Example #1
        private static IDisposable ReadStats(DocumentsOperationContext context, Table table, TimeSeriesSliceHolder slicer, out long count, out DateTime start, out DateTime end, out Slice name)
            count = 0;
            start = DateTime.MaxValue;
            end   = DateTime.MinValue;
            name  = slicer.NameSlice;

            if (table.ReadByKey(slicer.StatsKey, out var tvr) == false)

            count = DocumentsStorage.TableValueToLong((int)StatsColumns.Count, ref tvr);
            start = new DateTime(Bits.SwapBytes(DocumentsStorage.TableValueToLong((int)StatsColumns.Start, ref tvr)));
            end   = DocumentsStorage.TableValueToDateTime((int)StatsColumns.End, ref tvr);

            if (count == 0 && start == default && end == default)
                // this is delete a stats, that we re-create, so we need to treat is as a new one.
                start = DateTime.MaxValue;
                end   = DateTime.MinValue;

            return(DocumentsStorage.TableValueToSlice(context, (int)StatsColumns.Name, ref tvr, out name));