Example #1
        public override int Execute(params string[] ps)
            Document doc             = Application.ActiveDocument;
            string   currentFilename = doc.CurrentFileName;
            string   filename        = doc.FileName;
            string   title           = doc.Title;

            Units            units          = doc.Units;
            DocumentModels   models         = doc.Models;
            DocumentInfoPart info           = doc.DocumentInfo;
            string           currentSheetId = info.Value.CurrentSheetId; // "little_house_2021.rvt"
            DocumentDatabase db             = doc.Database;
            bool             ignoreHidden   = true;
            BoundingBox3D    bb             = doc.GetBoundingBox(ignoreHidden);
            Point3D          min            = bb.Min;
            Point3D          max            = bb.Max;
            int nModels = models.Count;

            Debug.Print("{0}: sheet {1}, bounding box {2}, {3} model{4}{5}",
                        title, currentSheetId, Util.BoundingBoxString(bb),
                        nModels, Util.PluralSuffix(nModels), Util.DotOrColon(nModels));

            // First attempt, based on Navisworks-Geometry-Primitives,
            // using walkNode oState.CurrentPartition:

            //WalkPartition wp = new WalkPartition();

            List <string> Categories = new List <string>();

            foreach (Model model in models)
                ModelItem rootItem = model.RootItem;
                ModelItemEnumerableCollection mis = rootItem.DescendantsAndSelf;
                Debug.Print("  {0}: {1} model items", model.FileName, mis.Count());
                List <ModelItem> migeos = new List <ModelItem>();
                foreach (ModelItem mi in mis)
                        "    '{0}' '{1}' '{2}' has geo {3}",
                        mi.DisplayName, mi.ClassDisplayName,
                        mi.ClassName, mi.HasGeometry);

                    if (mi.HasGeometry)
                Debug.Print("  {0} model items have geometry:", migeos.Count());
                foreach (ModelItem mi in migeos)
                        "    '{0}' '{1}' '{2}' {3} bb {4}",
                        mi.DisplayName, mi.ClassDisplayName,
                        mi.ClassName, mi.HasGeometry,

                    if ("Floor" == mi.DisplayName)
                        RvtProperties props = new RvtProperties(mi);
                        int           id    = props.ElementId;
Example #2
        public override int Execute(params string[] ps)
            Document doc             = Application.ActiveDocument;
            string   currentFilename = doc.CurrentFileName;
            string   filename        = doc.FileName;
            string   title           = doc.Title;

            Units            units          = doc.Units;
            DocumentModels   models         = doc.Models;
            DocumentInfoPart info           = doc.DocumentInfo;
            string           currentSheetId = info.Value.CurrentSheetId; // "little_house_2021.rvt"
            DocumentDatabase db             = doc.Database;
            bool             ignoreHidden   = true;
            BoundingBox3D    bb             = doc.GetBoundingBox(ignoreHidden);
            Point3D          min            = bb.Min;
            Point3D          max            = bb.Max;
            int n;

            n = models.Count;

            Debug.Print("\n{0}: sheet {1}, bounding box {2}, {3} model{4}{5}\n",
                        title, currentSheetId, Util.BoundingBoxString(bb),
                        n, Util.PluralSuffix(n), Util.DotOrColon(n));

            // First attempt, based on Navisworks-Geometry-Primitives,
            // using walkNode oState.CurrentPartition:

            //WalkPartition wp = new WalkPartition();

            // Second attempt, retrieving root item descendants:

            Debug.Print("Model item tree structure:");

            foreach (Model model in models)
                string model_filename = Path.GetFileName(

                string path = "C:/tmp/"
                              + model_filename.Replace(".nwd", ".txt");

                ModelItem rootItem = model.RootItem;

                ModelItemEnumerableCollection mis
                    = rootItem.DescendantsAndSelf;

                n = mis.Count();

                    "\nModel {0} contains {1} model items listed in '{2}'\n",
                    model_filename, n, path);

                ItemTree mitree = new ItemTree(mis);

                using (StreamWriter writer
                           = new StreamWriter(path))

                 * ItemData.InstanceCount = 0;
                 * List<ItemData> layers
                 * = new List<ItemData>( mis
                 *  .Where<ModelItem>( mi => mi.IsLayer )
                 *  .Select<ModelItem, ItemData>(
                 *    mi => new ItemData( mi ) ) );
                 * n = layers.Count();
                 * Debug.Print(
                 * "  {0} layers containing {1} hierarchical model items",
                 * n, ItemData.InstanceCount );
                 * int iLayer = 0;
                 * foreach( ItemData layer in layers )
                 * {
                 * List<ItemData> cats = layer.Children;
                 * n = cats.Count();
                 * Debug.Print(
                 *  "    {0}: {1} has {2} categories",
                 *  iLayer++, layer, n );
                 * int iCategory = 0;
                 * foreach( ItemData cat in cats )
                 * {
                 *  List<ItemData> fams = cat.Children;
                 *  n = fams.Count();
                 *  Debug.Print(
                 *    "      {0}: {1} has {2} families",
                 *    iCategory++, cat, n );
                 *  int iFamily = 0;
                 *  foreach( ItemData fam in fams )
                 *  {
                 *    List<ItemData> types = fam.Children;
                 *    n = types.Count();
                 *    Debug.Print(
                 *      "        {0}: {1} has {2} types",
                 *      iFamily++, fam, n );
                 *    int iType = 0;
                 *    foreach( ItemData typ in types )
                 *    {
                 *      List<ItemData> instances = typ.Children;
                 *      n = instances.Count();
                 *      Debug.Print(
                 *        "          {0}: {1} has {2} instances",
                 *        iType++, typ, n );
                 *      int iInst = 0;
                 *      foreach( ItemData inst in instances )
                 *      {
                 *        List<ItemData> subinsts = inst.Children;
                 *        n = subinsts.Count();
                 *        Debug.Print(
                 *          "            {0}: {1} has {2} subinstances",
                 *          iInst++, inst, n );
                 *        int iSubinst = 0;
                 *        foreach( ItemData subinst in subinsts )
                 *        {
                 *          List<ItemData> children = subinst.Children;
                 *          n = children.Count();
                 *          Debug.Print(
                 *            "              {0}: {1} has {2} children",
                 *            iSubinst++, inst, n );
                 *        }
                 *      }
                 *    }
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * }

                if (50 > n)
                    List <ModelItem> migeos
                        = new List <ModelItem>();

                    foreach (ModelItem mi in mis)
                            "    '{0}' '{1}' '{2}' has geo {3}",
                            mi.DisplayName, mi.ClassDisplayName,
                            mi.ClassName, mi.HasGeometry);

                        if (mi.HasGeometry)
                    Debug.Print("  {0} model items have geometry:", migeos.Count());
                    foreach (ModelItem mi in migeos)
                            "    '{0}' '{1}' '{2}' {3} bb {4}",
                            mi.DisplayName, mi.ClassDisplayName,
                            mi.ClassName, mi.HasGeometry,

                        if ("Floor" == mi.DisplayName)
                            RvtProperties props = new RvtProperties(mi);
                            int           id    = props.ElementId;