public void Stop() { if (IsRunning) { FireStateChange(LiquesceSvcState.Unknown, "Stop has been requested"); int retVal = Dokan.DokanUnmount(mountedDriveLetter); Log.Info("Stop returned[{0}]", retVal); } }
/// <summary> /// Invokes DokanNet.DokanMain function to mount a drive. /// The function blocks until the file system is unmounted. /// Administrator privilege is needed to communicate with Dokan driver. /// You need a manifest file for .NET application. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void Start(object obj) { try { int repeatWait = 0; while (IsRunning && (repeatWait++ < 100) ) { Log.Warn("Last Dokan is still running"); Thread.Sleep(250); } if (!IsRunning) { if (currentConfigDetails == null) { ReadConfigDetails(); } FireStateChange(LiquesceSvcState.InError, "Starting up"); if (currentConfigDetails == null) { Log.Fatal("Unable to read the config details to allow this service to run. Will now exit"); Environment.Exit(-1); // ReSharper disable HeuristicUnreachableCode return; // ReSharper restore HeuristicUnreachableCode } SetNLogLevel(currentConfigDetails.ServiceLogLevel); FireStateChange(LiquesceSvcState.Unknown, "Dokan initialised"); IsRunning = true; // TODO: Search all usages of the DriveLetter and make sure they become MountPoint compatible string mountPoint = currentConfigDetails.DriveLetter; //if (mountPoint.Length == 1) // mountPoint += ":\\"; // Make this into a MountPoint for V 0.6.0 DokanOptions options = new DokanOptions { MountPoint = mountPoint, ThreadCount = currentConfigDetails.ThreadCount, DebugMode = currentConfigDetails.DebugMode, // public bool UseStdErr; // UseAltStream = true, // This needs all sorts of extra API's UseKeepAlive = true, // When you set TRUE on DokanOptions->UseKeepAlive, dokan library automatically unmounts 15 seconds after user-mode file system hanged up NetworkDrive = false, // Set this to true to see if it stops the recycler bin question until [workitem:7253] is sorted VolumeLabel = currentConfigDetails.VolumeLabel }; IServicePlugin plugin = pluginProviders.Where(pluginProvider => 0 == String.Compare(pluginProvider.Metadata.Description, currentConfigDetails.PluginMode, true)).Select(pluginProvider => pluginProvider.Value.Create()).FirstOrDefault(); plugin.Initialise(currentConfigDetails.DriveLetter, currentConfigDetails.HoldOffBufferBytes); dokanOperations = new LiquesceOps(currentConfigDetails, plugin); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(dokanOperations.InitialiseShares, dokanOperations); mountedDriveLetter = currentConfigDetails.DriveLetter[0]; try { Log.Info("DokanVersion:[{0}], DokanDriverVersion[{1}]", Dokan.DokanVersion(), Dokan.DokanDriverVersion()); Dokan.DokanUnmount(mountedDriveLetter); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.InfoException("Make sure it's unmounted threw:", ex); } int retVal = Dokan.DokanMain(options, dokanOperations); Log.Warn("Dokan.DokanMain has exited"); IsRunning = false; switch (retVal) { case Dokan.DOKAN_SUCCESS: // = 0; FireStateChange(LiquesceSvcState.Stopped, "Dokan is not mounted"); break; case Dokan.DOKAN_ERROR:// = -1; // General Error FireStateChange(LiquesceSvcState.InError, "Dokan is not mounted [DOKAN_ERROR] - General Error"); break; case Dokan.DOKAN_DRIVE_LETTER_ERROR: // = -2; // Bad Drive letter FireStateChange(LiquesceSvcState.InError, "Dokan is not mounted [DOKAN_DRIVE_LETTER_ERROR] - Bad drive letter"); break; case Dokan.DOKAN_DRIVER_INSTALL_ERROR: // = -3; // Can't install driver FireStateChange(LiquesceSvcState.InError, "Dokan is not mounted [DOKAN_DRIVER_INSTALL_ERROR]"); Environment.Exit(-1); break; case Dokan.DOKAN_START_ERROR: // = -4; // Driver something wrong FireStateChange(LiquesceSvcState.InError, "Dokan is not mounted [DOKAN_START_ERROR] - Driver Something is wrong"); Environment.Exit(-1); break; case Dokan.DOKAN_MOUNT_ERROR: // = -5; // Can't assign drive letter FireStateChange(LiquesceSvcState.InError, "Dokan is not mounted [DOKAN_MOUNT_ERROR] - Can't assign drive letter"); break; default: FireStateChange(LiquesceSvcState.InError, String.Format("Dokan is not mounted [Uknown Error: {0}]", retVal)); Environment.Exit(-1); break; } } else { FireStateChange(LiquesceSvcState.InError, "Seems like the last exit request into Dokan did not exit in time"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ErrorException("Start has failed in an uncontrolled way: ", ex); Environment.Exit(-1); } finally { IsRunning = false; } }