Example #1
        internal Tag ReadTag()
            long         posBefore = SWFBinary.BaseStream.Position;
            RecordHeader rh        = new RecordHeader();


            int offset = (int)(SWFBinary.BaseStream.Position - posBefore);

            SWFBinary.BaseStream.Position = posBefore;

            Tag resTag = null;

            switch (rh.TagCode)
            case (int)TagCodes.DoABC: resTag = new DoABC(); break;

            case (int)TagCodes.End: resTag = new End(); break;

            default: resTag = new Tag(SWFBinary.ReadBytes(System.Convert.ToInt32(rh.TagLength + offset))); break;

            resTag.ReadData(SWFVersion, SWFBinary);

Example #2
File: Tag.cs Project: nguyenbs/as3c
        public void WriteExternal(BinaryWriter output)
            if (0x52 == _header.Type)//DoABC
                DoABC abcBody = (DoABC)_body;

                MemoryStream buffer    = new MemoryStream();
                BinaryWriter bufferOut = new BinaryWriter(buffer, Encoding.UTF8);

                // Part 1: Write .abc to buffer

                // Part 2: Update and write header
                _header.Length = (int)buffer.Length;

                // Part 3: Copy .abc buffer into output
                buffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                byte[] bb = new byte[1024];
                int    len;

                while ((len = buffer.Read(bb, 0, 1024)) > 0)
                    output.Write(bb, 0, len);
                // Other tags can be written very simple
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This takes an existing script and merges it into our script by merging
        /// constants and classes together in a terrifying clash of opcodes. Where we have
        /// multiple scripts, we will merge into the first one, because we need to pick one
        /// and have no way to decide what would be best.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="abc">The script to merge into our one.</param>
        public void MergeScript(DoABC abc)
            if (this.scripts.Count == 0)
                /* Well, that was easy */

            this.scripts[0].Merge(abc, this.Context);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the timeline scripts.
        /// </summary>
        public void GenerateTimelineScripts()
            if (this.scripts.Count != 0)
                throw new SWFModellerException(
                          "Internal error. Can't make auto-generated scripts if scripts already exist.");

            string flaName       = this.Context.Name.Replace('.', '_') + "_swiffotron";
            string qualClassName = flaName + ".MainTimeline";

            this.scripts.Add(DoABC.GenerateDefaultScript(qualClassName, this));
Example #5
        public void Parse(SwfFormat swf)
            foreach (Tag tag in swf.Tags)
                if (tag.Header.Type != 0x52)

                DoABC abcTag = (DoABC)tag.Body;

Example #6
        public void Instantiate(int frameNum, Sprite sprite, Layer.Position layering, Matrix position, string instanceName, string qClassName)
            AS3Class instanceClass = sprite.Class;

            if (this.Class == null)
                throw new SWFModellerException(
                          "Can't instantiate " + instanceName + " on timeline with no code");

            DoABC scriptTag = this.Root.FirstScript;

            if (scriptTag == null)
                /* ISSUE 70: Y'know, we can generate scripts. We should probably do that. */
                throw new SWFModellerException(
                          "Can't instantiate clips in a SWF with no code.");

            if (instanceClass == null)
                DoABC.GenerateDefaultScript(qClassName, sprite);
                instanceClass = sprite.Class;

            /* Create instance variable of type referenced by instanceClass */

            Namespace propNS   = scriptTag.Code.CreateNamespace(Namespace.NamespaceKind.Package, string.Empty);
            Multiname propName = scriptTag.Code.CreateMultiname(Multiname.MultinameKind.QName, instanceName, propNS, NamespaceSet.EmptySet);

            if (this.Class is AS3ClassDef)
                ((AS3ClassDef)this.Class).AddInstanceTrait(new SlotTrait()
                    Kind     = TraitKind.Slot,
                    TypeName = instanceClass.Name,
                    Name     = propName,
                    ValKind  = ConstantKind.ConUndefined

            this.GetFrame(frameNum).AddTag(new PlaceObject(sprite, this.GetFreeLayer(layering), null, position, instanceName, false, null, null, null));
Example #7
        private static String GetVersion(String filename)
            SWFReader reader = new SWFReader(filename);

            foreach (Tag tag in reader.Tags)
                if (tag is DoABC)
                    DoABC abcTag = (DoABC)tag;
                    if (abcTag.Name.Contains("riotgames/platform/gameclient/application/Version"))
                        var      str        = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(abcTag.ABCData);
                        string[] firstSplit = str.Split((char)6);
                        //string[] secondSplit = firstSplit[0].Split((char)19);
                        return(firstSplit[0].Substring(firstSplit[0].IndexOf("CURRENT_VERSION") + 17)); //17 for CURRENT_VERSION + 2 hidden characters
        public LoginPage()

            //Get client data after patcher completed
            Client.SQLiteDatabase = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection("gameStats_en_US.sqlite");
            Client.Champions      = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <champions>()
                                     orderby s.name
                                     select s).ToList();

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.FavouriteChamps == null)
                Properties.Settings.Default.FavouriteChamps = new Int32[0];

            foreach (champions c in Client.Champions)
                string Source = Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "champions", c.iconPath);
                c.icon = Client.GetImage(Source);
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.FavouriteChamps.Contains(c.id))
                    c.IsFavourite = true;

            Client.ChampionSkins = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <championSkins>()
                                    orderby s.name
                                    select s).ToList();
            Client.SearchTags = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <championSearchTags>()
                                 orderby s.id
                                 select s).ToList();
            Client.Keybinds = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <keybindingEvents>()
                               orderby s.id
                               select s).ToList();
            Client.Items     = Items.PopulateItems();
            Client.Masteries = Masteries.PopulateMasteries();
            Client.Runes     = Runes.PopulateRunes();

            //Retrieve latest client version
            SWFReader reader = new SWFReader("ClientLibCommon.dat");

            foreach (Tag tag in reader.Tags)
                if (tag is DoABC)
                    DoABC abcTag = (DoABC)tag;
                    if (abcTag.Name.Contains("riotgames/platform/gameclient/application/Version"))
                        var str = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(abcTag.ABCData);
                        //Ugly hack ahead - turn back now! (http://pastebin.com/yz1X4HBg)
                        string[] firstSplit  = str.Split((char)6);
                        string[] secondSplit = firstSplit[0].Split((char)18);
                        //Client.Version = secondSplit[1];

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.SavedUsername))
                RememberUsernameCheckbox.IsChecked = true;
                LoginUsernameBox.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.SavedUsername;
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.SavedPassword))
                RememberPasswordCheckbox.IsChecked = true;
                LoginPasswordBox.Password          = Properties.Settings.Default.SavedPassword;
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.Region))
                RegionComboBox.SelectedValue = Properties.Settings.Default.Region;
            string uriSource = Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "champions", champions.GetChampion(Client.LatestChamp).splashPath);

            LoginImage.Source = Client.GetImage(uriSource);
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.SavedPassword) &&
                !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.Region) &&
                AutoLoginCheckBox.IsChecked = true;
                LoginButton_Click(null, null);
Example #9
		public override void  doABC(DoABC tag)
Example #10
 internal void AddAbc(DoABC abcTag)
Example #11
        public LoginPage()

            //Get client data after patcher completed
            string latestVersion = "";
            string GameLocation  = Path.Combine("League of Legends", "RADS");

            if (Directory.Exists(GameLocation))
                System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
                DirectoryInfo             dInfo    = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(GameLocation, "projects", "lol_air_client", "releases"));
                DirectoryInfo[]           subdirs  = null;
                    subdirs = dInfo.GetDirectories();
                    foreach (DirectoryInfo info in subdirs)
                        latestVersion = GetGreaterVersion(latestVersion, info.Name);
                catch (Exception er) { Console.WriteLine(er.Message); }

            Client.SQLiteDatabase = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(Path.Combine(GameLocation, "projects", "lol_air_client", "releases", latestVersion, "deploy", "assets", "data", "gameStats", "gameStats_en_US.sqlite"));
            Client.Champions      = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <champions>()
                                     orderby s.name
                                     select s).ToList();

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.FavouriteChamps == null)
                Properties.Settings.Default.FavouriteChamps = new Int32[0];

            foreach (champions c in Client.Champions)
                string Source = Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "champions", c.iconPath);
                c.icon = Client.GetImage(Source);
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.FavouriteChamps.Contains(c.id))
                    c.IsFavourite = true;

            Client.ChampionSkins = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <championSkins>()
                                    orderby s.name
                                    select s).ToList();
            Client.SearchTags = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <championSearchTags>()
                                 orderby s.id
                                 select s).ToList();
            Client.Keybinds = (from s in Client.SQLiteDatabase.Table <keybindingEvents>()
                               orderby s.id
                               select s).ToList();
            Client.Items     = Items.PopulateItems();
            Client.Masteries = Masteries.PopulateMasteries();
            Client.Runes     = Runes.PopulateRunes();

            //Retrieve latest client version
            SWFReader reader = new SWFReader("ClientLibCommon.dat");

            foreach (Tag tag in reader.Tags)
                if (tag is DoABC)
                    DoABC abcTag = (DoABC)tag;
                    if (abcTag.Name.Contains("riotgames/platform/gameclient/application/Version"))
                        var str = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(abcTag.ABCData);
                        //Ugly hack ahead - turn back now! (http://pastebin.com/yz1X4HBg)
                        string[] firstSplit  = str.Split((char)6);
                        string[] secondSplit = firstSplit[0].Split((char)19);
                        Client.Version = secondSplit[1];

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.SavedUsername))
                RememberUsernameCheckbox.IsChecked = true;
                LoginUsernameBox.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.SavedUsername;
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.SavedPassword))
                RememberPasswordCheckbox.IsChecked = true;
                LoginPasswordBox.Password          = Properties.Settings.Default.SavedPassword;
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.Region))
                RegionComboBox.SelectedValue = Properties.Settings.Default.Region;
            champions champ     = champions.GetChampion(Client.LatestChamp);
            string    uriSource = Path.Combine(Client.ExecutingDirectory, "Assets", "champions", champ.splashPath);

            LoginImage.Source = Client.GetImage(uriSource);
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.SavedPassword) &&
                !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.Region) &&
                AutoLoginCheckBox.IsChecked = true;
                LoginButton_Click(null, null);
		public override void  doABC(DoABC tag)
			if (tag.code == flash.swf.TagValues_Fields.stagDoABC2)
				encodeTagHeader(tag.code, 4 + tag.name.Length + 1 + tag.abc.Length, false);
				encodeTagHeader(tag.code, tag.abc.Length, false);
Example #13
        public void AssembleIfNecessary(DoABC codeTag, bool insertDebugCodes, string mainClassName, StringBuilder writeLog)
            this.InsertDebugCodes = insertDebugCodes;

            this.writeLog = writeLog;
            if (this.writeLog == null)
                /* Bit of a kludge. If we passed null for this, we don't want a log. We'd rather not
                 * put null tests everywhere though, so we create this string builder and log stuff
                 * to it knowing full well it will be discarded and is a waste of time. It's convenient,
                 * and it's only the debug build, so we don't really care about the waste. */
                this.writeLog = new StringBuilder();

            /* Firstly, if any methods are altered, we need to decompile all of them since the
             * table references will all be wrong. Check all the methods for tampering... */

            AbcCode code = codeTag.Code;

            if (!code.IsTampered)

            /* At this point, all we know is that at least one piece of code
             * needs re-assembly. IsTampered doesn't meant everything is necessarily
             * tampered, although it probably is. */

            /* We've established that we actually do need to do some work */

            MemoryStream      buffer = new MemoryStream();
            ABCDataTypeWriter writer = new ABCDataTypeWriter(buffer);

            /* Ok, someone tampered with a method. Now we need to decompile them all and
             * re-build them... */
            foreach (Method m in code.Methods)
                if (!m.Tampered)
                    m.Tampered = true; /* Dissassembles the code and forces re-assembly. */

            /* Another side-effect of such meddling is the need to re-build the tables... */
            this.ReBuildTables(code, mainClassName);

            /* At this point, we will have a set of clean-built or untampered tables, and
             * calls to Method.Bytes will either return pre-built bytecode, or assemble it
             * on-demand for us. In other words, everything can just be dumped into a file. */


            byte[] methodInfoBytes = this.GenerateMethodInfo();
            byte[] metadataBytes   = this.GenerateMetadata(code);
            byte[] classInfo       = this.GenerateClassInfo();
            byte[] scriptInfo      = this.GenerateScriptInfo(code);

            /* When we write out the constant pool, the constants are fixed in the code object with
             * those values. In other words at this point we'd better be damn sure we've added all the
             * constants to the pools. */
            this.WriteConstantPool(writer, code);

            writer.Write(methodInfoBytes, 0, methodInfoBytes.Length);
            writer.Write(metadataBytes, 0, metadataBytes.Length);
            writer.Write(classInfo, 0, classInfo.Length);
            writer.Write(scriptInfo, 0, scriptInfo.Length);


            writer.Close(); /* Also closes buffer. */
            codeTag.Bytecode = buffer.ToArray();
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a script.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="abc">The abc code.</param>
 public void AddScript(DoABC abc)
Example #15
		public override void  doABC(DoABC tag)
			if (abc)
				AbcPrinter abcPrinter = new AbcPrinter(tag.abc, out_Renamed, showOffset, indent_Renamed_Field);
			else if (showActions)
				if (tag.code == flash.swf.TagValues_Fields.stagDoABC2)
					out_Renamed.Write(" name='" + tag.name + "'");
				ContextStatics contextStatics = new ContextStatics();
				contextStatics.use_static_semantics = true;
				contextStatics.dialect = 9;
				//UPGRADE_ISSUE: The following fragment of code could not be parsed and was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1156'"
				Debug.Assert(swfVersion != null, "header should have been parsed already, but wasn't");
				Context context = new Context(contextStatics);
				context.setHandler(new CompilerHandler());
				AbcParser abcParser = new AbcParser(context, tag.abc);
				context.setEmitter(new ActionBlockEmitter(context, tag.name, new StringPrintWriter(), new StringPrintWriter(), false, false, false, false));
				ProgramNode programNode = abcParser.parseAbc();
				if (programNode == null)
					//UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.io.PrintWriter.println' was converted to 'System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javaioPrintWriterprintln_javalangString'"
					out_Renamed.WriteLine("<!-- Error: could not parse abc -->");
				else if (decompile)
					//                PrettyPrinter prettyPrinter = new PrettyPrinter(out);
					//                programNode.evaluate(context, prettyPrinter);
					SyntaxTreeDumper syntaxTreeDumper = new SyntaxTreeDumper(out_Renamed, indent_Renamed_Field);
					programNode.evaluate(context, syntaxTreeDumper);
 public override void  doABC(DoABC tag)
 public virtual void  doABC(DoABC tag)