Example #1
            // For a derived class, it is recommended to override the event notifier rather
            // than subscribe to the event.
            protected override void OnPaint(Wimp.RedrawEventArgs e)
                var local_matrix = (OS.Matrix)matrix.Clone();

                // Matrix translation is used to position the drawfile on screen within
                // the window.
                local_matrix.Translate(e.Origin.X, e.Origin.Y);
                Drawfile.Render(0, draw_file, local_matrix, ref e.Redraw.Clip, 0);

                // Technically, we should call the base method to ensure that event subscribers
                // are also notified of this event, but I don't think that's necessary in this
                // case.

                // base.OnPaint (e);
Example #2
            public DrawDocument(string name) : base("MainWindow")
                using (var file = new BinaryReader(File.Open(name, FileMode.Open)))
                    draw_file = new byte [file.BaseStream.Length];
                    file.Read(draw_file, 0, (int)file.BaseStream.Length);
                    // File is closed automatically at the end of the using scope.

                OS.Rect bbox = Drawfile.GetBounds(0, draw_file, null);

                // Convert the bounding box from Draw units to OS units
                bbox.MinX >>= 8;
                bbox.MinY >>= 8;
                bbox.MaxX >>= 8;
                bbox.MaxY >>= 8;

                // Set the window extent to the size of the draw file.
                Extent = new OS.Rect(0, 0, bbox.MinX + bbox.MaxX, bbox.MinX + bbox.MaxY);

                Title = name;