Example #1
        public void InstallProject(DownloadSession parentDownloadSession, string directory, string projectName, string projectVersion, uint?deployMode, string solutionName = null, string solutionVersion = null)
            if (String.Equals(projectVersion, Constants.LatestVersionString))
                projectVersion = GetLatestProjectRelease(projectName);

            DownloadSession downloadSession = parentDownloadSession != null ? parentDownloadSession : new DownloadSession(String.Format("Installing project {0} (version {1})", projectName, projectVersion));


            ProjectRelease projectRelease = downloadSession.GetProjectRelease(projectName, projectVersion, this.LeagueCDNBaseURL);

            if (deployMode != null)
                projectRelease.EnumerateFiles().ForEach(x => x.DeployMode = (ReleaseManifestFile.DeployMode)deployMode);

            using (ProjectReleaseInstallation installation = new ProjectReleaseInstallation(projectRelease, directory, solutionName, solutionVersion))
                foreach (ReleaseManifestFileEntry file in projectRelease.EnumerateFiles())
                    RemoteAsset remoteAsset = projectRelease.GetRemoteAsset(file);
                    downloadSession.RegisterFile(remoteAsset, installation.GetFileInstaller(remoteAsset));

                if (parentDownloadSession == null)
Example #2
 public DownloadSessionStateChangedEventArgs(DownloadSession session, DownloadState oldState,
                                             DownloadState newState)
     Session  = session;
     OldState = oldState;
     NewState = newState;
Example #3
        public void DownloadFiles(string directory, string projectName, string projectVersion, string filter = null, string filesRevision = null, bool saveManifest = false)
            if (String.Equals(projectVersion, Constants.LatestVersionString))
                projectVersion = GetLatestProjectRelease(projectName);

            using (DownloadSession downloadSession = new DownloadSession(String.Format("Downloading files from project {0} (version {1})", projectName, projectVersion)))
                ProjectRelease projectRelease = downloadSession.GetProjectRelease(projectName, projectVersion, this.LeagueCDNBaseURL);
                if (saveManifest)
                    string manifestPath = String.Format("{0}/{1}/releases/{2}/releasemanifest", directory, projectName, projectVersion);

                List <ReleaseManifestFileEntry> files = FilterFiles(projectRelease.EnumerateFiles(), filter, filesRevision);

                ProjectReleaseFileInstaller fileInstaller = new ProjectReleaseSimpleFileInstaller(directory, projectRelease, false);
                foreach (ReleaseManifestFileEntry file in files)
                    downloadSession.RegisterFile(projectRelease.GetRemoteAsset(file), fileInstaller);
Example #4
        private static void IsSuccessfulAndFileExists(DownloadSession downloadSession)
            Assert.AreEqual(DownloadState.Success, downloadSession.State);
            var fileInfo = new FileInfo(downloadSession.TargetFileName);

            Assert.AreEqual(downloadSession.TotalBytes, fileInfo.Length);
Example #5
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            using (_downloadSession = new DownloadSession(key, "Spoti"))
                #region login

                Console.Write("Username:"******"Password:"******"Login Failed. Try again..");
                    goto login;

                Console.WriteLine("Login Succeeded");


                Console.Write("Track Url:");
                var turl = Console.ReadLine();

                var link = new Link(turl, _downloadSession);

                int t = -1;
                _downloadSession.OnReportProgress += delegate(int i)
                    if (i != t)
                        Console.Title = String.Format("{0}% Loaded", i);
                        t             = i;

                var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
                using (var track = new Track(link, _downloadSession))
                    var task = _downloadSession.TrackToFileAsync(track, "test.wave", cts);

                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter to terminate .. ");


Example #6
        public void RangeDownloadFiles(string directory, string projectName, bool ignoreOlderFiles = false, string filter = null, string startRevision = null, string endRevision = null, bool saveManifest = false)
            List <string> releases           = GetProjectReleases(projectName);
            uint          startRevisionValue = startRevision == null ? 0 : GetReleaseValue(startRevision);
            uint          endRevisionValue   = endRevision == null?GetReleaseValue(releases[0]) : GetReleaseValue(endRevision);

            // Check if specified releases exist
            startRevisionValue = Math.Max(startRevisionValue, GetReleaseValue(releases.Last()));
            endRevisionValue   = Math.Min(endRevisionValue, GetReleaseValue(releases[0]));
            using (DownloadSession downloadSession = new DownloadSession(String.Format("Downloading files from project {0} (revisions {1} to {2})", projectName, GetReleaseString(startRevisionValue), GetReleaseString(endRevisionValue))))
                for (uint r = startRevisionValue; r <= endRevisionValue; r++)
                    string         releaseString = GetReleaseString(r);
                    ProjectRelease projectRelease;
                        projectRelease = downloadSession.GetProjectRelease(projectName, releaseString, this.LeagueCDNBaseURL);
                    catch (Exception)

                    if (saveManifest)
                        string manifestPath = String.Format("{0}/{1}/releases/{2}/releasemanifest", directory, projectName, releaseString);

                    List <ReleaseManifestFileEntry> files = FilterFiles(projectRelease.EnumerateFiles(), filter, (r != startRevisionValue || ignoreOlderFiles) ? releaseString : null);
                    if (files.Count > 0)
                        ProjectReleaseFileInstaller fileInstaller = new ProjectReleaseSimpleFileInstaller(directory, projectRelease, true);
                        foreach (ReleaseManifestFileEntry file in files)
                            downloadSession.RegisterFile(projectRelease.GetRemoteAsset(file), fileInstaller);
Example #7
        public void Download_ShouldBeFailedAndFileNotExist_WhenGivenBadUrl()
            // given new download session with invalid URI
            var downloadUri     = new Uri("https://www.y0u7ub3.c0m/w47ch?v=M29PRpdYbaM");
            var targetFileName  = randomizer.GetString(8) + ".test";
            var downloadSession = new DownloadSession(downloadUri, targetFileName);

            // when I try to download the file
            // then it should throw an exception with no parameters...
            Assert.CatchAsync(async() => { await downloadSession.DownloadAsync(); });
            // and it shouldn't throw an exception with throwOnFailure = false...
            Assert.DoesNotThrowAsync(async() => { await downloadSession.DownloadAsync(false); });
            // ... and it should be marked as failed and file should not exists
            Assert.AreEqual(DownloadState.Failed, downloadSession.State);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, downloadSession.DownloadedBytes);
        public static DownloadSession BeginDownload(this PSCmdlet cmdlet, ISearchResult searchResult)
            UpdateSession    session    = new UpdateSession();
            UpdateDownloader downloader = session.CreateDownloader();

            downloader.Updates  = searchResult.Updates;
            downloader.Priority = DownloadPriority.dpExtraHigh;

            ProgressAdapter adapter = new ProgressAdapter(cmdlet, downloader);

            DownloadProgressChangedCallback progressCallback = new DownloadProgressChangedCallback(adapter);

            DownloadCompletedCallback completedCallback = new DownloadCompletedCallback(downloader);

            object state = new object();

            downloader.BeginDownload(progressCallback, completedCallback, state);

Example #9
        public void InstallSolution(string directory, string solutionName, string solutionVersion, string localization, uint?deployMode)
            if (String.Equals(solutionVersion, Constants.LatestVersionString))
                solutionVersion = GetLatestSolutionRelease(solutionName);

            using (DownloadSession downloadSession = new DownloadSession(String.Format("Installing solution {0} (version {1})", solutionName, solutionVersion)))
                SolutionRelease solutionRelease = downloadSession.GetSolutionRelease(solutionName, solutionVersion, this.LeagueCDNBaseURL);

                using (SolutionReleaseInstallation solutionReleaseInstallation = solutionRelease.CreateInstallation(directory, localization))
                    foreach (SolutionManifestProjectEntry project in solutionReleaseInstallation.LocalizedEntry.Projects)
                        InstallProject(downloadSession, directory, project.Name, project.Version, deployMode, solutionName, solutionVersion);
 public DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs(DownloadSession session)
     Session = session;
Example #11
 private static void IsPaused(DownloadSession downloadSession)
     Assert.AreEqual(DownloadState.Paused, downloadSession.State);
Example #12
 private static void IsCancelled(DownloadSession downloadSession)
     Assert.AreEqual(DownloadState.Cancelled, downloadSession.State);
Example #13
 public Task <bool> UpdateDownloadSession(DownloadSession downloadSession)
     return(Task.Run(() => Runtime.Client.AsyncServiceManager.Create(CommerceRuntimeManager.Runtime).UpdateDownloadSessionStatus((DownloadSession)downloadSession)));
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a demo of using TraceEvent to activate a 'real time' provider that is listening to
        /// the MyEventSource above.   Normally this event source would be in a different process,  but
        /// it also works if this process generate the events and I do that here for simplicity.
        /// </summary>
        public static int Run()
            // Today you have to be Admin to turn on ETW events (anyone can write ETW events).
            if (!(TraceEventSession.IsElevated() ?? false))
                Console.WriteLine("To turn on ETW events you need to be Administrator, please run from an Admin process.");

            // To listen to ETW events you need a session, which allows you to control which events will be produced
            // Note that it is the session and not the source that buffers events, and by default sessions will buffer
            // 64MB of events before dropping events.  Thus even if you don't immediately connect up the source and
            // read the events you should not lose them.
            // As mentioned below, sessions can outlive the process that created them.  Thus you may need a way of
            // naming the session so that you can 'reconnect' to it from another process.   This is what the name
            // is for.  It can be anything, but it should be descriptive and unique.   If you expect multiple versions
            // of your program to run simultaneously, you need to generate unique names (e.g. add a process ID suffix)
            // however this is dangerous because you can leave data collection on if the program ends unexpectedly.
            var sessionName = "SimpleMontitorSession";

            using (var session = new TraceEventSession(sessionName))
                // Unlike most other resources on the system, ETW session live beyond the lifetime of the
                // process that created them.   This is very useful in some scenarios, but also creates the
                // very real possibility of leaving 'orphan' sessions running.
                // To help avoid this by default TraceEventSession sets 'StopOnDispose' so that it will stop
                // the ETW session if the TraceEventSession dies.   Thus executions that 'clean up' the TraceEventSession
                // will clean up the ETW session.   This covers many cases (including throwing exceptions)
                // However if the process is killed manually (including control C) this cleanup will not happen.
                // Thus best practices include
                //     * Add a Control C handler that calls session.Dispose() so it gets cleaned up in this common case
                //     * use the same session name (say your program name) run-to-run so you don't create many orphans.
                // By default TraceEventSessions are in 'create' mode where it assumes you want to create a new session.
                // In this mode if a session already exists, it is stopped and the new one is created.
                // Here we install the Control C handler.   It is OK if Dispose is called more than once.
                Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { session.Dispose(); };

                // Hook up events.   To so this first we need a 'Parser. which knows how to part the events of a particular Event Provider.
                // In this case we get a DynamicTraceEventSource, which knows how to parse any EventSource provider.    This parser
                // is so common, that TraceEventSource as a shortcut property called 'Dynamic' that fetches this parsers.

                // For debugging, and demo purposes, hook up a callback for every event that 'Dynamic' knows about (this is not EVERY
                // event only those know about by RegisteredTraceEventParser).   However the 'UnhandledEvents' handler below will catch
                // the other ones.
                Dictionary <int, DownloadSession> data = new Dictionary <int, DownloadSession>();
                session.Source.Dynamic.All += delegate(TraceEvent e)
                    // ETW buffers events and only delivers them after buffering up for some amount of time.  Thus
                    // there is a small delay of about 2-4 seconds between the timestamp on the event (which is very
                    // accurate), and the time we actually get the event.  We measure that delay here.
                    int sizeIndex = e.PayloadIndex("size");
                    if (sizeIndex >= 0)
                            int pidIndex = e.PayloadIndex("PID");
                            int pid      = (int)e.PayloadValue(pidIndex);
                            int bytes    = (int)e.PayloadValue(sizeIndex);
                            lock (data)
                                if (data.TryGetValue(pid, out DownloadSession info))
                                    data[pid] = new DownloadSession(pid, (int)e.PayloadValue(sizeIndex));
                        catch { }

                bool running = true;
                Task.Run(async() =>
                    while (running)
                            await Task.Delay(1000);
                            lock (data)
                                Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                                Console.WriteLine("{0,-6} {1,11} {2,11} {3,-30}", "PID", "Total Bytes", "Bytes/sec", "Name");

                                foreach (var datum in data.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Difference).Take(5))
                                    Console.WriteLine("{0,-6} {1,11} {2,11} {3,-30}", datum.Value.PID, DownloadSession.FormatBytes(datum.Value.Total), DownloadSession.FormatBytes(datum.Value.Difference, 1, "/s"), datum.Value.ProcessName);
                        catch { }

                // At this point we have created a TraceEventSession, hooked it up to a TraceEventSource, and hooked the
                // TraceEventSource to a TraceEventParser (you can do several of these), and then hooked up callbacks
                // up to the TraceEventParser (again you can have several).  However we have NOT actually told any
                // provider (EventSources) to actually send any events to our TraceEventSession.
                // We do that now.

                // Enable my provider, you can call many of these on the same session to get events from other providers.
                // Because this EventSource did not define any keywords, I can only turn on all events or none.
                var restarted = session.EnableProvider("Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Network");
                if (restarted)      // Generally you don't bother with this warning, but for the demo we do.
                    Console.WriteLine("The session {0} was already active, it has been restarted.", sessionName);

                Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                Console.WriteLine("{0,-6} {1,11} {2,11} {3,-30}", "PID", "Total Bytes", "Bytes/sec", "Name");

                // go into a loop processing events can calling the callbacks.  Because this is live data (not from a file)
                // processing never completes by itself, but only because someone called 'source.Dispose()'.

                running = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Stopping the collection of events.");