Example #1
        static async Task WalkDirectoryTree(DirectoryInfo root, CdmCorpusDefinition corpus, CdmFolderDefinition folder, IList <string> ignoreFolders, string endMatch)
            FileInfo[]      files   = null;
            DirectoryInfo[] subDirs = null;

            // First, process all the files directly under this folder
                files = root.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
            catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e)

            if (files != null)
                foreach (FileInfo fi in files)
                    string postfix = fi.Name.Substring(fi.Name.IndexOf("."));
                    if (postfix == endMatch)
                        using (var reader = File.OpenText(fi.FullName))
                            string content = await reader.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                            string name = folder.FolderPath + fi.Name;
                            CdmDocumentDefinition doc = DocumentPersistence.FromData(corpus.Ctx, name, folder.Namespace, folder.FolderPath, JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DocumentContent>(content));
                            Console.WriteLine($"Loading {fi.FullName}");

                // Now find all the subdirectories under this directory.
                subDirs = root.GetDirectories();

                foreach (DirectoryInfo dirInfo in subDirs)
                    // Resursive call for each subdirectory.
                    await LoadCorpusFolder(corpus, folder.ChildFolders.Add(dirInfo.Name), ignoreFolders, endMatch).ConfigureAwait(false);
Example #2
        static async Task LoadDocument(CdmCorpusDefinition corpus, CdmFolderDefinition folder, FileInfo fi, string endMatch)
            string postfix = fi.Name.Substring(fi.Name.IndexOf("."));

            if (postfix == endMatch)
                using (var reader = File.OpenText(fi.FullName))
                    string content = await reader.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    CdmDocumentDefinition doc = DocumentPersistence.FromData(corpus.Ctx, fi.Name, folder.Namespace, folder.FolderPath, JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DocumentContent>(content));
                    Console.WriteLine($"Loading {fi.FullName}");
Example #3
 protected abstract IDocumentStorage <T> selectStorage <T>(DocumentPersistence <T> persistence);
Example #4
        public static async Task <CdmDocumentDefinition> LoadDocumentFromPathAsync(CdmFolderDefinition folder, string docName)
            // This makes sure date values are consistently parsed exactly as they appear.
            // Default behavior auto formats date values.
            JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings
                DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None

            CdmDocumentDefinition docContent = null;
            string           jsonData        = null;
            DateTimeOffset?  fsModifiedTime  = null;
            CdmCorpusContext ctx             = folder.Ctx;
            string           docPath         = folder.FolderPath + docName;
            StorageAdapter   adapter         = ctx.Corpus.Storage.FetchAdapter(folder.Namespace);

                if (adapter.CanRead())
                    jsonData = await adapter.ReadAsync(docPath);

                    fsModifiedTime = await adapter.ComputeLastModifiedTimeAsync(docPath);

                    Logger.Info(nameof(CdmFolderDefinition), ctx, $"read file: {docPath}", "LoadDocumentFromPathAsync");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error(nameof(CdmFolderDefinition), (ResolveContext)ctx, $"Could not read '{docPath}' from the '{ctx.Corpus.Namespace}' namespace. Reason '{e.Message}'", "LoadDocumentFromPathAsync");

                // Check file extensions, which performs a case-insensitive ordinal string comparison
                if (docPath.EndsWith(CdmCorpusDefinition.FetchManifestExtension(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                    docPath.EndsWith(CdmCorpusDefinition.FetchFolioExtension(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    docContent = ManifestPersistence.FromData(ctx, docName, folder.Namespace, folder.FolderPath, JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ManifestContent>(jsonData)) as CdmDocumentDefinition;
                else if (docPath.EndsWith(CdmCorpusDefinition.FetchModelJsonExtension(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    docContent = await ModelJson.ManifestPersistence.FromData(ctx, JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Model>(jsonData), folder);
                    docContent = DocumentPersistence.FromData(ctx, docName, folder.Namespace, folder.FolderPath, JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DocumentContent>(jsonData));
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error(nameof(CdmFolderDefinition), (ResolveContext)ctx, $"Could not convert '{docPath}'. Reason '{e.Message}'", "LoadDocumentFromPathAsync");

            // Add document to the folder, this sets all the folder/path things, caches name to content association and may trigger indexing on content
            if (docContent != null)
                folder.Documents.Add(docContent, docName);

                docContent._fileSystemModifiedTime = fsModifiedTime;
                docContent.IsDirty = false;

Example #5
 protected override IDocumentStorage <T> selectStorage <T>(DocumentPersistence <T> persistence)
Example #6
        public static async Task <CdmDocumentDefinition> LoadDocumentFromPathAsync(CdmFolderDefinition folder, string docName, CdmDocumentDefinition docContainer)
            // This makes sure date values are consistently parsed exactly as they appear.
            // Default behavior auto formats date values.
            JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings
                DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None

            CdmDocumentDefinition docContent = null;
            string           jsonData        = null;
            DateTimeOffset?  fsModifiedTime  = null;
            CdmCorpusContext ctx             = folder.Ctx;
            string           docPath         = folder.FolderPath + docName;
            StorageAdapter   adapter         = ctx.Corpus.Storage.FetchAdapter(folder.Namespace);

                if (adapter.CanRead())
                    jsonData = await adapter.ReadAsync(docPath);

                    fsModifiedTime = await adapter.ComputeLastModifiedTimeAsync(docPath);

                    Logger.Info(nameof(CdmFolderDefinition), ctx, $"read file: {docPath}", "LoadDocumentFromPathAsync");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error(nameof(CdmFolderDefinition), (ResolveContext)ctx, $"Could not read '{docPath}' from the '{folder.Namespace}' namespace. Reason '{e.Message}'", "LoadDocumentFromPathAsync");

                // Check file extensions, which performs a case-insensitive ordinal string comparison
                if (docPath.EndWithOrdinalIgnoreCase(CdmCorpusDefinition.FetchManifestExtension()) || docPath.EndWithOrdinalIgnoreCase(CdmCorpusDefinition.FetchFolioExtension()))
                    docContent = ManifestPersistence.FromData(ctx, docName, folder.Namespace, folder.FolderPath, JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ManifestContent>(jsonData)) as CdmDocumentDefinition;
                else if (docPath.EndWithOrdinalIgnoreCase(CdmCorpusDefinition.FetchModelJsonExtension()))
                    if (!docName.EqualsWithOrdinalIgnoreCase(CdmCorpusDefinition.FetchModelJsonExtension()))
                        Logger.Error(nameof(PersistenceLayer), (ResolveContext)ctx, $"Failed to load '{docName}', as it's not an acceptable file name. It must be model.json.", "LoadDocumentFromPathAsync");

                    docContent = await ModelJson.ManifestPersistence.FromData(ctx, JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Model>(jsonData), folder);
                    docContent = DocumentPersistence.FromData(ctx, docName, folder.Namespace, folder.FolderPath, JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DocumentContent>(jsonData));
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error(nameof(CdmFolderDefinition), (ResolveContext)ctx, $"Could not convert '{docPath}'. Reason '{e.Message}'", "LoadDocumentFromPathAsync");

            // Add document to the folder, this sets all the folder/path things, caches name to content association and may trigger indexing on content
            if (docContent != null)
                if (docContainer != null)
                    // there are situations where a previously loaded document must be re-loaded.
                    // the end of that chain of work is here where the old version of the document has been removed from
                    // the corpus and we have created a new document and loaded it from storage and after this call we will probably
                    // add it to the corpus and index it, etc.
                    // it would be really rude to just kill that old object and replace it with this replicant, especially because
                    // the caller has no idea this happened. so... sigh ... instead of returning the new object return the one that
                    // was just killed off but make it contain everything the new document loaded.
                    docContent = docContent.Copy(new ResolveOptions(docContainer), docContainer) as CdmDocumentDefinition;

                folder.Documents.Add(docContent, docName);

                docContent._fileSystemModifiedTime = fsModifiedTime;
                docContent.IsDirty = false;

Example #7
 protected override IDocumentStorage <T> selectStorage <T>(DocumentPersistence <T> persistence)