public DoubleChance getDoubleChanceFoEvent(HtmlNode node, string eventId) { DoubleChance doubleChance = new DoubleChance(); try { foreach (HtmlNode node2 in node.ChildNodes) { if (node2.OriginalName == "div" && this.GetAtributeValueByName(node2, "id").StartsWith(eventId) == true) { var result = this._htmlOddsParse.GetLineThree(node2.ChildNodes[1]); doubleChance.HomeDraw = result.k1; doubleChance.HomeAway = result.k2; doubleChance.AwayDraw = result.k3; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } return(doubleChance); }
private void SetDoubleChanceToDatabasePrices(DoubleChance doubleChance) { this.pinaccle.HOMEAWAY = doubleChance.HomeAway; this.pinaccle.HOMEDRAW = doubleChance.HomeDraw; this.pinaccle.DRAWAWAY = doubleChance.AwayDraw; this.pinaccle.HOMEAWAY_computed_ = doubleChance.HomeAwayComputed; this.pinaccle.HOMEDRAW_computed_ = doubleChance.HomeDrawComputed; this.pinaccle.DRAWAWAY_computed_ = doubleChance.AwayDrawComputed; this.pinaccle.HOMEAWAY_disc = doubleChance.HomeAwayDisc; this.pinaccle.HOMEDRAW_disc = doubleChance.HomeDrawDisc; this.pinaccle.DRAWAWAY_disc = doubleChance.AwayDrawDisc; }
private void CheckIfSpecialSquare(MapSection[][] map, int i, int j, int positionNumber, Character character, int roomId) { //Character moves back by 3 positions if he is on GoBackSquare if (map[i][j].isGoBackSquare) { Console.WriteLine("Oops, it seems you stopped on a special square..."); positionNumber -= 3; if (j >= 3) { if (j == 3) { j = 0; } else { j -= 3; } } else { var toTakeDown = 3 - j; if (i == 0) { throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot move back from {i}{j}"); } else { i -= 1; j = map[i].Length - 1; toTakeDown--; j -= toTakeDown; } } positionNumber = map[i][j].Number; UpdateCharacterPositionInDb(character, map[i][j].X, map[i][j].Y, positionNumber, roomId); Console.WriteLine($"{character.Name} moves back by 3 positions to square number {positionNumber} :)"); CheckIfSpecialSquare(map, i, j, positionNumber, character, roomId); } //Character goes forward by 3 positions if he is on GoBackSquare else if (map[i][j].isGoForwardSquare) { Console.WriteLine("Oops, it seems you stopped on a special square..."); positionNumber += 3; if (j <= 6) { j += 3; } else //if(j != 9) { var thisRowAdd = 9 - j; var nextRowAdd = 3 - thisRowAdd; if (i == map.Length - 1) { throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot move forward from {i}{j}"); } else { i += 1; j = 0; if (j == 0) { nextRowAdd--; } j += nextRowAdd; } } positionNumber = map[i][j].Number; UpdateCharacterPositionInDb(character, map[i][j].X, map[i][j].Y, positionNumber, roomId); Console.WriteLine($"{character.Name} moves forward with 3 positions to square number {positionNumber} ^.^"); CheckIfSpecialSquare(map, i, j, positionNumber, character, roomId); } //ToDo else if (map[i][j].isMysterySquare) { Console.WriteLine("Oops, it seems you stopped on a special square..."); var num = numberGenerator.GenerateNumber(1, 3); if (num == 1) { //play mini game //Can be found in Miscellaneous/SpecialSquares/MysterySquare/MiniGameAction.cs MiniGameAction msa = new MiniGameAction(); msa.PlayMiniGame(isSingle); if (msa.DemolitionFalcons) { //All characters return to the first square var characters = context.GameCharacters.Where(g => g.GameId == roomId).ToList(); foreach (var charche in characters) { context.GameCharacters.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CharacterId == charche.CharacterId).CharacterPositionX = map[0][0].X; context.GameCharacters.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CharacterId == charche.CharacterId).CharacterPositionY = map[0][0].Y; context.GameCharacters.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CharacterId == charche.CharacterId).MapSectionNumber = map[0][0].Number; context.SaveChanges(); } } else if (msa.GoBack) { var toGoBackWith = msa.GoBackWith; positionNumber -= toGoBackWith; if (j >= toGoBackWith) { if (j == toGoBackWith) { j = 0; } else { j -= toGoBackWith; } } else { var toTakeDown = toGoBackWith - j; if (i == 0) { throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot move back from {i}{j}"); } else { i -= 1; j = map[i].Length - 1; toTakeDown--; j -= toTakeDown; } } positionNumber = map[i][j].Number; UpdateCharacterPositionInDb(character, map[i][j].X, map[i][j].Y, positionNumber, roomId); Console.WriteLine($"{character.Name} moves back by {toGoBackWith} positions to square number {positionNumber} :)"); CheckIfSpecialSquare(map, i, j, positionNumber, character, roomId); } else if (msa.MoveForward) { var toMoveForwardWith = msa.MoveForwardWith; positionNumber += toMoveForwardWith; if (j < map[i].Length - toMoveForwardWith) { j += toMoveForwardWith; } else //if(j != 9) { var thisRowAdd = 9 - j; var nextRowAdd = toMoveForwardWith - thisRowAdd; if (i == map.Length - 1) { throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot move forward from {i}{j}"); } else { i += 1; j = 0; if (j == 0) { nextRowAdd--; } j += nextRowAdd; } } positionNumber = map[i][j].Number; UpdateCharacterPositionInDb(character, map[i][j].X, map[i][j].Y, positionNumber, roomId); Console.WriteLine($"{character.Name} moves forward with {toMoveForwardWith} positions to square number {positionNumber} ^.^"); CheckIfSpecialSquare(map, i, j, positionNumber, character, roomId); } } else { var doubleChance = new DoubleChance(); var isSingle = true; doubleChance.StartDoubleChance(context, roomId, character, positionNumber, map, i, j, isSingle); } } //ToDo else if (map[i][j].isBonusSquare) { Console.WriteLine("Oops, it seems you stopped on a special square..."); Console.WriteLine($"{character.Name} is on a bonus square :)"); BonusSquareAction bsa = new BonusSquareAction(context, roomId, character); //Gets a random spell drawn with a special algorythm that allow the character to atack another character bsa.GetSpell(""); } }
public async Task <OlimpOddEvent> GetOddsByEventId(OlimpEvent olimpEvent) { string url = "/en/sports/match/" + olimpEvent.EventId; HtmlNode documentNode = this.GetDocumentNodeByUrl(url); if (documentNode != null) { HtmlNode oddsContainer = documentNode.QuerySelector(".coef"); MoneyLine moneyLine = new MoneyLine(); DoubleChance doubleChance = new DoubleChance(); List <Total> totals = new List <Total>(); List <Handicap> handicaps = new List <Handicap>(); List <Total> homeTotals = new List <Total>(); List <Total> awayTotals = new List <Total>(); OlimpOddEvent olimpOddEvent = new OlimpOddEvent(); try { foreach (HtmlNode node in oddsContainer.ChildNodes) { if (node.OriginalName == "div" && this.GetAtributeValueByName(node, "class") == "") { foreach (HtmlNode htmlNode in node.ChildNodes) { if (htmlNode.OriginalName == "div" && this.GetAtributeValueByName(htmlNode, "class") == "livelineheader") { string type = this.GetMarketTypeByLiveheaderNode(htmlNode); if (type == "FULL TIME RESULT") { moneyLine = this.getMoneylineFoEvent(node, olimpEvent.EventId); } if (type == "DOUBLE CHANCE") { doubleChance = this.getDoubleChanceFoEvent(node, olimpEvent.EventId); } if (type == "TOTAL GOALS") { Total t = this.GetTotalForEvent(node, olimpEvent.EventId); if (t != null) { totals.Add(t); } } if (type == "ALTERNATIVE TOTAL GOALS") { List <Total> totals2 = this.GetTotalGoals(node, olimpEvent.EventId); if (totals2 != null) { totals.AddRange(totals2); } } if (type == "HANDICAP RESULT") { Handicap h = this.GetHandicap(node, olimpEvent.EventId); if (h != null) { handicaps.Add(h); } } if (type == "ALTERNATIVE HANDICAP RESULT") { List <Handicap> hdps = this.GetHandicaps(node, olimpEvent.EventId); if (hdps != null) { handicaps.AddRange(hdps); } } if (type == "TEAM TOTAL") { var result = this.GetTeamTotals(node, olimpEvent); if (result.home != null) { awayTotals = result.away; homeTotals = result.home; } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } olimpOddEvent.moneyLine = moneyLine; olimpOddEvent.doubleChance = doubleChance; olimpOddEvent.Totals = totals; olimpOddEvent.Handicaps = handicaps; olimpOddEvent.AwayTotals = awayTotals; olimpOddEvent.HomeTotals = homeTotals; olimpOddEvent.EventId = olimpEvent.EventId; olimpOddEvent.HomeTeam = olimpEvent.HomeTeam; olimpOddEvent.AwayTeam = olimpEvent.AwayTeam; olimpOddEvent.LeagueName = olimpEvent.LeagueName; olimpOddEvent.StartDate = olimpEvent.StartDate; olimpOddEvent.DateAdded = DateTime.Now.ToString(); return(olimpOddEvent); } else { return(null); } }
public PinacclePrices ConvertPinnacleEventToDatabasePrices(OddEvent oddEvent) { eventDiscs.Clear(); this.pinaccle = new PinacclePrices(); this.pinaccle.IsLive = oddEvent.IsLive; this.pinaccle.DateAdded = oddEvent.DateAdded; this.pinaccle.EventId = oddEvent.EventId.ToString(); = this.pinaccle.GetType().GetProperties(); this.pinaccle.HomeTeam = oddEvent.HomeTeam; this.pinaccle.AwayTeam = oddEvent.AwayTeam; this.pinaccle.StartTime = oddEvent.StartTime; OddPeriod oddPeriod = oddEvent.Periods[0]; MoneyLine moneyLine = oddPeriod.MoneyLine; List <Handicap> handicaps = oddPeriod.Handicaps; List <Total> totals = oddPeriod.Totals; DoubleChance doubleChance = oddPeriod.DoubleChance; if (oddPeriod.TeamTotal != null) { Total homeTotal = oddPeriod.TeamTotal.Home; Total awayTeamTotal = oddPeriod.TeamTotal.Away; if (homeTotal != null) { this.SetHomeTeamTotalPricesTodatabase(homeTotal); } if (awayTeamTotal != null) { this.SetAwayTeamTotalPricesToDatabase(awayTeamTotal); } } this.SetMoneyLinePricesToDatabase(moneyLine); //this.SetDoubleChanceToDatabasePrices(doubleChance); this.SetTotalPricesToDatabase(totals); //this.SetHomeTeamTotalPricesTodatabase(homeTotal); //this.SetAwayTeamTotalPricesToDatabase(awayTeamTotal); this.SetHandicapPricesToDatabase(handicaps); //var result = MathClass.GetStatsForMarket(this.eventDiscs); //this.pinaccle.EventDiscMax = result.maxDisc; //this.pinaccle.EventDiscAverage = result.averageDisc; //this.pinaccle.EventMediana = MathClass.GetMedForMarket(this.eventDiscs); return(this.pinaccle); }