public bool UpdatePassword(string Username, string Password) { try { var _user = _db.SingleOrDefault <DolUser>("where UserName =@0", Username); _user.Password = Password; _db.Update(_user); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
//update terminal public bool ModifyTerminal(TerminalRequest param) { try { var terminal = _db.SingleOrDefault <DolTerminal>("where TerminalId=@0", param.TerminalId); terminal.Terminalno = param.TerminalNo; terminal.Terminalref = param.TerminalRef; terminal.Brandid = param.BrandId; terminal.Clientid = param.ClientId; terminal.Engineer = param.Engineer; terminal.Isterminalactive = param.IsTerminalActive; terminal.Isundersupport = param.IsUnderSupport; terminal.Location = param.Location; terminal.Serialno = param.SerialNo; terminal.Stateid = param.StateId; terminal.Terminalalias = param.TerminalAlias; terminal.Createdby = param.CreatedBy; terminal.Createdon = param.CreatedOn; _db.Update(terminal); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ErrorFormat("ModifyTerminal", ex.Message); return(false); } }
public bool UpdateRole(string Title, string Desc, bool Status, int?Id) { try { var _role = _db.SingleOrDefault <UserRole>("where RoleId =@0", Id); _role.Title = Title; _role.Desc = Desc; _role.Isroleactive = Status; _db.Update(_role); return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public bool UpdateRole(string Title, string Desc, bool Status, int?Id) { try { var _role = _db.SingleOrDefault <UserRole>("where RoleId =@0", Id); _role.Rolename = Title; _role.Roledesc = Desc; _role.Isroleactive = Status; _db.Update(_role); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ErrorFormat("UpdateRole", ex.Message); return(false); } }
public bool LogOffUser(LoginRequest request) { try { var param = _db.SingleOrDefault <UserTracking>("where UserName=@0 and SystemIp=@1 and IsUserLogOut=@2 and IsUserLogOff=@2", request.UserName, request.SystemIp, false); param.Isuserlogoff = true; _db.Update(param); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("UserLogOff", ex); return(false); } }
public bool UpdateClient(string ClientName, string ClientAlias, HttpPostedFileBase ClientBanner, int RespTime, int RestTime, bool IsClientActive, string ExtClientBanner, int ClientId) { try { var client = _db.SingleOrDefault <DolClient>("WHERE ClientId=@0", ClientId); client.Clientname = ClientName; client.Clientalias = ClientAlias; client.Isclientactive = IsClientActive; client.Clientbanner = DoFileUpload(ClientBanner, ExtClientBanner); client.Resptime = RespTime; client.Resttime = RestTime; _db.Update(client); return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public bool UpdateBrandDetails(string BrandName, string BrandDesc, bool IsBrandActive, string CreatedBy, int BrandId) { try { var brand = _db.SingleOrDefault <DolBrand>("WHERE BrandId=@0", BrandId); brand.Brandname = BrandName; brand.Branddesc = BrandDesc; brand.Isbrandactive = IsBrandActive; brand.Createdby = CreatedBy; brand.Createdon = DateTime.Now; brand.Createdby = CreatedBy; _db.Update(brand); return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public bool CloseIncident(CloseRequest request) { try { var param = _db.FirstOrDefault <DolIncident>("where IncidentId=@0", request.IncidentId); param.Resolvedby = request.ResolvedBy; param.Resolvedon = request.ResolvedOn; param.Ispartreplaced = request.IsParReplaced; param.Pegrade = ""; //Generate Performance grade based on SLA param.Iscallresolved = request.IsCallResolved; param.Closedremark = request.ClosedRemark; _db.Update(param); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Fatal("ClassName:IncidentManagement MethodName: CloseIncident", ex); return(false); } }
public bool UpdateClient(ClientRequest request) { try { var client = _db.SingleOrDefault <DolClient>("WHERE ClientId=@0", request.ClientId); client.Clientname = request.ClientName; client.Clientalias = request.ClientAlias; client.Isclientactive = request.IsClientActive; client.Clientbanner = request.ClientBanner; client.Resptimein = request.RespTimeIn; client.Resttimein = request.RestTimeIn; client.Resptimeout = request.RespTimeOut; client.Resttimeout = request.RestTimeOut; _db.Update(client); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ErrorFormat("UpdateClient", ex); return(false); } }