Example #1
    List <DrctEntry> FindWADEntrys(type find) //Possible Types: sprite, flat //returns number of found entries
        List <DrctEntry> entryList = new List <DrctEntry>();

        DrctEntry markerStart = new DrctEntry();
        DrctEntry markerEnd   = new DrctEntry();

        entryList.Clear(); //make sure the list of entries is empty

        if (find == type.Sprite)
            //Look for sprites
            for (int i = 0; i < newWad.directory.Count; i++)
                if (newWad.directory[i].name.Contains("S_START") && newWad.directory[i].size == 0) //The sprite marker
                    markerStart         = newWad.directory[i];
                    markerStart.filepos = i;

                if (newWad.directory[i].name.Contains("S_END") && newWad.directory[i].size == 0)
                    markerEnd         = newWad.directory[i];
                    markerEnd.filepos = i;

        if (find == type.Flat)
            //Look for flats
            for (int i = 0; i < newWad.directory.Count; i++)
                if (newWad.directory[i].name.Contains("F_START") && newWad.directory[i].size == 0) //The flat marker
                    markerStart         = newWad.directory[i];
                    markerStart.filepos = i;

                if (newWad.directory[i].name.Contains("F_END") && newWad.directory[i].size == 0)
                    markerEnd         = newWad.directory[i];
                    markerEnd.filepos = i;

        for (int i = 0; i < newWad.directory.Count; i++)
            if (i > markerStart.filepos && i < markerEnd.filepos && newWad.directory[i].size > 0)
                //all of the entries between the markers
Example #2
    List <DrctEntry> ReadWADPnames()
        DrctEntry pnames = new DrctEntry();

        int           patchCount = 0;
        List <string> newPatches = new List <string>();

        foreach (DrctEntry entry in newWad.directory)//Find PNAMES
            if (entry.name.Contains("PNAMES"))
                pnames = entry;

        byte[] pbytes = new byte[pnames.size];

        wadOpener.Position = pnames.filepos;
        wadOpener.Read(pbytes, 0, pbytes.Length);

        patchCount = (int)BitConverter.ToUInt32(pbytes, 0); //number of patches

        for (int j = 4; j < pnames.size; j += 8)
            string str1 = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(pbytes, j, 8));
            str1 = str1.Replace("\0", "");

            if (!newPatches.Contains(str1))
                newPatches.Add(str1); //fill the list with all patch names

        newWad.pnames = newPatches; //save info in wad class

        List <DrctEntry> patchEntries = new List <DrctEntry>();

        foreach (string str in newPatches)//Find PNAMES
            foreach (DrctEntry entry in newWad.directory)
                if (entry.name.ToUpper() == str.ToUpper())
Example #3
    void ReadWADDirectory()
        byte[] wadDir = new byte[newWad.numlumps * 16];


        wadOpener.Position = newWad.infotableofs;
        wadOpener.Read(wadDir, 0, wadDir.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < wadDir.Length; i += 16)
            DrctEntry newDirEntry = new DrctEntry();

            newDirEntry.filepos = BitConverter.ToInt32(wadDir, i);
            newDirEntry.size    = BitConverter.ToInt32(wadDir, i + 4);
            newDirEntry.name    = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(wadDir, i + 8, 8));
            newDirEntry.name    = newDirEntry.name.Replace("\0", "");

Example #4
    void ReadMAPEntries()
        for (int i = 0; i < newWad.directory.Count - 1; i++)
            if (newWad.directory[i + 1].name.Contains("THINGS") && newWad.directory[i].size == 0)
                DoomMap   newMap   = new DoomMap();
                DrctEntry dirEntry = newWad.directory[i];

                newMap.name = dirEntry.name;

                //THINGS lump

                if (newWad.directory[i + 1].name.Contains("THINGS"))
                    byte[] thingBytes = new byte[newWad.directory[i + 1].size];

                    wadOpener.Position = newWad.directory[i + 1].filepos;
                    wadOpener.Read(thingBytes, 0, thingBytes.Length);

                    for (int j = 0; j < newWad.directory[i + 1].size; j += 10)
                        THINGS newThing = new THINGS();

                        newThing.xPos         = BitConverter.ToInt16(thingBytes, j + 0);
                        newThing.yPos         = BitConverter.ToInt16(thingBytes, j + 2);
                        newThing.angle        = BitConverter.ToInt16(thingBytes, j + 4);
                        newThing.thingType    = BitConverter.ToInt16(thingBytes, j + 6);
                        newThing.thingOptions = BitConverter.ToInt16(thingBytes, j + 8);


                //LINEDEEFS lump

                if (newWad.directory[i + 2].name.Contains("LINEDEFS"))
                    byte[] lineDefBytes = new byte[newWad.directory[i + 2].size];

                    wadOpener.Position = newWad.directory[i + 2].filepos;
                    wadOpener.Read(lineDefBytes, 0, lineDefBytes.Length);
                    for (int j = 0; j < newWad.directory[i + 2].size; j += 14)
                        LINEDEFS newLineDef = new LINEDEFS();

                        newLineDef.firstVertIndex = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 0);
                        newLineDef.lastVertIndex  = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 2);
                        newLineDef.flags          = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 4);
                        newLineDef.types          = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 6);
                        newLineDef.tag            = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 8);
                        newLineDef.side1Index     = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 10);
                        newLineDef.side2Index     = BitConverter.ToInt16(lineDefBytes, j + 12);


                //SIDEDEFS lump

                if (newWad.directory[i + 3].name.Contains("SIDEDEFS"))
                    byte[] sideDefBytes = new byte[newWad.directory[i + 3].size];

                    wadOpener.Position = newWad.directory[i + 3].filepos;
                    wadOpener.Read(sideDefBytes, 0, sideDefBytes.Length);

                    for (int j = 0; j < newWad.directory[i + 3].size; j += 30)
                        SIDEDEFS newSideDef = new SIDEDEFS();

                        newSideDef.xOfs   = BitConverter.ToInt16(sideDefBytes, j + 0);
                        newSideDef.yOfs   = BitConverter.ToInt16(sideDefBytes, j + 2);
                        newSideDef.upTex  = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(sideDefBytes, j + 4, 8)).ToUpper();
                        newSideDef.lowTex = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(sideDefBytes, j + 12, 8)).ToUpper();
                        newSideDef.midTex = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(sideDefBytes, j + 20, 8)).ToUpper();
                        newSideDef.secNum = BitConverter.ToInt16(sideDefBytes, j + 28);

                        newSideDef.upTex  = newSideDef.upTex.Replace("\0", "");
                        newSideDef.lowTex = newSideDef.lowTex.Replace("\0", "");
                        newSideDef.midTex = newSideDef.midTex.Replace("\0", "");


                //VERTEXES lump

                if (newWad.directory[i + 4].name.Contains("VERTEXES"))
                    byte[] vertexBytes = new byte[newWad.directory[i + 4].size];

                    wadOpener.Position = newWad.directory[i + 4].filepos;
                    wadOpener.Read(vertexBytes, 0, vertexBytes.Length);

                    for (int j = 0; j < newWad.directory[i + 4].size; j += 4)
                        Vector3 newVertex = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                        newVertex.x = BitConverter.ToInt16(vertexBytes, j + 0);
                        newVertex.z = BitConverter.ToInt16(vertexBytes, j + 2);


                //SECTORS lump

                if (newWad.directory[i + 8].name.Contains("SECTORS"))
                    byte[] secBytes = new byte[newWad.directory[i + 8].size];

                    wadOpener.Position = newWad.directory[i + 8].filepos;
                    wadOpener.Read(secBytes, 0, secBytes.Length);

                    for (int j = 0; j < newWad.directory[i + 8].size; j += 26)
                        SECTORS newSec = new SECTORS();

                        newSec.floorHeight   = BitConverter.ToInt16(secBytes, j + 0);
                        newSec.ceilingHeight = BitConverter.ToInt16(secBytes, j + 2);
                        newSec.floorFlat     = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(secBytes, j + 4, 8));
                        newSec.ceilingFlat   = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(secBytes, j + 12, 8));
                        newSec.lightLevel    = BitConverter.ToInt16(secBytes, j + 20);
                        newSec.specialSec    = BitConverter.ToInt16(secBytes, j + 22);
                        newSec.sectorTag     = BitConverter.ToInt16(secBytes, j + 24);

                        newSec.floorFlat   = newSec.floorFlat.Replace("\0", "");
                        newSec.ceilingFlat = newSec.ceilingFlat.Replace("\0", "");


                //BLOCKMAPS lump

                if (newWad.directory[i + 10].name.Contains("BLOCKMAP"))
                    byte[] blockBytes = new byte[newWad.directory[i + 10].size];

                    wadOpener.Position = newWad.directory[i + 10].filepos;
                    wadOpener.Read(blockBytes, 0, blockBytes.Length);

                    BLOCKMAP newBlockmap = new BLOCKMAP();

                    newBlockmap.xcoord     = BitConverter.ToInt16(blockBytes, 0);
                    newBlockmap.ycoord     = BitConverter.ToInt16(blockBytes, 2);
                    newBlockmap.numColumns = BitConverter.ToInt16(blockBytes, 4);
                    newBlockmap.numRows    = BitConverter.ToInt16(blockBytes, 6);

                    int N = newBlockmap.numColumns * newBlockmap.numRows;
                    for (int j = 8; j < (8 + (2 * (N - 1))); j += 2)                       // (8 + (2 * (N - 1))) IS DEFINITELY RIGHT
                        newBlockmap.Offsets.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt16(blockBytes, j) * 2); //multiply this times 2 so its right

                    foreach (int offset in newBlockmap.Offsets)
                        int line        = 0;
                        int blockOffset = offset;
                        // List<int> newBlock = new List<int>();
                        Block blk = new Block();
                            line = BitConverter.ToUInt16(blockBytes, blockOffset + 2);

                            if (line == 0xFFFF)


                            blockOffset += 2;
                        } while (line != 0xFFFF);


                    newMap.blockmap = newBlockmap;

                newWad.maps.Add(newMap);     //Store the map in newWad
Example #5
    //function adapted from SLADE
    bool isDoomGfx(DrctEntry sprite)
        if (sprite.size < 10)

        PICTURES newPicture = new PICTURES();

        byte[] spriteBytes = new byte[sprite.size]; //the entire picture resource in bytes

        wadOpener.Position = sprite.filepos;
        wadOpener.Read(spriteBytes, 0, spriteBytes.Length);

        //read the picture header (first 8 bytes of the picture resource) [0-7]
        newPicture.Width      = BitConverter.ToInt16(spriteBytes, 0);
        newPicture.Height     = BitConverter.ToInt16(spriteBytes, 2);
        newPicture.LeftOffset = BitConverter.ToInt16(spriteBytes, 4);
        newPicture.TopOffset  = BitConverter.ToInt16(spriteBytes, 6);

        if (newPicture.Width < 1 || newPicture.Width > spriteBytes.Length)

        int[] pointers = new int[newPicture.Width];

        //Reading pointer data (4 bytes each, as many as the width skipping the header)
        for (int i = 8; i < 8 + newPicture.Width * 4; i += 4)
            if (BitConverter.ToInt32(spriteBytes, i) > spriteBytes.Length)

            pointers[(i - 8) / 4] = BitConverter.ToInt32(spriteBytes, i);

        // Check size
        if (sprite.size > 4)
            // Check header values are 'sane'
            if (newPicture.Width > 0 && newPicture.Height > 0)
                // Check there is room for needed column pointers
                if (sprite.size < 8 + (newPicture.Width * 2))

                // Check column pointers are within range
                foreach (int pointer in pointers)
                    if (pointer > spriteBytes.Length || pointer < 8)

                // Passed all checks, so probably is doom gfx


Example #6
    public MUS ReadMusEntry(int songNumber)
        List <DrctEntry> musList = new List <DrctEntry>();

        foreach (DrctEntry entry in newWad.directory) //find all the mus's in the wad
            if (entry.name.StartsWith("D_"))

        DrctEntry mus = musList[songNumber]; //which song are we listening to today

        byte[] musBytes = new byte[mus.size];

        wadOpener.Position = mus.filepos;
        wadOpener.Read(musBytes, 0, musBytes.Length);

        MUS newMUS = new MUS();

        byte[] channelVolume = new byte[16];

        newMUS.name = mus.name;

        //read the header of the mus file
        newMUS.id           = new String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(musBytes, 0, 3));
        newMUS.scoreLen     = BitConverter.ToUInt16(musBytes, 4);
        newMUS.scoreStart   = BitConverter.ToUInt16(musBytes, 6);
        newMUS.channels     = BitConverter.ToUInt16(musBytes, 8);
        newMUS.sec_channels = BitConverter.ToUInt16(musBytes, 10);
        newMUS.instrCnt     = BitConverter.ToUInt16(musBytes, 12);
        newMUS.dummy        = BitConverter.ToUInt16(musBytes, 14);

        List <int> instrList = new List <int>();//temporary list for storing instruments

        for (int j = 16; j < newMUS.scoreStart; j += 2)
            instrList.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt16(musBytes, j)); //get the instrument
        newMUS.instruments = instrList.ToArray();              //store the temporary list to the newMUS list

        int i = newMUS.scoreStart;

        while (i < musBytes.Length)
            //read the 'score'
            Mus_Event newEvent = new Mus_Event();

            newEvent.channelNum   = (byte)(musBytes[i] & 0x0F);
            newEvent.musEventType = (byte)((musBytes[i] & 0x70) >> 4);
            newEvent.last         = (((musBytes[i] & 0x80) >> 7) == 1);
            i++;                            //finished reading the descriptor byte

            if (newEvent.musEventType == 0) //Release Note
                newEvent.note = (byte)(musBytes[i] & 0x7F);
                i++;                             //finished reading the released note byte
            else if (newEvent.musEventType == 1) //Play Note
                bool volBit = ((musBytes[i] & 0x80) >> 7) == 1;
                newEvent.note = (byte)(musBytes[i] & 0x7F);
                i++;        //finished reading the note byte

                if (volBit) //if the last bit of the first byte is set, get the new vol from the 2nd byte
                    newEvent.vol = (byte)(musBytes[i] & 0x7F);
                    channelVolume[newEvent.channelNum] = newEvent.vol;
                    i++; //finished reading the vol byte
                else //otherwise use the volume of the previous note on the channel is used.
                    newEvent.vol = channelVolume[newEvent.channelNum];
            else if (newEvent.musEventType == 2)//Pitch Wheel
                newEvent.pitch = (byte)(musBytes[i]);
                i++;                             //finished reading pitch wheel byte
            else if (newEvent.musEventType == 3) //System Event
                newEvent.sysEventNum = (byte)(musBytes[i] & 0x7F);
                i++;                             //finished reading sys event byte
            else if (newEvent.musEventType == 4) //Change Controller
                newEvent.contNum = (byte)(musBytes[i] & 0x7F);
                i++; //finished reading controller number byte
                newEvent.contVal = (byte)(musBytes[i] & 0x7F);
                i++; //finished reading controller value byte
            else if (newEvent.musEventType == 5 || newEvent.musEventType == 7)
                i++;                             //???????extra byte??????????
            else if (newEvent.musEventType == 6) //Score end (end of mus)
                //END OF FILE EVENT
                newEvent.scoreEnd = true;                                              //set the events scoreEnd bool to true
                newEvent.time     = newMUS.musEvents[newMUS.musEvents.Count - 1].time; // set the end time to the last event's for some reason?
                newMUS.musEvents.Add(newEvent);                                        //save the event
                newWad.music.Add(newMUS);                                              //save the MUS

            if (newEvent.last) //delay
                int delay = 0;

                bool moreDelay = true; //if there is another delay byte after the current byte

                while (moreDelay)
                    moreDelay = (((BitConverter.ToChar(musBytes, i) & 0x80) >> 7) == 1); //set moreDelay by checking the LAST bit of the CURRENT BYTE

                    byte newByte = musBytes[i];
                    delay = delay * 128 + (newByte & 0x7F); //set the delay

                    i++;                                    //next byte

                newEvent.time = delay;//set the new time info

            newMUS.musEvents.Add(newEvent);//save the event information