public void validate_ROfFxAndFt_With_Wavelength()
            // used values for tissue=liver
            var scatterer     = new PowerLawScatterer(0.84, 0.55);
            var hbAbsorber    = new ChromophoreAbsorber(ChromophoreType.Hb, 66);
            var hbo2Absorber  = new ChromophoreAbsorber(ChromophoreType.HbO2, 124);
            var fatAbsorber   = new ChromophoreAbsorber(ChromophoreType.Fat, 0.02);
            var waterAbsorber = new ChromophoreAbsorber(ChromophoreType.H2O, 0.87);

            var n   = 1.4;
            var wvs = new double[] { 650, 700 };
            var fxs = new double[] { 0.0, 0.5 };
            var fts = new double[] { 0.0, 0.50 };

            var tissue = new Tissue(
                new IChromophoreAbsorber[] { hbAbsorber, hbo2Absorber, fatAbsorber, waterAbsorber },

            var ops = wvs.Select(wv => tissue.GetOpticalProperties(wv)).ToArray();

            var fs = new DistributedPointSourceSDAForwardSolver();

            var rVsWavelength = fs.ROfFxAndFt(ops, fxs, fts);

            // return from ROfFxAndFt is new double[ops.Length * fxs.Length * fts.Length];
            // order is: (ops0,fxs0,fts0), (ops0,fxs0,ts1)...(ops0,fxs0,ftsnt-1)
            //           (ops0,fxs1,fts0), (ops0,fxs1,ts1)...(ops0,fxs1,ftsnt-1)
            //           ...
            //           (ops0,fxsnf-1,fts0),.................(ops0,fxsnf-1,ftsnt-1)
            //           ... repeat above with ops1...

            // [0] -> ops0=650, fx0=0.0, fts0=0.0
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[0].Real - 1.890007) < 0.000001); // API match
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[0].Imaginary - 0.0) < 0.000001); // API match
            // [1] -> ops0=650, fx0=0.0, fts1=0.5
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[1].Real - 1.888160) < 0.000001);
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[1].Imaginary + 0.045122) < 0.000001);
            // [2] -> ops0=650, fx1=0.5, fts0=0.0
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[2].Real - 0.562537) < 0.000001); // API match
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[2].Imaginary - 0.0) < 0.000001); // API match
            // [3] -> ops0=650, fx1=0.5, fts1=0.5
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[3].Real - 0.562543) < 0.000001);
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[3].Imaginary + 0.000799) < 0.000001);
            // [4] -> ops1=700, fx0=0.0, fts0=0.0
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[4].Real - 2.118427) < 0.000001); // API match
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[4].Imaginary - 0.0) < 0.000001); // API match
            // [5] -> ops1=700, fx0=0.0, fts1=0.5
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[5].Real - 2.113377) < 0.000001);
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[5].Imaginary + 0.071758) < 0.000001);
            // [6] -> ops1=700, fx1=0.5, fts0=0.0
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[6].Real - 0.543539) < 0.000001); // API match
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[6].Imaginary - 0.0) < 0.000001); // API match
            // [7] -> ops1=700, fx1=0.5, fts1=0.5
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[7].Real - 0.543546) < 0.000001);
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[7].Imaginary + 0.000651) < 0.000001);
        public void SteadyStateDistributedPointSourceTest()
            var _distributedPointSourceForwardSolver = new DistributedPointSourceSDAForwardSolver();

            double[] ROfRhos = new double[] { 0.0209155, 0.00405628, 0.000161842 };
            for (int irho = 0; irho < rhos.Length; irho++)
                var relDiff = Math.Abs(_distributedPointSourceForwardSolver.StationaryReflectance(dp, rhos[irho], f1, f2)
                                       - ROfRhos[irho]) / ROfRhos[irho];
                Assert.IsTrue(relDiff < thresholdValue, "Test failed for rho =" + rhos[irho] +
                              "mm, with relative difference " + relDiff);
        public void TemporalDistributedPointSourceTest()
            var _distributedPointSourceForwardSolver = new DistributedPointSourceSDAForwardSolver();

            double[] ROfRhoAndTs = new double[] { 0.062455516676, 0.035462046554, 5.67164524087361e-5 };
            for (int irho = 0; irho < rhos.Length; irho++)
                var relDiff = Math.Abs(_distributedPointSourceForwardSolver.TemporalReflectance(dp, rhos[irho], t, f1, f2)
                                       - ROfRhoAndTs[irho]) / ROfRhoAndTs[irho];
                Assert.IsTrue(relDiff < thresholdValue, "Test failed for rho =" + rhos[irho] +
                              "mm, with relative difference " + relDiff);
        public void validate_ROfFtAndTime_With_Wavelength()
            // used values for tissue=liver
            var scatterer     = new PowerLawScatterer(0.84, 0.55);
            var hbAbsorber    = new ChromophoreAbsorber(ChromophoreType.Hb, 66);
            var hbo2Absorber  = new ChromophoreAbsorber(ChromophoreType.HbO2, 124);
            var fatAbsorber   = new ChromophoreAbsorber(ChromophoreType.Fat, 0.02);
            var waterAbsorber = new ChromophoreAbsorber(ChromophoreType.H2O, 0.87);

            var n     = 1.4;
            var wvs   = new double[] { 650, 700 };
            var fxs   = new double[] { 0.0, 0.5 };
            var times = new double[] { 0.05, 0.10 };

            var tissue = new Tissue(
                new IChromophoreAbsorber[] { hbAbsorber, hbo2Absorber, fatAbsorber, waterAbsorber },

            var ops = wvs.Select(wv => tissue.GetOpticalProperties(wv)).ToArray();

            var fs = new DistributedPointSourceSDAForwardSolver();

            var rVsWavelength = fs.ROfFxAndTime(ops, fxs, times);

            // return from ROfFxAndTime is new double[ops.Length * fxs.Length * ts.Length];
            // order is: (ops0,fxs0,ts0), (ops0,fxs0,ts1)...(ops0,fxs0,tsnt-1)
            //           (ops0,fxs1,ts0), (ops0,fxs1,ts1)...(ops0,fxs1,tsnt-1)
            //           ...
            //           (ops0,fxsnf-1,ts0),................(ops0,fxsnf-1,tsnt-1)
            //           ... repeat above with ops1...

            // [0] -> ops0=650, fx0=0.0, ts0=0.05
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[0] - 1.558702) < 0.000001);
            // [1] -> ops0=650, fx0=0.0, ts1=0.10
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[1] - 0.391871) < 0.000001);
            // [2] -> ops0=650, fx1=0.5, ts0=0.05
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[2] - 5.023055e-12) < 0.000001e-12);
            // [3] -> ops0=650, fx1=0.5, ts1=0.10
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[3] - 1.032586e-13) < 0.000001e-13);
            // [4] -> ops1=700, fx0=0.0, ts0=0.05
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[4] - 2.218329) < 0.000001);
            // [5] -> ops1=700, fx1=0.5, ts1=0.10
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[5] - 0.797200) < 0.000001);
            // [6] -> ops1=700, fx0=0.0, ts0=0.05
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[6] - 1.347053e-12) < 0.000001e-12);
            // [7] -> ops1=700, fx1=0.5, ts1=0.10
            Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(rVsWavelength[7] - 2.052883e-13) < 0.000001e-13);
        public void TemporalFrequencyDistributedPointSourceTest()
            var _distributedPointSourceForwardSolver = new DistributedPointSourceSDAForwardSolver();

            double[] ROfRhoAndFts = new double[] { 0.0206970326199628, 0.00392410286453726, 0.00013761216706729 };
            for (int irho = 0; irho < rhos.Length; irho++)
                var relDiff = ROfRhoAndFts[irho] != 0
                  ? Math.Abs(_distributedPointSourceForwardSolver.ROfRhoAndFt(ops, rhos[irho], ft).Magnitude - ROfRhoAndFts[irho]) / ROfRhoAndFts[irho]
                  : Math.Abs(_distributedPointSourceForwardSolver.ROfRhoAndFt(ops, rhos[irho], ft).Magnitude);

                Assert.IsTrue(relDiff < thresholdValue, "Test failed for rho =" + rhos[irho] +
                              "mm, with relative difference " + relDiff);