private static List <Word> GetSnappedWords(DocPageInfo page_info, Point mouse_up_point, Point mouse_down_point)

            double left   = Math.Min(mouse_up_point.X, mouse_down_point.X) / page_info.ActualWidth;
            double top    = Math.Min(mouse_up_point.Y, mouse_down_point.Y) / page_info.ActualHeight;
            double width  = Math.Abs(mouse_up_point.X - mouse_down_point.X) / page_info.ActualWidth;
            double height = Math.Abs(mouse_up_point.Y - mouse_down_point.Y) / page_info.ActualHeight;

            List <Word> words_in_selection = new List <Word>();

            WordList word_list = page_info.pdf_document.GetOCRText(;

            if (null != word_list)
                foreach (var word in word_list)
                    if (word.IsContained(left, top, width, height))

        private static BitmapSource GetSnappedImage(DocPageInfo page_info, Point mouse_up_point, Point mouse_down_point)

            BitmapSource cropped_image_page = null;

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(page_info.pdf_document.GetPageByDPIAsImage(, 150)))
                PngBitmapDecoder decoder    = new PngBitmapDecoder(ms, BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat, BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad);
                BitmapSource     image_page = decoder.Frames[0];
                if (null != image_page)
                    double left   = Math.Min(mouse_up_point.X, mouse_down_point.X) * image_page.PixelWidth / page_info.ActualWidth;
                    double top    = Math.Min(mouse_up_point.Y, mouse_down_point.Y) * image_page.PixelHeight / page_info.ActualHeight;
                    double width  = Math.Abs(mouse_up_point.X - mouse_down_point.X) * image_page.PixelWidth / page_info.ActualWidth;
                    double height = Math.Abs(mouse_up_point.Y - mouse_down_point.Y) * image_page.PixelHeight / page_info.ActualHeight;

                    left   = Math.Max(left, 0);
                    top    = Math.Max(top, 0);
                    width  = Math.Min(width, image_page.PixelWidth - left);
                    height = Math.Min(height, image_page.PixelHeight - top);

                    if (0 < width && 0 < height)
                        var cropped = new CroppedBitmap(image_page, new Int32Rect((int)left, (int)top, (int)width, (int)height));

                        // UPDATE HERE: CroppedBitmap to BitmapImage
                        // cropped_image_page = GetJpgImage(cropped.Source);
                        // or
                        //cropped_image_page = GetPngImage(cropped.Source);

                        using (MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream())
                            PngBitmapEncoder jEncoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();

                            jEncoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(cropped));  // the croppedBitmap is a CroppedBitmap object

                            // jEncoder.QualityLevel = 75;

                            cropped_image_page = BitmapImageTools.LoadFromStream(mStream);

                            // I can also get array of bytes that represent the cropped image by call this method : mStream.GetBuffer()

                            //cropped_image_page = BitmapImageTools.CropImageRegion(image_page, left, top, width, height);

        private void drag_area_tracker_OnDragComplete(bool button_left_pressed, bool button_right_pressed, Point mouse_down_point, Point mouse_up_point)

            double width_page  = Math.Abs(mouse_up_point.X - mouse_down_point.X);
            double height_page = Math.Abs(mouse_up_point.Y - mouse_down_point.Y);

            if (3 <= width_page && 3 <= height_page)
                DocPageInfo page_info = new DocPageInfo {
                    pdf_document = @pdf_document,
                    page         = @page,
                    ActualHeight = @ActualHeight,
                    ActualWidth  = @ActualWidth

                SafeThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o =>
                    // GetSnappedImage() invokes the background renderer, hence run it in a background thread itself:
                    BitmapSource image = GetSnappedImage(page_info, mouse_up_point, mouse_down_point);
                    List <Word> words  = GetSnappedWords(page_info, mouse_up_point, mouse_down_point);
                    string raw_text    = SelectedWordsToFormattedTextConvertor.ConvertToParagraph(words);
                    string tabled_text = SelectedWordsToFormattedTextConvertor.ConvertToTable(words);

                    WPFDoEvents.InvokeAsyncInUIThread(() =>
                        CameraActionChooserDialog cacd = new CameraActionChooserDialog();
                        cacd.SetLovelyDetails(image, raw_text, tabled_text);
                Logging.Info("Region too small to screen grab");