private void DownloadHandler_ConfigurationDownloadRequested(string fileName, DownloadEventArgs args) { if (settings.AllowConfigurationDownloads) { logger.Debug($"Forwarding download request for configuration file '{fileName}'."); ConfigurationDownloadRequested?.Invoke(fileName, args); if (args.AllowDownload) { logger.Debug($"Download request for configuration file '{fileName}' was granted. Asking user to confirm the reconfiguration..."); var message = TextKey.MessageBox_ReconfigurationQuestion; var title = TextKey.MessageBox_ReconfigurationQuestionTitle; var result = messageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxAction.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, window); args.AllowDownload = result == MessageBoxResult.Yes; logger.Info($"The user chose to {(args.AllowDownload ? "start" : "abort")} the reconfiguration."); } else { logger.Debug($"Download request for configuration file '{fileName}' was denied."); messageBox.Show(TextKey.MessageBox_ReconfigurationDenied, TextKey.MessageBox_ReconfigurationDeniedTitle, parent: window); } } else { logger.Debug($"Discarded download request for configuration file '{fileName}'."); } }
private void Webview_Download(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { try { var source = Android.Net.Uri.Parse(e.Url); var request = new DownloadManager.Request(source); request.AllowScanningByMediaScanner(); request.SetNotificationVisibility(DownloadVisibility.VisibleNotifyCompleted); request.SetDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDownloads, source.LastPathSegment); var manager = (DownloadManager)this.GetSystemService(Context.DownloadService); manager.Enqueue(request); Toast.MakeText(this, "Downloading Indigent Reports", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { Toast.MakeText(this, "Cannot Download the file", ToastLength.Short).Show(); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); }; }
protected virtual void OnDownloadProgressChanged(DownloadEventArgs e) { if (DownloadProgressChanged != null) { DownloadProgressChanged(this, e); } }
static void OnCompleted(DownloadEventArgs args) { // this is an important thing to do after a download isn't used anymore, otherwise you will run into a memory leak. args.Download.DetachAllHandlers(); Console.WriteLine("Download has finished!"); finished = true; }
//Prevent stray "Save As" dialogs from popping up private void WebCore_Download(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { if ((e.MimeType == "text/html")) { e.Cancel = true; } }
private void IDownloader_DownloadStatusChanged(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { UpdateActiveDownloads(); if (e.Target.Progress.Status == DownloadStatus.Completed) { downloads.Remove(e.Target); PostProcessors.PostProcessorManager.Instance.Run(e.Target); } else if (e.Target.Progress.Status == DownloadStatus.Failed) { Log.WriteLine($"Download failed: {e.Target.DownloadUri}"); if (File.Exists(e.Target.GetDownloadingPath())) { File.Delete(e.Target.GetDownloadingPath()); } } if (e.Target.Progress.Status == DownloadStatus.Canceled) { downloads.Remove(e.Target); } DownloadStatusChanged?.Invoke(this, e); SaveDownloads(); }
public void DoRing() { int hh = DateTime.Now.Hour; int mm = DateTime.Now.Minute; int ss = DateTime.Now.Second; string h = Console.ReadLine(); int myhh = Int32.Parse(h); string m = Console.ReadLine(); int mymm = Int32.Parse(m); string s = Console.ReadLine(); int myss = Int32.Parse(s); if (myhh == hh && mymm == mm && myss == ss) { Console.WriteLine("闹钟响了"); } else { Console.WriteLine("未到时间"); } //发生事件,通知外界 if (DoIt != null) { DownloadEventArgs args = new DownloadEventArgs(); args.Hour = hh; args.Minute = mm; args.Second = ss; DoIt(this, args); } }
private void Browser_ConfigurationDownloadRequested(string fileName, DownloadEventArgs args) { if (Settings.ConfigurationMode == ConfigurationMode.ConfigureClient) { logger.Info($"Received download request for configuration file '{fileName}'. Asking user to confirm the reconfiguration..."); var message = TextKey.MessageBox_ReconfigurationQuestion; var title = TextKey.MessageBox_ReconfigurationQuestionTitle; var result = messageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxAction.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, args.BrowserWindow); var reconfigure = result == MessageBoxResult.Yes; logger.Info($"The user chose to {(reconfigure ? "start" : "abort")} the reconfiguration."); if (reconfigure) { args.AllowDownload = true; args.Callback = Browser_ConfigurationDownloadFinished; args.DownloadPath = Path.Combine(appConfig.DownloadDirectory, fileName); } } else { logger.Info($"Denied download request for configuration file '{fileName}' due to '{Settings.ConfigurationMode}' mode."); messageBox.Show(TextKey.MessageBox_ReconfigurationDenied, TextKey.MessageBox_ReconfigurationDeniedTitle, parent: args.BrowserWindow); } }
private void OnDownloadCompleted(DownloadEventArgs args) { lock (this.monitor) { this.alreadyDownloadedSizes[args.Download] = this.downloadSizes[args.Download]; } }
private void OnFileDownloaded(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { if (!e.FileSaved) { mps.DisplayAlert("UUENDAMINE", "INSTALLIFAILI EI LEITUD!", "OK"); } }
private void ClipDownloaded(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { Utils.WriteGreenText($"\n[{DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()}-{DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}] - [{e.DownloadedClips}/{e.TotalClips}] {e.CourseHeader.Name} - {e.ModuleId}. {e.ModuleTitle}"); if (e.Succeeded) { int duration = e.Duration; if (duration <= 0) { duration = 1000; } int seconds = duration / 1000; int second = seconds > 60 ? seconds % 60 : seconds; int minute = seconds / 60; float baudrate = (e.TotalSize / 1024) / (duration / 1000); Utils.WriteText($"\t\t{e.ClipId}. {e.ClipTitle} -- downloaded in ( {minute}:{second}.{duration}, {e.TotalSize / 1024} KB ({baudrate}/KBps)"); } else { Utils.WriteRedText($"\t\t{e.ClipId}. {e.ClipTitle} -- Download failed. will retry again."); if (e.Error != null) { Utils.WriteRedText($"\t\t{e.Error.Message}"); } } }
void DownloaderDone(object sender, DownloadEventArgs args) { if (Downloaded != null) { Downloaded(this, args); } }
private void OnFileDownloaded(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { if (e.FileSaved) { Log.Warning("Download", "File have been downloaded with success"); _NbFileDownloaded++; ProgressBar.ProgressTo(ProgressBar.Progress + 0.3, SIZE_PROGRESS_LONG, Easing.Linear); if (_NbFileDownloaded == 2) { Preferences.Set(Constants.DATE_DOWNLAOD, DateTime.Now.ToString()); Preferences.Set(Constants.SHARED_DATABASE_PATH, Path.Combine(_DownloadDirectoryPath, Constants.DATABASE_FILE_NAME)); DataManager.GetInstance(ConfigInstance.GetInstance().IsDev, Preferences.Get(Constants.SHARED_DATABASE_PATH, "")); string pathZipFile = Path.Combine(_DownloadDirectoryPath, Constants.IMG_FILE_NAME); ZipManager.Unzip(pathZipFile, _ImgDirectoryPath); //delete temporary file after get values File.Delete(Path.Combine(_DownloadDirectoryPath, Constants.IMG_FILE_NAME)); ProgressBar.ProgressTo(0.99, SIZE_PROGRESS_LONG, Easing.Linear); _App.ChangePage(new MainPage()); } } else { Log.Warning("Download", "Error while saving the file"); } }
private void RequestConfigurationFileDownload(DownloadItem downloadItem, IBeforeDownloadCallback callback) { var args = new DownloadEventArgs(); logger.Debug($"Handling download of configuration file '{downloadItem.SuggestedFileName}'."); ConfigurationDownloadRequested?.Invoke(downloadItem.SuggestedFileName, args); if (args.AllowDownload) { if (args.Callback != null) { callbacks[downloadItem.Id] = args.Callback; } logger.Debug($"Starting download of configuration file '{downloadItem.SuggestedFileName}'..."); using (callback) { callback.Continue(args.DownloadPath, false); } } else { logger.Debug($"Download of configuration file '{downloadItem.SuggestedFileName}' was cancelled."); } }
private void _webView_Download(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { _broadcastReceiver.SendDownloadUrl(new DownloadUrlInfo() { Url = e.Url, MimeType = e.Mimetype }); }
public void Reconfiguration_MustCorrectlyHandleFailedRequest() { var downloadPath = @"C:\Folder\Does\Not\Exist\filepath.seb"; var filename = "filepath.seb"; var args = new DownloadEventArgs(); appConfig.DownloadDirectory = @"C:\Folder\Does\Not\Exist"; settings.ConfigurationMode = ConfigurationMode.ConfigureClient; messageBox.Setup(m => m.Show( It.IsAny <TextKey>(), It.IsAny <TextKey>(), It.IsAny <MessageBoxAction>(), It.IsAny <MessageBoxIcon>(), It.IsAny <IWindow>())).Returns(MessageBoxResult.Yes); runtimeProxy.Setup(r => r.RequestReconfiguration(It.Is <string>(p => p == downloadPath))).Returns(new CommunicationResult(false)); sut.TryStart(); browserController.Raise(b => b.ConfigurationDownloadRequested += null, filename, args); args.Callback(true, downloadPath); runtimeProxy.Verify(r => r.RequestReconfiguration(It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Once); messageBox.Verify(m => m.Show( It.IsAny <TextKey>(), It.IsAny <TextKey>(), It.IsAny <MessageBoxAction>(), It.Is <MessageBoxIcon>(i => i == MessageBoxIcon.Error), It.IsAny <IWindow>()), Times.Once); }
private static void OnDownloadTaskStoppedHandler(object sender, DownloadEventArgs args) { DownloadInfo dif = args.DownloadInfo; DownloadTaskStartedOrStopped(dif, false); }
protected virtual void OnDownloadStopped(DownloadEventArgs args) { if (this.DownloadStopped != null) { this.DownloadStopped(args); } }
public void Reconfiguration_MustCorrectlyHandleDownload() { var downloadPath = @"C:\Folder\Does\Not\Exist\filepath.seb"; var filename = "filepath.seb"; var args = new DownloadEventArgs(); appConfig.TemporaryDirectory = @"C:\Folder\Does\Not\Exist"; settings.Security.AllowReconfiguration = true; messageBox.Setup(m => m.Show( It.IsAny <TextKey>(), It.IsAny <TextKey>(), It.IsAny <MessageBoxAction>(), It.IsAny <MessageBoxIcon>(), It.IsAny <IWindow>())).Returns(MessageBoxResult.Yes); runtimeProxy.Setup(r => r.RequestReconfiguration(It.Is <string>(p => p == downloadPath))).Returns(new CommunicationResult(true)); sut.TryStart(); browser.Raise(b => b.ConfigurationDownloadRequested += null, filename, args); args.Callback(true, downloadPath); runtimeProxy.Verify(r => r.RequestReconfiguration(It.Is <string>(p => p == downloadPath)), Times.Once); Assert.AreEqual(downloadPath, args.DownloadPath); Assert.IsTrue(args.AllowDownload); }
private static void DownloadEventAction(DownloadEventArgs args, DownloadAction action) { if (args.DownloadInfo != null) { lock (downloads.SyncRoot) { action(args.DownloadInfo); } } else if (args.Downloads != null) { lock (downloads.SyncRoot) { foreach (DownloadInfo dif in args.Downloads) { if (dif != null) { action(dif); } } } } source.Update(); }
private void OnFileDownloaded(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { if (e.FileSaved) { Log.Debug("Download", "File have been downloaded with success"); _NbFileDownloaded++; if (_NbFileDownloaded == 2) { SharedPreferenceManager.SaveString(ApplicationContext, Constants.DATE_DOWNLAOD, DateTime.Now.ToString()); SharedPreferenceManager.SaveString(ApplicationContext, Constants.SHARED_DATABASE_PATH, System.IO.Path.Combine(_DownloadDirectoryPath, Constants.DATABASE_FILE_NAME)); if (Controller.Permission.CheckPermission.PermissionGranted(ApplicationContext, Manifest.Permission.ReadExternalStorage)) { DataManager.GetInstance(ConfigInstance.GetInstance().IsDev, SharedPreferenceManager.GetString(ApplicationContext, Constants.SHARED_DATABASE_PATH, "")); string pathZipFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(_DownloadDirectoryPath, Constants.IMG_FILE_NAME); ZipManager.Unzip(pathZipFile, _ImgDirectoryPath); } else { Toast.MakeText(ApplicationContext, "Permission non accordée pour la lecture du fichier, aller dans les paramètres de l'application pour modifier cette valeur.", ToastLength.Long).Show(); } //delete temporary file after get values File.Delete(System.IO.Path.Combine(_DownloadDirectoryPath, Constants.IMG_FILE_NAME)); HideProgressBar(); StartActivity(typeof(HomeActivity)); Finish(); } } else { Log.Error("Download", "Error while saving the file"); } }
private void CurrentBrowser_DownloadCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { DownloadEventArgs dl = (DownloadEventArgs)e; Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { uiActionLoggedToolStripStatusLabel.Visible = false; uiDownloadProgressBar.Visible = false; MessageBox.Show("Download Completed", "Download Complete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); }); string dlPath = dl.DownloadItems.FullPath; string savePath = Path.Combine(Constants.ContainerLocation, Constants.Directories.GetSpecifiedCaseDirectory(Actions.Download), Path.GetFileName(dl.DownloadItems.FullPath)); if (File.Exists(savePath)) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(savePath); string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(savePath) + "_" + (DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_hh_mm_ss") + extension); savePath = Path.Combine(Constants.ContainerLocation, Constants.Directories.GetSpecifiedCaseDirectory(Actions.Download), name); } File.Copy(dlPath, savePath); Logger.Log(new WebpageActionsLog(dl.DownloadItems.Url, Actions.Download, OsirtHelper.GetFileHash(dlPath), Path.GetFileName(savePath), "")); }
public void Reconfiguration_MustCorrectlyHandleFailedRequest() { var downloadPath = @"C:\Folder\Does\Not\Exist\filepath.seb"; var downloadUrl = @""; var filename = "filepath.seb"; var args = new DownloadEventArgs(); appConfig.TemporaryDirectory = @"C:\Folder\Does\Not\Exist"; settings.Security.AllowReconfiguration = true; messageBox.Setup(m => m.Show( It.IsAny <TextKey>(), It.IsAny <TextKey>(), It.IsAny <MessageBoxAction>(), It.IsAny <MessageBoxIcon>(), It.IsAny <IWindow>())).Returns(MessageBoxResult.Yes); runtimeProxy.Setup(r => r.RequestReconfiguration( It.Is <string>(p => p == downloadPath), It.Is <string>(u => u == downloadUrl))).Returns(new CommunicationResult(false)); sut.TryStart(); browser.Raise(b => b.ConfigurationDownloadRequested += null, filename, args); args.Callback(true, downloadUrl, downloadPath); runtimeProxy.Verify(r => r.RequestReconfiguration(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Once); messageBox.Verify(m => m.Show( It.IsAny <TextKey>(), It.IsAny <TextKey>(), It.IsAny <MessageBoxAction>(), It.Is <MessageBoxIcon>(i => i == MessageBoxIcon.Error), It.IsAny <IWindow>()), Times.Once); }
private void downloadStopped(DownloadEventArgs args) { lock (this.monitor) { this.CloseFile(); } }
private void OnDonwloadEnd(object sender, DownloadEventArgs ev) { Task.Run(() => { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Shutdown(); }); }); }
public void DownloadModified(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { if (this._cancellationPending) { ((FileDownloader) sender).Cancel(); } this.asyncOperation.Post(this.progressReporter, new DeploymentProgressChangedEventArgs(e.Progress, this.userState, e.BytesCompleted, e.BytesTotal, DeploymentProgressState.DownloadingApplicationFiles, this.groupName)); }
private void downloader_ProgressChanged(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { // (In WorkerThread space) if (downloadStarted) { BeginInvoke(callbackUpdateProgressBar, e.PercentDone); } }
private void Downloader_FinishedDownload(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("Download Finished!", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); progressBar.Value = 0; progressLbl.Text = "0 %"; TaskbarManager.Instance.SetProgressState(TaskbarProgressBarState.NoProgress, Handle); TaskbarManager.Instance.SetProgressValue(0, 100, Handle); }
public DownLoad PublishedTemplate(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { return(new DownLoad { FileName = "导入模版.xls", FilePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Resource/Template/ImportPublish.xls") }); }
public DownLoad Chrome(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { return(new DownLoad() { FileName = "Chrome_chs.exe", FilePath = @"\\\Minicut\软件\办公软件\Chrome_chs.exe" }); }
protected virtual void OnTthAssigned(DownloadEventArgs e) { var handler = TthAssigned; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } }
public static void RaiseDownloadFinishedEvent (DownloadEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.result.error)) { Debug.Log("Download finished"); } else { Debug.Log("Problem with download"); } if (Events.DownloadFinished != null) { Events.DownloadFinished(null, e); } }
private void DownloadEndedHandler(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke((EventHandler<DownloadEventArgs>)DownloadEndedHandler, sender, e); return; } if (e.Task.Success) { Controls.Remove(downloadControls[e.Task]); downloadControls.Remove(e.Task); UpdateLayout(); } else { downloadControls[e.Task].ErrorMessage = e.Task.ErrorMessage; } }
public void DownloadModified(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { if (this._userCancelling) { ((FileDownloader) sender).Cancel(); } else { this._downloadData = e; if (((this._info.iconFilePath != null) && (this._appIconBitmap == null)) && ((e.Cookie != null) && File.Exists(this._info.iconFilePath))) { using (Icon icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(this._info.iconFilePath)) { this._appIconBitmap = this.TryGet32x32Bitmap(icon); } } base.BeginInvoke(this.updateUIMethodInvoker); } }
private void OnLinkOpenWebViewDownloadCompleted(Object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { if (_extensionsManager.LinkOpenExtension.LinkData == null) return; AppManager.Instance.ShowFloater(() => { switch (_extensionsManager.LinkOpenExtension.LinkData?.Type) { case LinkType.PowerPoint: case LinkType.Word: case LinkType.Excel: case LinkType.Pdf: case LinkType.Image: OpenFileLink(new[] { e.Item.FullPath }); break; } _extensionsManager.LinkOpenExtension.ReleaseData(); }, null); }
private void OnDownloadProgressChanged(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { }
private void WebView_DownloadCompleted(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { try { if (this.Cancelar) { this.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Arrow; this.webControl1.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Arrow; // Mensaje.MostrarMensaje(Constantes.TipoMensaje.Detenido, "Descarga", "Proceso cancelado por el usuario"); } else { DownloadItem archivoXML = e.Item; String full = archivoXML.FullPath; if (new FileInfo(full).Length == 0) { // empty System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText("archivo vacio"); this.cuantosNoSeInsertaron++; } else { String[] fullArray = full.Split('\\'); String nombreDelArchivo = fullArray.Last(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(full); XmlNodeList titles = doc.GetElementsByTagName("tfd:TimbreFiscalDigital"); XmlNode obj = titles.Item(0); String noCertificadoSAT = ""; bool isNoCertificado = obj.Attributes["noCertificadoSAT"] != null; if (isNoCertificado) { noCertificadoSAT = obj.Attributes["noCertificadoSAT"].InnerText; } String selloCFD = ""; bool isselloCFD = obj.Attributes["selloCFD"] != null; if (isselloCFD) { selloCFD = obj.Attributes["selloCFD"].InnerText; } String selloSAT = ""; bool isselloSAT = obj.Attributes["selloSAT"] != null; if (isselloSAT) { selloSAT = obj.Attributes["selloSAT"].InnerText; } String folio_fiscal = obj.Attributes["UUID"].InnerText; folio_fiscal = folio_fiscal.ToUpper(); XmlNodeList titlesx = doc.GetElementsByTagName("cfdi:Receptor"); if (titlesx.Count == 0) { titlesx = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Receptor"); } XmlNode objx = titlesx.Item(0); String rfcReceptor = ""; String nombreReceptor = ""; bool isRFCrfcReceptor = objx.Attributes["rfc"] != null; if (isRFCrfcReceptor) { rfcReceptor = objx.Attributes["rfc"].InnerText.Trim(); } bool isRFCNombreReceptor = objx.Attributes["nombre"] != null; if (isRFCNombreReceptor) { nombreReceptor = objx.Attributes["nombre"].InnerText; } XmlNodeList titles1 = doc.GetElementsByTagName("cfdi:Emisor"); if (titles1.Count == 0) { titles1 = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Emisor"); } XmlNode obj1 = titles1.Item(0); String rfc = ""; bool isRFC = obj1.Attributes["rfc"] != null; if (isRFC) { rfc = obj1.Attributes["rfc"].InnerText.Trim(); } //revisar que el RFC coincida , por lo menos uno de los 2 if (!rfc.Equals(Properties.Settings.Default.RFC)) { if (!rfcReceptor.Equals(Properties.Settings.Default.RFC)) { return;//naranjas } } String razon = ""; bool isRazon = obj1.Attributes["nombre"] != null; if (isRazon) { razon = obj1.Attributes["nombre"].InnerText; razon = razon.Replace('\'', ' '); } XmlNodeList titles2 = doc.GetElementsByTagName("cfdi:Comprobante"); if (titles2.Count == 0) { titles2 = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Comprobante"); } XmlNode obj2 = titles2.Item(0); XmlNodeList titlesY = doc.GetElementsByTagName("cfdi:DomicilioFiscal"); if (titlesY.Count == 0) { titlesY = doc.GetElementsByTagName("DomicilioFiscal"); } String calle = ""; String noExterior = ""; String colonia = ""; String municipio = ""; String estado = ""; if (titlesY.Count > 0) { XmlNode objY = titlesY.Item(0); bool isCalle = objY.Attributes["calle"] != null; if (isCalle) { calle = objY.Attributes["calle"].InnerText; } bool isnoExterior = objY.Attributes["noExterior"] != null; if (isnoExterior) { noExterior = objY.Attributes["noExterior"].InnerText; } bool iscolonia = objY.Attributes["colonia"] != null; if (iscolonia) { colonia = objY.Attributes["colonia"].InnerText; } bool ismunicipio = objY.Attributes["municipio"] != null; if (ismunicipio) { municipio = objY.Attributes["municipio"].InnerText; } bool isestado = objY.Attributes["estado"] != null; if (isestado) { estado = objY.Attributes["estado"].InnerText; } } XmlNodeList titles4 = doc.GetElementsByTagName("cfdi:Impuestos"); if (titles4.Count == 0) { titles4 = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Impuestos"); } XmlNode obj4 = titles4.Item(0); String iva = "0"; bool isIva = obj4.Attributes["totalImpuestosTrasladados"] != null; if (isIva) { iva = obj4.Attributes["totalImpuestosTrasladados"].InnerText; } else { XmlNodeList traslados = doc.GetElementsByTagName("cfdi:Traslado"); if (traslados.Count == 0) { traslados = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Traslado"); } int i; for (i = 0; i < traslados.Count; i++) { XmlNode objn = traslados.Item(i); String cantidad = "0"; bool isCantidad = objn.Attributes["importe"] != null; if (isCantidad) { cantidad = objn.Attributes["importe"].InnerText; } iva = Convert.ToString(float.Parse(iva) + float.Parse(cantidad)); } } String subTotal = ""; bool isSubTotal = obj2.Attributes["subTotal"] != null; if (isSubTotal) { subTotal = obj2.Attributes["subTotal"].InnerText; } String tipoDeComprobante = "INGRESO"; bool istipoDeComprobante = obj2.Attributes["tipoDeComprobante"] != null; if (istipoDeComprobante) { tipoDeComprobante = obj2.Attributes["tipoDeComprobante"].InnerText.Trim().ToUpper(); } String total = ""; bool isTotal = obj2.Attributes["total"] != null; if (isTotal) { total = obj2.Attributes["total"].InnerText; } bool isFecha = obj2.Attributes["fecha"] != null; String fecha = ""; if (isFecha) { fecha = obj2.Attributes["fecha"].InnerText; } bool isFolio = obj2.Attributes["folio"] != null; String folio = ""; if (isFolio) { folio = obj2.Attributes["folio"].InnerText; } if (estoyEnCancelados) { String query1 = "UPDATE [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[facturacion_XML] set STATUS = '0' WHERE folioFiscal = '" + folio_fiscal + "'"; totalDeCancelados++; try { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query1, connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); String queryCheck1 = "SELECT BUNIT, JRNAL_NO, JRNAL_LINE, CONCEPTO, FUNCION, PROJECT, descripcionLI, AMOUNT, Consecutivo, FOLIO_FISCAL FROM [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[FISCAL_xml] WHERE folioFiscal = '" + folio_fiscal + "'"; SqlCommand cmdCheck = new SqlCommand(queryCheck1, connection); SqlDataReader reader = cmdCheck.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { String BUNIT = ""; String JRNAL_NO = ""; String JRNAL_LINE = ""; String CONCEPTO = ""; String FUNCION = ""; String PROJECT = ""; String descripcionLI = ""; String AMOUNT = ""; String Consecutivo = ""; String FOLIO_FISCAL = ""; mensajeParaElCorreo.Append(this.Enters + "Los cancelados estan ligados a los siguientes movimientos: "); while (reader.Read()) { BUNIT = reader.GetString(0).Trim(); JRNAL_NO = Convert.ToString(reader.GetInt32(1)); JRNAL_LINE = Convert.ToString(reader.GetInt32(2)); CONCEPTO = reader.GetString(3).Trim(); FUNCION = reader.GetString(4).Trim(); PROJECT = reader.GetString(5).Trim(); descripcionLI = reader.GetString(6).Trim(); AMOUNT = Convert.ToString(reader.GetDecimal(7)); Consecutivo = reader.GetString(8).Trim(); FOLIO_FISCAL = reader.GetString(9).Trim(); mensajeParaElCorreo.Append(this.Enters + BUNIT + " " + JRNAL_NO + " " + JRNAL_LINE + " " + CONCEPTO + " " + FUNCION + " " + PROJECT + " " + descripcionLI + " " + AMOUNT + " " + FOLIO_FISCAL + " " + Consecutivo); } } } } catch (Exception ex1) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex1.ToString(), "Error Message1", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } else { String query = ""; int STATUS = -1; if (this.AnoSel.IndexOf("Emitidos") != -1) { if (tipoDeComprobante.Equals("INGRESO")) { STATUS = 2; query = "INSERT INTO [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[facturacion_XML] (folioFiscal,nombreArchivoXML,ruta,rfc,razonSocial,total,folio,fechaExpedicion,nombreArchivoPDF,STATUS,ocultaEnLigar,rfcRaiz) VALUES ('" + folio_fiscal + "', '" + nombreDelArchivo + "', '" + carpeta.Text + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.AnoSel + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.MesSel + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + diaActual + "', '" + rfcReceptor + "', '" + nombreReceptor + "', " + total + ", '" + folio + "' , '" + fecha + "', '" + folio_fiscal + ".pdf','2',0,'" + Properties.Settings.Default.RFC + "')"; } else { STATUS = 1; query = "INSERT INTO [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[facturacion_XML] (folioFiscal,nombreArchivoXML,ruta,rfc,razonSocial,total,folio,fechaExpedicion,nombreArchivoPDF,STATUS,ocultaEnLigar,rfcRaiz) VALUES ('" + folio_fiscal + "', '" + nombreDelArchivo + "', '" + carpeta.Text + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.AnoSel + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.MesSel + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + diaActual + "', '" + rfcReceptor + "', '" + nombreReceptor + "', " + total + ", '" + folio + "' , '" + fecha + "', '" + folio_fiscal + ".pdf','1',0,'" + Properties.Settings.Default.RFC + "')"; } insertaProveedor(rfcReceptor, nombreReceptor); sincroniza(fecha, rfcReceptor, nombreReceptor, STATUS, total, folio, folio_fiscal, Properties.Settings.Default.RFC, ""); } else { if (tipoDeComprobante.Equals("INGRESO")) { STATUS = 1; query = "INSERT INTO [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[facturacion_XML] (folioFiscal,nombreArchivoXML,ruta,rfc,razonSocial,total,folio,fechaExpedicion,nombreArchivoPDF,STATUS,ocultaEnLigar,rfcRaiz) VALUES ('" + folio_fiscal + "', '" + nombreDelArchivo + "', '" + carpeta.Text + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.AnoSel + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.MesSel + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + diaActual + "', '" + rfc + "', '" + razon + "', " + total + ", '" + folio + "' , '" + fecha + "', '" + folio_fiscal + ".pdf','1',0,'" + Properties.Settings.Default.RFC + "')"; } else { STATUS = 2; query = "INSERT INTO [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[facturacion_XML] (folioFiscal,nombreArchivoXML,ruta,rfc,razonSocial,total,folio,fechaExpedicion,nombreArchivoPDF,STATUS,ocultaEnLigar,rfcRaiz) VALUES ('" + folio_fiscal + "', '" + nombreDelArchivo + "', '" + carpeta.Text + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.AnoSel + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.MesSel + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + diaActual + "', '" + rfc + "', '" + razon + "', " + total + ", '" + folio + "' , '" + fecha + "', '" + folio_fiscal + ".pdf','2',0,'" + Properties.Settings.Default.RFC + "')"; } //query = "INSERT INTO [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[facturacion_XML] (folioFiscal,nombreArchivoXML,ruta,rfc,razonSocial,total,folio,fechaExpedicion,nombreArchivoPDF,STATUS,ocultaEnLigar) VALUES ('" + folio_fiscal + "', '" + nombreDelArchivo + "', '" + carpeta.Text + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.AnoSel + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.MesSel + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + diaActual + "', '" + rfc + "', '" + razon + "', " + total + ", '" + folio + "' , '" + fecha + "', '" + folio_fiscal + ".pdf','1',0)"; insertaProveedor(rfc, razon); sincroniza(fecha, rfc, razon, STATUS, total, folio, folio_fiscal, Properties.Settings.Default.RFC, ""); } String queryCheck = "SELECT * FROM [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[facturacion_XML] WHERE folioFiscal = '" + folio_fiscal + "'"; try { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand cmdCheck = new SqlCommand(queryCheck, connection); SqlDataReader reader = cmdCheck.ExecuteReader(); if (!reader.Read()) { reader.Close(); connection.Close(); connection.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); PdfContents Contents = null; PdfPage Page = null; const Double Width = 5.15; const Double Height = 10.65; const Double FontSize = 9.0; PdfFileWriter.TextBox Box = null; if (cadaCuantasHorasGlobal == 0 || 1 == 1)//no estoy en modo de horas { String FileName = carpeta.Text + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.AnoSel + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + this.MesSel + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + diaActual.ToString() + (object)Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + folio_fiscal + ".pdf"; Document = new PdfDocument(PaperType.Letter, false, UnitOfMeasure.Inch, FileName); DefineFontResources(); DefineTilingPatternResource(); Page = new PdfPage(Document); Contents = new PdfContents(Page); Contents.SaveGraphicsState(); Contents.Translate(0.1, 0.1); Box = new PdfFileWriter.TextBox(Width, 0.25); } XmlNodeList conceptos = doc.GetElementsByTagName("cfdi:Concepto"); if (conceptos.Count == 0) { conceptos = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Concepto"); } int i; String conceptosString = ""; for (i = 0; i < conceptos.Count; i++) { XmlNode objy = conceptos.Item(i); String cantidadc = ""; bool isCantidadc = objy.Attributes["cantidad"] != null; if (isCantidadc) { cantidadc = objy.Attributes["cantidad"].InnerText; } String unidadc = ""; bool isUnidadc = objy.Attributes["unidad"] != null; if (isUnidadc) { unidadc = objy.Attributes["unidad"].InnerText; } String descripcionc = ""; bool isdescripcionc = objy.Attributes["descripcion"] != null; if (isdescripcionc) { descripcionc = objy.Attributes["descripcion"].InnerText; } String importec = ""; bool isimportec = objy.Attributes["importe"] != null; if (isimportec) { importec = objy.Attributes["importe"].InnerText; } conceptosString = conceptosString + "\n" + cantidadc + " " + descripcionc + " $" + importec; } String impuestosString = ""; double totalDeRetenciones = 0; XmlNodeList retencionesLocales = doc.GetElementsByTagName("implocal:RetencionesLocales"); if (retencionesLocales.Count == 0) { retencionesLocales = doc.GetElementsByTagName("RetencionesLocales"); } for (i = 0; i < retencionesLocales.Count; i++) { XmlNode objn = retencionesLocales.Item(i); String cantidad = "0"; String impuesto = ""; float tasa = 0; bool isCantidad = objn.Attributes["Importe"] != null; if (isCantidad) { totalDeRetenciones += Convert.ToDouble(objn.Attributes["Importe"].InnerText); cantidad = objn.Attributes["Importe"].InnerText; impuesto = objn.Attributes["ImpLocRetenido"].InnerText; tasa = float.Parse(objn.Attributes["TasadeRetencion"].InnerText); float importe = float.Parse(cantidad); String queryCheckImpuesto = "SELECT * FROM [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[impuestos] WHERE folioFiscal = '" + folio_fiscal + "' and impuesto = '" + impuesto + "' and tasa = " + tasa + " and importe = " + importe; SqlCommand cmdCheckImpuesto = new SqlCommand(queryCheckImpuesto, connection); SqlDataReader readerImpuesto = cmdCheckImpuesto.ExecuteReader(); impuestosString = impuestosString + "\nImpuesto: " + impuesto + "\nTasa: " + tasa + "\nImporte: " + importe; if (!readerImpuesto.HasRows) { readerImpuesto.Close(); String queryImpuesto = "INSERT INTO [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[impuestos] (folioFiscal,impuesto,tasa,importe,tipo,rfcRaiz) VALUES ('" + folio_fiscal + "', '" + impuesto + "', " + tasa + ", " + importe + ",2,'" + Properties.Settings.Default.RFC + "')"; SqlCommand cmdImpuesto = new SqlCommand(queryImpuesto, connection); cmdImpuesto.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { readerImpuesto.Close(); } } iva = Convert.ToString(float.Parse(iva) + float.Parse(cantidad)); } XmlNodeList retenciones = doc.GetElementsByTagName("cfdi:Retencion"); if (retenciones.Count == 0) { retenciones = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Retencion"); } for (i = 0; i < retenciones.Count; i++) { XmlNode objn = retenciones.Item(i); String cantidad = "0"; String impuesto = ""; float tasa = 0; bool isCantidad = objn.Attributes["importe"] != null; if (isCantidad) { totalDeRetenciones += Convert.ToDouble(objn.Attributes["importe"].InnerText); cantidad = objn.Attributes["importe"].InnerText; impuesto = objn.Attributes["impuesto"].InnerText; tasa = 0; float importe = float.Parse(cantidad); String queryCheckImpuesto = "SELECT * FROM [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[impuestos] WHERE folioFiscal = '" + folio_fiscal + "' and impuesto = '" + impuesto + "' and tasa = " + tasa + " and importe = " + importe; SqlCommand cmdCheckImpuesto = new SqlCommand(queryCheckImpuesto, connection); SqlDataReader readerImpuesto = cmdCheckImpuesto.ExecuteReader(); impuestosString = impuestosString + "\nImpuesto: " + impuesto + "\nImporte: " + importe; if (!readerImpuesto.HasRows) { readerImpuesto.Close(); String queryImpuesto = "INSERT INTO [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[impuestos] (folioFiscal,impuesto,tasa,importe,tipo,rfcRaiz) VALUES ('" + folio_fiscal + "', '" + impuesto + "', " + tasa + ", " + importe + ",2,'" + Properties.Settings.Default.RFC + "')"; SqlCommand cmdImpuesto = new SqlCommand(queryImpuesto, connection); cmdImpuesto.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { readerImpuesto.Close(); } } iva = Convert.ToString(float.Parse(iva) + float.Parse(cantidad)); } if (totalDeRetenciones > 0.0) { double nuevoTotal = Math.Round(totalDeRetenciones + Convert.ToDouble(total), 2); String query2 = "UPDATE [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[facturacion_XML] set total = " + nuevoTotal + " WHERE folioFiscal = '" + folio_fiscal + "'"; try { using (SqlCommand cmdx = new SqlCommand(query2, connection)) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch (Exception ex3) { ex3.ToString(); } } XmlNodeList trasladosLocales = doc.GetElementsByTagName("implocal:TrasladosLocales"); if (trasladosLocales.Count == 0) { trasladosLocales = doc.GetElementsByTagName("TrasladosLocales"); } for (i = 0; i < trasladosLocales.Count; i++) { XmlNode objn = trasladosLocales.Item(i); String cantidad = "0"; String impuesto = ""; float tasa = 0; bool isCantidad = objn.Attributes["Importe"] != null; if (isCantidad) { cantidad = objn.Attributes["Importe"].InnerText; impuesto = objn.Attributes["ImpLocTrasladado"].InnerText; tasa = float.Parse(objn.Attributes["TasadeTraslado"].InnerText); float importe = float.Parse(cantidad); String queryCheckImpuesto = "SELECT * FROM [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[impuestos] WHERE folioFiscal = '" + folio_fiscal + "' and impuesto = '" + impuesto + "' and tasa = " + tasa + " and importe = " + importe; SqlCommand cmdCheckImpuesto = new SqlCommand(queryCheckImpuesto, connection); SqlDataReader readerImpuesto = cmdCheckImpuesto.ExecuteReader(); impuestosString = impuestosString + "\nImpuesto: " + impuesto + "\nTasa: " + tasa + "\nImporte: " + importe; if (!readerImpuesto.HasRows) { readerImpuesto.Close(); String queryImpuesto = "INSERT INTO [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[impuestos] (folioFiscal,impuesto,tasa,importe,tipo,rfcRaiz) VALUES ('" + folio_fiscal + "', '" + impuesto + "', " + tasa + ", " + importe + ",1,'" + Properties.Settings.Default.RFC + "')"; SqlCommand cmdImpuesto = new SqlCommand(queryImpuesto, connection); cmdImpuesto.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { readerImpuesto.Close(); } } iva = Convert.ToString(float.Parse(iva) + float.Parse(cantidad)); } XmlNodeList traslados = doc.GetElementsByTagName("cfdi:Traslado"); if (traslados.Count == 0) { traslados = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Traslado"); } for (i = 0; i < traslados.Count; i++) { XmlNode objn = traslados.Item(i); String cantidad = "0"; String impuesto = ""; float tasa = 0; bool isCantidad = objn.Attributes["importe"] != null; if (isCantidad) { cantidad = objn.Attributes["importe"].InnerText; impuesto = objn.Attributes["impuesto"].InnerText; tasa = float.Parse(objn.Attributes["tasa"].InnerText); float importe = float.Parse(cantidad); String queryCheckImpuesto = "SELECT * FROM [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[impuestos] WHERE folioFiscal = '" + folio_fiscal + "' and impuesto = '" + impuesto + "' and tasa = " + tasa + " and importe = " + importe; SqlCommand cmdCheckImpuesto = new SqlCommand(queryCheckImpuesto, connection); SqlDataReader readerImpuesto = cmdCheckImpuesto.ExecuteReader(); impuestosString = impuestosString + "\nImpuesto: " + impuesto + "\nTasa: " + tasa + "\nImporte: " + importe; if (!readerImpuesto.HasRows) { readerImpuesto.Close(); String queryImpuesto = "INSERT INTO [" + Properties.Settings.Default.Database + "].[dbo].[impuestos] (folioFiscal,impuesto,tasa,importe,tipo,rfcRaiz) VALUES ('" + folio_fiscal + "', '" + impuesto + "', " + tasa + ", " + importe + ",1,'" + Properties.Settings.Default.RFC + "')"; SqlCommand cmdImpuesto = new SqlCommand(queryImpuesto, connection); cmdImpuesto.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { readerImpuesto.Close(); } } iva = Convert.ToString(float.Parse(iva) + float.Parse(cantidad)); } if (cadaCuantasHorasGlobal == 0 || 1 == 1)//no estoy en modo de horas { Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "Cliente: " + nombreReceptor + "\n" + "RFC: " + rfcReceptor + "\n" + "Emisor: " + razon + "\n" + "RFC: " + rfc + "\n" + "Domicilio Fiscal: " + calle + " " + noExterior + " " + colonia + " " + municipio + " " + estado + "\n" + "Folio: " + folio + "\nFolio Fiscal: " + folio_fiscal + "\nTotal: $" + total + "\nFecha de Expedicion: " + fecha + conceptosString + impuestosString + "\nNo de Serie del Certificado del SAT: " + noCertificadoSAT + "\nSello digital del CFDI:\n" + selloCFD + "\n\nSello del SAT:\n" + selloSAT + "\n\n\nEste documento es una representación impresa de un CFDI"); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "\n"); Double PosY = Height; Contents.DrawText(0.0, ref PosY, 0.0, 0, 0.015, 0.05, TextBoxJustify.FitToWidth, Box); Contents.RestoreGraphicsState(); Contents.SaveGraphicsState(); String DataString = "?re=" + rfc + "&rr=" + rfcReceptor + "&tt=" + total + "&id=" + folio_fiscal; PdfQRCode QRCode = new PdfQRCode(Document, DataString, ErrorCorrection.M); Contents.DrawQRCode(QRCode, 6.0, 6.8, 1.2); Contents.RestoreGraphicsState(); Document.CreateFile(); } totalDeDescargados++; } else { this.cuantosYaExistian++; totalDeYaExistian++; } } } catch (Exception ex1) { ex1.ToString(); System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(query); this.cuantosNoSeInsertaron++; // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error Message", ex1.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }//else if estoyEnCancelados }//else de empty ++this.posicion; if (this.posicion < this.ligas.Count) { if (!this.Cancelar) { this.Descargados.Add(e.Item); this.proceso.Text = string.Format("Descargando {0} de {1}, Ya existian: {2}, Con errores: {3} ", (object)(this.posicion + 1), (object)this.ligas.Count.ToString() , (object)this.cuantosYaExistian, (object)this.cuantosNoSeInsertaron); this.Descarga(); } else { this.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Arrow; this.webControl1.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Arrow; // Mensaje.MostrarMensaje(Constantes.TipoMensaje.Detenido, "Descarga", "Proceso cancelado por el usuario"); } } else { // enQueHoraVoyGlobal // cadaCuantasHorasGlobal int horaQueSigue = enQueHoraVoyGlobal + cadaCuantasHorasGlobal; if(horaQueSigue<24 && cadaCuantasHorasGlobal!=0)//sigue con las horas { enQueHoraVoyGlobal = enQueHoraVoyGlobal + cadaCuantasHorasGlobal; if(estoyEnEmitidos) { tmrDecimoCuarto.Start(); } else { tmrQuintoPrimo.Start(); } } else {//cambia el dia enQueHoraVoyGlobal = 0; //cambia un dia if (modoGlobal == 2 && estoyEnEmitidos) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; int year = now.Year - anoAnterior; int month = now.Month; if (modoGlobal == 2)//ultrapesado { month = mesActual + 1; } int diaFinal = 28; if (month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 7 || month == 8 || month == 10 || month == 12) { diaFinal = 31; } else { if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) { diaFinal = 30; } else { if (year % 4 == 0)//ano bisiesto { diaFinal = 29; } } } if (diaActual < diaFinal) { diaActual++; tmrDecimoCuarto.Start(); return; } else { diaActual = 1; if (mesActual < 11) { mesActual++; tmrDecimoCuarto.Start(); return; } else { tmrDecimoSexto.Start(); return; } } } if (modoGlobal == 1) { if (estoyEnEmitidos) { mandaCorreo(); } else { empiezaConLosEmitidos(); } } else { this.proceso.Text = string.Format("Descargando {0} de {1}, Ya existian: {2}, Con errores: {3}", (object)this.posicion, (object)this.ligas.Count.ToString(), (object)this.cuantosYaExistian, (object)this.cuantosNoSeInsertaron); this.Descargados.Add(e.Item); this.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Arrow; this.webControl1.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Arrow; this.proceso.Text = string.Format("Descarga Finalizada {0} de {1}, Ya existian: {2}, Con errores: {3}", (object)this.posicion, (object)this.ligas.Count.ToString(), (object)this.cuantosYaExistian, (object)this.cuantosNoSeInsertaron); if (estoyEnCancelados) { //ya termine mensajeParaElCorreo.Append(totalDeCancelados); return; } if (!estoyEnCancelados && estoyEnEmitidos) { //agregar para debuguear emitidos mensajeParaElCorreo.Append(Enters + Enters + "Facturas Emitidas totales: " + (object)this.ligas.Count.ToString() + " Ya existian: " + (object)this.cuantosYaExistian); tmrDecimoSexto.Start(); return; } DateTime now = DateTime.Now; int year = now.Year - anoAnterior; int month = now.Month; if (modoGlobal == 2)//ultrapesado { month = mesActual + 1; } int diaFinal = 28; if (month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 7 || month == 8 || month == 10 || month == 12) { diaFinal = 31; } else { if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) { diaFinal = 30; } else { if (year % 4 == 0)//ano bisiesto { diaFinal = 29; } } } if (diaActual < diaFinal) { diaActual++; if (estoyEnElMesAnterior) { tmrDecimo.Start(); } else { if(cadaCuantasHorasGlobal==0)//sin horas { tmrQuinto.Start(); } else { tmrQuintoPrimo.Start(); } } } else { if (estoyEnElMesAnterior) { estoyEnElMesAnterior = false; diaActual = 1; empiezaConLosCancelados(); } else { if (modoGlobal == 2)//ultrapesado { if (mesActual < 11) { mesActual++; diaActual = 1; tmrDecimo.Start(); } else { estoyEnElMesAnterior = false; diaActual = 1; mesActual = 0; empiezaConLosCancelados(); } } else//modo pesado { empiezaConElMesAnterior(); } } } } }//if cambia un dia } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( ex.ToString(), "Error Title2", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); // Logs.Escribir("Error en download complete : " + ex.ToString()); } }
private void OnWebViewDownloadCanceled(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { FormMain.Instance.ResumePages(); FormDownloadProgress.CloseProgress(); }
private void OnWebViewDownloadCompleted(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { FormMain.Instance.ResumePages(); FormDownloadProgress.CloseProgress(); if (".MP4".Equals(Path.GetExtension(e.Item.FullPath), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (HandleVideoDownloaded(e.Item.FullPath)) return; } using (var formComplete = new FormFileDownloadComplete(e.Item.FullPath)) { formComplete.ShowDialog(FormMain.Instance); } }
void IDownloadNotification.DownloadModified(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { if (this._cancellationPending) { ((FileDownloader) sender).Cancel(); } this.asyncOperation.Post(this.progressReporter, new DeploymentProgressChangedEventArgs(e.Progress, null, e.BytesCompleted, e.BytesTotal, this._state, null)); }
void IDownloadNotification.DownloadCompleted(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { this._downloadedAppSize = e.BytesCompleted; }
private void OnWebViewDownloadCanceled(Object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { TabControl.Enabled = true; FormProgress.CloseProgress(); }
public void DownloadCompleted(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { base.BeginInvoke(this.disableMethodInvoker); }
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private void OnWebViewDownloadUpdated(Object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { FormProgress.SetDetails(String.Format("{0} - {1}%", Path.GetFileName(e.Item.FullPath), e.Item.PercentageComplete)); Application.DoEvents(); }
private static void ProcessDownloadedFile(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { if (e.Cookie != null) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(e.FileLocalPath); FileDownloader downloader = (FileDownloader) sender; if ((e.FileResponseUri != null) && !e.FileResponseUri.Equals(e.FileSourceUri)) { throw new InvalidDeploymentException(ExceptionTypes.AppFileLocationValidation, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Resources.GetString("Ex_DownloadAppFileAsmRedirected"), new object[] { fileName })); } DependencyDownloadCookie cookie = (DependencyDownloadCookie) e.Cookie; if (cookie.ManifestElement is DependentAssembly) { DependentAssembly manifestElement = (DependentAssembly) cookie.ManifestElement; AssemblyManifest deployManifest = cookie.DeployManifest; AssemblyManifest appManifest = cookie.AppManifest; AssemblyManifest assemblyManifest = new AssemblyManifest(e.FileLocalPath); if (!assemblyManifest.Identity.Matches(manifestElement.Identity, true)) { throw new InvalidDeploymentException(ExceptionTypes.RefDefValidation, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Resources.GetString("Ex_DownloadRefDefMismatch"), new object[] { fileName })); } if (assemblyManifest.Identity.Equals(deployManifest.Identity) || assemblyManifest.Identity.Equals(appManifest.Identity)) { throw new InvalidDeploymentException(ExceptionTypes.ManifestSemanticValidation, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Resources.GetString("Ex_AppPrivAsmIdSameAsDeployOrApp"), new object[] { assemblyManifest.Identity.ToString() })); } System.Deployment.Application.Manifest.File[] files = assemblyManifest.Files; for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { Uri fileSourceUri = MapFileSourceUri(deployManifest, e.FileSourceUri, files[i].Name); if (!fileSourceUri.AbsoluteUri.Equals(e.FileSourceUri.AbsoluteUri, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(e.FileLocalPath); AddFileToDownloader(downloader, deployManifest, appManifest, files[i], fileSourceUri, directoryName, files[i].NameFS, files[i].HashCollection); } } downloader.ComponentVerifier.AddFileForVerification(e.FileLocalPath, manifestElement.HashCollection); if (assemblyManifest.Identity.PublicKeyToken == null) { downloader.ComponentVerifier.AddSimplyNamedAssemblyForVerification(e.FileLocalPath, assemblyManifest); } else { downloader.ComponentVerifier.AddStrongNameAssemblyForVerification(e.FileLocalPath, assemblyManifest); } } else if (cookie.ManifestElement is System.Deployment.Application.Manifest.File) { System.Deployment.Application.Manifest.File file = (System.Deployment.Application.Manifest.File) cookie.ManifestElement; downloader.ComponentVerifier.AddFileForVerification(e.FileLocalPath, file.HashCollection); } } }
private void OnExtensionsWebViewDownloadCompleted(Object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { FormMain.Instance.ResumePages(); FormDownloadProgress.CloseProgress(); }
private void OnFileDownload(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { var request = new DownloadManager.Request(Uri.Parse(e.Url)); // TODO: this should be fixed on the server! request.AllowScanningByMediaScanner(); request.SetNotificationVisibility(DownloadVisibility.VisibleNotifyCompleted); // TODO: set proper file name request.SetDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DirectoryDownloads, "report.docx"); var dm = this.Activity.GetSystemService(Context.DownloadService).JavaCast<DownloadManager>(); dm.Enqueue(request); this.GoBack(); Toast.MakeText(this.Activity, "Свалям файла...", ToastLength.Long).Show(); }
private void WebView_Download(object sender, DownloadEventArgs downloadEventArgs) { //TODO: Do we need to handle this somehow? }
private void OnSlideContentWebViewDownloadCompleted(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { if (!_extensionsManager.LinkViewContentExtension.ContentEnabled) return; switch (_afterDownloadAction) { case AfterDownloadAction.Print: ExtensionsManager.PrintFile( e.Item.FullPath, (_extensionsManager.LinkViewContentExtension.CurrentPrintableContent.CurrentPage + 1) ?? 1); break; default: AppManager.Instance.ShowFloater(() => { if (_extensionsManager.LinkViewContentExtension.CurrentLinkViewContent?.ContentType == LinkContentType.Video) { FormProgress.ShowProgress(); FormProgress.SetTitle("Chill-Out for a few seconds...\nGenerating slides so your presentation can look AWESOME!"); PowerPointSingleton.Instance.InsertVideoIntoActivePresentation(e.Item.FullPath); FormProgress.CloseProgress(); } else if (_extensionsManager.LinkViewContentExtension.CurrentLinkViewContent?.ContentType == LinkContentType.PowerPoint) { FormProgress.ShowProgress(); FormProgress.SetTitle("Chill-Out for a few seconds...\nGenerating slides so your presentation can look AWESOME!"); PowerPointSingleton.Instance.AppendSlidesFromFile(e.Item.FullPath); FormProgress.CloseProgress(); } }, null); break; } }
private void OnWebViewDownloadCompleted(Object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { TabControl.Enabled = true; FormProgress.CloseProgress(); using (var formComplete = new FormFileDownloadComplete(e.Item.FullPath)) { formComplete.StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; formComplete.ShowDialog(); } }
static void downloader_ProgressChanged(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Progress " + e.PercentDone); }
public void DownloadCompleted(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { }
void OnDownloadUpdated(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e) { Log("DownloadUpdated: " + e.downloads[0].downloadState + ", " + e.downloads[0].progress); }