public ActionResult ActiveNOnActiveConfirmSeal(int id)
            string ActiveMode = string.Empty;

            string   NotificationTime = string.Empty;
            string   UserId           = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            Document doc = db.DocumentUsers.Include(a => a.document).SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == id).document;

            DocumentUser documentUser = db.DocumentUsers.Find(id);

            if (documentUser.EnableSeal == true)
                documentUser.EnableSeal = false;
                ActiveMode = "الغاء  إمكانبة التسديد";
                documentUser.EnableSeal = true;
                ActiveMode = "تفعيل إمكانية التسديد";
            documentUser.UpdatedAt       = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy-HH:mm:ss");
            db.Entry(documentUser).State = EntityState.Modified;

            int Form_id = documentUser.DocumentId;


            Notification notification = null;

            NotificationTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy-HH:mm:ss");

            notification = new Notification()
                CreatedAt = NotificationTime,
                Active    = false,
                UserId    = documentUser.UserId,
                Message   = "تمت عملية  " + ActiveMode + "   للوثيقة  ، رقم الوثيقة" + "" +

                            (ManagedAes.CipherData ? ManagedAes.DecryptText(doc.DocumentNumber) : doc.DocumentNumber)
                            + " موضوع الوثيقة :" +
                            (ManagedAes.CipherData ? ManagedAes.DecryptText(doc.Subject) : doc.Subject)
                            + " ،عنوان الوثيقة :" +
                            (ManagedAes.CipherData ? ManagedAes.DecryptText(doc.Address) : doc.Address)
                            + "،وصف الوثيقة :" +
                            (ManagedAes.CipherData ? ManagedAes.DecryptText(doc.Description) : doc.Description)
                NotificationOwnerId = UserId


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { @id = Form_id, @msg = "EditSuccess" }));
Example #2
        public ActionResult Create(int DocumentIdValue, List <string> Users)
            ViewBag.Current = "Document";

            string   NotificationTime = string.Empty;
            string   UserId           = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            Document doc = db.Documents.Find(DocumentIdValue);

            if (Users == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { @id = DocumentIdValue, @msg = "CreateError" }));
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                DocumentUser documentUser = null;
                foreach (string i in Users)
                    documentUser = new DocumentUser()
                        UserId       = i,
                        DocumentId   = DocumentIdValue,
                        EnableEdit   = true,
                        EnableSeal   = true,
                        EnableReplay = true,
                        EnableRelate = true,
                        CreatedAt    = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy-HH:mm:ss"),
                        CreatedById  = this.User.Identity.GetUserId()

                    NotificationTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy-HH:mm:ss");
                    Notification notification = null;

                    notification = new Notification()
                        CreatedAt = NotificationTime,
                        Active    = false,
                        UserId    = i,
                        Message   = "تم إضافة وثيقة جديدة  :" + "" + "، رقم الوثيقة :" + doc.Name + " ، موضوع الوثيقة:" + doc.Subject +
                                    " ، عنوان الوثيقة:" + doc.Address + " ،وصف الوثيقة :" + doc.Description
                        NotificationOwnerId = UserId
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { @id = DocumentIdValue, @msg = "CreateSuccess" }));

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { @id = DocumentIdValue }));
Example #3
        public ActionResult Details(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("BadRequestError", "ErrorController"));
            DocumentUser documentUser = db.DocumentUsers.Include(a => a.CreatedBy).Include(a => a.document).Include(a => a.User).SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == id);

            if (documentUser == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("HttpNotFoundError", "ErrorController"));
        public ActionResult ActiveNOnActiveSeal(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("BadRequestError", "ErrorController"));
            DocumentUser documentUser = db.DocumentUsers.Include(a => a.document).Include(a => a.User).SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == id);

            if (documentUser == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("HttpNotFoundError", "ErrorController"));
            if (ManagedAes.CipherData)
                documentUser.document.Subject = ManagedAes.DecryptText(documentUser.document.Subject);
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            string       NotificationTime = string.Empty;
            string       UserId           = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            Document     doc          = db.DocumentUsers.Include(a => a.document).SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == id).document;
            string       User_Id      = db.DocumentUsers.Include(a => a.document).SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == id).UserId;
            DocumentUser documentuser = db.DocumentUsers.Find(id);
            int          Form_id      = documentuser.DocumentId;



            Notification notification = null;

            NotificationTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy-HH:mm:ss");

            notification = new Notification()
                CreatedAt = NotificationTime,
                Active    = false,
                UserId    = User_Id,
                Message   = "تم  إزالة وثيقة    ، رقم الوثيقة :" +

                            (ManagedAes.CipherData ? ManagedAes.DecryptText(doc.DocumentNumber) : doc.DocumentNumber)
                            + " موضوع الوثيقة :" +
                            (ManagedAes.CipherData ? ManagedAes.DecryptText(doc.Subject) : doc.Subject)
                            + " ،عنوان الوثيقة :" +
                            (ManagedAes.CipherData ? ManagedAes.DecryptText(doc.Address) : doc.Address)
                            + "،وصف الوثيقة :" +
                            (ManagedAes.CipherData ? ManagedAes.DecryptText(doc.Description) : doc.Description)
                NotificationOwnerId = UserId


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { @id = Form_id, @msg = "DeleteSuccess" }));
Example #6
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutUpdateSequencialRestricted(int id, SequenceACL sequence)
            //Check the user is a Admin User
            var     userId          = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            UserACL userAclForAdmin = await db.UserAcls.Where(x => x.UserId == userId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            if (userAclForAdmin.UserType != Admin)
                return(BadRequest("Only Admin User can Update Sequencial Restricted"));

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            Document document = await db.Documents.FindAsync(id);

            if (document == null)

            // Check Sequencial List is already created.
            var sequencialListToCheck = await
                                        db.SequenceAcls.Where(x => x.DocAclId == document.DocumentACLId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            if (sequencialListToCheck != null)
                return(BadRequest("Sequencial list is already Exist."));

            // only sequence and present access is updated
            DocumentACL aDocumentAcl = await db.DocumentAcls.Where(x => x.DocumentId == id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            SequenceACL aSequenceAcl =
                await db.SequenceAcls.Where(x => x.DocAclId == aDocumentAcl.Id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            aSequenceAcl.Sequence      = sequence.Sequence;
            aSequenceAcl.PresentAccess = sequence.PresentAccess;

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            // change the DocAclType in DocumentAcl

            aDocumentAcl.DocAclType = 2;
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            //// Check Document have a restricted sequence.
            //var restrictedListToCheck = await
            //    db.Restricteds.Where(x => x.DocAclId == document.DocumentACLId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();
            //if (restrictedListToCheck != null)
            //    db.Restricteds.Remove(restrictedListToCheck);
            //    await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            //Delete the Document from the DocumentUser Table...
            db.DocumentUsers.RemoveRange(db.DocumentUsers.Where(x => x.DocumentId == id));
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Add user To the DocumentUser Model
            List <string> userInTagList = sequence.Sequence.Split(',').ToList();

            foreach (var userInList in userInTagList)
                var len = userInList.Length;
                if (len != 36 && userInList[0] == 'g')
                    var groupId = Convert.ToInt64(userInList.Substring(1));

                    //Check the Group is Exist
                    var groupIsExist = db.Groups.FindAsync(groupId);

                    // Get all the user of the Group
                    var groupUsers = await(from u in db.Users
                                           join ug in db.UserGroups on u.Id equals ug.UserId
                                           join g in db.Groups on ug.GroupId equals g.Id
                                           where g.Id == groupId
                                           select new

                    // Add User to the Document

                    foreach (var userInGroup in groupUsers)
                        //check the user is already member of this Document
                        var aDocumentUser = await
                                            db.DocumentUsers.Where(x => x.UserId == userInGroup.Id && x.DocumentId == document.Id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                        if (aDocumentUser == null)
                            DocumentUser documentUser = new DocumentUser();
                            documentUser.UserId     = userInGroup.Id;
                            documentUser.DocumentId = document.Id;

                            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
                    //check the user is already member of this Document
                    var aDocumentUser = await
                                        db.DocumentUsers.Where(x => x.UserId == userInList && x.DocumentId == document.Id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                    if (aDocumentUser == null)
                        DocumentUser documentUser = new DocumentUser();
                        documentUser.UserId     = userInList;
                        documentUser.DocumentId = document.Id;

                        await db.SaveChangesAsync();

Example #7
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutCreateRestrictedSequence(int id, Restricted restricted)
            //Check the user is a Admin User
            var     userId          = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            UserACL userAclForAdmin = await db.UserAcls.Where(x => x.UserId == userId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            if (userAclForAdmin.UserType != Admin)
                return(BadRequest("Only Admin User can Update User ACL"));

            //Check DocAcl and UserId is Given
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            Document document = await db.Documents.FindAsync(id);

            if (document == null)

            // only List is updated
            DocumentACL aDocumentAcl = await db.DocumentAcls.Where(x => x.DocumentId == id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            Restricted aRestricted =
                await db.Restricteds.Where(x => x.DocAclId == aDocumentAcl.Id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            aRestricted.List = restricted.List;

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            // change the DocAclType in DocumentAcl

            aDocumentAcl.DocAclType = 3;
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            //Delete the Document from the DocumentUser Table...
            db.DocumentUsers.RemoveRange(db.DocumentUsers.Where(x => x.DocumentId == id));
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Add User to the Document

            List <string> userInTagList = aRestricted.List.Split(',').ToList();

            foreach (var userInList in userInTagList)
                var len = userInList.Length;
                if (len != 36 && userInList[0] == 'g')
                    var groupId = Convert.ToInt64(userInList.Substring(1));
                    //Check the Group is Exist
                    var groupIsExist = await db.Groups.FindAsync(groupId);

                    // Get all the user of the Group
                    var groupUsers = await(from u in db.Users
                                           join ug in db.UserGroups on u.Id equals ug.UserId
                                           join g in db.Groups on ug.GroupId equals g.Id
                                           where g.Id == groupId
                                           select new

                    // Add User to the Document

                    foreach (var userInGroup in groupUsers)
                        //check the user is already member of this Document
                        var aDocumentUser = await
                                            db.DocumentUsers.Where(x => x.UserId == userInGroup.Id && x.DocumentId == document.Id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                        if (aDocumentUser == null)
                            DocumentUser documentUser = new DocumentUser();
                            documentUser.UserId     = userInGroup.Id;
                            documentUser.DocumentId = document.Id;

                            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
                    //check the user is already member of this Document
                    var aDocumentUser = await
                                        db.DocumentUsers.Where(x => x.UserId == userInList && x.DocumentId == document.Id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                    if (aDocumentUser == null)
                        DocumentUser documentUser = new DocumentUser();
                        documentUser.UserId     = userInList;
                        documentUser.DocumentId = document.Id;

                        await db.SaveChangesAsync();

Example #8
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostTag(TagDTO tag)
            Tag aTag = new Tag();
            //History aHistory = new History();
            HistorySequence aHistorySequence    = new HistorySequence();
            SequenceACL     aSequenceAcl        = new SequenceACL();
            bool            updatePresentAccess = false;

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            //Check the doc is exist
            Document document = await db.Documents.FindAsync(tag.DocumentId);

            if (document == null)
                return(BadRequest("Document is not exist"));

            // check the document acl
            DocumentACL documentAcl = await db.DocumentAcls.Where(x => x.DocumentId == tag.DocumentId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            if (documentAcl.DocAclType == 0)
                if (document.UserId != tag.UserId)
                    return(BadRequest("This document is private and this user is not authorized to tag this document"));
                    aTag.DocumentId = tag.DocumentId;
                    aTag.TagContent = tag.TagContent;
                    aTag.TagColor   = tag.TagColor;
                    aTag.UserId     = tag.UserId;

            else if (documentAcl.DocAclType == 1)
                var CompanyUser = await
                                  db.Users.Where(x => x.CompanyId == document.CompanyId && x.Id == tag.UserId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                if (CompanyUser == null)
                    return(BadRequest("This User is not belongs to this company"));
                    aTag.DocumentId = tag.DocumentId;
                    aTag.TagContent = tag.TagContent;
                    aTag.TagColor   = tag.TagColor;
                    aTag.UserId     = tag.UserId;

            else if (documentAcl.DocAclType == 3)
                Restricted aRestricted = await db.Restricteds.Where(x => x.DocAclId == documentAcl.Id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                List <string> tagList = aRestricted.List.Split(',').ToList();
                //Check the User is in the restricted list
                DocumentUser aDocumentUser =
                    await db.DocumentUsers.Where(x => x.UserId == tag.UserId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                if (aDocumentUser == null)
                    return(BadRequest("The Document is restriced and this user is not authorize to use it "));

                    aTag.DocumentId = tag.DocumentId;
                    aTag.TagContent = tag.TagContent;
                    aTag.TagColor   = tag.TagColor;
                    aTag.UserId     = tag.UserId;

            else if (documentAcl.DocAclType == 2)
                bool canTag = false;

                aSequenceAcl = await db.SequenceAcls.Where(x => x.DocAclId == documentAcl.Id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                List <string> tagList = aSequenceAcl.Sequence.Split(',').ToList();

                var presentUserInList = tagList[aSequenceAcl.PresentAccess];
                var len = presentUserInList.Length;

                if (len != 36 && presentUserInList[0] == 'g')
                    var groupId = Convert.ToInt64(presentUserInList.Substring(1));

                    // check the user is in the group
                    var userIsIngroup = await(from ug in db.UserGroups
                                              join u in db.Users on ug.UserId equals u.Id
                                              where ug.GroupId == groupId && ug.UserId == tag.UserId
                                              select new
                        Id = u.Id,

                    if (userIsIngroup != null)
                        var userPrivilageforTag = await
                                                  db.UserPrivilages.Where(x => x.UserId == userIsIngroup.Id).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                        if (userPrivilageforTag.CanTagDocument == 1)
                            canTag = true;
                        return(BadRequest("User is not in authorize to tag the document"));

                    int index = tagList.IndexOf(tag.UserId);
                    if (index == -1)
                            (BadRequest("The Document is Sequencial-restriced and this user is not authorize to use it "));
                    else if (tagList.Count - 1 < aSequenceAcl.PresentAccess)
                                 "The Document is Sequencial-restriced. All the User has already tagged this document."));
                    else if (tagList[aSequenceAcl.PresentAccess] != tag.UserId)
                                 "The Document is Sequencial-restriced. User trun to tag the document is not come."));
                        canTag = true;

                if (canTag)
                    aTag.DocumentId = tag.DocumentId;
                    aTag.TagContent = tag.TagContent;
                    aTag.TagColor   = tag.TagColor;
                    aTag.UserId     = tag.UserId;
                    updatePresentAccess = true;

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            //Edit history info
            History aHistory = await db.Histories.Where(x => x.DocumentId == tag.DocumentId).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            //aHistory.AddedOn = DateTime.Now;
            aHistory.EditedOn = DateTime.Now;
            //aHistory.DocumentId = document.Id;
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            //Add History Sequence Info

            aHistorySequence.HistoryId = aHistory.Id;
            aHistorySequence.Message   = tag.Message;
            aHistorySequence.Date      = aHistory.EditedOn;
            aHistorySequence.UserId    = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();

            //Update the present Access if it is a Sequencial Restricted Document
            if (updatePresentAccess)
                aSequenceAcl.PresentAccess += 1;
            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
