Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load all of the system document templates from the current connection
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadDocumentTemplates(Action onCompleteCallback)
            WorkAsync(new WorkAsyncInfo
                Message = "Retrieving the list of Document Templates",
                Work    = (w, e) =>
                        w.ReportProgress(0, "Loading Templates from CRM");
                        e.Result = DocumentTemplateEdit.GetDocumentTemplates(Service);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                ProgressChanged = e =>
                    SendMessageToStatusBar?.Invoke(this, new StatusBarMessageEventArgs(e.ProgressPercentage, e.UserState.ToString()));
                PostWorkCallBack = e =>
                    var templates = e.Result as List <DocumentTemplateEdit>;

                    // load the templates

                    // now update the UI with the new selection

                    // invoke the callback if passed
                AsyncArgument = null,
                IsCancelable  = true,
                MessageWidth  = 340,
                MessageHeight = 150
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Download the selected templates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="saveFolder"></param>
        private void DownloadDocumentTemplates(string saveFolder)
            var templateIds = new List <Guid>();

            // grab the list of selected template Ids
            foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listViewDocumentTemplates.SelectedItems)
                var template = item.Tag as DocumentTemplateEdit;

            WorkAsync(new WorkAsyncInfo
                Message = "Retrieving the Document Template Content...",
                Work    = (w, e) =>
                        var renameCount = 1;

                        var templateIdList = e.Argument as List <Guid>;

                        // retrieve the doc template contents
                        var templates = DocumentTemplateEdit.GetDocumentTemplates(Service, templateIdList, true);

                        byte[] bytesToSave;
                        var downloadFileName = "";
                        Dictionary <string, byte[]> files = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>();
                        var fileCount = templates.Count;

                        foreach (var template in templates)
                            var folder = template.Status + "\\" + template.Type + "\\";

                            var fileName = template.FileName;
                            var ext      = Path.GetExtension(template.FileName);

                            // if we have more than one file, add a folder for the status
                            if (fileCount > 1)
                                fileName = folder + fileName;

                            renameCount = 1;
                            while (files.ContainsKey(fileName))
                                if (fileCount > 1)
                                    fileName = folder + template.Name + " (" + (renameCount++).ToString() + ")" + ext;
                                    fileName = template.Name + " (" + (renameCount++).ToString() + ")" + ext;

                            // add the file to the list for download.
                            files.Add(fileName, template.Content);

                        // if only one file was selected, save just that... otherwise, package things up in a zip!
                        if (files.Count > 1)
                            var zipper       = new ZipBuilder();
                            downloadFileName = string.Format("Document Templates - {0:M-d-yyyy HH-mm}.zip", DateTime.Now);
                            bytesToSave      = zipper.zipBytes(files);
                            var file         = files.First();
                            bytesToSave      = file.Value;
                            downloadFileName = file.Key;
                        // append the selected folder...
                        downloadFileName = Path.Combine(saveFolder, downloadFileName);

                        renameCount = 1;
                        // delete file if it exists
                        while (File.Exists(downloadFileName))
                            downloadFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(downloadFileName) + " (" + (renameCount++).ToString() + ")" + Path.GetExtension(downloadFileName);
                            downloadFileName = Path.Combine(saveFolder, downloadFileName);
                        // write
                        using (var saveMe = new FileStream(downloadFileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))
                            saveMe.Write(bytesToSave, 0, bytesToSave.Length);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("The following error occurred attempting to download your templates.\n" + ex.Message);
                ProgressChanged = e =>
                    // If progress has to be notified to user, use the following method:
                    // SetWorkingMessage("Downloading your templates now...");
                PostWorkCallBack = e => { },
                AsyncArgument    = templateIds,
                IsCancelable     = true,
                MessageWidth     = 340,
                MessageHeight    = 150
Example #3
 public EditTemplateControl(IOrganizationService service, DocumentTemplateEdit docTemplate)
     _docTemplate = docTemplate;
     _service     = service;