private static Letter GetLetter(char character, bool exactLetter, ScriptFile script, DocRange range) { foreach (Letter letter in Alphabet) { if (character == letter.Character) { return(letter); } } if (!exactLetter) { foreach (Letter letter in Alphabet) { if (Char.ToLower(character) == char.ToLower(letter.Character)) { return(letter); } } } script.Diagnostics.Error(character + " is not a valid character.", range); return(null); }
public override void Call(ParseInfo parseInfo, DocRange callRange) { base.Call(parseInfo, callRange); parseInfo.Script.AddDefinitionLink(callRange, DefinedAt); AddLink(new LanguageServer.Location(parseInfo.Script.Uri, callRange)); }
string GetImportedFile(ScriptFile script, FileImporter importer, DeltinScriptParser.Import_fileContext importFileContext) { // If the file being imported is being imported as an object, get the variable name. string variableName = null; if (importFileContext.AS() != null) { // Syntax error if there is an 'as' keyword but no variable name. if ( == null) { script.Diagnostics.Error("Expected variable name.", DocRange.GetRange(importFileContext.AS())); } // Get the variable name. else { variableName =; } } DocRange stringRange = DocRange.GetRange(importFileContext.STRINGLITERAL()); ImportResult importResult = importer.Import( stringRange, Extras.RemoveQuotes(importFileContext.STRINGLITERAL().GetText()), script.Uri ); if (!importResult.SuccessfulReference) { return(importResult.Directory); } // Add hover and definition info. script.AddDefinitionLink(stringRange, new Location(importResult.Uri, DocRange.Zero)); script.AddHover(stringRange, importResult.FilePath); if (importResult.ShouldImport) { // Import the file if it should be imported. switch (importResult.FileType) { // Get script file. case ".del": case ".ostw": case ".workshop": ScriptFile importedScript = new ScriptFile(Diagnostics, importResult.Uri, FileGetter.GetScript(importResult.Uri)); CollectScriptFiles(importedScript); break; // Get lobby settings. case ".json": JObject lobbySettings = null; // Make sure the json is in the correct format. try { ImportedScript file = FileGetter.GetImportedFile(importResult.Uri); file.Update(); // Convert the json to a jobject. lobbySettings = JObject.Parse(file.Content); // An exception will be thrown if the jobject cannot be converted to a Ruleset. lobbySettings.ToObject(typeof(Ruleset)); if (!Ruleset.Validate(lobbySettings, script.Diagnostics, stringRange)) { break; } } catch { // Error if the json failed to parse. script.Diagnostics.Error("Failed to parse the settings file.", stringRange); break; } // If no lobby settings were imported yet, set MergedLobbySettings to the jobject. if (MergedLobbySettings == null) { MergedLobbySettings = lobbySettings; } else { // Otherwise, merge current lobby settings. lobbySettings.Merge(MergedLobbySettings, new JsonMergeSettings { MergeArrayHandling = MergeArrayHandling.Union, MergeNullValueHandling = MergeNullValueHandling.Ignore }); MergedLobbySettings = lobbySettings; } break; } } return(importResult.Directory); }
public void Warning(string message, DocRange range) { _diagnostics.Add(new Diagnostic(message, range, Diagnostic.Warning)); }
public void Hint(string message, DocRange range) { _diagnostics.Add(new Diagnostic(message, range, Diagnostic.Hint)); }
public TreeContextPart(DeltinScriptParser.MethodContext method) { this.method = method ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(method)); Range = DocRange.GetRange(method); CompletionRange = DocRange.GetRange(method.PART()); }
public VariableResolve(VariableResolveOptions options, IExpression expression, DocRange expressionRange, FileDiagnostics diagnostics) { // The expression is a variable. if (expression is CallVariableAction) { // Get the variable being set and the range. SetVariable = (CallVariableAction)expression; VariableRange = expressionRange; } // The expression is an expression tree. else if (expression is ExpressionTree tree) { Tree = tree; if (tree.Completed) { // If the resulting expression in the tree is not a variable. if (tree.Result is CallVariableAction == false) { NotAVariableRange = tree.ExprContextTree.Last().Range; } else { // Get the variable and the range. SetVariable = (CallVariableAction)tree.Result; VariableRange = tree.ExprContextTree.Last().Range; } } } // The expression is not a variable. else if (expression != null) { NotAVariableRange = expressionRange; } // NotAVariableRange will not be null if the resulting expression is a variable. if (NotAVariableRange != null) { diagnostics.Error("Expected a variable.", NotAVariableRange); } // Make sure the variable can be set to. if (SetVariable != null) { if (!SetVariable.Calling.Settable()) { diagnostics.Error($"The variable '{SetVariable.Calling.Name}' cannot be set to.", VariableRange); } if (options.FullVariable) { Var asVar = SetVariable.Calling as Var; if (asVar == null || asVar.StoreType != StoreType.FullVariable) { diagnostics.Error($"The variable '{SetVariable.Calling.Name}' cannot be indexed.", VariableRange); } } if (!options.CanBeIndexed && SetVariable.Index.Length != 0) { diagnostics.Error($"The variable '{SetVariable.Calling.Name}' cannot be indexed.", VariableRange); } } DoesResolveToVariable = SetVariable != null; }
public virtual void Call(ScriptFile script, DocRange callRange) { script.AddHover(callRange, GetLabel(true)); }
public OperatorAction(ParseInfo parseInfo, Scope scope, DeltinScriptParser.E_op_boolContext context) { GetParts(parseInfo, scope, context.left, context.BOOL().GetText(), DocRange.GetRange(context.BOOL()), context.right); }
public ReferenceCodeLensRange(ICallable callable, ParseInfo parseInfo, CodeLensSourceType sourceType, DocRange range) : base(sourceType, range, "ostw.showReferences") { Callable = callable; _parseInfo = parseInfo; }
public ImplementsCodeLensRange(IMethod method, ScriptFile script, CodeLensSourceType sourceType, DocRange range) : base(sourceType, range, "ostw.showReferences") { Method = method; _script = script; }
public CodeLensRange(CodeLensSourceType sourceType, DocRange range, string command) { SourceType = sourceType; Range = range; Command = command; }
public ElementCountCodeLens(DocRange range, bool optimized) : base(CodeLensSourceType.None, range, null) { this.optimized = optimized; }
public static Line[] Create(string text, bool exactLetter, ScriptFile script, DocRange range) { double offset = 0; List <Line> result = new List <Line>(); foreach (char character in text) { Letter letter = GetLetter(character, exactLetter, script, range); if (letter == null) { return(null); } if (letter.Lines != null) { foreach (var line in letter.Lines) { Line newLine = (Line)line.Clone(); newLine.Offset(offset, 0, 0); result.Add(newLine); } } offset += letter.Width + .15; } if (result.Count > 0) { double xOffset = -(result.Max(line => Math.Max(line.Vertex1.X, line.Vertex2.X)) / 2); foreach (Line line in result) { line.Offset(xOffset, 0, 0); } } foreach (Line line in result) { line.Vertex1 = line.Vertex1; line.Vertex2 = line.Vertex2; } return(result.ToArray()); }
public VariableResolve(ParseInfo parseInfo, VariableResolveOptions options, IExpression expression, DocRange expressionRange, IVariableResolveErrorHandler errorHandler) { bool treeSettable = true; // The expression is a variable. if (expression is CallVariableAction) { // Get the variable being set and the range. SetVariable = (CallVariableAction)expression; VariableRange = expressionRange; } // The expression is an expression tree. else if (expression is ExpressionTree tree) { Tree = tree; if (tree.Completed) { // If the resulting expression in the tree is not a variable. if (tree.Result is CallVariableAction == false) { NotAVariableRange = tree.ExprContextTree.Last().GetRange(); } else { // Get the variable and the range. SetVariable = (CallVariableAction)tree.Result; VariableRange = tree.ExprContextTree.Last().GetRange(); treeSettable = tree.TargetCanBeSet(); } } } // The expression is not a variable. else if (expression != null) { NotAVariableRange = expressionRange; } // NotAVariableRange will not be null if the resulting expression is a variable. if (NotAVariableRange != null) { errorHandler.Error("Expected a variable.", NotAVariableRange); } // Make sure the variable can be set to. if (SetVariable != null) { // Check if the variable is settable. if (options.ShouldBeSettable) { // The variable can never be set. if (!SetVariable.Calling.Attributes.CanBeSet) { errorHandler.Error($"The variable '{SetVariable.Calling.Name}' cannot be set", VariableRange); } // The variable is normally settable, but not in the current context. else if (!treeSettable || (parseInfo.ContextualVariableModifiers != null && !parseInfo.ContextualVariableModifiers.IsSettable(SetVariable.Calling))) { errorHandler.Error($"The variable '{SetVariable.Calling.Name}' cannot be set in the current context", VariableRange); } } // Check if the variable is a whole workshop variable. else if ((options.FullVariable && SetVariable.Calling.Attributes.StoreType != StoreType.FullVariable) || (!options.CanBeIndexed && SetVariable.Index.Length != 0)) { errorHandler.Error($"The variable '{SetVariable.Calling.Name}' cannot be indexed", VariableRange); } } DoesResolveToVariable = SetVariable != null; }
public OperatorAction(ParseInfo parseInfo, Scope scope, DeltinScriptParser.E_op_compareContext context) { GetParts(parseInfo, scope, context.left, context.op.Text, DocRange.GetRange(context.op), context.right); }
public TreeContextPart(DeltinScriptParser.VariableContext variable) { this.variable = variable ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(variable)); Range = DocRange.GetRange(variable); CompletionRange = Range; }
private void GetParts(ParseInfo parseInfo, Scope scope, DeltinScriptParser.ExprContext left, string op, DocRange opRange, DeltinScriptParser.ExprContext right) { // Left operator. if (left == null) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error("Missing left operator.", opRange); } else { Left = parseInfo.GetExpression(scope, left); } // Right operator. if (right == null) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error("Missing right operator.", opRange); } else { Right = parseInfo.GetExpression(scope, right); } Operator = op; }
public TreeContextPart(DeltinScriptParser.ExprContext expression) { this.expression = expression ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expression)); Range = DocRange.GetRange(expression); CompletionRange = Range; }
public ThisAction(ParseInfo parseInfo, Scope scope, DeltinScriptParser.E_thisContext context) { ThisType = scope.GetThis(); if (ThisType == null) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error("Keyword 'this' cannot be used here.", DocRange.GetRange(context)); } }
public void Error(string message, DocRange range) { _diagnostics.Add(new Diagnostic(message, range, Diagnostic.Error)); }
public BaseAction(ParseInfo parseInfo, Scope scope, DeltinScriptParser.E_baseContext context) { CodeType thisType = scope.GetThis(); // Syntax error if the 'base' keyword is used outside of classes. if (thisType == null) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error("Keyword 'base' cannot be used here.", DocRange.GetRange(context)); } // Syntax error if the current class does not extend anything. else if (thisType.Extends == null) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error("The current type does not extend a class.", DocRange.GetRange(context)); } else { baseType = thisType.Extends; } }
public void Information(string message, DocRange range) { _diagnostics.Add(new Diagnostic(message, range, Diagnostic.Information)); }
public IsAction(ParseInfo parseInfo, Scope scope, DeltinScriptParser.E_isContext isContext) { // Get the expression. expression = parseInfo.GetExpression(scope, isContext.expr()); // Get the type. if (isContext.type == null) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error("Expected type name.", DocRange.GetRange(isContext.IS())); } else { CodeType type = parseInfo.TranslateInfo.Types.GetCodeType(isContext.type.Text, parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics, DocRange.GetRange(isContext.type)); // Make sure the received type is a class. if (type != null && type is ClassType == false) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error("Expected a class type.", DocRange.GetRange(isContext.type)); } else { checkingIfType = (ClassType)type; } } }
public CheckLambdaContext(ParseInfo parseInfo, ILambdaApplier applier, string errorMessage, DocRange range, ParameterState parameterState) { ParseInfo = parseInfo; Applier = applier; ErrorMessage = errorMessage; Range = range; ParameterState = parameterState; }
public void OutputComment(FileDiagnostics diagnostics, DocRange range, string comment) { Comment = comment; }
public DefinedMacro(ParseInfo parseInfo, Scope objectScope, Scope staticScope, DeltinScriptParser.Define_macroContext context, CodeType returnType) : base(parseInfo,, new LanguageServer.Location(parseInfo.Script.Uri, DocRange.GetRange( { this.context = context; Static = context.STATIC() != null; SetupScope(Static ? staticScope : objectScope); AccessLevel = context.accessor().GetAccessLevel(); ReturnType = returnType; ExpressionToParse = context.expr(); doesReturnValue = true; }
public VariableResolve(ParseInfo parseInfo, VariableResolveOptions options, IExpression expression, DocRange expressionRange) : this(parseInfo, options, expression, expressionRange, new VariableResolveErrorHandler(parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics)) { }
public static IStatement GetStatement(ParseInfo parseInfo, Scope scope, DeltinScriptParser.StatementContext statementContext) { switch (statementContext) { case DeltinScriptParser.S_defineContext define: { var newVar = new ScopedVariable(scope, new DefineContextHandler(parseInfo, define.define())); return(new DefineAction(newVar)); } case DeltinScriptParser.S_methodContext method: return(new CallMethodAction(parseInfo, scope, method.method(), false, scope)); case DeltinScriptParser.S_varsetContext varset: return(new SetVariableAction(parseInfo, scope, varset.varset())); case DeltinScriptParser.S_exprContext s_expr: { var expr = GetExpression(parseInfo, scope, s_expr.expr(), true, false); if (expr is ExpressionTree == false || ((ExpressionTree)expr)?.Result is IStatement == false) { if (expr != null) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error("Expressions can't be used as statements.", DocRange.GetRange(statementContext)); } return(null); } else { return((ExpressionTree)expr); } } case DeltinScriptParser.S_ifContext s_if: return(new IfAction(parseInfo, scope, s_if.@if())); case DeltinScriptParser.S_whileContext s_while: return(new WhileAction(parseInfo, scope, s_while.@while())); case DeltinScriptParser.S_forContext s_for: return(new ForAction(parseInfo, scope, s_for.@for())); case DeltinScriptParser.S_for_autoContext s_forAuto: return(new AutoForAction(parseInfo, scope, s_forAuto.for_auto())); case DeltinScriptParser.S_foreachContext s_foreach: return(new ForeachAction(parseInfo, scope, s_foreach.@foreach())); case DeltinScriptParser.S_returnContext s_return: return(new ReturnAction(parseInfo, scope, s_return.@return())); case DeltinScriptParser.S_deleteContext s_delete: return(new DeleteAction(parseInfo, scope, s_delete.delete())); case DeltinScriptParser.S_continueContext s_continue: return(new ContinueAction(parseInfo, DocRange.GetRange(s_continue))); case DeltinScriptParser.S_breakContext s_break: return(new BreakAction(parseInfo, DocRange.GetRange(s_break))); case DeltinScriptParser.S_switchContext s_switch: return(new SwitchAction(parseInfo, scope, s_switch.@switch())); case DeltinScriptParser.S_blockContext s_block: return(new BlockAction(parseInfo, scope, s_block)); default: return(null); } }
private void GetRuleSettings(ParseInfo parseInfo, Scope scope, RuleContext ruleContext) { RuleSetting teamContext = null, playerContext = null; bool setEventType = false, setTeam = false, setPlayer = false; foreach (var setting in ruleContext.Settings) { // Add completion. switch (setting.Setting.Text) { case "Event": AddCompletion(parseInfo, setting.Dot, setting.Value, EventItems); break; case "Team": AddCompletion(parseInfo, setting.Dot, setting.Value, TeamItems); break; case "Player": AddCompletion(parseInfo, setting.Dot, setting.Value, PlayerItems); break; } // Get the value. if (setting.Value != null) { var alreadySet = new Diagnostic("The " + setting.Setting.Text + " rule setting was already set.", setting.Range, Diagnostic.Error); string name = setting.Value.Text; DocRange range = setting.Value.Range; switch (setting.Setting.Text) { case "Event": if (setEventType) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.AddDiagnostic(alreadySet); } EventType = GetMember <RuleEvent>("Event", name, parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics, range); setEventType = true; break; case "Team": if (setTeam) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.AddDiagnostic(alreadySet); } Team = GetMember <Team>("Team", name, parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics, range); setTeam = true; teamContext = setting; break; case "Player": if (setPlayer) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.AddDiagnostic(alreadySet); } Player = GetMember <PlayerSelector>("Player", name, parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics, range); setPlayer = true; playerContext = setting; break; default: parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error("Expected an enumerator of type 'Event', 'Team', or 'Player'.", setting.Setting.Range); break; } } } // Set the event type to player if the event type was not set and player or team was changed. if (!setEventType && ((setPlayer && Player != PlayerSelector.All) || (setTeam && Team != Team.All))) { EventType = RuleEvent.OngoingPlayer; } if (setEventType && EventType == RuleEvent.OngoingGlobal) { // Syntax error if the event type is global and the team type is not default. if (Team != Team.All) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error("Can't change rule Team type with an event type of Ongoing Global.", teamContext.Range); } // Syntax error if the event type is global and the player type is not default. if (Player != PlayerSelector.All) { parseInfo.Script.Diagnostics.Error("Can't change rule Player type with an event type of Ongoing Global.", playerContext.Range); } } }