public bool ReadRecord(out DrawSlicedImageCommand record) { record = default; unsafe { fixed(byte *pByte = this.buffer) { // This pointer points to the current read point in the // instruction stream. byte *pCur = pByte; // This points to the first byte past the end of the // instruction stream (i.e. when to stop) byte *pEndOfInstructions = pByte + this.currentReadOffset; if ((pCur >= pEndOfInstructions)) //reach end { return(false); } RecordHeader *pCurRecord = (RecordHeader *)pCur; if (pCurRecord->Type != RecordType.DrawSlicedImage) { return(false); } DrawSlicedImageCommand *data = (DrawSlicedImageCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); record = *data; this.currentReadOffset += pCurRecord->Size; return(true); } } }
public void ReadAllRecords(GeometryRenderer ctx) { // We shouldn't have any dependent resources if _curOffset is 0 // (curOffset == 0) -> (renderData.dependentResources.Count == 0) Debug.Assert((curOffset > 0) || (dependentResources.Count == 0)); // The buffer being null implies that curOffset must be 0. // (buffer == null) -> (curOffset == 0) Debug.Assert((buffer != null) || (curOffset == 0)); // The _curOffset must be less than the length, if there is a buffer. Debug.Assert((buffer == null) || (curOffset <= buffer.Length)); if (curOffset > 0) { unsafe { fixed(byte *pByte = this.buffer) { // This pointer points to the current read point in the // instruction stream. byte *pCur = pByte; // This points to the first byte past the end of the // instruction stream (i.e. when to stop) byte *pEndOfInstructions = pByte + curOffset; // Iterate across the entire list of instructions, stopping at the // end or when it has signalled a stop. while ((pCur < pEndOfInstructions) && !ctx.ShouldStopWalking) { RecordHeader *pCurRecord = (RecordHeader *)pCur; switch (pCurRecord->Type) { case RecordType.DrawLine: { DrawLineCommand *data = (DrawLineCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); ctx.DrawLine( (Pen)DependentLookup(data->PenIndex), data->StartPoint, data->EndPoint ); } break; case RecordType.DrawRectangle: { DrawRectangleCommand *data = (DrawRectangleCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); ctx.DrawRectangle( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->BrushIndex), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->PenIndex), data->Rectangle ); } break; case RecordType.DrawRoundedRectangle: { DrawRoundedRectangleCommand *data = (DrawRoundedRectangleCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); ctx.DrawRoundedRectangle( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->BrushIndex), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->PenIndex), data->Rectangle, data->radiusX, data->radiusY ); } break; case RecordType.DrawEllipse: { DrawEllipseCommand *data = (DrawEllipseCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); ctx.DrawEllipse( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->BrushIndex), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->PenIndex), data->Center, data->RadiusX, data->RadiusY ); } break; case RecordType.DrawGlyphRun: { DrawGlyphRunCommand *data = (DrawGlyphRunCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); ctx.DrawGlyphRun( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->BrushIndex), (GlyphRun)DependentLookup(data->GlyphRunIndex) ); } break; case RecordType.DrawText: { DrawTextCommand *data = (DrawTextCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); ctx.DrawText( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->BrushIndex), (FormattedText)DependentLookup(data->FormattedTextIndex) ); } break; case RecordType.DrawGeometry: { DrawGeometryCommand *data = (DrawGeometryCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); ctx.DrawGeometry( (Brush)DependentLookup(data->BrushIndex), (Pen)DependentLookup(data->PenIndex), (Geometry)DependentLookup(data->GeometryIndex) ); } break; case RecordType.DrawImage: { DrawImageCommand *data = (DrawImageCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); ctx.DrawImage( (ITexture)DependentLookup(data->ImageSourceIndex), data->rectangle, data->UVMin, data->UVMax ); } break; case RecordType.DrawSlicedImage: { DrawSlicedImageCommand *data = (DrawSlicedImageCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); ctx.DrawImage( (ITexture)DependentLookup(data->ImageSourceIndex), data->Rectangle, (data->sliceLeft, data->sliceTop, data->sliceRight, data->sliceBottom) ); } break; case RecordType.PushClip: { PushClipCommand *data = (PushClipCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); ctx.PushClip( (Geometry)DependentLookup(data->ClipGeometryIndex) ); } break; case RecordType.Pop: { ctx.Pop(); } break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); break; } pCur += pCurRecord->Size; } } } } }
public void AppendRecords(DrawingContent newContent) { var curOffset = newContent.curOffset; var dependentResources = newContent.dependentResources; var buffer = newContent.buffer; // We shouldn't have any dependent resources if _curOffset is 0 // (curOffset == 0) -> (renderData.dependentResources.Count == 0) Debug.Assert((curOffset > 0) || (dependentResources.Count == 0)); // The buffer being null implies that curOffset must be 0. // (buffer == null) -> (curOffset == 0) Debug.Assert((buffer != null) || (curOffset == 0)); // The _curOffset must be less than the length, if there is a buffer. Debug.Assert((buffer == null) || (curOffset <= buffer.Length)); if (curOffset > 0) { unsafe { fixed(byte *pByte = buffer) { // This pointer points to the current read point in the // instruction stream. byte *pCur = pByte; // This points to the first byte past the end of the // instruction stream (i.e. when to stop) byte *pEndOfInstructions = pByte + curOffset; // Iterate across the entire list of instructions, stopping at the // end or when it has signalled a stop. while (pCur < pEndOfInstructions) { RecordHeader *pCurRecord = (RecordHeader *)pCur; switch (pCurRecord->Type) { case RecordType.DrawLine: { DrawLineCommand *data = (DrawLineCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); var pen = (Pen)newContent.DependentLookup(data->PenIndex); int penIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(pen); if (penIndexUint < 0) { data->PenIndex = this.AddDependentResource(pen); } else { data->PenIndex = (uint)penIndexUint; } this.WriteRecord(RecordType.DrawLine, (byte *)data, sizeof(DrawLineCommand)); } break; case RecordType.DrawRectangle: { DrawRectangleCommand *data = (DrawRectangleCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); var brush = (Brush)newContent.DependentLookup(data->BrushIndex); int brushIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(brush); if (brushIndexUint < 0) { data->BrushIndex = this.AddDependentResource(brush); } else { data->BrushIndex = (uint)brushIndexUint; } var pen = (Pen)newContent.DependentLookup(data->PenIndex); int penIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(pen); if (penIndexUint < 0) { data->PenIndex = this.AddDependentResource(pen); } else { data->PenIndex = (uint)penIndexUint; } this.WriteRecord(RecordType.DrawRectangle, (byte *)data, sizeof(DrawRectangleCommand)); } break; case RecordType.DrawRoundedRectangle: { DrawRoundedRectangleCommand *data = (DrawRoundedRectangleCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); var brush = (Brush)newContent.DependentLookup(data->BrushIndex); int brushIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(brush); if (brushIndexUint < 0) { data->BrushIndex = this.AddDependentResource(brush); } else { data->BrushIndex = (uint)brushIndexUint; } var pen = (Pen)newContent.DependentLookup(data->PenIndex); int penIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(pen); if (penIndexUint < 0) { data->PenIndex = this.AddDependentResource(pen); } else { data->PenIndex = (uint)penIndexUint; } this.WriteRecord(RecordType.DrawRoundedRectangle, (byte *)data, sizeof(DrawRoundedRectangleCommand)); } break; case RecordType.DrawEllipse: { DrawEllipseCommand *data = (DrawEllipseCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); var brush = (Brush)newContent.DependentLookup(data->BrushIndex); int brushIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(brush); if (brushIndexUint < 0) { data->BrushIndex = this.AddDependentResource(brush); } else { data->BrushIndex = (uint)brushIndexUint; } var pen = (Pen)newContent.DependentLookup(data->PenIndex); int penIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(pen); if (penIndexUint < 0) { data->PenIndex = this.AddDependentResource(pen); } else { data->PenIndex = (uint)penIndexUint; } this.WriteRecord(RecordType.DrawEllipse, (byte *)data, sizeof(DrawEllipseCommand)); } break; case RecordType.DrawGlyphRun: { DrawGlyphRunCommand *data = (DrawGlyphRunCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); var brush = (Brush)newContent.DependentLookup(data->BrushIndex); int brushIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(brush); if (brushIndexUint < 0) { data->BrushIndex = this.AddDependentResource(brush); } else { data->BrushIndex = (uint)brushIndexUint; } var glyphRun = (GlyphRun)newContent.DependentLookup(data->GlyphRunIndex); int glyphRunIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(glyphRun); if (glyphRunIndexUint < 0) { data->GlyphRunIndex = this.AddDependentResource(glyphRun); } else { data->GlyphRunIndex = (uint)glyphRunIndexUint; } this.WriteRecord(RecordType.DrawGlyphRun, (byte *)data, sizeof(DrawGlyphRunCommand)); } break; case RecordType.DrawText: { DrawTextCommand *data = (DrawTextCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); var brush = (Brush)newContent.DependentLookup(data->BrushIndex); int brushIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(brush); if (brushIndexUint < 0) { data->BrushIndex = this.AddDependentResource(brush); } else { data->BrushIndex = (uint)brushIndexUint; } var formattedText = (FormattedText)newContent.DependentLookup(data->FormattedTextIndex); int formattedTextIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(formattedText); if (formattedTextIndexUint < 0) { data->FormattedTextIndex = this.AddDependentResource(formattedText); } else { data->FormattedTextIndex = (uint)formattedTextIndexUint; } this.WriteRecord(RecordType.DrawText, (byte *)data, sizeof(DrawTextCommand)); } break; case RecordType.DrawGeometry: { DrawGeometryCommand *data = (DrawGeometryCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); var brush = (Brush)newContent.DependentLookup(data->BrushIndex); int brushIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(brush); if (brushIndexUint < 0) { data->BrushIndex = this.AddDependentResource(brush); } else { data->BrushIndex = (uint)brushIndexUint; } var pen = (Pen)newContent.DependentLookup(data->PenIndex); int penIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(pen); if (penIndexUint < 0) { data->PenIndex = this.AddDependentResource(pen); } else { data->PenIndex = (uint)penIndexUint; } var geometry = (Geometry)newContent.DependentLookup(data->GeometryIndex); int geometryIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(geometry); if (geometryIndexUint < 0) { data->GeometryIndex = this.AddDependentResource(geometry); } else { data->GeometryIndex = (uint)geometryIndexUint; } this.WriteRecord(RecordType.DrawGeometry, (byte *)data, sizeof(DrawGeometryCommand)); } break; case RecordType.DrawImage: { DrawImageCommand *data = (DrawImageCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); var imageSource = (Brush)newContent.DependentLookup(data->ImageSourceIndex); int imageSourceIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(imageSource); if (imageSourceIndexUint < 0) { data->ImageSourceIndex = this.AddDependentResource(imageSource); } else { data->ImageSourceIndex = (uint)imageSourceIndexUint; } this.WriteRecord(RecordType.DrawImage, (byte *)data, sizeof(DrawImageCommand)); } break; case RecordType.DrawSlicedImage: { DrawSlicedImageCommand *data = (DrawSlicedImageCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); var imageSource = (Brush)newContent.DependentLookup(data->ImageSourceIndex); int imageSourceIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(imageSource); if (imageSourceIndexUint < 0) { data->ImageSourceIndex = this.AddDependentResource(imageSource); } else { data->ImageSourceIndex = (uint)imageSourceIndexUint; } this.WriteRecord(RecordType.DrawSlicedImage, (byte *)data, sizeof(DrawSlicedImageCommand)); } break; case RecordType.PushClip: { PushClipCommand *data = (PushClipCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); var geometry = (Geometry)newContent.DependentLookup(data->ClipGeometryIndex); int geometryIndexUint = this.dependentResources.IndexOf(geometry); if (geometryIndexUint < 0) { data->ClipGeometryIndex = this.AddDependentResource(geometry); } else { data->ClipGeometryIndex = (uint)geometryIndexUint; } this.WriteRecord(RecordType.PushClip, (byte *)data, sizeof(PushClipCommand)); } break; case RecordType.Pop: { PopCommand *data = (PopCommand *)(pCur + sizeof(RecordHeader)); this.WriteRecord(RecordType.Pop, (byte *)data, 0); } break; default: { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } break; } pCur += pCurRecord->Size; } } } } }