Example #1
 /// <summary>
 ///     Wall constructor which accepts the wall line as well as heading adjustments.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wallLine">The 2D line segment representing the start and end point of the wall.</param>
 /// <param name="leftApproachAdjustmentCoefficient">
 ///     The direction in which to adjust the heading given an approach from the
 ///     west.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="rightApproachAdjustmentCoefficient">
 ///     The direction in which to adjust the heading given an approach from the
 ///     east.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="headingAdjustmentMagnitude">The "amount" (magnitude) in degrees by which the heading should be adjusted.</param>
 public Wall(DoubleLine wallLine, int leftApproachAdjustmentCoefficient, int rightApproachAdjustmentCoefficient,
     int headingAdjustmentMagnitude)
     WallLine = wallLine;
     _leftApproachAdjustment = leftApproachAdjustmentCoefficient*headingAdjustmentMagnitude;
     _rightApproachAdjustment = rightApproachAdjustmentCoefficient*headingAdjustmentMagnitude;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Determines whether the newly proposed location will result in a collision.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newLocation">The location to which the navigator is prepped to move.</param>
        /// <param name="walls">The list of walls in the environment.</param>
        /// <param name="collidingWall">Output parameter recording the wall at which the collision would occur.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the proposed move will result in a collision.</returns>
        private static bool IsCollision(DoublePoint newLocation, IList <Wall> walls, out Wall collidingWall)
            var doesCollide = false;

            collidingWall = null;

            // Iterate through all of the walls, determining if the traversal to the
            // newly proposed location will result in a collision
            foreach (var wall in walls)
                // If the distance between the wall and the new location is less than
                // the radius of the navigator itself, then a collision will occur
                if (!(DoubleLine.CalculateEuclideanDistanceFromLineToPoint(wall.WallLine, newLocation) < Radius))

                // If we made it here, there is a collision, so set the flag, record the colliding wall, and break
                doesCollide   = true;
                collidingWall = wall;


 /// <summary>
 ///     Wall constructor which accepts the wall line as well as heading adjustments.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wallLine">The 2D line segment representing the start and end point of the wall.</param>
 /// <param name="leftApproachAdjustmentCoefficient">
 ///     The direction in which to adjust the heading given an approach from the
 ///     west.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="rightApproachAdjustmentCoefficient">
 ///     The direction in which to adjust the heading given an approach from the
 ///     east.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="headingAdjustmentMagnitude">The "amount" (magnitude) in degrees by which the heading should be adjusted.</param>
 public Wall(DoubleLine wallLine, int leftApproachAdjustmentCoefficient, int rightApproachAdjustmentCoefficient,
             int headingAdjustmentMagnitude)
     WallLine = wallLine;
     _leftApproachAdjustment  = leftApproachAdjustmentCoefficient * headingAdjustmentMagnitude;
     _rightApproachAdjustment = rightApproachAdjustmentCoefficient * headingAdjustmentMagnitude;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Calculates the adjusted heading based on the current position in relation to the colliding wall.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentHeading">The current heading of the navigator.</param>
        /// <param name="currentPosition">The current position of the navigator.</param>
        /// <returns>The updated navigator heading.</returns>
        public double CalculateAdjustedHeading(double currentHeading, DoublePoint currentPosition)
            double adjustedHeading = 0;

            // Calculate the closest point on the colliding wall from the current position
            DoublePoint closestPointOnWall = DoubleLine.CalculateLineSegmentClosestPoint(WallLine, currentPosition);

            // Adjust the heading based on whether the navigator is approaching from the left or the right
            adjustedHeading = currentPosition.X < closestPointOnWall.X
                ? currentHeading + _leftApproachAdjustment
                : currentHeading + _rightApproachAdjustment;

            // If the navigator's resulting heading is greater than 360 degrees,
            // it has performed more than a complete rotation, so subtract 360
            // degrees to have a valid heading
            if (adjustedHeading > 360)
                adjustedHeading -= 360;
            // On the other hand, if the heading is negative, the same has happened
            // in the other direction.  So add 360 degrees
            else if (adjustedHeading < 0)
                adjustedHeading += 360;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates each of the range finders based on obstacles along their trajectory.  This amounts to setting the output of
        ///     the range finder to either the distance to the nearest obstacle or, if there are no obstacles in its path, to the
        ///     maximum distance of the range finder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="walls">The list of walls in the environment.</param>
        /// <param name="heading">The heading of the navigator (in degrees).</param>
        /// <param name="location">The location of the navigator in the environment.</param>
        internal void Update(IList <Wall> walls, double heading, DoublePoint location)
            // Convert rangefinder angle to radians
            var radianAngle = MathUtils.ToRadians(_angle);

            // Project a point from the navigator location outward
            var projectedPoint = new DoublePoint(location.X + Math.Cos(radianAngle) * Range,
                                                 location.Y + Math.Sin(radianAngle) * Range);

            //  Rotate the point based on the navigator's heading
            projectedPoint.RotatePoint(heading, location);

            // Create a line segment from the navigator's current location to the
            // projected point
            var projectedLine = new DoubleLine(location, projectedPoint);

            // Initialize the range to the maximum range of the range finder sensor
            var adjustedRange = Range;

            foreach (var wall in walls)
                // Get the intersection point between wall and projected trajectory
                // (if one exists)
                var wallIntersectionPoint = DoubleLine.CalculateLineIntersection(wall.WallLine, projectedLine,
                                                                                 out var intersectionFound);

                // Skip to next wall if there's no intersection for current one
                if (!intersectionFound)

                // Otherwise, if trajectory intersects with a wall, adjust the range to the point
                // of intersection (as the range finder cannot penetrate walls)

                // Get the distance from the wall
                var wallRange = DoublePoint.CalculateEuclideanDistance(wallIntersectionPoint, location);

                // If the current wall range is shorter than the current adjusted range,
                // update the adjusted range to the shorter value
                if (wallRange < adjustedRange)
                    adjustedRange = wallRange;

            // Update the range finder range to be the adjusted range
            Output = adjustedRange;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates each of the range finders based on obstacles along their trajectory.  This amounts to setting the output of
        ///     the range finder to either the distance to the nearest obstacle or, if there are no obstacles in its path, to the
        ///     maximum distance of the range finder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="walls">The list of walls in the environment.</param>
        /// <param name="heading">The heading of the navigator (in degrees).</param>
        /// <param name="location">The location of the navigator in the environment.</param>
        internal void Update(List<Wall> walls, double heading, DoublePoint location)
            // Convert rangefinder angle to radians
            var radianAngle = MathUtils.toRadians(Angle);

            // Project a point from the navigator location outward
            var projectedPoint = new DoublePoint(location.X + Math.Cos(radianAngle)*Range,
                location.Y + Math.Sin(radianAngle)*Range);

            //  Rotate the point based on the navigator's heading
            projectedPoint.RotatePoint(heading, location);

            // Create a line segment from the navigator's current location to the
            // projected point
            var projectedLine = new DoubleLine(location, projectedPoint);

            // Initialize the range to the maximum range of the range finder sensor
            var adjustedRange = Range;

            foreach (var wall in walls)
                // Initialize the intersection indicator to false
                var intersectionFound = false;

                // Get the intersection point between wall and projected trajectory
                // (if one exists)
                var wallIntersectionPoint = DoubleLine.CalculateLineIntersection(wall.WallLine, projectedLine,
                    out intersectionFound);

                // If trajectory intersects with a wall, adjust the range to the point
                // of intersection (as the range finder cannot penetrate walls)
                if (intersectionFound)
                    // Get the distance from the wall
                    var wallRange = DoublePoint.CalculateEuclideanDistance(wallIntersectionPoint, location);

                    // If the current wall range is shorter than the current adjusted range,
                    // update the adjusted range to the shorter value
                    if (wallRange < adjustedRange)
                        adjustedRange = wallRange;

            // Update the range finder range to be the adjusted range
            Output = adjustedRange;
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 ///     Wall constructor which accepts online the line definition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wallLine">The line representing a wall in the maze.</param>
 public Wall(DoubleLine wallLine)
     : this(wallLine, 0, 0, 0)
 /// <summary>
 ///     Wall constructor which accepts online the line definition.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wallLine">The line representing a wall in the maze.</param>
 public Wall(DoubleLine wallLine) : this(wallLine, 0, 0, 0)