public TransformFeedbackCalculator(int maxItemCount)
            this.MaxItemCount = maxItemCount;

            var program = new ShaderProgram();
            //program.Initialize(varyings, ShaderProgram.BufferMode.InterLeaved, vertexShader);
            var varyings = new string[] { "outValue" };

            glTransformFeedbackVaryings(program.ProgramId, varyings.Length, varyings, GL.GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS);
            var vertexShader = new VertexShader(vertexCode);

            glAttachShader(program.ProgramId, vertexShader.ShaderId);

            VertexBuffer vbo     = VertexBuffer.Create(typeof(float), maxItemCount, VBOConfig.Float, BufferUsage.StaticDraw);
            var          drawCmd = new DrawArraysCmd(DrawMode.Points, maxItemCount);
            var          vao     = new VertexArrayObject(drawCmd, program, new VertexShaderAttribute[] { new VertexShaderAttribute(vbo, "inValue") });
            uint         index   = 0;
            VertexBuffer tbo     = VertexBuffer.Create(typeof(float), maxItemCount, VBOConfig.Float, BufferUsage.StaticRead);

            glBindBufferBase(GL.GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, index, tbo.BufferId);

                this.program      = program;
                this.inputBuffer  = vbo;
                this.outputBuffer = tbo;
                this.vao          = vao;
                this.drawCommand  = drawCmd;
 protected override void DoInitialize()
         this.positionBuffer = this.RenderUnit.Methods[0].VertexArrayObjects[0].VertexAttributes[0].Buffer;
         this.drawCommand    = this.RenderUnit.Methods[0].VertexArrayObjects[0].DrawCommand as DrawArraysCmd;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <IDrawCommand> GetDrawCommand()
            if (this.drawCmd == null)
                var buffer = new DrawArraysCmd(this.Mode, this.FirstVertex, this.VertexCount, this.PrimCount);
                this.drawCmd = buffer;

            yield return(this.drawCmd);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <IDrawCommand> GetDrawCommand()
            if (this.drawCmd == null)
                var drawCmd = new DrawArraysCmd(DrawMode.Quads, this.Capacity * 4);
                drawCmd.VertexCount = 0;
                this.drawCmd        = drawCmd;

            yield return(this.drawCmd);
Example #5
        public IEnumerable <IDrawCommand> GetDrawCommand()
            if (this.drawCmd == null)
                if (faceList != null)
                    Face[]      faces  = faceList.ToArray();
                    IndexBuffer buffer = faces.GenIndexBuffer(IndexBufferElementType.UInt, BufferUsage.StaticDraw);//改为int以增大显示数量
                    this.drawCmd = new DrawElementsCmd(buffer, DrawMode.Triangles);
                    DrawArraysCmd buffer = new DrawArraysCmd(DrawMode.Points, VertexCount());
                    this.drawCmd = buffer;

            yield return(this.drawCmd);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arg"></param>
        /// <param name="flatColorVertexId"></param>
        /// <param name="picker"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal override uint[] Search(PickingEventArgs arg, uint flatColorVertexId, DrawArraysPicker picker)
            var cmd = picker.DrawCommand as DrawArraysCmd;
            // when the temp index buffer could be long, it's no longer needed.
            // what a great OpenGL API design!
            DrawArraysCmd drawCmd = new DrawArraysCmd(DrawMode.LineLoop, cmd.FirstVertex, cmd.RenderingVertexCount, cmd.InstanceCount, cmd.FrameCount);

            picker.Node.Render4InnerPicking(arg, IndexAccessMode.ByFrame, drawCmd);
            uint id = ColorCodedPicking.ReadStageVertexId(arg.X, arg.Y);

            if (id == cmd.FirstVertex)
                return(new uint[] { (uint)(cmd.FirstVertex + cmd.RenderingVertexCount - 1), id, });
                return(new uint[] { id - 1, id, });