Example #1
     * Returns the instance of DrawingArea class with default values of button visibility settings.
     * @param caller The calling object, to be used for callbacks.
     * @param pOnlyIncludeForeground If true, only foreground of the drawn image will be returned as a result of this activity. If false, also
     * background will be included.
     * @param bgImage Background image to be set in the canvas view.
    public static DrawingArea getInstance(DrawingAreaOnResult caller, bool pOnlyIncludeForeground, byte[] bgImage)
        ZLog.Log ("DrawingArea getInstance start");
        if (caller == null)
            return null;

        if ((mSPenManager = GameObject.Find("_SPenManager")) == null) {
            ZLog.Log ("DrawingArea getInstance - creating manager game object.");
            mSPenManager = new GameObject ("_SPenManager");
            AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread ();
            AndroidJNIHelper.debug = true;

        if ((mInstance = mSPenManager.GetComponent<DrawingArea> ()) == null) {
            ZLog.Log ("DrawingArea getInstance - adding component to manager game object.");
            mInstance = mSPenManager.AddComponent<DrawingArea> ();
            mInstance.init (bgImage);
        } else {
            if (bgImage != null) {
                mInstance.setBackgroundImage (bgImage);

        mInstance.mCaller = caller;
        mInstance.mOnlyIncludeForeground = pOnlyIncludeForeground;

        ZLog.Log ("DrawingArea getInstance end");
        return mInstance;
Example #2
  * Returns the instance of DrawingArea class with default values of button visibility settings.
  * @param caller The calling object, to be used for callbacks.
  * @param pOnlyIncludeForeground If true, only foreground of the drawn image will be returned as a result of this activity. If false, also
  * background will be included.
 public static DrawingArea getInstance(DrawingAreaOnResult caller, bool pOnlyIncludeForeground)
     return getInstance(caller, pOnlyIncludeForeground, null);
Example #3
  * Returns the instance of DrawingArea class with default values of pOnlyIncludeForeground and button visibility settings.
  * @param caller The calling object, to be used for callbacks.
 public static DrawingArea getInstance(DrawingAreaOnResult caller)
     return getInstance(caller, false);