public void MakeShortRawList2()
            while (!ShallStop)
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                    FullList.Add(_collection.Take()); // Adds 1000 samples into the treatment list. This is equivalent to 1 s worth of data from the transducer

                if (FullList.Count >= 2000 && DownsampledRawList.Count < 300)
                    for (int i = FullList.Count - 1000; i < FullList.Count; i += 17) // Starts downsampling from the 1000th measured sample. Downsampling 17 (8+1+8)
                        Total   = 0;
                        Average = 0;

                        Total = FullList[i - 8].Voltage + FullList[i - 7].Voltage + FullList[i - 6].Voltage + FullList[i - 5].Voltage
                                + FullList[i - 4].Voltage + FullList[i - 3].Voltage + FullList[i - 2].Voltage + FullList[i - 1].Voltage
                                + FullList[i].Voltage + FullList[i + 1].Voltage + FullList[i + 2].Voltage + FullList[i + 3].Voltage
                                + FullList[i + 4].Voltage + FullList[i + 5].Voltage + FullList[i + 6].Voltage + FullList[i + 7].Voltage
                                + FullList[i + 8].Voltage; // Finds sum of voltage value of points in question

                        Average = Total / 17;              // Finds average

                        DownsampledRawList.Add(new RawData(Time, Average)); // Saves average and time to downsampled list. The downsampled list is used for the filter.

                if (DownsampledRawList.Count == 236)
        public void MakeGraphList2()
            while (!ShallStop)

                //if (60 <= DownsampledRawList.Count && DownsampledRawList.Count <= 300)
                if (DownsampledRawList.Count == 236)

                    for (int i = DownsampledRawList.Count - 60; i < DownsampledRawList.Count; i++)
                        int graphcounter = +1;
                        //GraphList.Add(new ConvertedData(DownsampledRawList[i].Second, ConvertAlgorithm.ConvertData(DownsampledRawList[i].Voltage)));
                        //GraphList.Add(new ConvertedData(DownsampledRawList[i].Second, DownsampledRawList[i].Voltage));
                        GraphList.Add(new ConvertedData(graphcounter, DownsampledRawList[i].Voltage));
                    // Done();