public override void Connect() { var gachaData = Dot.Object("gacha", Hub.DataStore.LoginDataStore.LoginData, null); if (gachaData != null) { var sets = Dot.Object("sets", gachaData, null); if (sets != null) { this.OnFetchSets(null, sets); } else { this._api.FetchSets(this._config.Groups, OnFetchSets); } var tokens = Dot.Array("tokens", gachaData, null); if (tokens != null) { this.OnSyncTokens(null, tokens); } else { this.Sync(null); } } else { this.Sync(delegate(Dictionary <string, int> tokens){}); this._api.FetchSets(this._config.Groups, OnFetchSets); } }
public Account(object obj) { AccountId = Dot.Long("naid", obj, AccountId); ArrayList users = Dot.Array("users", obj, null); if (users != null) { Users = new User[users.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < Users.Length; ++i) { Users[i] = Hub.Instance.UserManager.GetUser(users[i] as Hashtable); } } var auth = Dot.Object("auth", obj, null); if (auth != null) { var list = new List <AuthData>(); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in auth) { var authData = new AuthData(entry.Key.ToString(), entry.Value); list.Add(authData); } Authenticators = list.ToArray(); } }
void OnLoadPayouts(string err, Hashtable data) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(err)) { EB.Debug.LogError("获取商品失败:" + err); _config.Listener.OnOffersFetched(); return; } _externalId = EB.Dot.String("externalTrkid", data, _externalId); int end = _externalId.LastIndexOf(':'); _externalId = _externalId.Substring(0, end + 1);//去掉平台数据,后面用到的自己去拼,处理多平台问题 _sale = null; _bonusItems.Clear(); _payouts.Clear(); _enumerated = false; var currentSet = EB.Dot.Find <object>("data.payoutSets.0", data); if (currentSet != null) { var sale = EB.Dot.Object("sale", currentSet, null); if (sale != null) { _sale = new PayoutSale(sale); } var bonus = EB.Dot.Array("redeemers", currentSet, new ArrayList()); foreach (object candidate in bonus) { Hashtable item = candidate as Hashtable; if (item != null) { RedeemerItem redeemerItem = new RedeemerItem(item); if (redeemerItem.IsValid == true) { _bonusItems.Add(redeemerItem); } } } var payouts = Dot.Array("payouts", currentSet, new ArrayList()); EB.Debug.Log("【商城】加载商品成功,数量:{0}", payouts.Count); foreach (Hashtable payout in payouts) { var item = new EB.IAP.Item(_externalId, payout); _payouts.Add(item); } } _iapManager.Enumerate(_payouts); _config.Listener.OnOffersFetchSuceeded(); }
public void FillInventory(Hashtable data) { ArrayList rawInventory = Dot.Array("inventory", data, null); if (null == rawInventory) { return; } foreach (Hashtable item in rawInventory) { Inventory.Add(item); } }
IEnumerator DoVerify(ContentPack pack) { var infoPath = Path.Combine(pack.folder, "info.txt"); var info = ReadJsonFile(infoPath); if (info == null) { EB.Debug.Log("failed to load info file for content path: " + pack.folder); yield break; } yield return(null); pack.version = Dot.Integer("cl", info, -1); foreach (var file in Dot.Array("files", info, new ArrayList())) { pack.packs.Add(Dot.String("pack", file, string.Empty)); } if (pack.version < Version.GetChangeList()) { // too old EB.Debug.LogWarning("pack is too old, deleting " + pack.version); pack.Delete(); yield break; } if (pack.packs.Count == 0) { EB.Debug.LogWarning("pack is empty, removing "); pack.Delete(); yield break; } foreach (string p in pack.packs) { var folder = Path.Combine(pack.folder, p); if (!Verify(folder)) { EB.Debug.LogWarning("pack verification failed for pack " + p); pack.Delete(); yield break; } } EB.Debug.Log("content is ok at " + pack.folder); _packs.Add(pack); yield break; }
public override void Connect() { var data = Dot.Object("tele", Hub.DataStore.LoginDataStore.LoginData, null); _flushInterval = Dot.Single("interval", data, _flushInterval); _flushTimer = _buffer.Count > 0 ? 0.0f : _flushInterval; // get the filter list var filter = Dot.Array("filter", data, null); if (filter != null) { _filter.Clear(); foreach (var name in filter) { _filter.Add(name.ToString()); } } State = SubSystemState.Connected; }
void _Login(string authenticatorName, object authData) { _PreLogin(delegate(Hashtable secData) { _api.Login(authenticatorName, authData, secData, delegate(string err, object obj) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(err)) { _LoginFailed(err); return; } if (LoginState != LoginState.Authenticating) { EB.Debug.Log("_Login: already authenticated"); return; } _lastAuthenticator = authenticatorName; PlayerPrefs.SetString("LastAuthenticator", _lastAuthenticator); SetState(LoginState.Authenticated); var account = Dot.Object("account", obj, null); _account = new Account(account); var worldList = Dot.Array("worldlist", obj, null); _gameWorlds.Clear(); if (worldList != null) { for (var i = 0; i < worldList.Count; i++) { var world = worldList[i]; _gameWorlds.Add(new GameWorld(world)); } } _gameWorlds.Sort(new WorldCompare()); var defaultWorld = _gameWorlds.Find(w => w.Default); if (_user != null && defaultWorld != null && _user.WorldId == defaultWorld.Id) { LocalUser = System.Array.Find(_account.Users, u => u.Id == _user.Id); } // var notice = Dot.String("notice.content", obj, null); Notices.Clear(); var notices = Dot.Array("notice.notices", obj, null); if (notices != null) { for (var i = 0; i < notices.Count; i++) { var notice = notices[i]; Notices.Add(new NoticeItem(notice)); } } Notices.Sort((a, b) => { return(; }); if (_user != null) { Hashtable charData = Johny.HashtablePool.Claim(); charData["worldId"] = _user.WorldId; EnterGame(charData); } else { LoginExtraListener.OnAuthorized(GetAuthenticator(authenticatorName), _account); } }); }); }
IEnumerator DoDownload(Hashtable info) { var version = Dot.Integer("cl", info, 0); var files = Dot.Array("files", info, null); if (files == null || files.Count == 0) { EB.Debug.LogError("missing file list!"); yield break; } var pack = new ContentPack(); pack.version = version; pack.folder = Path.Combine(BasePath, version.ToString()); pack.packs = new List <string>(); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(pack.folder); } catch (System.Exception ex) { EB.Debug.LogError("failed to create directory " + pack.folder + " " + ex); yield break; } // write the info file if (!WriteJsonFile(Path.Combine(pack.folder, "info.txt"), info)) { yield break; } var cdn = Dot.String("cdn", info, string.Empty); using (var endpoint = new HttpEndPoint(cdn, new EndPointOptions())) { var filesToDownload = new ArrayList(); foreach (var file in files) { var url = Dot.String("url", file, string.Empty); var size = Dot.Long("size", file, 0); var filename = Path.GetFileName(url); var localPath = Path.Combine(pack.folder, filename); if (!CheckFile(localPath, size)) { filesToDownload.Add(file); } pack.packs.Add(Dot.String("pack", file, string.Empty)); } // download all the files for (int i = 0; i < filesToDownload.Count; ++i) { var file = filesToDownload[i]; var url = Dot.String("url", file, string.Empty); var size = Dot.Long("size", file, 0); //var md5 = Dot.String("md5", file, string.Empty); var filename = Path.GetFileName(url); var localPath = Path.Combine(pack.folder, filename); // download yield return(Coroutines.Run(DoDownloadFile(i, filesToDownload.Count, size, endpoint, localPath, url))); if (!CheckFile(localPath, size)) { EB.Debug.LogError("Failed to download file! " + url); yield break; } } } Notify(Localizer.GetString("ID_SPARX_CONTENT_EXTRACTING")); yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate()); if (_pool == null) { _pool = new ThreadPool(1); } ThreadPool.AsyncTask async = _pool.Queue(this.ThreadTask, pack); while (!async.done) { yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate()); } if (async.exception != null) { Error = "ID_SPARX_CONTENT_FAILED_EXTRACT"; Notify(Localizer.GetString("ID_SPARX_CONTENT_FAILED_EXTRACT")); yield break; } // mount it! Mount(pack); yield break; }