public IActionResult SelectCourses(int districtId, string orgSourceId)
            var repo = new DistrictRepo(db, districtId);

            ViewBag.districtId  = districtId;
            ViewBag.orgSourceId = orgSourceId;

            // TODO: Add config to determine how to pick up courses.

            // Direct Mapping: Get all courses that belong to this school
            //var model = repo.Lines<CsvCourse>().Where(c =>
            //	 JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CsvCourse>(c.RawData).orgSourcedId == orgSourceId).ToList();

            // Indirect Mapping: Get classes that belong to this School,
            // then get the courses for them that match the sourceId.
            // then apply unique on courseSourcedId

            // TODO: Optimize the following
            var courseSourcedIds = repo.Lines <CsvClass>()
                                   .Where(c => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CsvClass>(c.RawData).schoolSourcedId == orgSourceId)
                                   .Select(c => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CsvClass>(c.RawData).courseSourcedId);

            var courses = repo.Lines <CsvCourse>()
                          .Where(cr => courseSourcedIds.Contains(cr.SourcedId))
                          .OrderBy(cr => cr.SourcedId)

Example #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Identifies records that were missing from the feed and marks them as Deleted
		/// </summary>
		public async Task MarkDeleted(DateTime start)
			foreach (var line in await Repo.Lines().Where(l => l.LastSeen < start).ToListAsync())
				line.LoadStatus = LoadStatus.Deleted;
				await Repo.Committer.InvokeIfChunk();
			await Repo.Committer.InvokeIfAny();
        public async Task <IActionResult> SelectCourses(int districtId, string orgSourceId, IEnumerable <string> SelectedCourses)
            var repo  = new DistrictRepo(db, districtId);
            var model = await repo.Lines <CsvCourse>()
                        //.Where(c => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CsvCourse>(c.RawData).orgSourcedId == orgSourceId.ToString())
                        .Where(c => SelectedCourses.Contains(c.SourcedId))

            ViewBag.districtId = districtId;

            foreach (var course in model)
                bool include = SelectedCourses.Contains(course.SourcedId);
                if (course.IncludeInSync == include)
                course.IncludeInSync = include;
                repo.PushLineHistory(course, isNewData: false);

            await repo.Committer.Invoke();

            return(RedirectToAction(nameof(SelectCourses), new { districtId, orgSourceId }).WithSuccess("Courses saved successfully"));
        public async Task <IActionResult> SelectOrgs(int districtId)
            var repo  = new DistrictRepo(db, districtId);
            var model = await repo.Lines <CsvOrg>().ToListAsync();

            ViewBag.districtId = districtId;
Example #5
        private async Task ApplyLineParallel <T>(DataSyncLine line) where T : CsvBaseObject
            // we need a new DataContext to avoid concurrency issues
            using (var scope = Services.CreateScope())
                using (var db = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>())
                    // re-create the Repo and Data pulled from it
                    var repo    = new DistrictRepo(db, DistrictId);
                    var newLine = await repo.Lines <T>().SingleAsync(l => l.DataSyncLineId == line.DataSyncLineId);
                    await ApplyLine <T>(repo, newLine);

                    await repo.Committer.Invoke();
        public async Task <IActionResult> DistrictReport(int districtId)
            var repo = new DistrictRepo(db, districtId);

            ViewBag.districtId = districtId;

            var org = await ReportLine <CsvOrg>(repo);

            org.SyncEnabled = repo.District.SyncOrgs;

            var course = await ReportLine <CsvCourse>(repo);

            course.SyncEnabled = repo.District.SyncCourses;

            var academicSession = await ReportLine <CsvAcademicSession>(repo);

            academicSession.SyncEnabled = repo.District.SyncAcademicSessions;

            var _class = await ReportLine <CsvClass>(repo);

            _class.SyncEnabled = repo.District.SyncClasses;

            var user = await ReportLine <CsvUser>(repo);

            user.SyncEnabled = repo.District.SyncUsers;

            var enrollment = await ReportLine <CsvEnrollment>(repo);

            enrollment.SyncEnabled = repo.District.SyncEnrollment;

            var total = await ReportLine(repo.Lines().AsNoTracking(), "Totals");

            total.SyncEnabled = true;

            var model = new[]

        public async Task <IActionResult> DataSyncLineEdit(DataSyncLine postedLine)
            var repo = new DistrictRepo(db, postedLine.DistrictId);
            var line = await repo.Lines().SingleOrDefaultAsync(l => l.DataSyncLineId == postedLine.DataSyncLineId);

            // not currently editable
            //bool isNewData = line.RawData != postedLine.RawData;

            line.TargetId      = postedLine.TargetId;
            line.IncludeInSync = postedLine.IncludeInSync;
            line.LoadStatus    = postedLine.LoadStatus;
            line.SyncStatus    = postedLine.SyncStatus;

            repo.PushLineHistory(line, isNewData: false);

            await repo.Committer.Invoke();

            return(RedirectToAction(nameof(DataSyncLineEdit), line.DataSyncLineId).WithSuccess("Dataline updated successfully"));
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply all records of a given entity type to the LMS
        /// </summary>
        public async Task ApplyLines <T>() where T : CsvBaseObject
            for (int last = 0; ;)
                using (var scope = Services.CreateScope())
                    using (var db = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>())
                        var repo = new DistrictRepo(db, DistrictId);

                        // filter on all lines that are included and ready to be applied or apply was failed
                        var lines = repo.Lines <T>().Where(
                            l => l.IncludeInSync && (l.SyncStatus == SyncStatus.ReadyToApply || l.SyncStatus == SyncStatus.ApplyFailed));

                        // how many records are remaining to process?
                        int curr = await lines.CountAsync();

                        if (curr == 0)

                        // after each process, the remaining record count should go down
                        // this avoids and infinite loop in case there is an problem processing
                        // basically, we bail if no progress is made at all
                        if (last > 0 && last <= curr)
                            throw new ProcessingException(Logger, "Apply failed to update SyncStatus of applied record. This indicates that some apply calls are failing and hence the apply process was aborted.");
                        last = curr;

                        // process chunks of lines in parallel
                        IEnumerable <Task> tasks = await lines
                                                   .Select(line => ApplyLineParallel <T>(line))

                        await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
        public async Task <IActionResult> SelectOrgs(int districtId, IEnumerable <string> SelectedOrgs)
            var repo  = new DistrictRepo(db, districtId);
            var model = await repo.Lines <CsvOrg>().ToListAsync();

            foreach (var org in model)
                bool include = SelectedOrgs.Contains(org.SourcedId);
                if (org.IncludeInSync == include)
                org.IncludeInSync = include;
                repo.PushLineHistory(org, isNewData: false);

            await repo.Committer.Invoke();

            return(RedirectToAction(nameof(SelectOrgs), new { districtId }).WithSuccess("Orgs saved successfully"));
Example #10
        public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(int districtId)
            var repo = new DistrictRepo(db, districtId);

            var model = await OneRosterSync.Net.Controllers.DataSyncController.ReportLine(repo.Lines(), "");

            return(View(viewName: "Stats", model: model));
Example #11
        private async Task ApplyLine <T>(DistrictRepo repo, DataSyncLine line) where T : CsvBaseObject
            switch (line.LoadStatus)
            case LoadStatus.None:
                Logger.Here().LogWarning($"None should not be flagged for Sync: {line.RawData}");

            ApiPostBase data;
            var         apiManager = new ApiManager(repo.District.LmsApiBaseUrl)
                ApiAuthenticator = ApiAuthenticatorFactory.GetApiAuthenticator(repo.District.LmsApiAuthenticatorType,

            if (line.Table == nameof(CsvEnrollment))
                var enrollment = new ApiEnrollmentPost(line.RawData);

                CsvEnrollment csvEnrollment = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CsvEnrollment>(line.RawData);
                DataSyncLine  cls           = repo.Lines <CsvClass>().SingleOrDefault(l => l.SourcedId == csvEnrollment.classSourcedId);
                DataSyncLine  usr           = repo.Lines <CsvUser>().SingleOrDefault(l => l.SourcedId == csvEnrollment.userSourcedId);

                var map = new EnrollmentMap
                    classTargetId = cls?.TargetId,
                    userTargetId  = usr?.TargetId,

                // this provides a mapping of LMS TargetIds (rather than sourcedId's)
                enrollment.EnrollmentMap = map;
                enrollment.ClassTargetId = cls?.TargetId;
                enrollment.UserTargetId  = usr?.TargetId;

                // cache map in the database (for display/troubleshooting only)
                line.EnrollmentMap = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(map);

                data = enrollment;
            else if (line.Table == nameof(CsvClass))
                var classCsv = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CsvClass>(line.RawData);

                // Get course & school of this class
                var course    = repo.Lines <CsvCourse>().SingleOrDefault(l => l.SourcedId == classCsv.courseSourcedId);
                var courseCsv = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CsvCourse>(course.RawData);

                // Get Term of this class
                // TODO: Handle multiple terms, termSourceIds can be a comma separated list of terms.
                var term = repo.Lines <CsvAcademicSession>().SingleOrDefault(s => s.SourcedId == classCsv.termSourcedIds);

                var org = repo.Lines <CsvOrg>().SingleOrDefault(o => o.SourcedId == classCsv.schoolSourcedId);

                var _class = new ApiClassPost(line.RawData)
                    CourseTargetId = course.TargetId,
                    SchoolTargetId = org.TargetId,
                    TermTargetId   = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(term.TargetId) ? "2018" : term.TargetId,       //TODO: Add a default term setting in District Entity
                    Period         = classCsv.periods

                data = _class;
                data = new ApiPost <T>(line.RawData);

            data.DistrictId   = repo.District.TargetId;
            data.DistrictName = repo.District.Name;
            data.LastSeen     = line.LastSeen;
            data.SourcedId    = line.SourcedId;
            data.TargetId     = line.TargetId;
            data.Status       = line.LoadStatus.ToString();

            var response = await apiManager.Post(GetEntityEndpoint(data.EntityType.ToLower(), repo), data);

            if (response.Success)
                line.SyncStatus = SyncStatus.Applied;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.TargetId))
                    line.TargetId = response.TargetId;
                line.Error = null;
                line.SyncStatus = SyncStatus.ApplyFailed;
                line.Error      = response.ErrorMessage;

                // The Lms can send false success if the entity already exist. In such a case we read the targetId
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.TargetId))
                    line.TargetId = response.TargetId;


            repo.PushLineHistory(line, isNewData: false);
Example #12
        private async Task <bool> ProcessRecord <T>(T record, string table, DateTime now) where T : CsvBaseObject
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(record.sourcedId))
                throw new ProcessingException(Logger.Here(),
                                              $"Record of type {typeof(T).Name} contains no SourcedId: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(record)}");

            DataSyncLine line = await Repo.Lines <T>().SingleOrDefaultAsync(l => l.SourcedId == record.sourcedId);

            bool isNewRecord = line == null;

            string data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(record);

            if (isNewRecord)
                // already deleted
                if (record.isDeleted)

                line = new DataSyncLine
                    SourcedId  = record.sourcedId,
                    DistrictId = Repo.DistrictId,
                    LoadStatus = LoadStatus.Added,
                    LastSeen   = now,
                    Table      = table,
            else // existing record, check if it has changed
                line.LastSeen = now;

                // no change to the data, skip!
                if (line.RawData == data)
                    if (line.SyncStatus != SyncStatus.Loaded)
                        line.LoadStatus = LoadStatus.NoChange;

                // status should be deleted
                if (record.isDeleted)
                    line.LoadStatus = LoadStatus.Deleted;
                else if (line.SyncStatus == SyncStatus.Loaded && line.LoadStatus == LoadStatus.Added)
                    line.LoadStatus = LoadStatus.Added; // if added, leave added
                    line.LoadStatus = LoadStatus.Modified;

            line.RawData    = data;
            line.SourcedId  = record.sourcedId;
            line.SyncStatus = SyncStatus.Loaded;

            Repo.PushLineHistory(line, isNewData: true);

        public async Task <IActionResult> UploadMappingFiles(IFormFile mappingFile, int districtId, string tableName)
            var path      = Path.GetTempFileName();
            var repo      = new DistrictRepo(db, districtId);
            var mapCount  = 0;
            var lineCount = 0;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableName) || mappingFile == null)
                return(View(nameof(DistrictEntityMapping), repo.District)
                       .WithDanger($"Please select Table Name and select a file first."));

            using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
                await mappingFile.CopyToAsync(stream);

            using (var file = System.IO.File.OpenText(path))
                using (var csv = new CsvHelper.CsvReader(file))
                    csv.Configuration.MissingFieldFound = null;
                    csv.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord   = true;


                    for (int i = 0; await csv.ReadAsync(); i++)
                        dynamic record = null;
                            record = csv.GetRecord <dynamic>();
                            string sourcedId = record.sourcedId;
                            string targetId  = record.targetId;


                            var line = repo.Lines()
                                       .Where(l => l.SourcedId == sourcedId && l.Table == tableName)

                            if (line != null)
                                line.TargetId = targetId;

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Logger.Here().LogError(ex, ex.Message);
                            return(View(nameof(DistrictEntityMapping), repo.District)
                                   .WithDanger($"Failed to apply Mappings. {ex.Message}"));

                    await repo.Committer.Invoke();

            return(View(nameof(DistrictEntityMapping), repo.District)
                   .WithSuccess($"Successfully Processed Mapping for {tableName}. Mapping applied to {lineCount} records out of {mapCount} mapping records."));
        private static async Task <DataSyncLineReportLine> ReportLine <T>(DistrictRepo repo) where T : CsvBaseObject
            var lines = repo.Lines <T>().AsNoTracking();

            return(await ReportLine(lines, typeof(T).Name));
        public async Task <IActionResult> DataSyncLines(int districtId,
                                                        int page = 1, string table = null, string filter = null,
                                                        LoadStatus?loadStatus = null, SyncStatus?syncStatus = null)
            var repo = new DistrictRepo(db, districtId);

            if (repo.District == null)
                return(NotFound($"District {districtId} not found"));

            ViewData["DistrictName"] = repo.District.Name;

            var query = repo.Lines().AsNoTracking();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(table))
                query = query.Where(l => l.Table == table);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter))
                query = query.Where(l => l.SourcedId.Contains(filter) || l.TargetId.Contains(filter));

            if (loadStatus.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(l => l.LoadStatus == loadStatus.Value);

            if (syncStatus.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(l => l.SyncStatus == syncStatus.Value);

            var orderedQuery = query.OrderByDescending(l => l.LastSeen);

            var model = await PagingList.CreateAsync(orderedQuery, 10, page);

            model.Action     = nameof(DataSyncLines);
            model.RouteValue = new RouteValueDictionary
                { "districtId", districtId },
                { "table", table },
                { "filter", filter },

            if (loadStatus.HasValue)
                model.RouteValue["loadStatus"] = (int)loadStatus.Value;
            if (syncStatus.HasValue)
                model.RouteValue["syncStatus"] = (int)syncStatus.Value;

            // kludge to remove empty values
            foreach (var kvp in model.RouteValue.Where(kvp => kvp.Value == null).ToList())
