Example #1
 private void showKeltnerEntries()
     if (PlotKeltnerEntries)
         if (CrossBelow(Low, KeltnerChannel(Close, 1.25, 13).Lower[0], 1))
             shortEnabled = true;
         if (CrossAbove(High, KeltnerChannel(Close, 1.25, 13).Upper[0], 1))
             longEnabled = true;
         // short
         if (shortEnabled && trend == -1 && CrossAbove(High, SMA(13), 1))
             Draw.ArrowDown(this, "short" + CurrentBar, false, 0, High[0] + TickSize, Brushes.Red);
             sendAlert(message: "Short Pullback Entry", sound: "ES_EnteringShortZone.wav");
             shortEnabled = false;
         if (longEnabled && trend == 1 && CrossBelow(Low, SMA(13), 1))
             Draw.ArrowUp(this, "long" + CurrentBar, false, 0, Low[0] - TickSize, Brushes.DodgerBlue);
             sendAlert(message: "Long Pullback Entry", sound: "ES_EnteringLongZone.wav");
             longEnabled = false;
 private void LongEntry()
     if (Close[0] <= lower2 && !InTradeL)
         Draw.ArrowUp(this, "LE" + CurrentBar, false, 0, Low[0] - 0.25, Brushes.DodgerBlue);
         EntryPriceL = Close[0];
         StopL       = EntryPriceL - 1.5;
         TargetL     = EntryPriceL + 1.5;
         InTradeL    = true;
     /// stop
     if (InTradeL && Low[0] < StopL)
         InTradeL = false;
         Draw.Dot(this, "minusStop" + CurrentBar, true, 0, StopL, Brushes.Red);
         LooseCountL += 1;
         DayGain     -= 75;
         GetStats(longs: true);
     /// target
     if (InTradeL && High[0] > TargetL)
         InTradeL = false;
         Draw.Dot(this, "minustgt" + CurrentBar, true, 0, TargetL, Brushes.Green);
         WinCountL += 1;
         DayGain   += 75;
         GetStats(longs: true);
Example #3
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (CurrentBar < 1)

            // Trailing stop
            double trail;
            double loss = Close[0] * ((double)Percent / 100);

            if (Close[0] > Value[1] && Close[1] > Value[1])
                trail = Math.Max(Value[1], Close[0] - loss);

            else if (Close[0] < Value[1] && Close[1] < Value[1])
                trail = Math.Min(Value[1], Close[0] + loss);

            else if (Close[0] > Value[1])
                trail = Close[0] - loss;
                Draw.ArrowDown(this, CurrentBar.ToString(), false, 1, Value[1], Brushes.Orange);

                trail = Close[0] + loss;
                Draw.ArrowUp(this, CurrentBar.ToString(), false, 1, Value[1], Brushes.Orange);

            Value[0] = trail;
 protected void Button1Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     Print(string.Format("{0}: Button1Click {1}, {2}", CurrentBar, Time[2], Low[2]));
     Draw.ArrowUp(this, "tag1", true, Time[2], Low[2] - TickSize, Brushes.Red);
     //Draw.TextFixed(this, "infobox", "Button 1 Clicked", TextPosition.BottomLeft, Brushes.Green, new Gui.Tools.SimpleFont("Arial", 25), Brushes.Transparent, Brushes.Transparent, 100);
     // refresh the chart so that the text box will appear on the next render pass even if there is no incoming data
Example #5
 protected override void OnBarUpdate()
     if (Close[0] > SMA(200)[0] &&
         Low[0] > Low[1] &&
         Low[1] < Low[2] &&
         Low[2] < Low[3] &&
         Low[3] < Low[4] &&
         Low[4] < Low[5]
         Draw.ArrowUp(this, "MyArrowUp" + CurrentBar.ToString(), false, 0, Low[0] - (TickSize * 20), Brushes.LimeGreen);
Example #6
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (CurrentBar == 0)
                Value[0] = 0;
                double mean = 0;
                double sma0 = sma[0];

                for (int idx = Math.Min(CurrentBar, Period - 1); idx >= 0; idx--)
                    mean += Math.Abs(Typical[idx] - sma0);

                Value[0] = (Typical[0] - sma0) / (mean.ApproxCompare(0) == 0 ? 1 : (0.015 * (mean / Math.Min(Period, CurrentBar + 1))));

                // crossing down
                if (CrossBelow(CCI(Period), 180, 1))
                    Draw.ArrowDown(this, "200" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, High[0] + (TickSize * 200), Brushes.Red);
                    //Print("We Crossed Below 180");

                if (CrossBelow(CCI(Period), 100, 1))
                    Draw.TriangleDown(this, "100" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, High[0] + (TickSize * 200), Brushes.Crimson);
                    //Print("We Crossed Below 100");

                // crossing up
                if (CrossAbove(CCI(Period), -180, 1))
                    Draw.ArrowUp(this, "200" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, Low[0] - (TickSize * 200), Brushes.Blue);
                    //Print("We Crossed above 180");

                if (CrossAbove(CCI(Period), -100, 1))
                    Draw.TriangleUp(this, "100" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, Low[0] - (TickSize * 200), Brushes.DodgerBlue);
                    //Print("We Crossed above 100");
Example #7
        private void showLongTrades(bool showCount, bool showMarkers)
            if (tradesToday == 3)
            if (!inLongTrade && longSignal)
                //Share("EcoMail", "Long NQ");
                SendMail("*****@*****.**", "Trade Alert", "Buy NQ");
                PlaySound(NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.InstallDir + @"\sounds\OrderPending.wav");
                longEntryActual = longEntryPrice;
                if (showMarkers)
                    Draw.ArrowUp(this, "LE" + CurrentBar, true, 0, longEntryActual, Brushes.Lime);
                if (showCount)
                    Draw.Text(this, "letoday" + CurrentBar, tradesToday.ToString(), 0, Low[0] - 2, Brushes.DodgerBlue);
                inLongTrade     = true;
                barsSinceEntryL = 0;
                mpe             = 0; mae = 0;
                tradeDirection  = "LE";

            if (inLongTrade)
                var mpeNow = High[0] - longEntryActual;
                var maeNow = longEntryActual - Low[0];

                if (mpeNow > mpe)
                    mpe = mpeNow;

                if (maeNow > mae)
                    mae = maeNow;
 private void setPBS()
     if (!Longs)
     /// setup
     if ((High[0] < High[1] || Low[0] < Low[1]) && trend >= 0)
         llCount += 1;
         if (trend >= 0 && showCount)
             Draw.Text(this, "LL" + CurrentBar, llCount.ToString(), 0, High[0] + 1 * TickSize, Brushes.DodgerBlue);
         if (showTradeApproaching && llCount >= 3 && trend >= 0)
             RemoveDrawObject("longClose" + lastBar);
             Draw.TriangleUp(this, "longClose" + CurrentBar, true, 0, Low[0], Brushes.Gray);
             sendAlert(message: "Setting Up Buy on " + name, sound: AlertPBS);
     /// entry
     if (!inTradeShort && !inTradeLong && High[0] > High[1])
         if (llCount >= 3 && trend >= 0)
             llCount = 0;
             hhCount = 0;
             Draw.ArrowUp(this, "PBSb" + CurrentBar, false, 0, Low[0] - 1 * TickSize, Brushes.LimeGreen);
             tradeCount    += 1;
             entryPrice     = High[1];
             inTradeLong    = true;
             targetPrice    = entryPrice + (targetTicks * TickSize);
             stopPrice      = entryPrice - (stopTicks * TickSize);
             breakevenPrice = entryPrice + (breakevenPrice * TickSize);
             if (deBug)
                 Print("Long Entry " + entryPrice + " \tTarget " + targetPrice + " \tStop " + stopPrice);
             sendAlert(message: "Buy " + name, sound: AlertApproach);
Example #9
 private void enterLong()
     if (ToTime(Time[0]) < ToTime(StartTime) || ToTime(Time[0]) > ToTime(EndTime))
     if ((inLong || !CalcStats) && !systemOff)
     if (Close[0] > Open[0])
         Draw.ArrowUp(this, "LE" + CurrentBar, false, 0, Low[0] - (TickSize * 3), Brushes.DodgerBlue);
         inLong          = true;
         longEntryPrice  = Close[0];
         longEntryBar    = CurrentBar;
         longTradeCount += 1;
Example #10
        /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        ///                                     Channel Long
        /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        protected bool entryConditionsChannel()
            bool signal = false;                        // && High[0] < SMA(10)[0]

            if (Close[0] > Math.Abs(sma0[0]) && WilliamsR(10)[0] < -80)
                //signal = true;
                //Draw.Dot(this, "CH"+CurrentBar, true, 0, Low[0] - (TickSize * 20), Brushes.DarkGreen);

                double theStop = calcInitialStop(pct: Pct, isLong: true);
                shares     = calcPositionSize(stopPrice: theStop, isLong: true);
                entryType  = "Channel";
                textForBox = popuateStatsTextBox(entryType: entryType, shares: shares, maxLoss: MaxRisk, stopPrice: theStop);
                Print(Time[0].ToShortDateString() + "\n" + textForBox);
                Draw.Text(this, "stop" + CurrentBar, "-", 0, theStop);
                Draw.ArrowUp(this, "entryArruw" + CurrentBar, true, 0, Low[0] - (TickSize * 20), Brushes.DodgerBlue);

Example #11
 /// <summary>
 ///  Long Entry Arrow
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inLongTrade"></param>
 public void showLongEntryArrow(bool inLongTrade)
     if (inLongTrade)
     if (entry.longEntryPrice == null)
     if (High[0] > entry.longEntryPrice && Low[0] < entry.longEntryPrice)
         //Draw.Text(this, "LE"+CurrentBar.ToString(), "LE", 0, entry.longEntryPrice - (TickSize * 10), Brushes.LimeGreen);
         //customDrawTrades( show: true,  simple: false);
         ArrowUp myArrowUp = Draw.ArrowUp(this, "LEmade" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, entry.longEntryPrice - (TickSize * 5), Brushes.LimeGreen);
         signals[0]        = 1;
         secondPivStopFlag = false;
Example #12
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            double fastMa = EMA(34)[0];
            double medMa  = EMA(68)[0];
            double slowMa = SMA(116)[0];

            /// Long
            if (CrossAbove(EMA(34), EMA(68), 1) && Close[0] >= slowMa)
                Draw.ArrowUp(this, "xUP" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 1, Close[0], Brushes.LimeGreen);
            /// Short
            if (CrossBelow(EMA(34), EMA(68), 1) && Close[0] <= slowMa)
                Draw.ArrowDown(this, "xDN" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 1, Close[0], Brushes.Red);

            Values[0][0] = fastMa;
            Values[1][0] = medMa;
            Values[2][0] = slowMa;
Example #13
 /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 ///                                     Enter Long
 /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 protected void enterLong(bool showStop)
     entryOne = entryConditionsChannel();
     if (entryOne)
         EnterLong(Convert.ToInt32(shares), "LE 1");
         if (showStop)
             Draw.Text(this, "stop" + CurrentBar, "-", 0, theStop);
             Draw.ArrowUp(this, "entryArruw" + CurrentBar, true, 0, Low[0] - (TickSize * 20), Brushes.DodgerBlue);
     if (showStop)
         /// show stop
         if (Position.MarketPosition == MarketPosition.Long)
             Draw.Text(this, "stop" + CurrentBar, "-", 0, theStop);
Example #14
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (CurrentBars[0] < 20)

            // set bands
            int    VwmaAverage  = 42;
            int    RangeLength  = 100;
            int    SmoothLength = 100;
            int    bandOne      = 2;
            double bandTwo      = 3.5;

            double sma0         = VWMA(Close, VwmaAverage)[0];
            double smoothRange  = SMA(ATR(RangeLength), SmoothLength)[0];
            double upperBandOne = sma0 + (smoothRange * bandOne);
            double upperBandTwo = sma0 + (smoothRange * bandTwo);
            double lowerBandOne = sma0 - (smoothRange * bandOne);
            double lowerBandTwo = sma0 - (smoothRange * bandTwo);

            // Set Short Signal
            if ((High[0] >= upperBandOne))              //&& (Close[0] < Open[0]))
                //BarBrush = Brushes.Crimson;
                Draw.ArrowDown(this, @"Forex4Hr Arrow down" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, High[0] + 0.0001, Brushes.Red);

            // Set Long Signal
            if ((Low[0] <= lowerBandOne))              // && (Close[0] > Open[0]))
                //BarBrush = Brushes.Crimson;
                Draw.ArrowUp(this, @"Forex4Hr Arrow Up" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, Low[0] - 0.0001, Brushes.Lime);
Example #15
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            //Add your custom indicator logic here.
            Range[0] = High[0] - Low[0];

            double currentDeviation;

            if (Bars.IsFirstBarOfSession)
                AverageRange[0]  = WMA(Range, Period)[0];
                currentDeviation = StdDev(Range, DeviationPeriod)[0];
                AverageRange[0]  = WMA(Range, Period)[0];
                currentDeviation = StdDev(Range, DeviationPeriod)[1];

            RangeDeviation[0] = AverageRange[0] + currentDeviation * DeviationFactor;

            if (Range[0] > RangeDeviation[0])
                PlotBrushes[0][0] = Highlight;

                if (DrawArrows)
                    DrawOnPricePanel = true;
                    Draw.ArrowUp(this, "BigCandle " + Time[0].ToString(), true, 0, Low[0], Highlight);
                    DrawOnPricePanel = false;

                if (AlertEnabled)
                    Alert("BigCandle", AlertPriority, "Unusual price movement", NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.InstallDir + @"\sounds\Alert1.wav", AlertRearm, Brushes.Black, Highlight);
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            // Limit Historical processing in case a chart uses too many bars for calculation (I.E. EURUSD Renko charts)
            if (State == State.Historical && LimitHistory && CurrentBar < Bars.Count - LimitHistoricalLookback)

            signal[0]       = 0;
            trendStarted[0] = 0;
            int upTrendOccurence = 1; int upTrendStartBarsAgo = 0; int upTrendEndBarsAgo = 0;
            int downTrendOccurence = 1; int downTrendStartBarsAgo = 0; int downTrendEndBarsAgo = 0;

            // Only calculate new autotrend line if ray hasent been put into manual mode by unlocking current ray
            if (((DrawObjects["UpTrendRay" + unique] == null) || (DrawObjects["UpTrendRay" + unique].IsLocked)) && ((DrawObjects["DownTrendRay" + unique] == null) || (DrawObjects["DownTrendRay" + unique].IsLocked)))
                //Only do the following if existing ray is in auto mode
                // Calculate up trend line
                upTrendOccurence = 1;
                while (Low[upTrendEndBarsAgo] <= Low[upTrendStartBarsAgo])
                    upTrendStartBarsAgo = Swing(Strength).SwingLowBar(0, upTrendOccurence + 1, CurrentBar);
                    upTrendEndBarsAgo   = Swing(Strength).SwingLowBar(0, upTrendOccurence, CurrentBar);
                    if (upTrendStartBarsAgo < 0 || upTrendEndBarsAgo < 0)
                // Calculate down trend line
                downTrendOccurence = 1;
                while (High[downTrendEndBarsAgo] >= High[downTrendStartBarsAgo])
                    downTrendStartBarsAgo = Swing(Strength).SwingHighBar(0, downTrendOccurence + 1, CurrentBar);
                    downTrendEndBarsAgo   = Swing(Strength).SwingHighBar(0, downTrendOccurence, CurrentBar);
                    if (downTrendStartBarsAgo < 0 || downTrendEndBarsAgo < 0)

            // Clear out arrows that mark trend line breaks unless ShowHistory flag is true
            if (!ShowHistory)
                RemoveDrawObject("DownTrendBreak" + unique);
            if (!ShowHistory)
                RemoveDrawObject("UpTrendBreak" + unique);

            if (upTrendStartBarsAgo > 0 && upTrendEndBarsAgo > 0 && upTrendStartBarsAgo < downTrendStartBarsAgo)
                RemoveDrawObject("DownTrendRay" + unique);
                double startBarPrice = Low[upTrendStartBarsAgo];
                double endBarPrice   = Low[upTrendEndBarsAgo];
                changePerBar[0] = (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(upTrendEndBarsAgo - upTrendStartBarsAgo));
                //Test to see if this is a new trendline and increment lineCounter if so.
                if (startBarPrice != startBarPriceOld)
                    direction = 1;  //Signal that we have a new uptrend and put dot on trendline where new trend detected
                    if (ShowHistory)
                        Draw.Dot(this, CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, startBarPrice + (upTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar[0]), UpTrendColor);
                        trendStarted[0] = 1;
                    lineCount       = lineCount + 1;
                    triggerBarIndex = 0;
                startBarPriceOld = startBarPrice;
                // Draw the up trend line
                // If user has unlocked the ray use manual rays position instead of auto generated positions to track ray position
                if ((DrawObjects["UpTrendRay" + unique] != null) && (!DrawObjects["UpTrendRay" + unique].IsLocked))
                    Ray upTrendRay = (Ray)DrawObjects["UpTrendRay" + unique];
                    startBarPrice       = upTrendRay.StartAnchor.Price;
                    endBarPrice         = upTrendRay.EndAnchor.Price;
                    upTrendStartBarsAgo = upTrendRay.StartAnchor.BarsAgo;
                    upTrendEndBarsAgo   = upTrendRay.EndAnchor.BarsAgo;
                    changePerBar[0]     = (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(upTrendRay.EndAnchor.BarsAgo - upTrendRay.StartAnchor.BarsAgo));
                    Draw.Ray(this, "UpTrendRay" + unique, false, upTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, upTrendEndBarsAgo, endBarPrice, UpTrendColor, DashStyleHelper.Solid, lineWidth);

                //Draw the history line that will stay persistent on chart using lineCounter to establish a unique name
                if (ShowHistory)
                    Draw.Line(this, "HistoryLine" + unique + lineCount.ToString(), false, upTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, 0, startBarPrice + (upTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar[0]), UpHistColor, DashStyleHelper.Solid, lineWidth);
                // Check for an uptrend line break
                trendPrice = (startBarPrice + (upTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar[0]));
                for (int barsAgo = upTrendEndBarsAgo - 1; barsAgo >= 0; barsAgo--)
                    if (Close[barsAgo] < endBarPrice + (Math.Abs(upTrendEndBarsAgo - barsAgo) * changePerBar[0]))
                        if (ShowHistory)
                            Draw.ArrowDown(this, "UpTrendBreak" + unique + lineCount.ToString(), true, barsAgo, High[barsAgo] + TickSize, DownTrendColor);
                            Draw.ArrowDown(this, "UpTrendBreak" + unique, true, barsAgo, High[barsAgo] + TickSize, DownTrendColor);
                        // Set the break signal only if the break is on the right most bar
                        //if (barsAgo == 0)
                        signal[barsAgo] = -1;
                        // Alert will only trigger in real-time
                        if (AlertOnBreak && triggerBarIndex == 0)
                            triggerBarIndex = CurrentBar - upTrendEndBarsAgo;
                            Alert("Alert" + unique, Priority.High, "Up trend line broken", "Alert2.wav", 100000, Brushes.Black, Brushes.Red);

            if (downTrendStartBarsAgo > 0 && downTrendEndBarsAgo > 0 && upTrendStartBarsAgo > downTrendStartBarsAgo)
                RemoveDrawObject("UpTrendRay" + unique);
                double startBarPrice = High[downTrendStartBarsAgo];
                double endBarPrice   = High[downTrendEndBarsAgo];
                changePerBar[0] = (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(downTrendEndBarsAgo - downTrendStartBarsAgo));
                //Test to see if this is a new trendline and increment lineCount if so.
                if (startBarPrice != startBarPriceOld)
                    direction = -1;     //signl that we have a new downtrend
                    if (ShowHistory)
                        Draw.Dot(this, CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, startBarPrice + (downTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar[0]), DownTrendColor);
                        trendStarted[0] = -1;
                    lineCount       = lineCount + 1;
                    triggerBarIndex = 0;
                startBarPriceOld = startBarPrice;
                // Draw the down trend line
                // If user has unlocked the ray use manual rays position instead
                if ((DrawObjects["DownTrendRay" + unique] != null) && (!DrawObjects["DownTrendRay" + unique].IsLocked))
                    Ray downTrendRay = (Ray)DrawObjects["DownTrendRay" + unique];
                    startBarPrice         = downTrendRay.StartAnchor.Price;
                    endBarPrice           = downTrendRay.EndAnchor.Price;
                    downTrendStartBarsAgo = downTrendRay.StartAnchor.BarsAgo;
                    downTrendEndBarsAgo   = downTrendRay.EndAnchor.BarsAgo;
                    changePerBar[0]       = (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(downTrendRay.EndAnchor.BarsAgo - downTrendRay.StartAnchor.BarsAgo));
                    Draw.Ray(this, "DownTrendRay" + unique, false, downTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, downTrendEndBarsAgo, endBarPrice, DownTrendColor, DashStyleHelper.Solid, lineWidth);
                if (ShowHistory)
                    Draw.Line(this, "HistoryLine" + unique + lineCount.ToString(), false, downTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, 0, startBarPrice + (downTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar[0]), DownHistColor, DashStyleHelper.Solid, lineWidth);
                // Check for a down trend line break
                trendPrice = (startBarPrice + (downTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar[0]));
                for (int barsAgo = downTrendEndBarsAgo - 1; barsAgo >= 0; barsAgo--)
                    //	direction=-1;
                    if (Close[barsAgo] > endBarPrice + (Math.Abs(downTrendEndBarsAgo - barsAgo) * changePerBar[0]))
                        if (ShowHistory)
                            Draw.ArrowUp(this, "DownTrendBreak" + unique + lineCount.ToString(), true, barsAgo, Low[barsAgo] - TickSize, UpTrendColor);
                            Draw.ArrowUp(this, "DownTrendBreak" + unique, true, barsAgo, Low[barsAgo] - TickSize, UpTrendColor);
                        // Set the break signal only if the break is on the right most bar
                        //if (barsAgo == 0)
                        signal[barsAgo] = 1;
                        // Alert will only trigger in real-time
                        if (AlertOnBreak && triggerBarIndex == 0)
                            triggerBarIndex = CurrentBar - downTrendEndBarsAgo;
                            Alert("Alert" + unique, Priority.High, "Down trend line broken", "Alert2.wav", 100000, Brushes.Black, Brushes.Green);
        public void Start(int barsAgo, bool justCurrentCandleSignal)
            if (starting)
                low  = pb.Input[0];
                high = pb.Input[0];

                isFirstLowValue  = true;
                isFirstHighValue = true;

                currentLowTagNamePb  = "0";
                currentHighTagNamePb = "1";

                starting = false;

            if (pb.IsFirstTickOfBar)
                pb.RemoveDrawObject(@"Arrow down");
                pb.RemoveDrawObject(@"Arrow up");
                pb.RemoveDrawObject(@"Fall Dot");
                pb.RemoveDrawObject(@"Rise Dot");

            isFalling = pb.Close[barsAgo] < pb.Close[barsAgo + 1];
            isRising  = pb.Close[barsAgo] > pb.Close[barsAgo + 1];

            isOverLowPipDiff  = pb.Close[barsAgo] <= (high - (pb.PipDiff * (pb.TickSize * 10)));
            isOverHighPipDiff = pb.Close[barsAgo] >= (low + (pb.PipDiff * (pb.TickSize * 10)));

            // Add low
            if (isFirstLowValue && isFalling && isOverLowPipDiff)
                low       = pb.Close[barsAgo];
                lastPrice = low;
                lastTop   = high;

                // Show fibo signals
                if (fiboCalc(high, lastBottom, lastPrice, -1) < pb.MaxFiboPercent &&
                    fiboCalc(high, lastBottom, lastPrice, -1) > pb.MinFiboPercent)
                    pb.Value[barsAgo] = 1;
                    if (!justCurrentCandleSignal)
                        currentLowTagNamePb = @"Arrow up " + pb.Time[barsAgo].ToString();
                        Draw.ArrowUp(pb, currentLowTagNamePb, false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo] - (pipSpace * (pb.TickSize * 10)), pb.Arrow_DotUpColor);
                        Draw.ArrowUp(pb, @"Arrow up", false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo] - (pipSpace * (pb.TickSize * 10)), pb.Arrow_DotUpColor);

                // Show zigzag points
                if (pb.ShowTopBottomPoints)
                    if (!justCurrentCandleSignal)
                        currentLowTagNameZz = @"Fall Dot " + pb.Time[barsAgo].ToString();
                        Draw.Dot(pb, currentLowTagNameZz, false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo], pb.Arrow_DotDownColor);
                        Draw.Dot(pb, @"Fall Dot", false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo], pb.Arrow_DotDownColor);

                isFirstLowValue  = false;
                isFirstHighValue = true;
            // Add high
            else if (isFirstHighValue && isRising && isOverHighPipDiff)
                high       = pb.Close[barsAgo];
                lastPrice  = high;
                lastBottom = low;

                // Show fibo signals
                if (fiboCalc(lastTop, low, lastPrice, 1) < pb.MaxFiboPercent &&
                    fiboCalc(lastTop, low, lastPrice, 1) > pb.MinFiboPercent)
                    pb.Value[barsAgo] = -1;
                    if (!justCurrentCandleSignal)
                        currentHighTagNamePb = @"Arrow down " + pb.Time[barsAgo].ToString();
                        Draw.ArrowDown(pb, currentHighTagNamePb, false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo] + (pipSpace * (pb.TickSize * 10)), pb.Arrow_DotDownColor);
                        Draw.ArrowDown(pb, @"Arrow down", false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo] + (pipSpace * (pb.TickSize * 10)), pb.Arrow_DotDownColor);

                // Show zigzag points
                if (pb.ShowTopBottomPoints)
                    if (!justCurrentCandleSignal)
                        currentHighTagNameZz = @"Rise Dot " + pb.Time[barsAgo].ToString();
                        Draw.Dot(pb, currentHighTagNameZz, false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo], pb.Arrow_DotUpColor);
                        Draw.Dot(pb, @"Rise Dot", false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo], pb.Arrow_DotUpColor);

                isFirstHighValue = false;
                isFirstLowValue  = true;
            // Update low
            if (!isFirstLowValue && isFalling && isOverLowPipDiff && pb.Close[barsAgo] < lastPrice)
                low       = pb.Close[barsAgo];
                lastPrice = low;

                // Show fibo signals
                if (fiboCalc(high, lastBottom, lastPrice, -1) < pb.MaxFiboPercent &&
                    fiboCalc(high, lastBottom, lastPrice, -1) > pb.MinFiboPercent)
                    pb.Value[barsAgo] = 1;
                    if (!justCurrentCandleSignal)
                        Draw.ArrowUp(pb, currentLowTagNamePb, false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo] - (pipSpace * (pb.TickSize * 10)), pb.Arrow_DotUpColor);
                        Draw.ArrowUp(pb, @"Arrow up", false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo] - (pipSpace * (pb.TickSize * 10)), pb.Arrow_DotUpColor);

                // Show zigzag points
                if (pb.ShowTopBottomPoints)
                    if (!justCurrentCandleSignal)
                        Draw.Dot(pb, currentLowTagNameZz, false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo], pb.Arrow_DotDownColor);
                        Draw.Dot(pb, @"Fall Dot", false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo], pb.Arrow_DotDownColor);
            // Update high
            else if (!isFirstHighValue && isRising && isOverHighPipDiff && pb.Close[barsAgo] > lastPrice)
                high      = pb.Close[barsAgo];
                lastPrice = high;

                // Show fibo signals
                if (fiboCalc(lastTop, low, lastPrice, 1) < pb.MaxFiboPercent &&
                    fiboCalc(lastTop, low, lastPrice, 1) > pb.MinFiboPercent)
                    pb.Value[barsAgo] = -1;
                    if (!justCurrentCandleSignal)
                        Draw.ArrowDown(pb, currentHighTagNamePb, false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo] + (pipSpace * (pb.TickSize * 10)), pb.Arrow_DotDownColor);
                        Draw.ArrowDown(pb, @"Arrow down", false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo] + (pipSpace * (pb.TickSize * 10)), pb.Arrow_DotDownColor);

                // Show zigzag points
                if (pb.ShowTopBottomPoints)
                    if (!justCurrentCandleSignal)
                        Draw.Dot(pb, currentHighTagNameZz, false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo], pb.Arrow_DotUpColor);
                        Draw.Dot(pb, @"Rise Dot", false, barsAgo, pb.Close[barsAgo], pb.Arrow_DotUpColor);
Example #18
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (BarsInProgress != 0)

            if (CurrentBars[0] < 1)

            if (Position.Quantity == 0)
                if ((CrossAbove(MACD2.Default, MACD2.Avg, 1)) ||
                    CrossAbove(MACD1.Default, MACD1.Avg, 1)
                    EnterLong(Convert.ToInt32(DefaultQuantity), "");
                    Draw.ArrowUp(this, @"BUY_IN Arrow up_MACD2", false, 0, 0, Brushes.Purple);
                if (Position.GetUnrealizedProfitLoss(PerformanceUnit.Points, Close[0]) >= ProfitTarget)
                    ExitLong(Convert.ToInt32(DefaultQuantity), "", "");
                    Print("PROFIT SOLD");

                if ((CrossBelow(MACD1.Default, MACD1.Avg, 1)) || (CrossBelow(MACD2.Default, MACD2.Avg, 1)))
                    ExitLong(Convert.ToInt32(DefaultQuantity), "", "");
                    Print("BELOW SOLD");

                if (ToTime(Time[0]) > EndTime)
                    ExitLong(Convert.ToInt32(DefaultQuantity), "", "");
                    Print("TIME OUT SOLD");

//			 // Set 1
//			if ((CrossAbove(MACD1.Default, MACD1.Avg, 1))
//				 && (HasOrder == false))
//			{
//				EnterLong(Convert.ToInt32(DefaultQuantity), "");
//				HasOrder = true;
//				Draw.ArrowUp(this, @"BUY_IN Arrow up_MACD1", false, 0, 0, Brushes.DodgerBlue);
//			}

//			 // Set 2
//			if ((CrossAbove(MACD2.Default, MACD2.Avg, 1))
//				 && (HasOrder == false))
//			{
//				EnterLong(Convert.ToInt32(DefaultQuantity), "");
//				HasOrder = true;
//				Draw.ArrowUp(this, @"BUY_IN Arrow up_MACD2", false, 0, 0, Brushes.Purple);
//			}

//			 // Set 3
//			if ((HasOrder == true)
//				 // CrossBelow
//				 && ((CrossBelow(MACD1.Default, MACD1.Avg, 1))
//				 || (CrossBelow(MACD2.Default, MACD2.Avg, 1))))
//			{
//				ExitLong(Convert.ToInt32(DefaultQuantity), "", "");
//				HasOrder = false;
//				Draw.ArrowDown(this, @"FLAT Arrow down_1", false, 0, 0, Brushes.Red);
//			}
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            #region Ablesys Signals

            if (CurrentBars[0] < 20)

            // set up higher time frame
            foreach (int CurrentBarI in CurrentBars)
                if (CurrentBarI < BarsRequiredToPlot)

            // HTF bars
            if (BarsInProgress == 1)
                LowerHTF = AblesysT2(dATR, dPeriod, dRisk).Lower[0];
                UpperHTF = AblesysT2(dATR, dPeriod, dRisk).Upper[0];

                if (LowerHTF != 0)                              // short signal
                    HTFdn[0] = LowerHTF;
                    HTFstate = 0;
                if (UpperHTF != 0)                              // Long signal
                    HTFup[0] = UpperHTF;
                    HTFstate = 1;

            // lower time frame bars
            if (BarsInProgress == 0)
                // Ablesys trend 1
                myDataSeries[0] = (-100 * (MAX(High, Period)[0] - Close[0]) / (MAX(High, Period)[0] - MIN(Low, Period)[0] == 0 ? 1 : MAX(High, Period)[0] - MIN(Low, Period)[0]));

                if (myDataSeries[0] >= -30)
                    CandleOutlineBrush = Brushes.DodgerBlue;
                    if (Open[0] < Close[0])
                        BarBrush = Brushes.Transparent;
                        BarBrush = Brushes.DodgerBlue;
                    trend[0] = 1;
                if (myDataSeries[0] <= -70)
                    CandleOutlineBrush = Brushes.Red;
                    if (Open[0] < Close[0])
                        BarBrush = Brushes.Transparent;
                        BarBrush = Brushes.Red;
                    trend[0] = -1;
                    CandleOutlineBrush = Brushes.ForestGreen;
                    if (Open[0] < Close[0])
                        BarBrush = Brushes.Transparent;
                        BarBrush = Brushes.Lime;
                    trend[0] = 0;

                UpperLTF = AblesysT2(ATR, Period, Risk).Upper[0];
                LowerLTF = AblesysT2(ATR, Period, Risk).Lower[0];

                if (LowerLTF != 0)                  // short signal
                    ATRTrailingDn[0] = LowerLTF;
                    LTFstate         = 0;
                if (UpperLTF != 0)
                    ATRTrailingUp[0] = UpperLTF;                                // Long signal
                    LTFstate         = 1;

                // Show MTF Confluence
                if (colorBarsAgreement)
                    BarBrush           = Brushes.Lime;
                    CandleOutlineBrush = Brushes.Lime;
                    if (Close[0] > Open[0])
                        BarBrush = Brushes.Transparent;


                #region Short Entry
                if (HTFstate == 0 && LTFstate == 0)                             // short signal
                    if (colorBarsAgreement)
                        BarBrush           = Brushes.Red;
                        CandleOutlineBrush = Brushes.Red;
                        if (Close[0] > Open[0])
                            BarBrush = Brushes.Transparent;

                    /// show entry near 10 sma
                    if (enterNearMA)
                        shortFilter = maPullback(Bullish: false, BarDir: barDir);                                            // this one true
                    /// show entry near ma
                    if (enterT2)
                        shortFilter = enterNearT2(Bullish: false);
                        Print("Inside Enter T2");
                    /// show entry with T1
                    if (enterT1)
                        shortFilter = enterWithT1(Bullish: false, BarDir: barDir);

                    if (LowerLTF != 0 && shortFilter)
                        if (showTradesChart)
                            ArrowDown myArrowDn = Draw.ArrowDown(this, "Sell" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, Time[0], High[0], Brushes.Red);
                            myArrowDn.OutlineBrush = Brushes.Black;
                        marketPosition = -1;
                        entryPrice     = Close[0];
                        numTrades     += 1;
                        entryBarNumber = CurrentBar;
                        signals[0]     = -1;
                        // set stop + target
                        origStop   = LowerLTF;
                        origTarget = Close[0] - (origStop - Close[0]);

                        // set stop + target
                        origStop     = LowerLTF;
                        stopDistance = (origStop - Close[0]);
                        // min target
                        if (stopDistance < minStopDistance)
                            stopDistance = minStopDistance;
                        origTarget = Close[0] - stopDistance;

                #region Long Entry
                ///----- Long signal	-----
                if (HTFstate == 1 && LTFstate == 1)
                    if (colorBarsAgreement)
                        BarBrush           = Brushes.DodgerBlue;
                        CandleOutlineBrush = Brushes.DodgerBlue;
                        if (Close[0] > Open[0])
                            BarBrush = Brushes.Transparent;

                    /// show entry near 10 sma
                    if (enterNearMA)
                        longFilter = maPullback(Bullish: true, BarDir: barDir);
                    /// show entry near ma
                    if (enterT2)
                        longFilter = enterNearT2(Bullish: true);
                    /// show entry with T1
                    if (enterT1)
                        longFilter = enterWithT1(Bullish: true, BarDir: barDir);

                    if (longFilter)
                        if (showTradesChart)
                            ArrowUp myArrowUp = Draw.ArrowUp(this, "Buy" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, Time[0], Low[0], Brushes.DodgerBlue);
                            myArrowUp.OutlineBrush = Brushes.DodgerBlue;
                        marketPosition = 1;
                        entryPrice     = Close[0];
                        numTrades     += 1;
                        entryBarNumber = CurrentBar;
                        signals[0]     = 1;
                        // set stop + target
                        origStop     = UpperLTF;
                        stopDistance = (Close[0] - origStop);
                        // min target
                        if (stopDistance < minStopDistance)
                            stopDistance = minStopDistance;

                        origTarget = Close[0] + stopDistance;

                #region Long Exits
                // show orig stop and tgt
                if (showTradesChart && marketPosition != 0 && useAtrTraget)
                    Draw.Text(this, "stop" + CurrentBar.ToString(), "-", 0, origStop, Brushes.Red);
                    Draw.Text(this, "tgt" + CurrentBar.ToString(), "-", 0, origTarget, Brushes.Green);

                //---- show LX at close < atr stop[1]
                if (useAtrStop && marketPosition == 1 && Close[0] < AblesysT2(ATR, Period, Risk).Upper[1] && CurrentBar > entryBarNumber)
                    marketPosition = 0;
                    if (showTradesChart)
                        Dot myDot = Draw.Dot(this, "LX" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, Low[0] - TickSize, Brushes.Blue);
                    exitPrice       = Close[0];
                    exitBarNumber   = CurrentBar;
                    tradeProfitLoss = profitLossCalc(longEntry: true);
                    RecordResults(onChart: showTradesChart, showLog: showTradesLog);
                    signals[0] = 2;

                // useAtrTraget Long
                if (useAtrTraget)
                    if (marketPosition == 1 && CurrentBar > entryBarNumber)
                        // target hit
                        if (High[0] >= origTarget)
                            if (showTradesChart)
                                Dot myDot = Draw.Dot(this, "LX" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, origTarget, Brushes.DodgerBlue);
                            exitPrice       = origTarget;
                            marketPosition  = 0;
                            exitBarNumber   = CurrentBar;
                            tradeProfitLoss = profitLossCalc(longEntry: true);
                            signals[0]      = 2;

                        // stop hit
                        if (Close[0] < origStop)
                            if (showTradesChart)
                                Dot myDot = Draw.Dot(this, "LX" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, origStop, Brushes.DodgerBlue);
                            exitPrice       = Close[0];
                            marketPosition  = 0;
                            exitBarNumber   = CurrentBar;
                            tradeProfitLoss = profitLossCalc(longEntry: true);
                            signals[0]      = 2;
                        RecordResults(onChart: showTradesChart, showLog: showTradesLog);


                #region Short Exits
                // show SX at close > atr stop[1]
                if (useAtrStop && marketPosition == -1 && Close[0] > AblesysT2(ATR, Period, Risk).Lower[1] && CurrentBar > entryBarNumber)
                    marketPosition = 0;
                    if (showTradesChart)
                        Dot myDot = Draw.Dot(this, "SX" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, High[0] + TickSize, Brushes.Red);
                    exitPrice       = Close[0];
                    tradeProfitLoss = profitLossCalc(longEntry: false);
                    RecordResults(onChart: showTradesChart, showLog: showTradesLog);
                    exitBarNumber = CurrentBar;
                    signals[0]    = -2;

                // useAtrTraget Short
                if (useAtrTraget && marketPosition == -1 && CurrentBar > entryBarNumber)
                    // target hit
                    if (Low[0] <= origTarget)
                        if (showTradesChart)
                            Dot myDot = Draw.Dot(this, "SX" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, origTarget, Brushes.Red);
                        exitPrice       = origTarget;
                        marketPosition  = 0;
                        exitBarNumber   = CurrentBar;
                        tradeProfitLoss = profitLossCalc(longEntry: false);
                        signals[0]      = -2;

                    // stop hit
                    if (Close[0] > origStop)
                        if (showTradesChart)
                            Dot myDot = Draw.Dot(this, "SX" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, origStop, Brushes.Red);
                        exitPrice       = Close[0];
                        marketPosition  = 0;
                        exitBarNumber   = CurrentBar;
                        tradeProfitLoss = profitLossCalc(longEntry: false);
                        signals[0]      = -2;

                    RecordResults(onChart: showTradesChart, showLog: showTradesLog);
Example #20
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
             * --print spy strength
             * -- print local strength
             * --print combined level
             * --calc rsi
             * --plot rsi
             * --color lines of rsi
             * --show arrow entries on chart
             * show square exits on char
             * calc P&L on upper left of chart
             * AAPL, MSFT, AMZN, JNJ, GOOG
             * XLY, XLP, XLE, XLF, XLV, XLI, XLB, XLRE, XLK, XLU
             * mixed results accross the board
            if (CurrentBars[0] < 20)

            // set up higher time frame
            foreach (int CurrentBarI in CurrentBars)
                if (CurrentBarI < BarsRequiredToPlot)

            // -- trend of Spy and local chart
            if (BarsInProgress == 1)                            //SPY Bars
                fastSpy = SMA(FastMA)[0];
                slowSpy = SMA(SlowMA)[0];

                if (fastSpy > slowSpy)
                    stateOfSpy = 1;

                    if (Close[0] > fastSpy)
                        stateOfSpy = 2;

                if (fastSpy < slowSpy)
                    stateOfSpy = -1;

                    if (Close[0] < fastSpy)
                        stateOfSpy = -2;

            if (BarsInProgress == 0)                            //Chart tf Bars
                fast = SMA(FastMA)[0];
                slow = SMA(SlowMA)[0];

                if (fast > slow)
                    stateOfLocal = 1;

                    if (Close[0] > fast)
                        stateOfLocal = 2;

                if (fast < slow)
                    stateOfLocal = -1;

                    if (Close[0] < fast)
                        stateOfLocal = -2;

                Print("Spy " + stateOfSpy + "  Local " + stateOfLocal);

                double myRSI = RSI(14, 3)[0];

                // rsi signals
                if (myRSI >= 70)
                    shortRsi = true;
                    shortRsi = false;

                if (myRSI <= 30)
                    longRsi = true;
                    longRsi = false;

                // -- plot rsi
                Values[0][0] = RSI(14, 3)[0];
                Values[1][0] = EMA(RSI(14, 3), 3)[0];

                // --color lines of rsi
                switch (stateOfSpy)
                case 1:
                    PlotBrushes[0][0] = Brushes.DodgerBlue;

                case 2:
                    PlotBrushes[0][0] = Brushes.DodgerBlue;

                case -1:
                    PlotBrushes[0][0] = Brushes.Red;

                case -2:
                    PlotBrushes[0][0] = Brushes.Red;


                switch (stateOfLocal)
                case 1:
                    PlotBrushes[1][0] = Brushes.DodgerBlue;

                case 2:
                    PlotBrushes[1][0] = Brushes.DodgerBlue;

                case -1:
                    PlotBrushes[1][0] = Brushes.Red;

                case -2:
                    PlotBrushes[1][0] = Brushes.Red;


                // Long Entries
                if (stateOfSpy > 0 && stateOfLocal > 0 && longRsi)
                    ArrowUp myArrow = Draw.ArrowUp(this, "Buysig" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, Time[0], Low[0] - (2 * TickSize), Brushes.DodgerBlue);

                    // Set the outline color of the Arrow
                    myArrow.OutlineBrush = Brushes.DodgerBlue;

//						  BarBrush = Brushes.DodgerBlue;
//						  CandleOutlineBrush = Brushes.DodgerBlue;
                // Short Entries
                if (stateOfSpy < 0 && stateOfLocal < 0 && shortRsi)
                    ArrowDown myArrowDn = Draw.ArrowDown(this, "Sellsig" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, Time[0], High[0] + (2 * TickSize), Brushes.Crimson);

                    // Set the outline color of the Arrow
                    myArrowDn.OutlineBrush = Brushes.Crimson;

//						  BarBrush = Brushes.Red;
//						  CandleOutlineBrush = Brushes.Red;
Example #21
        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if ((Calculate == Calculate.OnBarClose) || IsFirstTickOfBar)
                ArrowDrawn  = false;
                SoundPlayed = false;

            /* ------- */

            switch (TriggerMAType)
            case MAType.EMA: Trigger[0] = EMA(Input, TriggerPeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.HMA: Trigger[0] = HMA(Input, TriggerPeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.SMA: Trigger[0] = SMA(Input, TriggerPeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.TMA: Trigger[0] = TMA(Input, TriggerPeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.WMA: Trigger[0] = WMA(Input, TriggerPeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.DEMA: Trigger[0] = DEMA(Input, TriggerPeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.TEMA: Trigger[0] = TEMA(Input, TriggerPeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.VWMA: Trigger[0] = VWMA(Input, TriggerPeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.ZLEMA: Trigger[0] = ZLEMA(Input, TriggerPeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.LinReg: Trigger[0] = LinReg(Input, TriggerPeriod)[0]; break;

            switch (AverageMAType)
            case MAType.EMA: Average[0] = EMA(Trigger, AveragePeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.HMA: Average[0] = HMA(Trigger, AveragePeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.SMA: Average[0] = SMA(Trigger, AveragePeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.TMA: Average[0] = TMA(Trigger, AveragePeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.WMA: Average[0] = WMA(Trigger, AveragePeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.DEMA: Average[0] = DEMA(Trigger, AveragePeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.TEMA: Average[0] = TEMA(Trigger, AveragePeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.VWMA: Average[0] = VWMA(Trigger, AveragePeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.ZLEMA: Average[0] = ZLEMA(Trigger, AveragePeriod)[0]; break;

            case MAType.LinReg: Average[0] = LinReg(Trigger, AveragePeriod)[0]; break;

            /* ------- */

            if (CurrentBar < MinBarsNeeded)

            /* ------- */

            if (ColorLines == ColorStyle.Transparent)
                PlotBrushes[0][-Displacement] = Brushes.Transparent;
                PlotBrushes[1][-Displacement] = Brushes.Transparent;

            else if (ColorLines == ColorStyle.CustomColors)
                Brush TriggerColor = IsRising(Trigger) ? TriggerRisingColor : TriggerFallingColor;
                Brush AverageColor = IsRising(Average) ? AverageRisingColor : AverageFallingColor;

                if (IsBrushEqual(TriggerColor, Brushes.Transparent))
                    TriggerColor = Plots[0].Brush;
                if (IsBrushEqual(AverageColor, Brushes.Transparent))
                    AverageColor = Plots[1].Brush;

                PlotBrushes[0][-Displacement] = TriggerColor;
                PlotBrushes[1][-Displacement] = AverageColor;

            /* ------- */

            if (CrossAbove(Trigger, Average, 1))
                if (DrawArrows)
                    Draw.ArrowUp(this, "Arrow" + CurrentBar, false, 0, Average[0] - ArrowTickOffset, ArrowUpColor);
                    ArrowDrawn = true;
                if (SoundAlert && !SoundPlayed)
                    PlaySound(NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.InstallDir + "\\sounds\\" + SoundFile);
                    SoundPlayed = true;
            else if (CrossBelow(Trigger, Average, 1))
                if (DrawArrows)
                    Draw.ArrowDown(this, "Arrow" + CurrentBar, false, 0, Average[0] + ArrowTickOffset, ArrowDownColor);
                    ArrowDrawn = true;
                if (SoundAlert && !SoundPlayed)
                    PlaySound(NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.InstallDir + "\\sounds\\" + SoundFile);
                    SoundPlayed = true;
                if (ArrowDrawn)
                    RemoveDrawObject("Arrow" + CurrentBar);
                    ArrowDrawn = false;

            /* ------- */

            if (Trigger[0] > Average[0])
                if (ColorLines == ColorStyle.RegionColors)
                    PlotBrushes[0][-Displacement] = UpTrend[1] ? RegionUpColor : RegionDownColor;
                    PlotBrushes[1][-Displacement] = UpTrend[1] ? RegionUpColor : RegionDownColor;
                if (ColorRegion && RegionOpacity != 0)
                    if (IsFirstTickOfBar)
                        PriorIndex = StartIndex;
                    int CountBars = CurrentBar - PriorIndex + 1 - Displacement;
                    if (UpTrend[1])
                        if (StartIndex == CurrentBar)
                            RemoveDrawObject("Region" + CurrentBar);
                        if (CountBars <= CurrentBar)
                            Draw.Region(this, "Region" + PriorIndex, CountBars, -Displacement, Trigger, Average, null, RegionUpColor, RegionOpacity);
                        StartIndex = PriorIndex;
                        if (CountBars <= CurrentBar && StartIndex == PriorIndex)
                            Draw.Region(this, "Region" + PriorIndex, CountBars, 1 - Displacement, Trigger, Average, null, RegionDownColor, RegionOpacity);
                        Draw.Region(this, "Region" + CurrentBar, 1 - Displacement, -Displacement, Trigger, Average, null, RegionUpColor, RegionOpacity);
                        StartIndex = CurrentBar;
                UpTrend[0] = true;
            else if (Trigger[0] < Average[0])
                if (ColorLines == ColorStyle.RegionColors)
                    PlotBrushes[0][-Displacement] = UpTrend[1] ? RegionUpColor : RegionDownColor;
                    PlotBrushes[1][-Displacement] = UpTrend[1] ? RegionUpColor : RegionDownColor;
                if (ColorRegion && RegionOpacity != 0)
                    if (IsFirstTickOfBar)
                        PriorIndex = StartIndex;
                    int CountBars = CurrentBar - PriorIndex + 1 - Displacement;
                    if (!UpTrend[1])
                        if (StartIndex == CurrentBar)
                            RemoveDrawObject("Region" + CurrentBar);
                        if (CountBars <= CurrentBar)
                            Draw.Region(this, "Region" + PriorIndex, CurrentBar - PriorIndex + 1 - Displacement, -Displacement, Trigger, Average, null, RegionDownColor, RegionOpacity);
                        StartIndex = PriorIndex;
                        if (CountBars <= CurrentBar && StartIndex == PriorIndex)
                            Draw.Region(this, "Region" + PriorIndex, CurrentBar - PriorIndex + 1 - Displacement, 1 - Displacement, Trigger, Average, null, RegionUpColor, RegionOpacity);
                        Draw.Region(this, "Region" + CurrentBar, 1 - Displacement, -Displacement, Trigger, Average, null, RegionDownColor, RegionOpacity);
                        StartIndex = CurrentBar;
                UpTrend[0] = false;
                if (ColorLines == ColorStyle.RegionColors)
                    PlotBrushes[0][-Displacement] = UpTrend[1] ? RegionUpColor : RegionDownColor;
                    PlotBrushes[1][-Displacement] = UpTrend[1] ? RegionUpColor : RegionDownColor;
                if (ColorRegion && RegionOpacity != 0)
                    if (IsFirstTickOfBar)
                        PriorIndex = StartIndex;
                    int CountBars = CurrentBar - PriorIndex + 1 - Displacement;
                    if (StartIndex == CurrentBar)
                        RemoveDrawObject("Region" + CurrentBar);
                    if (CountBars <= CurrentBar)
                        Draw.Region(this, "Region" + PriorIndex, CountBars, -Displacement, Trigger, Average, null, UpTrend[1] ? RegionUpColor : RegionDownColor, RegionOpacity);
                    StartIndex = PriorIndex;
                UpTrend[0] = UpTrend[1];
Example #22
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (CurrentBars[0] < 20)

            // set up higher time frame
            foreach (int CurrentBarI in CurrentBars)
                if (CurrentBarI < BarsRequiredToPlot)

            // day bars
            if (BarsInProgress == 1)
                UTFst = TSSuperTrend(SuperTrendMode.ATR, MovingAverageType.HMA, 14, 2.2, 14, false, false, false, false)[0];

            // lower time frame bars
            if (BarsInProgress == 0)
                // set bands
                int    VwmaAverage  = 42;
                int    RangeLength  = 100;
                int    SmoothLength = 100;
                int    bandOne      = 2;
                double bandTwo      = 3.5;

                double sma0         = VWMA(Close, VwmaAverage)[0];
                double smoothRange  = SMA(ATR(RangeLength), SmoothLength)[0];
                double upperBandOne = sma0 + (smoothRange * bandOne);
                double upperBandTwo = sma0 + (smoothRange * bandTwo);
                double lowerBandOne = sma0 - (smoothRange * bandOne);
                double lowerBandTwo = sma0 - (smoothRange * bandTwo);

                // plot ltf activity
                // set long signal form HTF
                if (Close[0] > UTFst && UTFst > 0)
                    UTFdir = 1;
                    Draw.TriangleUp(this, @"HTF Up" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, UTFst - TickSize, Brushes.DodgerBlue);
                    UTFdir = 0;
                    if (UTFst > 0)
                        Draw.TriangleDown(this, @"HTF dn " + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, UTFst + TickSize, Brushes.Crimson);

                // Set Long Signal
                if ((Low[0] <= lowerBandOne) && (UTFdir == 1))
                    Draw.ArrowUp(this, @"lin reg long" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, Low[0] - 0.0001, Brushes.Lime);

                // Set Short Signal from lin reg
                if ((High[0] >= upperBandOne) && (UTFdir == 0))
                    Draw.ArrowDown(this, @"lin reg short" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, High[0] + 0.0001, Brushes.Red);

Example #23
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            //******************************************		Swing Low - Higher Low	************************************************
            if (CurrentBar > strength + 1)
                if (Swing(Low, 3).SwingLow[0] == Low[strength + 1])
                    //DrawDot( "swingL" + CurrentBar, true, strength + 1, Low[strength + 1] , Color.Lime );
                    // update bar array
                    pivLowBar[2] = pivLowBar[1];
                    pivLowBar[1] = pivLowBar[0];
                    pivLowBar[0] = CurrentBar - (strength + 1);
                    //update price array
                    pivLowPrice[2] = pivLowPrice[1];
                    pivLowPrice[1] = pivLowPrice[0];
                    pivLowPrice[0] = Low[strength + 1];

                    // mark Higher pivot Low
                    if (pivLowPrice[0] > pivLowPrice[1])
                        if (HPL_Counter == 0)
                            Draw.Dot(this, "swingL" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, strength + 1, Low[strength + 1] - TickSize, Brushes.LimeGreen);
                        HPL_Counter = HPL_Counter + 1;
                        //LPH_Counter = 0;
                        //if( HPL_Counter > 2 )
                        //	DrawText("hplc"+CurrentBar, HPL_Counter.ToString(),0, pivLowPrice[0]-TickSize , Color.Lime);
                        if (HPL_Counter == 2)
                            // DrawArrowUp("hpl"+CurrentBar, 0, pivLowPrice[0]-TickSize, Color.Lime);
                            ArrowUp myArrow = Draw.ArrowUp(this, "hpl" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, pivLowPrice[0] - TickSize, Brushes.LimeGreen);
                            myArrow.OutlineBrush = Brushes.Green;
                            //DrawText("hplc"+CurrentBar, "_____",2, pivLowPrice[0] , Color.Lime);
                            Draw.Text(this, "hplc" + CurrentBar.ToString(), "_____", 2, pivLowPrice[0], Brushes.Green);
                        //DrawLine( "BotLine"+CurrentBar,  pivLowBar[0]+(strength+1) - pivLowBar[1], pivLowPrice[1],
                        //strength+1, pivLowPrice[0], Color.Green);
                    if (pivLowPrice[0] < pivLowPrice[1])
                        HPL_Counter = 0;

            //******************************************		Swing High - Lower High	************************************************
            if (CurrentBar > strength + 1)
                if (Swing(High, 3).SwingHigh[0] == High[strength + 1])
                    // Update Bar Array
                    pivHighBar[2] = pivHighBar[1];
                    pivHighBar[1] = pivHighBar[0];
                    pivHighBar[0] = CurrentBar - (strength + 1);
                    // update price array
                    pivHighPrice[2] = pivHighPrice[1];
                    pivHighPrice[1] = pivHighPrice[0];
                    pivHighPrice[0] = High[strength + 1];
                    // mark Lower pivot High -- Top
                    if (pivHighPrice[0] < pivHighPrice[1])                              //
                        if (LPH_Counter == 0)
                            Draw.Dot(this, "swingH" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, strength + 1, High[strength + 1] + TickSize, Brushes.Crimson);
                        LPH_Counter = LPH_Counter + 1;
                        //HPL_Counter = 0;
                        //if( LPH_Counter > 2 )
                        //	DrawText("lphc"+CurrentBar, LPH_Counter.ToString(), strength+1, pivHighPrice[0]+TickSize , Color.Red);
                        if (LPH_Counter == 2)
                            //DrawArrowDown("lph"+CurrentBar, 0, pivHighPrice[0]+TickSize, Color.Red);
                            ArrowDown myArrowDn = Draw.ArrowDown(this, "lph" + CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, pivHighPrice[0] + TickSize, Brushes.Crimson);
                            myArrowDn.OutlineBrush = Brushes.Red;
                            //DrawText("lphc"+CurrentBar, "_____", 2, pivHighPrice[0] , Color.Red);
                            Draw.Text(this, "lphc" + CurrentBar.ToString(), "_____", 2, pivHighPrice[0], Brushes.Red);
                        //DrawLine( "TopLine"+CurrentBar,  pivHighBar[0]+(strength+1) - pivHighBar[1], pivHighPrice[1],
                        //strength+1, pivHighPrice[0], Color.DarkRed);
                    if (pivHighPrice[0] > pivHighPrice[1])
                        LPH_Counter = 0;
Example #24
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (CurrentBar > Smooth && CurrentBar > Length)
                switch (MaType)
                case MovingAverageType.SMA:
                    Avg[0] = SMA(Input, Smooth)[0];

                case MovingAverageType.SMMA:
                    Avg[0] = SMMA(Input, Smooth)[0];

                case MovingAverageType.TMA:
                    Avg[0] = TMA(Input, Smooth)[0];

                case MovingAverageType.WMA:
                    Avg[0] = WMA(Input, Smooth)[0];

                case MovingAverageType.VWMA:
                    Avg[0] = VWMA(Input, Smooth)[0];

                case MovingAverageType.TEMA:
                    Avg[0] = TEMA(Input, Smooth)[0];

                case MovingAverageType.HMA:
                    Avg[0] = HMA(Input, Smooth)[0];

                case MovingAverageType.VMA:
                    Avg[0] = VMA(Input, Smooth, Smooth)[0];

                    Avg[0] = EMA(Input, Smooth)[0];
                _trend[0]    = (true);
                Values[0][0] = (Input[0]);

            switch (StMode)
            case SuperTrendMode.ATR:
                _offset = ATR(Length)[0] * Multiplier;

            case SuperTrendMode.Adaptive:
                double per = CycleSmootherPeriod();
                _offset = ATR(Length)[0] * per / 10;

            case SuperTrendMode.DualThrust:
                _offset = Dtt(Length, Multiplier);

            if (Close[0] > Value[1])
                _trend[0] = (true);
            else if (Close[0] < Value[1])
                _trend[0] = (false);
                _trend[0] = (_trend[1]);

            if (_trend[0] && !_trend[1])
                _th      = High[0];
                Value[0] = (Math.Max(Avg[0] - _offset, _tl));
                if (ShowIndicator)
                    PlotBrushes[0][0] = UpColor;
                    PlotBrushes[0][0] = Brushes.Transparent;
                if (ShowArrows)
                    Draw.ArrowUp(this, CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, Value[0] - TickSize, UpColor);
                if (ColorBars)
                    BarBrush = UpColor;
                if (PlayAlert && _thisbar != CurrentBar)
                    _thisbar = CurrentBar;
                    PlaySound(NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.InstallDir + @"\sounds\Alert1.wav");
            if (!_trend[0] && _trend[1])
                _tl      = Low[0];
                Value[0] = (Math.Min(Avg[0] + _offset, _th));
                if (ShowIndicator)
                    PlotBrushes[0][0] = DownColor;
                    PlotBrushes[0][0] = Brushes.Transparent;
                if (ShowArrows)
                    Draw.ArrowDown(this, CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, Value[0] + TickSize, DownColor);
                if (ColorBars)
                    BarBrush = DownColor;
                if (PlayAlert && _thisbar != CurrentBar)
                    _thisbar = CurrentBar;
                    PlaySound(NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.InstallDir + @"\sounds\Alert1.wav");
                if (_trend[0])
                    Value[0] = ((Avg[0] - _offset) > Value[1] ? (Avg[0] - _offset) : Value[1]);
                    _th      = Math.Max(_th, High[0]);
                    if (ShowIndicator)
                        PlotBrushes[0][0] = UpColor;
                        PlotBrushes[0][0] = Brushes.Transparent;
                    if (ColorBars)
                        BarBrush = UpColor;
                    Value[0] = ((Avg[0] + _offset) < Value[1] ? (Avg[0] + _offset) : Value[1]);
                    _tl      = Math.Min(_tl, Low[0]);
                    if (ShowIndicator)
                        PlotBrushes[0][0] = DownColor;
                        PlotBrushes[0][0] = Brushes.Transparent;
                    if (ColorBars)
                        BarBrush = DownColor;
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            #region Indicator
            double min0 = min[0];
            nom[0] = Close[0] - min0;
            den[0] = max[0] - min0;

            if (den[0].ApproxCompare(0) == 0)
                K[0] = CurrentBar == 0 ? 50 : K[1];
                K[0] = Math.Min(100, Math.Max(0, 100 * nom[0] / den[0]));

            D[0] = smaK[0];

            CrossBelowUpperThreshold[0] = CrossBelow(D, 80, 1);
            CrossAboveLowerThreshold[0] = CrossAbove(D, 20, 1);

            #region TrendDetection
            if (this.DetectTrends)
                signal[0]          = 0;
                trendStartPrice[0] = 0;
                trendEndPrice[0]   = 0;
                int upTrendOccurence = 1; int upTrendStartBarsAgo = 0; int upTrendEndBarsAgo = 0;
                int downTrendOccurence = 1; int downTrendStartBarsAgo = 0; int downTrendEndBarsAgo = 0;

                upTrendOccurence = 1;
                //Goes until first found or reaches lookback period
                while (D[upTrendEndBarsAgo] <= D[upTrendStartBarsAgo])
                    upTrendStartBarsAgo = Swing(D, Strength).SwingLowBar(0, upTrendOccurence + 1, CurrentBar);
                    upTrendEndBarsAgo   = Swing(D, Strength).SwingLowBar(0, upTrendOccurence, CurrentBar);
                    if (upTrendStartBarsAgo < 0 || upTrendEndBarsAgo < 0)

                // Calculate down trend line
                downTrendOccurence = 1;
                while (D[downTrendEndBarsAgo] >= D[downTrendStartBarsAgo])
                    downTrendStartBarsAgo = Swing(D, Strength).SwingHighBar(0, downTrendOccurence + 1, CurrentBar);
                    downTrendEndBarsAgo   = Swing(D, Strength).SwingHighBar(0, downTrendOccurence, CurrentBar);
                    if (downTrendStartBarsAgo < 0 || downTrendEndBarsAgo < 0)

                if (upTrendStartBarsAgo > 0 && upTrendEndBarsAgo > 0 && upTrendStartBarsAgo < downTrendStartBarsAgo)
                    RemoveDrawObject("DownTrendRay" + unique);
                    double startBarPrice = D[upTrendStartBarsAgo];
                    double endBarPrice   = D[upTrendEndBarsAgo];
                    double changePerBar  = (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(upTrendEndBarsAgo - upTrendStartBarsAgo));
                    //Test to see if this is a new trendline and increment lineCounter if so.
                    if (startBarPrice != startBarPriceOld)
                        direction[0] = 1;  //Signal that we have a new uptrend and put dot on trendline where new trend detected
                                           //if (ShowHistory)
                        Draw.Dot(this, CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, startBarPrice + (upTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar), UpTrendColor, false);
                        trendStartPrice[0] = startBarPrice;
                        trendEndPrice[0]   = endBarPrice;
                        lineCount       = lineCount + 1;
                        triggerBarIndex = 0;
                    startBarPriceOld = startBarPrice;
                    // Draw the up trend line
                    // If user has unlocked the ray use manual rays position instead of auto generated positions to track ray position
                    if ((DrawObjects["UpTrendRay" + unique] != null) && (!DrawObjects["UpTrendRay" + unique].IsLocked))
                        Ray upTrendRay = (Ray)DrawObjects["UpTrendRay" + unique];
                        startBarPrice       = upTrendRay.StartAnchor.Price;
                        endBarPrice         = upTrendRay.EndAnchor.Price;
                        upTrendStartBarsAgo = upTrendRay.StartAnchor.BarsAgo;
                        upTrendEndBarsAgo   = upTrendRay.EndAnchor.BarsAgo;
                        changePerBar        = (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(upTrendRay.EndAnchor.BarsAgo - upTrendRay.StartAnchor.BarsAgo));
                        Draw.Ray(this, "UpTrendRay" + unique, false, upTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, upTrendEndBarsAgo, endBarPrice, UpTrendColor, DashStyleHelper.Solid, lineWidth, false);

                    //Draw the history line that will stay persistent on chart using lineCounter to establish a unique name
                    //if (ShowHistory)
                    Draw.Line(this, "HistoryLine" + unique + lineCount.ToString(), false, upTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, 0, startBarPrice + (upTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar), UpHistColor, DashStyleHelper.Solid, lineWidth, false);

                    // Check for an uptrend line break
                    trendPrice[0] = (startBarPrice + (upTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar));
                    for (int barsAgo = upTrendEndBarsAgo - 1; barsAgo >= 0; barsAgo--)
                        if (D[barsAgo] < endBarPrice + (Math.Abs(upTrendEndBarsAgo - barsAgo) * changePerBar))
                            //if (ShowHistory)
                            Draw.ArrowDown(this, "UpTrendBreak" + unique + lineCount.ToString(), true, barsAgo, D[barsAgo] + TickSize, DownTrendColor, false);
                            //    Draw.ArrowDown(this, "UpTrendBreak" + unique, true, barsAgo, D[barsAgo] + TickSize, DownTrendColor, false);
                            // Set the break signal only if the break is on the right most bar
                            if (barsAgo == 0)
                                signal[0] = -1;
                            // Alert will only trigger in real-time
                            //if (AlertOnBreak && triggerBarIndex == 0)
                            //    triggerBarIndex = CurrentBar - upTrendEndBarsAgo;
                            //    Alert("Alert" + unique, Priority.High, "Up trend line broken", "Alert2.wav", 100000, Brushes.Black, Brushes.Red);

                if (downTrendStartBarsAgo > 0 && downTrendEndBarsAgo > 0 && upTrendStartBarsAgo > downTrendStartBarsAgo)
                    RemoveDrawObject("UpTrendRay" + unique);
                    double startBarPrice = D[downTrendStartBarsAgo];
                    double endBarPrice   = D[downTrendEndBarsAgo];
                    double changePerBar  = (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(downTrendEndBarsAgo - downTrendStartBarsAgo));
                    //Test to see if this is a new trendline and increment lineCount if so.
                    if (startBarPrice != startBarPriceOld)
                        direction[0] = -1;     //signl that we have a new downtrend
                        //if (ShowHistory)
                        Draw.Dot(this, CurrentBar.ToString(), true, 0, startBarPrice + (downTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar), DownTrendColor, false);
                        trendStartPrice[0] = startBarPrice;
                        trendEndPrice[0]   = endBarPrice;
                        lineCount       = lineCount + 1;
                        triggerBarIndex = 0;
                    startBarPriceOld = startBarPrice;
                    // Draw the down trend line
                    // If user has unlocked the ray use manual rays position instead
                    if ((DrawObjects["DownTrendRay" + unique] != null) && (!DrawObjects["DownTrendRay" + unique].IsLocked))
                        Ray downTrendRay = (Ray)DrawObjects["DownTrendRay" + unique];
                        startBarPrice         = downTrendRay.StartAnchor.Price;
                        endBarPrice           = downTrendRay.EndAnchor.Price;
                        downTrendStartBarsAgo = downTrendRay.StartAnchor.BarsAgo;
                        downTrendEndBarsAgo   = downTrendRay.EndAnchor.BarsAgo;
                        changePerBar          = (endBarPrice - startBarPrice) / (Math.Abs(downTrendRay.EndAnchor.BarsAgo - downTrendRay.StartAnchor.BarsAgo));
                        Draw.Ray(this, "DownTrendRay" + unique, false, downTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, downTrendEndBarsAgo, endBarPrice, DownTrendColor, DashStyleHelper.Solid, lineWidth, false);
                    //if (ShowHistory)
                    Draw.Line(this, "HistoryLine" + unique + lineCount.ToString(), false, downTrendStartBarsAgo, startBarPrice, 0, startBarPrice + (downTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar), DownHistColor, DashStyleHelper.Solid, lineWidth, false);
                    // Check for a down trend line break
                    trendPrice[0] = (startBarPrice + (downTrendStartBarsAgo * changePerBar));
                    for (int barsAgo = downTrendEndBarsAgo - 1; barsAgo >= 0; barsAgo--)
                        //	direction=-1;
                        if (D[barsAgo] > endBarPrice + (Math.Abs(downTrendEndBarsAgo - barsAgo) * changePerBar))
                            //if (ShowHistory)
                            Draw.ArrowUp(this, "DownTrendBreak" + unique + lineCount.ToString(), true, barsAgo, D[barsAgo] - TickSize, UpTrendColor, false);
                            //    Draw.ArrowUp(this, "DownTrendBreak" + unique, true, barsAgo, D[barsAgo] - TickSize, UpTrendColor, false);
                            // Set the break signal only if the break is on the right most bar
                            if (barsAgo == 0)
                                signal[0] = 1;
                            // Alert will only trigger in real-time
                            //if (AlertOnBreak && triggerBarIndex == 0)
                            //    triggerBarIndex = CurrentBar - downTrendEndBarsAgo;
                            //    Alert("Alert" + unique, Priority.High, "Down trend line broken", "Alert2.wav", 100000, Brushes.Black, Brushes.Green);

                //switch (direction[0])
                //    case -1:
                //        TrendInfo[0] = 35;
                //        break;
                //    case 0:
                //        TrendInfo[0] = 50;
                //        break;
                //    case 1:
                //        TrendInfo[0] = 65;
                //        break;

                //TrendInfo[0] = trendEndPrice[0];
        /// <summary>
        /// Called on each bar update event (incoming tick)
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (CurrentBar < 21)               //based on logic that is used in the BW Pivot Calculations (BarsRequired)

            if (firsttime)
                firsttime = false;

                if (displaymsg)
                    if (BarsPeriods[0].Value != pricePeriod || BarsPeriod.BarsPeriodType != priceDataType)
                        Draw.TextFixed(this, "divmsg", " Adjust Price Type and Period input paratmeters to match chart's values", TextPosition.BottomLeft);
                        Draw.TextFixed(this, "divmsg", " Checking for indicator divergence with price", TextPosition.BottomLeft);

/* debug to view input data
 *                      if( BarsInProgress == 0 )
 *                      {
 *                              Print(" input "+BarsInProgress+" "+Input[0]+" High0 "+Highs[0][0]+" Low0 "+Lows[0][0]+" Open0 "+Opens[0][0]+" Close0 "+Closes[0][0]+" High1 "+Highs[1][0]+" Low1 "+Lows[1][0]+" Open1 "+Opens[1][0]+" Close1 "+Closes[1][0]);
 *                      }
 *                      else
 *                      {
 *                              Print(" input "+BarsInProgress+" "+Input[0]+" High "+Highs[1][0]+" Low "+Lows[1][0]+" Open "+Opens[1][0]+" Close "+Closes[1][0]);
 *                      }
 *                      return;
            // only do calculations based on base bar series defined by input
            if (BarsInProgress == 0)
                indicator_data = Input[0];

                // ///////////////////////////////////
                // up signal - pre swing point check
                // ///////////////////////////////////

                if (hl_mode)
                    tvalue = Lows[1][0];
                    tvalue = Closes[1][0];

                if (tvalue <= (sl_price - (stoffset0 * TickSize)))
                    if (indicator_data > sl_value)
                        if (barSig_mode)
                            if (Closes[1][0] >= Opens[1][0])                              // only displayes on up bars
                                Draw.ArrowUp(this, Convert.ToString(CurrentBar) + "usig", true, 0, Lows[1][0] - (sigoffset * TickSize), uparrowcolor);
                            Draw.ArrowUp(this, Convert.ToString(CurrentBar) + "usig", true, 0, Lows[1][0] - (sigoffset * TickSize), uparrowcolor);

                // //////////////////////////////////////////
                // down signal down  - pre swing point check
                // //////////////////////////////////////////
                if (hl_mode)
                    tvalue = Highs[1][0];
                    tvalue = Closes[1][0];

                if (tvalue >= (sh_price + (stoffset0 * TickSize)))
                    if (indicator_data < sh_value)
                        if (barSig_mode)
                            if (Closes[1][0] <= Opens[1][0])                               // only displayes on down bars
                                Draw.ArrowDown(this, Convert.ToString(CurrentBar) + "dsig", true, 0, Highs[1][0] + (sigoffset * TickSize), dnarrowcolor);
                            Draw.ArrowDown(this, Convert.ToString(CurrentBar) + "dsig", true, 0, Highs[1][0] + (sigoffset * TickSize), dnarrowcolor);

                // //////////////////////////////////
                // swing point calculations start here
                // //////////////////////////////////

                haveswinghigh = false;
                if (!pre_bar_swing_high)
                    haveswinghigh = isHighPivot2(bbefore0, bafter0, hl_mode);

                haveswinglow = false;
                if (!pre_bar_swing_low)
                    haveswinglow = isLowPivot2(bbefore0, bafter0, hl_mode);
                // swing point high calculations closed based
                if (haveswinghigh)
                    pre_bar_swing_high = true;

                    if (hl_mode)
                        sh_price = Highs[1][bar_to_test];
                        sh_price = Closes[1][bar_to_test];

                    sh_value = Input[bar_to_test];

                    if (displayswings0)
//	debug				Print(" high at "+Highs[1][bar_to_test]);
                        Draw.Text(this, Convert.ToString(CurrentBar) + "h", false, dot, bar_to_test, Highs[1][bar_to_test] + (TickSize * swingoffset), 0, swinghighcolor, new SimpleFont("Wingdings", dotsize), TextAlignment.Center, Brushes.Transparent, Brushes.Transparent, 0);
                    pre_bar_swing_high = false;

                // swing point low calculations closed based

                if (haveswinglow)
                    pre_bar_swing_low = true;

                    if (hl_mode)
                        sl_price = Lows[1][bar_to_test];
                        sl_price = Closes[1][bar_to_test];

//	debug			Print("LOW SWING "+Time[0]+" "+sl_price);

                    sl_value = Input[bar_to_test];

                    if (displayswings0)
//	debug				Print(" low at "+Lows[1][bar_to_test]);
                        Draw.Text(this, Convert.ToString(CurrentBar) + "l", false, dot, bar_to_test, Lows[1][bar_to_test] - (TickSize * swingoffset), 0, swinglowcolor, new SimpleFont("Wingdings", dotsize), TextAlignment.Center, Brushes.Transparent, Brushes.Transparent, 0);
                    pre_bar_swing_low = false;
            }             // end of base bar trigger
        }// end of onbar update
Example #27
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (CurrentBar < SlowMaPeriod)

            double fastMa = EMA(FastMaPeriod)[0];
            double slowMa = EMA(SlowMaPeriod)[0];

            FastMaPlot[0] = fastMa;
            SlowMaPlot[0] = slowMa;

            double diff = fastMa - slowMa;
            //diffSeries[0] = diff;
            //double diffMa = EMA(diffSeries, DiffMaLength)[0];

            Brush trendBrush = fastMa < slowMa ? BearishBrush : BullishBrush;

            PlotBrushes[0][0] = trendBrush;

            bool isGreenOneBack = Close[0] > Open[0];
            bool isGreenTwoBack = Close[1] > Open[1];
            bool isRedOneBack   = Close[0] < Open[0];
            bool isRedTwoBack   = Close[1] < Open[1];

            highLowSeries[0] = (High[0] - Low[0]) / TickSize;
            double tickRange      = EMA(highLowSeries, TickRangePeriod)[0];
            bool   validTickRange = tickRange > MinTickRange && tickRange < MaxTickRange;

            String alertText = String.Format("{0:C2} / {1:N2} / {2:N2}", Close[0], tickRange, diff);

            Print(String.Format("GoLong: {0}", GoLong));

            bool buy = GoLong && validTickRange && isRedTwoBack && isGreenOneBack && diff > MinMaDiff && diff < MaxMaDiff;

            if (buy)
                ArrowUp buyArrow = Draw.ArrowUp(this, String.Format("buy_arrow_{0}", CurrentBar), true, 0, Low[0] - (4 * TickSize), Brushes.Yellow);

                if (FireAlerts)
                    Alert(String.Format("buy_alert_{0}", CurrentBar), Priority.High, alertText,
                          NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.InstallDir + @"\sounds\Alert1.wav", 10, Brushes.Green, Brushes.White);

                Signal = 1;

            bool sell = GoShort && validTickRange && isGreenTwoBack && isRedOneBack && diff <-MinMaDiff && diff> -MaxMaDiff;

            if (sell)
                ArrowDown sellArrow = Draw.ArrowDown(this, String.Format("sell_arrow_{0}", CurrentBar), true, 0, High[0] + (4 * TickSize), Brushes.Pink);

                if (FireAlerts)
                    Alert(String.Format("sell_alert_{0}", CurrentBar), Priority.High, alertText,
                          NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.InstallDir + @"\sounds\Alert1.wav", 10, Brushes.Red, Brushes.White);

                Signal = -1;

            if (!buy && !sell)
                Signal = 0;

//			Draw.TextFixed(this, "smaDiff", String.Format("ATR: {0:N0}, SMA Diff: {1:N2}", tickRange, diff), TextPosition.TopRight,
//				ChartControl.Properties.ChartText, ChartControl.Properties.LabelFont, Brushes.Transparent, trendBrush, 100);
Example #28
        protected override void OnBarUpdate()
            if (BarsInProgress != 0)

            if (CurrentBars[0] < 1 ||
                CurrentBars[1] < 1 ||
                CurrentBars[2] < 1)

            /* Set 1
             * Long signal if:
             *     Fast MA crosses above Slow MA on 4HR AND
             *     Fast MA > Slow MA Daily AND
             *     Fast MA > Slow MA Weekly
            if ((CrossAbove(SMA1, SMA2, 1)) &&
                (SMA3[0] > SMA4[0]))
            //&& (SMA5[0] > SMA6[0]))
                Draw.ArrowUp(this, @"TrendRider Arrow up_1", true, 0, 0, Brushes.Lime);
                if (AutoTrading)
                    EnterLong(Convert.ToInt32(OrderQuantity), @"Long");
                    ExitShort(Convert.ToInt32(Position.Quantity), @"ExitShort", @"Short");

            /* Set 2
             * Short signal if:
             *     Fast MA crosses below Slow MA on 4HR AND
             *     Fast MA < Slow MA Daily AND
             *     Fast MA < Slow MA Weekly
            if ((CrossBelow(SMA1, SMA2, 1)) &&
                (SMA3[0] < SMA4[0]))
            //&& (SMA5[0] < SMA6[0]))
                Draw.ArrowDown(this, @"TrendRider Arrow down_1", false, 0, 0, Brushes.Red);
                if (AutoTrading)
                    EnterShort(Convert.ToInt32(OrderQuantity), @"Short");
                    ExitLong(Convert.ToInt32(Position.Quantity), @"ExitLong", @"Long");

            /* Set 3
             * Close Long Positions if:
             *     Fast MA crosses below Slow MA on 4HR
             * TODO:    SL hit if 1HR price closes below 4HR Swing Low
             *          if (Swing1.SwingHigh[0] > Close[0])
            if (CrossBelow(SMA1, SMA2, 1))
                if (AutoTrading)
                    ExitLong(Convert.ToInt32(Position.Quantity), @"ExitLongMACross", @"Long");

            /* Set 3
             * Close Long Positions if:
             *     SL hit if 1HR price closes below 4HR Swing Low
            if (Close[0] <= Swing1.SwingLow[0])
                if (AutoTrading)
                    ExitLong(Convert.ToInt32(Position.Quantity), @"ExitLongSwingLHit", @"Long");

            /* Set 4
             * Close Short Positions if:
             *     Fast MA crosses above Slow MA on 4HR
            if (CrossAbove(SMA1, SMA2, 1))
                if (AutoTrading)
                    ExitShort(Convert.ToInt32(Position.Quantity), @"ExitShortMACross", @"Short");

            /* Set 3
             * Close Short Positions if:
             *     SL hit if 1HR price closes above 4HR Swing High
            if (Close[0] >= Swing1.SwingHigh[0])
                if (AutoTrading)
                    ExitShort(Convert.ToInt32(Position.Quantity), @"ExitShortSwingLHit", @"Short");