
            var date    = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(random.NextDouble() * 7); // up to a week in the past
            var model   = new DrillSiteModel(lat, lng, dip, azimuth, date);

            return(new DrillSiteService(model, config));
        public void TestUpdateReadingsTrustworthiness()
            var config   = new DrillConfigModel(5, 3, 1, 5);
            var readings = new List <DepthReadingModel>()
                new DepthReadingModel(5, 150, 100),    // avg dip = -     last azimuth = -      - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(4, 145.01, 100), //avg dip = 5    last azimuth = 150   - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(3, 142, 100),    // avg dip = 4.5   last azimuth = ~145   - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(5, 139, 100),    // avg dip = 4     last azimuth = 142    - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(5, 135, 100),    // avg dip = 4.25  last azimuth = 139    - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(1, 137, 100),    // avg dip = 4.4   last azimuth = 135    - not trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(1, 134, 100),    // avg dip = 3.6   last azimuth = 137    - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(1, 120, 100),    // avg dip = 3     last azimuth = 134    - not trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(2, 118, 100),    // avg dip = 2.6   last azimuth = 120    - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(3, 150, 100),    // avg dip = 2     last azimuth = 120    - not trustworthy
            var expectedReadings = new List <DepthReadingModel>()
                new DepthReadingModel(5, 150, 100), // avg dip = -     last azimuth = -      - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(4, 145, 100), // avg dip = 5     last azimuth = 150    - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(3, 140, 100), // avg dip = 4.5   last azimuth = 145    - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(5, 139, 100), // avg dip = 4     last azimuth = 140    - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(5, 135, 100), // avg dip = 4.25  last azimuth = 139    - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(1, 137, 0.0), // avg dip = 4.4   last azimuth = 135    - not trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(1, 134, 100), // avg dip = 3.6   last azimuth = 137    - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(1, 120, 0.0), // avg dip = 3     last azimuth = 134    - not trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(2, 118, 100), // avg dip = 2.6   last azimuth = 120    - trustworthy
                new DepthReadingModel(3, 150, 0.0), // avg dip = 2     last azimuth = 120    - not trustworthy

            // test not equal where trustworthness is expected to be false
            for (var i = 0; i < readings.Count; i++)
                if (!expectedReadings[i].IsTrustworthy)
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(expectedReadings[i].IsTrustworthy, readings[i].IsTrustworthy);

            DrillSiteService.UpdateReadingsTrustworthiness(readings, 0, config);

            for (var i = 0; i < readings.Count; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedReadings[i].IsTrustworthy, readings[i].IsTrustworthy);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Recursive function that will cycle through the readings, starting at
        ///     indexToUpdate until it reaches the end of the readings list, updating
        ///     the trustworthiness as it goes along.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="readings"></param>
        /// <param name="indexToUpdate"></param>
        /// <param name="config">If left null, will use config from database - optional for unit testing purposes</param>
        public static void UpdateReadingsTrustworthiness(List <DepthReadingModel> readings, int indexToUpdate, DrillConfigModel config = null)
            if (indexToUpdate >= readings.Count)
                return; // end of list
            if (config == null)
                config = Config ?? (Config = DrillConfigService.GetInstance().DrillConfigModel);

            var azimuthRecordsToQuery =
                RetrieveXRecordsBefore(readings, indexToUpdate, config.NumberOfRecordsToQueryAzimuth).ToList();
            var dipRecordsToQuery = config.NumberOfRecordsToQueryAzimuth == config.NumberOfRecordsToQueryDip
                ? azimuthRecordsToQuery // no need to calculate new list, if they're both going to be the same
                : RetrieveXRecordsBefore(readings, indexToUpdate, config.NumberOfRecordsToQueryDip).ToList();

            CalculateTrustWorthiness(config, readings[indexToUpdate], dipRecordsToQuery, azimuthRecordsToQuery);
            UpdateReadingsTrustworthiness(readings, indexToUpdate + 1, config);
        private static void CalculateTrustWorthiness(DrillConfigModel config, DepthReadingModel reading, List <DepthReadingModel> dipRecordsToQuery, List <DepthReadingModel> azimuthRecordsToQuery)
            // take averages
            var azimuthAverage = azimuthRecordsToQuery.Any()
                ? azimuthRecordsToQuery.Sum(x => x.Azimuth) / azimuthRecordsToQuery.Count()
                : (double?)null;
            var dipAverage = dipRecordsToQuery.Any()
                ? dipRecordsToQuery.Sum(x => x.Dip) / dipRecordsToQuery.Count()
                : (double?)null;

            if (!dipAverage.HasValue || !azimuthAverage.HasValue)
                // assume trustworthy, likely no records exist before this node
                reading.TrustWorthiness = 100f;

            // calculate trustworthiness
            reading.TrustWorthiness = Math.Abs(reading.Azimuth - azimuthAverage.Value) < config.AzimuthMarginOfError &&
                                      Math.Abs(reading.Dip - dipAverage.Value) < config.DipMarginOfError
                ? 100
                : 0;
 public DrillConfigService(DrillConfigModel config)
     DrillConfigModel = config;
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor, that will create the model with the hard-coded default values
 /// </summary>
 public DrillConfigService()
     DrillConfigModel = new DrillConfigModel();
 public DrillSiteService(DrillSiteModel drillSiteModel, DrillConfigModel config)
     Config         = config;
     DrillSiteModel = drillSiteModel;