protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { base.OnDraw(ref p); testTxt.Position = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(0.6f, 0.9f); Screen.DebugText(PositionAbsolute, "Testing LevelIntro"); }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { Vector2 pos = Screen.ToPixels(PositionAbsolute); // plot text Screen.spriteBatch.DrawString(spriteFont, String.Format("{0}", Math.Round(scoreCurrent)), pos, Color.White); }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { base.OnDraw(ref p); Vector2 origin = Vector2.Zero; // new Vector2(2f * txt.Length, 0f); Vector2 pos = Motion.PositionAbsZoomedPixels; // draw shadow Color shadowDrawColor = Color.Black; shadowDrawColor.A = DrawInfo.DrawColor.A; // scaling with resolutions // descriptionBox.Motion.Scale = ((float)Screen.WidthPixels) / 1440f; // 768f / ((float)Screen.HeightPixels); // +(((float)Screen.WidthPixels) - 1440f) / 1440f; float sc = Motion.ScaleAbs; // *((float)Screen.WidthPixels) / 1440f; // HACK float scRatio = (float) (Screen.AspectRatio / 1.6f); Vector2 vScale = new Vector2( sc * scRatio, sc ); try { MySpriteBatch.DrawString(font, txt, pos + new Vector2(1f, 1f), shadowDrawColor, Motion.RotateAbs, origin, vScale, SpriteEffects.None, DrawInfo.LayerDepth + 0.00001f); // TODO the const MySpriteBatch.DrawString(font, txt, pos, DrawInfo.DrawColor, Motion.RotateAbs, origin, vScale, SpriteEffects.None, DrawInfo.LayerDepth); } catch (Exception) { ; // e.g. if character to draw not available. // TODO } }
public override void OnDrawEfflet(ref DrawParams p, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTarget2D sourceBuffer) { Screen.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.Opaque); Screen.spriteBatch.Draw(sourceBuffer, Vector2.Zero, Color.White); Screen.spriteBatch.Draw(sourceBuffer, Screen.ToPixels(Position ), Color.White); Screen.spriteBatch.End(); }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Texture, BlendState.Opaque, null, null, null, effect); Vector2 ctr = Screen.ToPixelsNS(Center.X * width, Center.Y * height); Vector2 pos = Screen.ToPixels(DrawPosition); //DrawPosition); spriteBatch.Draw(Texture, pos, null, DrawColor, this.RotateAbsolute, ctr, this.DrawScale, SpriteEffects.None, LayerDepth); spriteBatch.End(); }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { // switch to the Draw technique eff.CurrentTechnique = eff.Techniques[2]; spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, null, eff); spriteBatch.Draw(renderBufInput, Screen.ToPixels(DrawPosition), null, DrawColor, this.RotateAbsolute, DrawCenter, DrawScale, SpriteEffects.None, LayerDepth); spriteBatch.End(); }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { base.OnDraw(ref p); // text Vector2 pos = PositionAbsolute; String s = "<" + Math.Round(pos.X,3) + "," + Math.Round(pos.Y,3) + ">"; Screen.DebugText(0.4f, 0.95f, s); }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { eff.Parameters["Pan"].SetValue(Position); eff.Parameters["Zoom"].SetValue(zoom); eff.Parameters["Iterations"].SetValue(iterations); eff.Parameters["JuliaSeed"].SetValue(juliaSeed); eff.Parameters["Alpha"].SetValue(Alpha); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, null, null, null, eff); spriteBatch.Draw(Texture, Screen.ScreenRectangle, null, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f); spriteBatch.End(); }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { Vector2 pos = Screen.ToPixels(DrawPosition ); int width = (int) Math.Round(131f + 480f/100f * curNrgValue ); if (width > Texture.Width) width = Texture.Width; //Rectangle rect = new Rectangle( posX , posY , posX + width, posY + Texture.Height); Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, Texture.Height); Screen.spriteBatch.Draw(Texture, pos, srcRect, DrawColor, this.RotateAbsolute, Vector2.Zero, 1.0f, SpriteEffects.None, LayerDepth); // plot text percentage Vector2 tpos = pos + new Vector2(width, Texture.Height / 2.0f - 10.0f) ; Screen.spriteBatch.DrawString(spriteFont, String.Format("{0,3}%", Math.Round(curNrgValue)), tpos, textColor); }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { // create a rectangle representing the screen dimensions of the starfield Rectangle drawRect = Screen.ScreenRectangle; drawRect.Width = (int) (ScaleAbsolute * (float)drawRect.Width); drawRect.Height = (int)(ScaleAbsolute * (float)drawRect.Height); Vector2 pos = PositionAbsolute; fxPosition.SetValue(new Vector2(pos.X / Screen.AspectRatio, pos.Y)); fxVelocity.SetValue(VortexVelocity); fxTime.SetValue( SimTime ); fxNoiseLevel.SetValue( noiseLevel ); fxAlpha.SetValue(Alpha); spriteBatch.Begin(spriteSortMode, blendState, null, null, null, eff); spriteBatch.Draw(Texture, drawRect, null, DrawColor, RotateAbsolute, DrawCenter, SpriteEffects.None, LayerDepth); spriteBatch.End(); }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { string msg = "rp.Time: " + Math.Round(musicRp.Time, 3); Screen.DebugText(0.05f, 0.025f, msg); // draw time msg = "Beat: " + Math.Round ( Beat.TimeToBeat( musicRp.Time, musicScript.BPM) , 2) ; Screen.DebugText(0.25f, 0.025f, msg); // draw music track pos's List<SoundEvent> aT = musicScript.Children; for (int i = 0; i < aT.Count; i++) { if (aT[i] is SampleSoundEvent) { SampleSoundEvent e = (SampleSoundEvent)aT[i]; if (e.LastRenderParams != null) { msg = i + "dMs: " + Math.Round(1000.0 * (e.CurrentPlayTime - musicRp.Time)); Screen.DebugText(0.75f, 0.02f + 0.025f * i, msg); } } } }
public override void MoveTo(DrawParams data) { base.MoveTo(data); customTransform = new Translation(xPos, 0, 0); data.RenderContext.MultMatrixModelView(customTransform); }
protected override void DrawFlat(DrawParams data) { base.DrawFlat(data); DrawSelectedSubItems(data); }
private void drawcurrentPDFpage() { if (PDFDoc != null) { Page pg = PDFDoc.GetPage(currentPDPagenum); // Use the CropBox to determine region of the page to display. // Some documents may have a CropBox that is not located at the // origin of the page. Rect cropBox = pg.CropBox; int width = (int)cropBox.Right - (int)cropBox.Left; int height = (int)cropBox.Top - (int)cropBox.Bottom; // Shift the page display based on the location of the CropBox int shiftx = (int)cropBox.Left; int shifty = (int)cropBox.Bottom; width = (int)((double)width * scalefactor); height = (int)((double)height * scalefactor); shiftx = (int)((double)shiftx * scalefactor); shifty = (int)((double)shifty * scalefactor); if (bitmap != null) { bitmap.Dispose(); } // If they try to allocate too large a bitmap, // print an error and abandon the draw try { bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { String message = "File " + PDFDoc.FileName + " is " + width.ToString() + " x " + height.ToString() + " pixels -- too large for DisplayPDF to handle."; MessageBox.Show(message, "Document Too Large"); return; } // The bitmap starts out black, so clear it to white Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); graphics.Clear(System.Drawing.Color.White); // Must invert the page to get from PDF with origin at lower left, // to a bitmap with the origin at upper right. // Also, we use the shiftx and shifty to take the location of the CropBox // into account. Matrix matrix = new Matrix().Scale(1, -1).Translate(-shiftx, -height - shifty).Scale(scalefactor, scalefactor); PDFPagepicturebox.Image = bitmap; PDFPagepicturebox.matrix = matrix; PDFPagepicturebox.Size = bitmap.Size; // Set the updateRect Rect updateRect = new Rect((int)cropBox.LLx, (int)cropBox.LLy, (int)cropBox.LLx + width, (int)cropBox.LLy + height); #if MONO // Draw directly to the bitmap pg.DrawContents(bitmap, matrix, // matrix updateRect); #else DrawParams parms = new DrawParams(); parms.Matrix = matrix; parms.UpdateRect = updateRect; parms.Flags = DrawFlags.DoLazyErase | DrawFlags.UseAnnotFaces; pg.DrawContents(graphics, parms); #endif PageNumberTextBox.Text = (currentPDPagenum + 1).ToString(); PageLabel.Text = "of " + maxpages.ToString(); } }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { if (timeParam != null) timeParam.SetValue(SimTime); if (positionParam != null) positionParam.SetValue(Motion.Position); Color col = DrawInfo.DrawColor; if (EffectEnabled) { // this is a conversion from 'halotime' to the time format that can be given to the pixel shader // via the 'draw color' parameter int t = (int) (haloTime * 256); int c3 = t % 256; int c2 = ((t - c3)/256) % 256; int c1 = ((t - c2 - c3)/65536) % 256; col = new Color(c1, c2, c3, col.A); } MySpriteBatch.Draw(Texture, DrawInfo.DrawPosition, null, col, Motion.RotateAbs, DrawInfo.DrawCenter, DrawInfo.DrawScale, SpriteEffects.None, DrawInfo.LayerDepth); }
protected override void DrawSelected(DrawParams drawParams) { base.Draw(drawParams); }
private void DrawSelectedSubItems(DrawParams data) { // Draws the selected triangles over the other triangles if (SelectedSubItems.Count == 0) { return; } bool popState = false; int alpha = 255; if (data.RenderContext.LightingEnabled()) { if (data.RenderContext.CurrentMaterial.Diffuse.A == 255) { data.RenderContext.PushDepthStencilState(); data.RenderContext.SetState(depthStencilStateType.DepthTestEqual); popState = true; } else { alpha = data.RenderContext.CurrentMaterial.Diffuse.A; } } else { if (data.RenderContext.CurrentWireColor.A == 255) { data.RenderContext.PushDepthStencilState(); data.RenderContext.SetState(depthStencilStateType.DepthTestEqual); popState = true; } else { alpha = data.RenderContext.CurrentWireColor.A; } } var prevCol = data.RenderContext.CurrentWireColor; var prevMatFront = data.RenderContext.CurrentMaterial.Diffuse; var prevMatBack = data.RenderContext.CurrentBackMaterial.Diffuse; if (data.RenderContext.LightingEnabled()) { data.RenderContext.SetMaterialFrontAndBackDiffuse(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(alpha, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow), true); } else { data.RenderContext.SetColorWireframe(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(alpha, System.Drawing.Color.Yellow)); } // to properly support multicolor mesh during triangles selection if (vp.UseShaders) { data.RenderContext.PushShader(); switch (vp.DisplayMode) { case displayType.Flat: case displayType.HiddenLines: case displayType.Wireframe: data.RenderContext.SetShader(shaderType.NoLights); break; default: data.RenderContext.SetShader(shaderType.Standard); break; } } data.RenderContext.Draw(drawSelectedData); if (vp.UseShaders) { data.RenderContext.PopShader(); } data.RenderContext.SetColorWireframe(prevCol); data.RenderContext.SetMaterialFrontDiffuse(prevMatFront); data.RenderContext.SetMaterialBackDiffuse(prevMatBack); if (popState) { data.RenderContext.PopDepthStencilState(); } }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { Vector2 pos = PositionAbsolute; Vector2 posPixels = Screen.ToPixels(pos ); Screen.spriteBatch.DrawString(spriteFont, text, posPixels, this.DrawColor); }
private Coord findItemBarPosition(DrawParams d, Coord item, int itemOffset) { Coord itemBar = new Coord(); itemBar.Y = item.Y; itemBar.X = itemOffset; if (d.ReflectX) itemBar.X = -ItemBarWidth + PanelWidth + itemOffset; return itemBar; }
private Coord findBarPosition(DrawParams d) { Coord bar = new Coord(); if (d.ReflectY) bar.Y = PanelHeight - BarHeight; if (d.ReflectX) bar.X = PanelWidth - BarWidth; return bar; }
private void drawExtendedHUD(AD2SpriteBatch sb, DrawParams d, Coord item) { //back panel int hideOffset = (d.ReflectX ? (PanelWidth + -(int)(Extend * PanelWidth)) : (-PanelWidth + (int)(Extend * PanelWidth))); sb.DrawTexture(BackPanel, d.HUDX + hideOffset, d.HUDY); Coord portrait = findPortraitPosition(d, hideOffset); int itemHideOffset = (d.ReflectX ? (ItemFrameWidth + -(int)(Extend * ItemFrameWidth)) : (-ItemFrameWidth + (int)(Extend * ItemFrameWidth))); Coord itemBar = findItemBarPosition(d, item, itemHideOffset); //portrait if (d.ReflectX) { sb.DrawTextureHFlip(RaceUtils.GetPotrait(Player.Race), d.HUDX + portrait.X, d.HUDY + portrait.Y); sb.DrawTextureHFlip(ItemFrameBig, d.HUDX + itemBar.X, d.HUDY + itemBar.Y); } else { sb.DrawTexture(RaceUtils.GetPotrait(Player.Race), d.HUDX + portrait.X, d.HUDY + portrait.Y); sb.DrawTexture(ItemFrameBig, d.HUDX + itemBar.X, d.HUDY + itemBar.Y); } }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { Vector2 pos = DrawInfo.DrawPosition; double progressValuePercent = 100 * progressValue; float drawSc = DrawInfo.DrawScale; int width = 1 + (int)Math.Round(ToPixels(DrawInfo.WidthAbs) * progressValue * barWidth ); int height = (int) Math.Round(ToPixels(DrawInfo.HeightAbs)); if (width > Texture.Width) width = Texture.Width; Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, Texture.Height-2); MySpriteBatch.Draw(Texture, pos, srcRect, DrawInfo.DrawColor, Motion.RotateAbs, new Vector2(0f,height/4), drawSc, SpriteEffects.None, DrawInfo.LayerDepth); // plot text percentage Color textColor = DrawInfo.DrawColor; Vector2 tpos = pos + new Vector2(width * drawSc, height/4); //Texture.Height / 2.0f - 10.0f) ; Vector2 origin = new Vector2(10f,6f); MySpriteBatch.DrawString(spriteFont, String.Format(" {0,3}%", Math.Round(progressValuePercent)), tpos, textColor, Motion.RotateAbs, origin, textScale * drawSc * 1.2f, SpriteEffects.None, DrawInfo.LayerDepth); }
public void CreateBitmap(int w, int h, uint argb, int lineW, string fname) { DrawContext dc = Controller.DC; CadObjectDB db = Controller.DB; List <uint> idlist = Controller.DB.GetSelectedFigIDList(); var figList = new List <CadFigure>(); idlist.ForEach(id => { figList.Add(db.GetFigure(id)); }); CadRect r = CadUtil.GetContainsRectScrn(dc, figList); CadRect wr = default(CadRect); wr.p0 = dc.DevPointToWorldPoint(r.p0); wr.p1 = dc.DevPointToWorldPoint(r.p1); DrawContextGDIBmp tdc = new DrawContextGDIBmp(); tdc.WorldScale = dc.WorldScale; tdc.SetCamera(dc.Eye, dc.LookAt, dc.UpVector); tdc.CalcProjectionMatrix(); tdc.SetViewSize(w, h); tdc.SetViewOrg(new Vector3d(w / 2, h / 2, 0)); tdc.SetupTools(DrawTools.DrawMode.DARK); Pen pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb((int)argb), lineW); DrawPen drawPen = new DrawPen(pen); double sw = r.p1.X - r.p0.X; double sh = r.p1.Y - r.p0.Y; double a = Math.Min(w, h) / (Math.Max(sw, sh) + lineW); tdc.DeviceScaleX *= a; tdc.DeviceScaleY *= a; CadRect tr = CadUtil.GetContainsRectScrn(tdc, figList); Vector3d trcp = (Vector3d)((tr.p1 - tr.p0) / 2 + tr.p0); Vector3d d = trcp - tdc.ViewOrg; tdc.SetViewOrg(tdc.ViewOrg - d); DrawParams dp = default; dp.LinePen = drawPen; dp.EdgePen = drawPen; Env.RunOnMainThread((Action)(() => { tdc.Drawing.Clear(dc.GetBrush(DrawTools.BRUSH_TRANSPARENT)); tdc.GdiGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; foreach (CadFigure fig in figList) { fig.Draw(tdc, dp); } if (fname.Length > 0) { tdc.Image.Save(fname); } else { BitmapUtil.BitmapToClipboardAsPNG(tdc.Image); } tdc.Dispose(); drawPen.Dispose(); })); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("DrawSeparations Sample:"); using (Library lib = new Library()) { Console.WriteLine("Initialized the library."); String sInput = Library.ResourceDirectory + "Sample_Input/ducky.pdf"; String sOutput = "../DrawSeparations-out"; if (args.Length > 0) { sInput = args[0]; } if (args.Length > 1) { sOutput = args[1]; } Console.WriteLine("Input file: " + sInput + ", writing output using prefix: " + sOutput); Document doc = new Document(sInput); Page pg = doc.GetPage(0); // Get all inks that are present on the page List <Ink> inks = (List <Ink>)pg.ListInks(); List <SeparationColorSpace> colorants = new List <SeparationColorSpace>(); // Here we decide, which inks should be drawn foreach (Ink theInk in inks) { // note: if the Ink can't be found in page's resources, // default tintTransform and alternate will be used colorants.Add(new SeparationColorSpace(pg, theInk)); } double width = pg.MediaBox.Right - pg.MediaBox.Left; double height = pg.MediaBox.Top - pg.MediaBox.Bottom; // Must invert the page to get from PDF with origin at lower left, // to a bitmap with the origin at upper right. Matrix matrix = new Matrix().Scale(1, -1).Translate(-pg.MediaBox.Left, -pg.MediaBox.Top); DrawParams parms = new DrawParams(); parms.Matrix = matrix; parms.DestRect = new Rect(0, 0, width, height); parms.Flags = DrawFlags.DoLazyErase | DrawFlags.UseAnnotFaces; double bottom = 0; if (pg.MediaBox.Bottom != 0) { bottom = pg.MediaBox.Bottom < 0 ? -pg.MediaBox.Top : pg.MediaBox.Top; } parms.UpdateRect = new Rect(pg.MediaBox.Left, bottom, width, height); // Acquiring list of separations List <Bitmap> separatedColorChannels = pg.DrawContents(parms, colorants); for (int i = 0; i < separatedColorChannels.Count; ++i) { separatedColorChannels[i].Save(sOutput + i + "-" + colorants[i].SeparationName + ".png", ImageFormat.Png); } } }
/** * printDocument - * * displays a print dialog in order to print the current document */ public void printDocument() { // check for a null document if (document == null) { MessageBox.Show("A PDF must be open in order to print.", "Datalogics DotNETViewer"); return; } // continuous page printing not supported if (PageDisplayMode == PageViewMode.continuousPage) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to Print in Continuous Page Mode", "Print Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } try { double docGreatestWidthInPrinterRezUnits = 0.0; double docGreatestWidthInInches = 0.0; double docGreatestWidthInPDFUserUnits = 0.0; double docHeightInInches = 0.0; double docHeightInPrinterRezUnits = 0.0; double docHeightInPDFUserUnits = 0.0; Graphics graphics; uint resolutionX; uint resolutionY; // DLADD wrl 6/24/08 -- Use DotNET shrinkToFit flag to handle scaling bool shrinkToFit = false; PrintDocument printDocument = new PrintDocument(); // create the settings to use while printing PrinterSettings printerSettings = printDocument.PrinterSettings; printerSettings.MinimumPage = 1; printerSettings.MaximumPage = document.NumPages; printerSettings.PrintRange = PrintRange.AllPages; printerSettings.FromPage = 1; printerSettings.ToPage = document.NumPages; // create a print dialog DotNETPrintDialog dpd = new DotNETPrintDialog(); dpd.Document = printDocument; dpd.AllowSelection = false; dpd.AllowSomePages = true; if (PageDisplayMode == PageViewMode.singlePage) { dpd.AllowShrinkToFit = true; dpd.ShrinkToFit = true; } // display the print dialog if the user does not // click "OK" throw a new exception to cancel printing if (dpd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { throw new CancelPrinting(); } shrinkToFit = dpd.ShrinkToFit; graphics = printerSettings.CreateMeasurementGraphics(); resolutionX = (uint)graphics.DpiX; resolutionY = (uint)graphics.DpiY; // grab some additional parameters if printing to a file if (printerSettings.PrintToFile) { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.DefaultExt = ".plt"; saveFileDialog.FileName = "plot.plt"; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { throw new CancelPrinting(); } else { printerSettings.PrintFileName = saveFileDialog.FileName; } } // find the dimensions we need for printing docGreatestWidthInPDFUserUnits = 0; for (int i = 0; i < document.NumPages; ++i) { using (Page page = document.GetPage(i)) docGreatestWidthInPDFUserUnits = Math.Max(docGreatestWidthInPDFUserUnits, page.CropBox.Width); } docHeightInPDFUserUnits = 0; for (int i = printerSettings.FromPage - 1; i <= printerSettings.ToPage - 1; ++i) { using (Page page = document.GetPage(i)) docHeightInPDFUserUnits += page.CropBox.Height; } docGreatestWidthInInches = docGreatestWidthInPDFUserUnits / (double)GlobalConsts.pdfDPI; docHeightInInches = docHeightInPDFUserUnits / (double)GlobalConsts.pdfDPI; docGreatestWidthInPrinterRezUnits = docGreatestWidthInInches * (double)resolutionX; docHeightInPrinterRezUnits = docHeightInInches * (double)resolutionY; if (PageDisplayMode == PageViewMode.singlePage) { #if HAS_DATALOGICS_PRINTING Printer S_printer = new Printer(printerSettings.PrinterName); if (S_printer.HardwareID == "isysij18") { // special workaround for iSys iTerra IJ1800 // use our special print controller to print via unmanaged code PrintController pc = new DLPrinterPrintController(S_printer, printDocument.PrinterSettings, document.fileName); printDocument.PrintController = new PrintControllerWithStatusDialog(pc); } else { S_printer.Dispose(); } #endif // User can control printing of OCGs DrawParams drawParams = new DrawParams(); for (int j = 0; j < layersManager.ocgStates.Count; j++) { layersManager.ocgStates[j] = layersManager.layersInDocument[j].printLayer.Checked; } layersManager.docLayerContext.SetOCGStates(layersManager.docLayers, layersManager.ocgStates); drawParams.OptionalContentContext = layersManager.docLayerContext; // create the print controller DotNETPrintController ppc = new DotNETPrintController(document, printDocument, drawParams, true, shrinkToFit); // start the printing ppc.Print(); } } catch (CancelPrinting) { // Ignore, user cancelled printing } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("DrawToBitmap Sample"); try { using (Library lib = new Library()) { Console.WriteLine("Initialized the library."); String sInput = "../../Resources/Sample_Input/ducky.pdf"; if (args.Length > 0) { sInput = args[0]; } Console.WriteLine("Input file: " + sInput); using (Document doc = new Document(sInput)) { using (Page pg = doc.GetPage(0)) { // // Must tumble the page to get from PDF with origin at lower left // to a Bitmap with the origin at upper left. // double scaleFactor = resolution / 72.0; double width = (pg.MediaBox.Width * scaleFactor); double height = (pg.MediaBox.Height * scaleFactor); Matrix matrix = new Matrix().Scale(scaleFactor, -scaleFactor).Translate(0, -pg.MediaBox.Height); bool enableBlackPointCompensation = true; using (DrawParams parms = ConstructDrawParams(matrix, pg.MediaBox, enableBlackPointCompensation)) { #if !MONO // Draw to Graphics Console.WriteLine(String.Format("DrawToGraphicsWithMatrix: {0} {1} {2}", matrix.ToString(), width, height)); DrawToGraphicsWithMatrix(pg, matrix, width, height); // Will NOT drive SampleRenderProgress(Cancel)Proc // Draw to Graphics using DrawParams with turned on black point compensation Console.WriteLine(String.Format("DrawToGraphicsWithDrawParams: {0} {1} {2}", parms.Matrix.ToString(), parms.UpdateRect.Width, parms.UpdateRect.Height)); DrawToGraphicsWithDrawParams(pg, parms); // Will drive SampleRenderProgress(Cancel)Proc // Demonstrate drawing to Graphics with params and OCGs // Demonstrate drawing layers Console.WriteLine(String.Format("DrawLayersToGraphics: {0} {1} {2}", parms.Matrix.ToString(), parms.UpdateRect.Width, parms.UpdateRect.Height)); DrawLayersToGraphics(doc, pg, parms); // Will NOT drive SampleRenderProgress(Cancel)Proc #endif // Demonstrate drawing to Bitmaps with params and OCGs // Demonstrate drawing layers Console.WriteLine(String.Format("DrawLayersToBitmap: {0} {1} {2}", parms.Matrix.ToString(), parms.UpdateRect.Width, parms.UpdateRect.Height)); DrawLayersToBitmap(doc, pg, parms); // Will NOT drive SampleRenderProgressProc // Make a Bitmap Console.WriteLine(String.Format("DrawToBitmapWithMatrix: {0} {1} {2}", matrix.ToString(), width, height)); DrawToBitmapWithMatrix(pg, matrix, width, height); // Will NOT drive SampleRenderProgress(Cancel)Proc // Make a Bitmap using DrawParams with black point compensation turned on Console.WriteLine(String.Format("DrawToBitmapWithDrawParams: {0} {1} {2}", parms.Matrix.ToString(), parms.UpdateRect.Width, parms.UpdateRect.Height)); DrawToBitmapWithDrawParams(pg, parms); // Will drive SampleRenderProgress(Cancel)Proc // Demonstrate drawing to a byte array Console.WriteLine(String.Format("DrawToByteArray: {0} {1} {2}", matrix.ToString(), width, height)); DrawToByteArray(pg, width, height, matrix); // Will drive SampleRenderProgress(Cancel)Proc } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(@"An exception occurred. Here is the related information:"); Console.Write(ex.ToString()); } }
protected override void DrawIsocurves(DrawParams data) { data.RenderContext.Draw(drawData); }
protected override void DrawHiddenLines(DrawParams data) { base.DrawHiddenLines(data); DrawSelectedSubItems(data); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX) && !System.IO.File.Exists("/usr/local/lib/libgdiplus.dylib")) { Console.WriteLine("Please install libgdiplus first to access the System.Drawing namespace on macOS."); return; } if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux) && !System.IO.File.Exists("/usr/lib64/") && !System.IO.File.Exists("/usr/lib/")) { Console.WriteLine("Please install libgdiplus first to access the System.Drawing namespace on Linux."); return; } Console.WriteLine("DrawToBitmap Sample"); try { // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable using (Library lib = new Library()) { Console.WriteLine("Initialized the library."); String sInput = Library.ResourceDirectory + "Sample_Input/ducky.pdf"; if (args.Length > 0) { sInput = args[0]; } Console.WriteLine("Input file: " + sInput); using (Document doc = new Document(sInput)) { using (Page pg = doc.GetPage(0)) { // // Must tumble the page to get from PDF with origin at lower left // to a Bitmap with the origin at upper left. // double scaleFactor = resolution / 72.0; double width = (pg.MediaBox.Width * scaleFactor); double height = (pg.MediaBox.Height * scaleFactor); //When the MediaBox's origin isn't at the lower-left of the page we can't use the 'Height' member and //instead used the 'Top'. double ty = pg.MediaBox.Height; if (pg.MediaBox.Bottom != 0) { ty = pg.MediaBox.Top; } Matrix matrix = new Matrix().Scale(scaleFactor, -scaleFactor).Translate(0, -ty); bool enableBlackPointCompensation = true; // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse using (DrawParams parms = ConstructDrawParams(matrix, pg.MediaBox, enableBlackPointCompensation)) { // Draw to Graphics Console.WriteLine("DrawToGraphicsWithMatrix: {0} {1} {2}", matrix, width, height); DrawToGraphicsWithMatrix(pg, matrix, width, height); // Will NOT drive SampleRenderProgress(Cancel)Proc // Draw to Graphics using DrawParams with turned on black point compensation Console.WriteLine("DrawToGraphicsWithDrawParams: {0} {1} {2}", parms.Matrix, parms.UpdateRect.Width, parms.UpdateRect.Height); DrawToGraphicsWithDrawParams(pg, parms); // Will drive SampleRenderProgress(Cancel)Proc // Demonstrate drawing to Graphics with params and OCGs // Demonstrate drawing layers Console.WriteLine("DrawLayersToGraphics: {0} {1} {2}", parms.Matrix, parms.UpdateRect.Width, parms.UpdateRect.Height); DrawLayersToGraphics(doc, pg, parms); // Will NOT drive SampleRenderProgress(Cancel)Proc // Demonstrate drawing to Bitmaps with params and OCGs // Demonstrate drawing layers Console.WriteLine("DrawLayersToBitmap: {0} {1} {2}", parms.Matrix, parms.UpdateRect.Width, parms.UpdateRect.Height); DrawLayersToBitmap(doc, pg, parms); // Will NOT drive SampleRenderProgressProc // Make a Bitmap Console.WriteLine("DrawToBitmapWithMatrix: {0} {1} {2}", matrix, width, height); DrawToBitmapWithMatrix(pg, matrix, width, height); // Will NOT drive SampleRenderProgress(Cancel)Proc // Make a Bitmap using DrawParams with black point compensation turned on Console.WriteLine("DrawToBitmapWithDrawParams: {0} {1} {2}", parms.Matrix, parms.UpdateRect.Width, parms.UpdateRect.Height); DrawToBitmapWithDrawParams(pg, parms); // Will drive SampleRenderProgress(Cancel)Proc // Demonstrate drawing to a byte array Console.WriteLine("DrawToByteArray: {0} {1} {2}", matrix, width, height); DrawToByteArray(pg, matrix); // Will drive SampleRenderProgress(Cancel)Proc } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(@"An exception occurred. Here is the related information:"); Console.Write(ex.ToString()); } }
public void Paint(DrawParams drawParams, Pen pen, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e) { Vector2 end = Vector2.FromAngle(direction) * 40 * drawParams.scale + origin; e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, origin.ToPoint(drawParams), end.ToPoint(drawParams)); }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { // determine the movement vector of the stars // -- for the purposes of the parallax eff, // this is the opposite direction as the position movement. Vector2 movement = -1.0f * (Position - lastPosition); // create a rectangle representing the screen dimensions of the starfield Rectangle starfieldRectangle = Screen.ScreenRectangle; Vector2 pos = Parent.PositionAbsolute; int posOffsetX = (int)Screen.ToPixels(pos.X); int posOffsetY = (int)Screen.ToPixels(pos.Y); // if we've moved too far, then reset, as the stars will be moving too fast if (movement.Length() > maximumMovementPerUpdate) { Reset(Position); return; } // draw all of the stars //spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied); for (int i = 0; i < stars.Length; i++) { // move the star based on the depth int depth = i % movementFactors.Length; stars[i] += movement * movementFactors[depth]; // wrap the stars around if (stars[i].X < starfieldRectangle.X) { stars[i].X = starfieldRectangle.X + starfieldRectangle.Width; stars[i].Y = starfieldRectangle.Y + RandomMath.Random.Next(starfieldRectangle.Height); } if (stars[i].X > (starfieldRectangle.X + starfieldRectangle.Width)) { stars[i].X = starfieldRectangle.X; stars[i].Y = starfieldRectangle.Y + RandomMath.Random.Next(starfieldRectangle.Height); } if (stars[i].Y < starfieldRectangle.Y) { stars[i].X = starfieldRectangle.X + RandomMath.Random.Next(starfieldRectangle.Width); stars[i].Y = starfieldRectangle.Y + starfieldRectangle.Height; } if (stars[i].Y > (starfieldRectangle.Y + Screen.HeightPixels)) { stars[i].X = starfieldRectangle.X + RandomMath.Random.Next(starfieldRectangle.Width); stars[i].Y = starfieldRectangle.Y; } // draw the star Screen.spriteBatch.Draw(starTexture, new Rectangle((int)stars[i].X + posOffsetX, (int)stars[i].Y + posOffsetY, starSize, starSize), null, layerColors[depth], Rotate, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, LayerDepth); } //spriteBatch.End(); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, BattleTurn.ActionArgs[] actions, Player[] players, DrawParams textures) { //pass in the information about actions -- draw for each one. This information does not need to be stored here too. //draw underlying alpha box for the box containing text. textBox.Draw(spriteBatch); //calculate the size of the text Vector2 nameSize = textFont.MeasureString(text); //calculate the position where the text needs to be drawn to be central // to the text box. Vector2 namePos = textBox.GetCentrePos() - 0.5f * new Vector2(nameSize.X, nameSize.Y); //draw the text spriteBatch.DrawString(textFont, text, namePos, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); foreach (RectBox box in actionBoxes) { box.Draw(spriteBatch); } //draw respective information about each action for (int i = 0; i < actions.Length; i++) { BattleTurn.ActionArgs action = actions[i]; RectBox boxDrawingTo = actionBoxes[i]; Vector2 boxPos = boxDrawingTo.GetPos(); Color boxColor = (action.ActingUnit.OwnerId == 3) ? Color.Gray : players.Where(player => player.Id == action.ActingUnit.OwnerId).First().Colour; //set the color to Ai color/player color //draw a coloured block to specify which player the acting unit belongs to. //Using a single pixel texture instead of a non-disposable object (say my RectBox class for instance) // eliminates memory leak issues. spriteBatch.Draw(emptyRect, new Rectangle(boxDrawingTo.GetPos().ToPoint(), new Point(10, actionBoxHeight)), color: boxColor); Texture2D actingUnitSprite = action.ActingUnit.GetSprite(textures.unitSprites); //draw the units involved in each action, and the icons displaying the type of action. if (action.IsAttack) { //draw the attacking unit spriteBatch.Draw(actingUnitSprite, position: boxPos + new Vector2(width / 5, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2) - spriteScale / 2 * UiTools.BoundsToVector(actingUnitSprite.Bounds), scale: spriteScaleVector ); //draw the attack icon spriteBatch.Draw(textures.attackIcon, position: boxPos + new Vector2(width / 5, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2), scale: iconScaleVector ); //draw the target unit Texture2D targetUnitSprite = action.TargetUnit.GetSprite(textures.unitSprites); spriteBatch.Draw(targetUnitSprite, position: boxPos + new Vector2(2.5f * width / 5, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2) - spriteScale / 2 * UiTools.BoundsToVector(targetUnitSprite.Bounds), scale: spriteScaleVector ); //draw the defense icon spriteBatch.Draw(textures.defenseIcon, position: boxPos + new Vector2(2.5f * width / 5, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2) - iconScale * new Vector2(textures.defenseIcon.Width, 0), scale: iconScaleVector ); //draw the skull icon if the target unit died as a result of the action. if (action.TargetFainted) { spriteBatch.Draw(textures.skullIcon, position: boxPos + new Vector2(3.5f * width / 5, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2) - iconScale / 2 * UiTools.BoundsToVector(textures.skullIcon.Bounds), scale: iconScaleVector * 2 ); } } else if (action.IsMove) { //draw acting unit spriteBatch.Draw(actingUnitSprite, position: boxPos + new Vector2(width / 5, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2) - spriteScale / 2 * UiTools.BoundsToVector(actingUnitSprite.Bounds), scale: spriteScaleVector ); //draw move icon spriteBatch.Draw(textures.moveIcon, position: boxPos + new Vector2(width / 5, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2), scale: iconScaleVector ); //draw target unit Texture2D targetUnitSprite = action.TargetUnit.GetSprite(textures.unitSprites); spriteBatch.Draw(targetUnitSprite, position: boxPos + new Vector2(2.5f * width / 5, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2) - spriteScale / 2 * UiTools.BoundsToVector(targetUnitSprite.Bounds), scale: spriteScaleVector ); //draw targetting icon spriteBatch.Draw(textures.targetIcon, position: boxPos + new Vector2(2.5f * width / 5, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2) - iconScale * new Vector2(textures.targetIcon.Width, 0), scale: iconScaleVector ); } else //(No move) { //Draw the unit trying to act spriteBatch.Draw(actingUnitSprite, position: boxPos + new Vector2(width / 5, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2) - spriteScale / 2 * UiTools.BoundsToVector(actingUnitSprite.Bounds), scale: spriteScaleVector ); //Draw no act icon (cant move) spriteBatch.Draw(textures.noMoveIcon, position: boxPos + new Vector2(width / 5, boxDrawingTo.GetHeight() / 2), scale: iconScaleVector ); } } //draw dividing line divisorA.Draw(spriteBatch); }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { base.OnDraw(ref p); }
private Coord findItemPosition(DrawParams d, Coord bar) { Coord item = new Coord(); item.Y = bar.Y + BarHeight + (-1); item.X = 0; if (d.ReflectY) item.Y = PanelHeight + -BarHeight + -ItemFrameHeight + (1); if (d.ReflectX) item.X = PanelWidth + -ItemFrameHeight; return item; }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { Rectangle drawRect = Screen.ScreenRectangle; effectRingColor.SetValue(RingColor); effectPositions.SetValue(aPositions); effectSizes.SetValue(aSizes); effectWidths.SetValue(aWidths); spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, null, null, null, eff); spriteBatch.Draw(texture, drawRect, null, Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f); spriteBatch.End(); }
private Coord findPortraitPosition(DrawParams d, int hideOffset) { Coord portrait = new Coord(); portrait.Y = 1; portrait.X = PanelWidth +- (PortraitWidth) + -1 + hideOffset; if (d.ReflectY) portrait.Y = PanelHeight + -PortraitHeight + -1; if (d.ReflectX) portrait.X = 1 + hideOffset; return portrait; }
private DrawParams generateDrawParams() { DrawParams d = new DrawParams(); switch (Ccorner) { case Corner.TOPLEFT: d.NameX = NameX; d.NameY = NameY; d.HUDX = 0; d.HUDY = NameSpaceY; d.ReflectX = false; d.ReflectY = false; break; case Corner.TOPRIGHT: //fake d.NameX = CastleSpire.BaseWidth - Utils.DefaultFont.GetWidth(Player.Name, true); d.NameY = NameY; d.HUDX = CastleSpire.BaseWidth - PanelWidth; d.HUDY = NameSpaceY; d.ReflectX = true; d.ReflectY = false; break; case Corner.BOTTOMLEFT: d.NameX = NameX; d.NameY = CastleSpire.BaseHeight - NameSpaceY + 1; d.HUDX = 0; d.HUDY = CastleSpire.BaseHeight + -NameSpaceY + -PanelHeight; d.ReflectX = false; d.ReflectY = true; break; case Corner.BOTTOMRIGHT: d.NameX = CastleSpire.BaseWidth - Utils.DefaultFont.GetWidth(Player.Name, true); d.NameY = CastleSpire.BaseHeight + -NameSpaceY + 1; d.HUDX = CastleSpire.BaseWidth - PanelWidth; d.HUDY = CastleSpire.BaseHeight + -NameSpaceY + -PanelHeight; d.ReflectX = true; d.ReflectY = true; break; } return d; }
protected override void OnDraw(ref DrawParams p) { Vector2 posPixels = Screen.ToPixels(PositionAbsolute ); Screen.spriteBatch.DrawString(spriteFont, text, posPixels, this.DrawColor, RotateAbsolute, Vector2.Zero, ScaleAbsolute, SpriteEffects.None, LayerDepth); }