public bool getDocumentByID(string id) { var dStorage = new DocStorage_CouchDB(); Document doc = new Document_Couch(id); var errCode = string.Empty; var errTxt = string.Empty; byte[] fileData; FileStream fStream = null; var CouchConnectorObj = new SecuredCouchConnector(hostname, portName, secWebPort, dbName, userid, pass, isSec); dStorage.SecuredGetDocument(CouchConnectorObj, ref doc, out errCode, out errTxt); if (CouchConnectorObj.Error) { Console.WriteLine(errTxt); return(false); } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Got Doc '{0}' from db '{1}' by userID '{2}'", doc.FileId, dbName, userid)); doc.GetSourceData(out fileData); if (fileData != null) { fStream = File.Create(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "//" + doc.FileId + ".pdf"); fStream.Write(fileData, 0, fileData.Length); Console.WriteLine("written to file :" + Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "//" + doc.FileId + ".pdf"); fStream.Flush(); fStream.Close(); } return(true); } }
public void addDocumentToCouch(CouchVo vo, Document document, out string msg, out bool added) { added = false; msg = ""; var sErrCode = string.Empty; var sErrText = string.Empty; setCouchValues(vo); SecuredCouchConnector CouchConnectorObj = null; var dStorage = new DocStorage_CouchDB(); CouchConnectorObj = new SecuredCouchConnector(hostname, portName, secWebPort, dbName, userid, pass, isSec); dStorage.SecuredAddDocument(CouchConnectorObj, ref document, out sErrCode, out sErrText); msg = sErrText; if (sErrCode == "0") { added = true; //log.Debug("Added Document ID:" + document.FileId); } else { added = false; // log.Debug("Error adding doc :" + sErrText); } }
public Document GetDocument(out string msg, out bool gotDoc, CouchVo vo, PawnDocRegVO regVO) { setCouchValues(vo); var dStorage = new DocStorage_CouchDB(); var errCode = string.Empty; var errTxt = string.Empty; Document doc = (Document) new Document_Couch(regVO.StorageID); // SecuredCouchConnector CouchConnectorObj = new SecuredCouchConnector(hostname, portName, secWebPort, dbName, userid, pass, isSec); SecuredCouchArchiver CouchConnectorObj = new SecuredCouchArchiver(hostname, portName, secWebPort, dbName, userid, pass, isSec); dStorage.SecuredGetDocument(CouchConnectorObj, ref doc, out errCode, out errTxt); if (CouchConnectorObj.Error) { //log.Error("errTxt :" + errTxt); //log.Error("errCode :" + errCode); msg = errTxt; gotDoc = false; } else { //log.Debug("errTxt :" + errTxt); //log.Debug("errCode :" + errCode); msg = errTxt; gotDoc = true; // return true; } return(doc); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="storageId"></param> /// <param name="couchConnector"></param> /// <param name="doc"></param> /// <param name="errorMessage"></param> /// <param name="liteFetch"> </param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool GetDocument( string storageId, SecuredCouchConnector couchConnector, out Document doc, out string errorMessage, bool liteFetch = false) { //Set defaults for outgoing params doc = null; errorMessage = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(storageId) && couchConnector != null) { doc = new Document_Couch(storageId); var dStorage = new DocStorage_CouchDB(); string errCode, errTxt; if (dStorage.SecuredGetDocument(couchConnector, ref doc, out errCode, out errTxt, liteFetch)) { return(true); } errorMessage = "Could not retrieve document: " + errCode + " " + errTxt; return(false); } errorMessage = "Could not retrieve document"; return(false); }
public Document GetDocument(out string errTxt, out bool isError, CouchVo vo, PawnDocRegVO regVO) { var dStorage = new DocStorage_CouchDB(); Document doc = (Document) new Document_Couch(regVO.StorageID); constructDoc(vo, ref doc, out isError, out errTxt); return(doc); }
public void GetDocument(CouchVo vo1, System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox resultBox) { setCouchValues(vo1); if (process != null && !process.HasExited) { process.Kill(); } var dStorage = new DocStorage_CouchDB(); PawnObjects.Doc.Document doc = (PawnObjects.Doc.Document) new Document_Couch(vo1.documentID); var errCode = string.Empty; var errTxt = string.Empty; byte[] fileData; FileStream fStream = null; SecuredCouchConnector CouchConnectorObj = new SecuredCouchConnector(hostname, portName, secWebPort, dbName, userid, pass, isSec); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); dStorage.SecuredGetDocument(CouchConnectorObj, ref doc, out errCode, out errTxt); sw.Stop(); resultBox.AppendText("\n"); resultBox.AppendText("Time Taken to get :" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); resultBox.AppendText("\n"); // dStorage.SecuredGetDocumentWithAttachment(CouchConnectorObj, ref doc, out errCode, out errTxt); if (CouchConnectorObj.Error) { Console.WriteLine(errTxt); resultBox.AppendText(errTxt); resultBox.AppendText("\n"); //return false; } else { resultBox.AppendText(string.Format("Got Doc '{0}' from db '{1}' by userID '{2}'", doc.FileId, dbName, userid)); resultBox.AppendText("\n"); doc.GetSourceData(out fileData); string path = FileHandler.createPDFDir(); string fileWithPath = path + "\\" + doc.FileName; if (fileData != null) { fStream = File.Create(fileWithPath); fStream.Write(fileData, 0, fileData.Length); resultBox.AppendText(("written to file :" + fileWithPath)); resultBox.AppendText("\n"); fStream.Flush(); fStream.Close(); process = Process.Start(fileWithPath); } // return true; } }
/*** * This method will be used for couch authentication functionality ***/ private static string couchLoginVerification(String docName, out string msg, out bool added, bool isAdminVerify) { added = false; msg = string.Empty; DocumentType = Document.DocTypeNames.PDF; string fileName = docName; int lastSlashIdx = fileName.LastIndexOf('\\'); string fName = fileName.Substring(lastSlashIdx + 1); var sErrCode = string.Empty; var sErrText = string.Empty; //byte[] fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName); byte[] fileBytes = SimpleHash.convertToByteArr("This is connection test"); Document couchDocObj = (Document) new Document_Couch(fileName, fName, DocumentType); couchDocObj.SetPropertyData("jak prop1", "value"); string storageID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); GldocName = storageID; // Console.WriteLine("Added doc name :" + GldocName); SecuredCouchConnector CouchConnectorObj = null; //StorageID = "1234"; if (couchDocObj.SetSourceData(fileBytes, storageID, false)) { var dStorage = new DocStorage_CouchDB(); if (isAdminVerify) { CouchConnectorObj = new SecuredCouchConnector(hostname, portName, secWebPort, dbName, adminUserid, adminPass, isSec); dStorage.SecuredAddDocument(CouchConnectorObj, ref couchDocObj, out sErrCode, out sErrText); } else { CouchConnectorObj = new SecuredCouchConnector(hostname, portName, secWebPort, dbName, userid, pass, isSec); dStorage.SecuredAddDocument(CouchConnectorObj, ref couchDocObj, out sErrCode, out sErrText); } if (sErrCode == "0") { added = true; msg = "Added" + fileName; } else { added = false; msg = sErrText; } } return(storageID); }
private string addDocumentToCouch(String docName, string storageID, out bool added) { added = false; // msg = string.Empty; //DocumentType = PawnObjects.Doc.Document.DocTypeNames.PDF; string fileName = docName; int lastSlashIdx = fileName.LastIndexOf('\\'); string fName = fileName.Substring(lastSlashIdx + 1); var sErrCode = string.Empty; var sErrText = string.Empty; if (fileBytes == null) { fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName); } Document couchDocObj = (Document) new Document_Couch(fileName, fName, Document.DocTypeNames.PDF); couchDocObj.SetPropertyData("jak prop1", "value"); //string storageID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Console.WriteLine("Added doc name :" + GldocName); SecuredCouchConnector CouchConnectorObj = null; //StorageID = "1234"; if (couchDocObj.SetSourceData(fileBytes, storageID, false)) { var dStorage = new DocStorage_CouchDB(); CouchConnectorObj = new SecuredCouchConnector(hostname, portName, secWebPort, dbName, userid, pass, isSec); dStorage.SecuredAddDocument(CouchConnectorObj, ref couchDocObj, out sErrCode, out sErrText); if (sErrCode == "0") { added = true; //log.Info("Added Document ID:" + storageID); successCount++; } else { added = false; log.Info("Error adding doc :" + sErrText); failCount++; // msg = sErrText; } } return(storageID); }
private static string addDocumentToCouch(String docName, out string msg, out bool added, System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox textBox) { added = false; msg = string.Empty; DocumentType = Document.DocTypeNames.PDF; string fileName = docName; int lastSlashIdx = fileName.LastIndexOf('\\'); string fName = fileName.Substring(lastSlashIdx + 1); var sErrCode = string.Empty; var sErrText = string.Empty; byte[] fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName); Document couchDocObj = (Document) new Document_Couch(fileName, fName, DocumentType); couchDocObj.SetPropertyData("jak prop1", "value"); string storageID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); GldocName = storageID; // Console.WriteLine("Added doc name :" + GldocName); SecuredCouchConnector CouchConnectorObj = null; //StorageID = "1234"; if (couchDocObj.SetSourceData(fileBytes, storageID, false)) { var dStorage = new DocStorage_CouchDB(); CouchConnectorObj = new SecuredCouchConnector(hostname, portName, secWebPort, dbName, userid, pass, isSec); dStorage.SecuredAddDocument(CouchConnectorObj, ref couchDocObj, out sErrCode, out sErrText); if (sErrCode == "0") { added = true; msg = "Added" + fileName; textBox.AppendText("Document ID:" + GldocName); textBox.AppendText("\n"); } else { added = false; msg = sErrText; } } return(storageID); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <param name="fileId"></param> /// <param name="couchConnector"></param> /// <param name="overrideDoc"></param> /// <param name="fileType"></param> /// <param name="docMetaData"></param> /// <param name="couchDocObj"></param> /// <param name="errorMessage"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool StoreDocument( string fileName, string fileId, SecuredCouchConnector couchConnector, bool overrideDoc, Document.DocTypeNames fileType, Dictionary <string, string> docMetaData, out Document couchDocObj, out string errorMessage) { couchDocObj = null; errorMessage = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) || !System.IO.File.Exists(fileName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileId) || couchConnector == null) { errorMessage = "Input parameters are invalid"; return(false); } var sErrCode = string.Empty; var sErrText = string.Empty; try { byte[] fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName); int lastSlashIdx = fileName.LastIndexOf('\\'); if (lastSlashIdx == -1) { errorMessage = "Absolute file name is invalid."; return(false); } string fName = fileName.Substring(lastSlashIdx + 1); couchDocObj = new Document_Couch(fileName, fName, fileType); if (couchDocObj.SetSourceData(fileBytes, fileId, overrideDoc)) { if (CollectionUtilities.isNotEmpty(docMetaData)) { foreach (string key in docMetaData.Keys) { if (key == null) { continue; } string val; if (docMetaData.TryGetValue(key, out val)) { couchDocObj.SetPropertyData(key, val); } } } var dStorage = new DocStorage_CouchDB(); if (dStorage.SecuredAddDocument(couchConnector, ref couchDocObj, out sErrCode, out sErrText)) { errorMessage = sErrText; return(true); } errorMessage = sErrText; return(false); } } catch (Exception eX) { errorMessage = "Exception occurred while storing document: " + eX.Message + " (" + sErrCode + ", " + sErrText + ")"; } return(false); }