public virtual void TearDown()
     fs.Delete(Path, false);
     if (cluster != null)
         cluster = null;
Example #2
 public virtual void TestSkipQuotaCheck()
         // set quota. nsQuota of 1 means no files can be created
         //  under this directory.
         hdfs.SetQuota(sub2, 1, long.MaxValue);
         // create a file
             // this should fail
             DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file6, 1024, Replication, seed);
             throw new IOException("The create should have failed.");
         catch (NSQuotaExceededException)
         // ignored
         // disable the quota check and retry. this should succeed.
         DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file6, 1024, Replication, seed);
         // trying again after re-enabling the check.
         hdfs.Delete(file6, false);
         // cleanup
             // this should fail
             DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file6, 1024, Replication, seed);
             throw new IOException("The create should have failed.");
         catch (NSQuotaExceededException)
         // ignored
         hdfs.Delete(file6, false);
         // cleanup, in case the test failed in the middle.
         hdfs.SetQuota(sub2, long.MaxValue, long.MaxValue);
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestQuotaByStorageTypeWithFileCreateDelete()
            Path foo          = new Path(dir, "foo");
            Path createdFile1 = new Path(foo, "");

            dfs.SetStoragePolicy(foo, HdfsConstants.OnessdStoragePolicyName);
            // set quota by storage type on directory "foo"
            dfs.SetQuotaByStorageType(foo, StorageType.Ssd, Blocksize * 10);
            INode fnode = fsdir.GetINode4Write(foo.ToString());

            // Create file of size 2.5 * BLOCKSIZE under directory "foo"
            long file1Len = Blocksize * 2 + Blocksize / 2;
            int  bufLen   = Blocksize / 16;

            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, createdFile1, bufLen, file1Len, Blocksize, Replication
                                   , seed);
            // Verify space consumed and remaining quota
            long storageTypeConsumed = fnode.AsDirectory().GetDirectoryWithQuotaFeature().GetSpaceConsumed

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(file1Len, storageTypeConsumed);
            // Delete file and verify the consumed space of the storage type is updated
            dfs.Delete(createdFile1, false);
            storageTypeConsumed = fnode.AsDirectory().GetDirectoryWithQuotaFeature().GetSpaceConsumed
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, storageTypeConsumed);
            QuotaCounts counts = new QuotaCounts.Builder().Build();

            fnode.ComputeQuotaUsage(fsn.GetBlockManager().GetStoragePolicySuite(), counts, true
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(fnode.DumpTreeRecursively().ToString(), 0, counts
            ContentSummary cs = dfs.GetContentSummary(foo);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(cs.GetSpaceConsumed(), 0);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(cs.GetTypeConsumed(StorageType.Ssd), 0);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(cs.GetTypeConsumed(StorageType.Disk), 0);
Example #4
        /* Verify mkdir works ok in .reserved/raw directory. */
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestReservedRawMkdir()
            Path zone      = new Path("zone");
            Path slashZone = new Path("/", zone);

            dfsAdmin.CreateEncryptionZone(slashZone, TestKey);
            Path rawRoot = new Path("/.reserved/raw");
            Path dir1    = new Path("dir1");
            Path rawDir1 = new Path(rawRoot, dir1);

            AssertPathEquals(rawDir1, new Path("/", dir1));
            fs.Delete(rawDir1, true);
            Path rawZone   = new Path(rawRoot, zone);
            Path rawDir1EZ = new Path(rawZone, dir1);

            AssertPathEquals(rawDir1EZ, new Path(slashZone, dir1));
            fs.Delete(rawDir1EZ, true);
        /// <summary>for snapshot file after deleting the original file.</summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestSnapshotPathINodesAfterDeletion()
            // Create a snapshot for the dir, and check the inodes for the path
            // pointing to a snapshot file
            hdfs.CreateSnapshot(sub1, "s2");
            // Delete the original file /TestSnapshot/sub1/file1
            hdfs.Delete(file1, false);
            Org.Apache.Hadoop.Hdfs.Server.Namenode.Snapshot.Snapshot snapshot;
                // Resolve the path for the snapshot file
                // /TestSnapshot/sub1/.snapshot/s2/file1
                string       snapshotPath = sub1.ToString() + "/.snapshot/s2/file1";
                string[]     names        = INode.GetPathNames(snapshotPath);
                byte[][]     components   = INode.GetPathComponents(names);
                INodesInPath nodesInPath  = INodesInPath.Resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, false);
                // Length of inodes should be (components.length - 1), since we will ignore
                // ".snapshot"
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(nodesInPath.Length(), components.Length - 1);
                // SnapshotRootIndex should be 3: {root, Testsnapshot, sub1, s2, file1}
                snapshot = GetSnapshot(nodesInPath, "s2", 3);
                AssertSnapshot(nodesInPath, true, snapshot, 3);
                // Check the INode for file1 (snapshot file)
                INode inode = nodesInPath.GetLastINode();
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(file1.GetName(), inode.GetLocalName());
            // Check the INodes for path /TestSnapshot/sub1/file1
            string[]     names_1       = INode.GetPathNames(file1.ToString());
            byte[][]     components_1  = INode.GetPathComponents(names_1);
            INodesInPath nodesInPath_1 = INodesInPath.Resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components_1, false

            // The length of inodes should be equal to components.length
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(nodesInPath_1.Length(), components_1.Length);
            // The number of non-null elements should be components.length - 1 since
            // file1 has been deleted
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(GetNumNonNull(nodesInPath_1), components_1.Length
                                            - 1);
            // The returned nodesInPath should be non-snapshot
            AssertSnapshot(nodesInPath_1, false, snapshot, -1);
            // The last INode should be null, and the one before should be associated
            // with sub1
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(nodesInPath_1.GetINode(components_1.Length - 1));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(nodesInPath_1.GetINode(components_1.Length - 2).GetFullPathName
                                                (), sub1.ToString());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(nodesInPath_1.GetINode(components_1.Length - 3).GetFullPathName
                                                (), dir.ToString());
            hdfs.DeleteSnapshot(sub1, "s2");
Example #6
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestDatanodeReRegistration()
            // Create a test file
            DistributedFileSystem dfs = cluster.GetFileSystem();
            Path path = new Path("/testRR");

            // Create a file and shutdown the DNs, which populates InvalidateBlocks
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, path, dfs.GetDefaultBlockSize(), (short)NumOfDatanodes
                                   , unchecked ((int)(0xED0ED0)));
            foreach (DataNode dn in cluster.GetDataNodes())
            dfs.Delete(path, false);
            InvalidateBlocks invalidateBlocks;
            int expected = NumOfDatanodes;

                invalidateBlocks = (InvalidateBlocks)Whitebox.GetInternalState(cluster.GetNamesystem
                                                                                   ().GetBlockManager(), "invalidateBlocks");
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Expected invalidate blocks to be the number of DNs"
                                                , (long)expected, invalidateBlocks.NumBlocks());
            // Re-register each DN and see that it wipes the invalidation work
            foreach (DataNode dn_1 in cluster.GetDataNodes())
                DatanodeID           did = dn_1.GetDatanodeId();
                DatanodeRegistration reg = new DatanodeRegistration(new DatanodeID(UUID.RandomUUID
                                                                                       ().ToString(), did), new StorageInfo(HdfsServerConstants.NodeType.DataNode), new
                                                                    ExportedBlockKeys(), VersionInfo.GetVersion());
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Expected number of invalidate blocks to decrease"
                                                    , (long)expected, invalidateBlocks.NumBlocks());
 public virtual void TearDown()
     if (fs.Exists(new Path("/sub1")))
         if (fs.Exists(new Path("/sub1/.snapshot")))
             foreach (FileStatus st in fs.ListStatus(new Path("/sub1/.snapshot")))
                 fs.DeleteSnapshot(new Path("/sub1"), st.GetPath().GetName());
             fs.DisallowSnapshot(new Path("/sub1"));
         fs.Delete(new Path("/sub1"), true);
        public virtual void TestFileAdd()
            // Add files with 100 blocks
            Path file = GetTestPath("testFileAdd");

            CreateFile(file, 3200, (short)3);
            long blockCount    = 32;
            int  blockCapacity = namesystem.GetBlockCapacity();

            MetricsAsserts.AssertGauge("BlockCapacity", blockCapacity, MetricsAsserts.GetMetrics
            MetricsRecordBuilder rb = MetricsAsserts.GetMetrics(NnMetrics);

            // File create operations is 1
            // Number of files created is depth of <code>file</code> path
            MetricsAsserts.AssertCounter("CreateFileOps", 1L, rb);
            MetricsAsserts.AssertCounter("FilesCreated", (long)file.Depth(), rb);
            long filesTotal = file.Depth() + 1;

            // Add 1 for root
            rb = MetricsAsserts.GetMetrics(NsMetrics);
            MetricsAsserts.AssertGauge("FilesTotal", filesTotal, rb);
            MetricsAsserts.AssertGauge("BlocksTotal", blockCount, rb);
            fs.Delete(file, true);
            // reduce the filecount for deleted file
            rb = WaitForDnMetricValue(NsMetrics, "FilesTotal", filesTotal);
            MetricsAsserts.AssertGauge("BlocksTotal", 0L, rb);
            MetricsAsserts.AssertGauge("PendingDeletionBlocks", 0L, rb);
            rb = MetricsAsserts.GetMetrics(NnMetrics);
            // Delete file operations and number of files deleted must be 1
            MetricsAsserts.AssertCounter("DeleteFileOps", 1L, rb);
            MetricsAsserts.AssertCounter("FilesDeleted", 1L, rb);
        public virtual void TestPendingDeletion()
            Path foo = new Path("/foo");

            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, foo, Blocksize, Replication, 0);
            // restart NN
            dfs.Delete(foo, true);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, cluster.GetNamesystem().GetBlocksTotal());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Replication, cluster.GetNamesystem().GetPendingDeletionBlocks
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, cluster.GetNamesystem().GetBlocksTotal());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, cluster.GetNamesystem().GetPendingDeletionBlocks
            string nnStartedStr = cluster.GetNamesystem().GetNNStarted();
            long   nnStarted    = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy").Parse(nnStartedStr
            long blockDeletionStartTime = cluster.GetNamesystem().GetBlockDeletionStartTime();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(string.Format("Expect blockDeletionStartTime = %d > nnStarted = %d/nnStartedStr = %s."
                                                        , blockDeletionStartTime, nnStarted, nnStartedStr), blockDeletionStartTime > nnStarted
Example #10
        /// <summary>Test unlinking a file whose blocks we are caching in the DFSClient.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Test unlinking a file whose blocks we are caching in the DFSClient.
        /// The DataNode will notify the DFSClient that the replica is stale via the
        /// ShortCircuitShm.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestUnlinkingReplicasInFileDescriptorCache()
            TemporarySocketDirectory sockDir = new TemporarySocketDirectory();
            Configuration            conf    = CreateShortCircuitConf("testUnlinkingReplicasInFileDescriptorCache"
                                                                      , sockDir);

            // We don't want the CacheCleaner to time out short-circuit shared memory
            // segments during the test, so set the timeout really high.
            conf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsClientReadShortcircuitStreamsCacheExpiryMsKey, 1000000000L
            MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NumDataNodes(1).Build();

            DistributedFileSystem fs    = cluster.GetFileSystem();
            ShortCircuitCache     cache = fs.GetClient().GetClientContext().GetShortCircuitCache(

            cache.GetDfsClientShmManager().Visit(new _Visitor_556());
            // The ClientShmManager starts off empty.
            Path TestPath    = new Path("/test_file");
            int  TestFileLen = 8193;
            int  Seed        = unchecked ((int)(0xFADE0));

            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, TestPath, TestFileLen, (short)1, Seed);
            byte[] contents = DFSTestUtil.ReadFileBuffer(fs, TestPath);
            byte[] expected = DFSTestUtil.CalculateFileContentsFromSeed(Seed, TestFileLen);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.Equals(contents, expected));
            // Loading this file brought the ShortCircuitReplica into our local
            // replica cache.
            DatanodeInfo datanode = new DatanodeInfo(cluster.GetDataNodes()[0].GetDatanodeId(

            cache.GetDfsClientShmManager().Visit(new _Visitor_577(datanode));
            // Remove the file whose blocks we just read.
            fs.Delete(TestPath, false);
            // Wait for the replica to be purged from the DFSClient's cache.
            GenericTestUtils.WaitFor(new _Supplier_593(this, cache, datanode), 10, 60000);
            // Check that all slots have been invalidated.
        public virtual void TestEditsLogRename()
            DistributedFileSystem fs = cluster.GetFileSystem();
            Path src1 = GetTestRootPath(fc, "testEditsLogRename/srcdir/src1");
            Path dst1 = GetTestRootPath(fc, "testEditsLogRename/dstdir/dst1");

            // Set quota so that dst1 parent cannot allow under it new files/directories
            fs.SetQuota(dst1.GetParent(), 2, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet);
            // Free up quota for a subsequent rename
            fs.Delete(dst1, true);
            Rename(src1, dst1, true, true, false, Options.Rename.Overwrite);
            // Restart the cluster and ensure the above operations can be
            // loaded from the edits log
            fs   = cluster.GetFileSystem();
            src1 = GetTestRootPath(fc, "testEditsLogRename/srcdir/src1");
            dst1 = GetTestRootPath(fc, "testEditsLogRename/dstdir/dst1");
            // ensure src1 is already renamed
Example #12
        public virtual void TestQuotaCommands()
            Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
            // set a smaller block size so that we can test with smaller
            // Space quotas
            int DefaultBlockSize = 512;

            conf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsBlockSizeKey, DefaultBlockSize);
            // Make it relinquish locks. When run serially, the result should
            // be identical.
            conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsContentSummaryLimitKey, 2);
            MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NumDataNodes(2).Build();
            FileSystem     fs      = cluster.GetFileSystem();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Not a HDFS: " + fs.GetUri(), fs is DistributedFileSystem
            DistributedFileSystem dfs = (DistributedFileSystem)fs;
            DFSAdmin admin            = new DFSAdmin(conf);

                int   fileLen     = 1024;
                short replication = 5;
                long  spaceQuota  = fileLen * replication * 15 / 8;
                // 1: create a directory /test and set its quota to be 3
                Path parent = new Path("/test");
                string[] args = new string[] { "-setQuota", "3", parent.ToString() };
                RunCommand(admin, args, false);
                //try setting space quota with a 'binary prefix'
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota", "2t", parent.ToString());
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2L << 40, dfs.GetContentSummary(parent).GetSpaceQuota
                // set diskspace quota to 10000
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota", System.Convert.ToString(spaceQuota), parent
                // 2: create directory /test/data0
                Path childDir0 = new Path(parent, "data0");
                // 3: create a file /test/datafile0
                Path childFile0 = new Path(parent, "datafile0");
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, childFile0, fileLen, replication, 0);
                // 4: count -q /test
                ContentSummary c = dfs.GetContentSummary(parent);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetFileCount() + c.GetDirectoryCount(), 3);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 3);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), fileLen * replication);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceQuota(), spaceQuota);
                // 5: count -q /test/data0
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(childDir0);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetFileCount() + c.GetDirectoryCount(), 1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), -1);
                // check disk space consumed
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(parent);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), fileLen * replication);
                // 6: create a directory /test/data1
                Path childDir1    = new Path(parent, "data1");
                bool hasException = false;
                catch (QuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                OutputStream fout;
                // 7: create a file /test/datafile1
                Path childFile1 = new Path(parent, "datafile1");
                hasException = false;
                    fout = dfs.Create(childFile1);
                catch (QuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                // 8: clear quota /test
                RunCommand(admin, new string[] { "-clrQuota", parent.ToString() }, false);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(parent);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), -1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceQuota(), spaceQuota);
                // 9: clear quota /test/data0
                RunCommand(admin, new string[] { "-clrQuota", childDir0.ToString() }, false);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(childDir0);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), -1);
                // 10: create a file /test/datafile1
                fout = dfs.Create(childFile1, replication);
                // 10.s: but writing fileLen bytes should result in an quota exception
                    fout.Write(new byte[fileLen]);
                catch (QuotaExceededException)
                //delete the file
                dfs.Delete(childFile1, false);
                // 9.s: clear diskspace quota
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-clrSpaceQuota", parent.ToString());
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(parent);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), -1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceQuota(), -1);
                // now creating childFile1 should succeed
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, childFile1, fileLen, replication, 0);
                // 11: set the quota of /test to be 1
                // HADOOP-5872 - we can set quota even if it is immediately violated
                args = new string[] { "-setQuota", "1", parent.ToString() };
                RunCommand(admin, args, false);
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota", Sharpen.Extensions.ToString(fileLen),
                // for space quota
                // 12: set the quota of /test/data0 to be 1
                args = new string[] { "-setQuota", "1", childDir0.ToString() };
                RunCommand(admin, args, false);
                // 13: not able create a directory under data0
                hasException = false;
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(dfs.Mkdirs(new Path(childDir0, "in")));
                catch (QuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(childDir0);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount() + c.GetFileCount(), 1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 1);
                // 14a: set quota on a non-existent directory
                Path nonExistentPath = new Path("/test1");
                args = new string[] { "-setQuota", "1", nonExistentPath.ToString() };
                RunCommand(admin, args, true);
                RunCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", "1g", nonExistentPath.ToString());
                // for space quota
                // 14b: set quota on a file
                args[1] = childFile0.ToString();
                RunCommand(admin, args, true);
                // same for space quota
                RunCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", "1t", args[1]);
                // 15a: clear quota on a file
                args[0] = "-clrQuota";
                RunCommand(admin, args, true);
                RunCommand(admin, true, "-clrSpaceQuota", args[1]);
                // 15b: clear quota on a non-existent directory
                args[1] = nonExistentPath.ToString();
                RunCommand(admin, args, true);
                RunCommand(admin, true, "-clrSpaceQuota", args[1]);
                // 16a: set the quota of /test to be 0
                args = new string[] { "-setQuota", "0", parent.ToString() };
                RunCommand(admin, args, true);
                RunCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", "0", args[2]);
                // 16b: set the quota of /test to be -1
                args[1] = "-1";
                RunCommand(admin, args, true);
                RunCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", args[1], args[2]);
                // 16c: set the quota of /test to be Long.MAX_VALUE+1
                args[1] = (long.MaxValue + 1L).ToString();
                RunCommand(admin, args, true);
                RunCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", args[1], args[2]);
                // 16d: set the quota of /test to be a non integer
                args[1] = "33aa1.5";
                RunCommand(admin, args, true);
                RunCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", args[1], args[2]);
                // 16e: set space quota with a value larger than Long.MAX_VALUE
                RunCommand(admin, true, "-setSpaceQuota", (long.MaxValue / 1024 / 1024 + 1024) +
                           "m", args[2]);
                // 17:  setQuota by a non-administrator
                string username          = "******";
                UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.CreateUserForTesting(username, new
                                                                                     string[] { "groupyy" });
                string[] args2 = args.MemberwiseClone();
                // need final ref for doAs block
                ugi.DoAs(new _PrivilegedExceptionAction_275(this, username, conf, args2, parent));
                // 18: clrQuota by a non-administrator
                // 19: clrQuota on the root directory ("/") should fail
                RunCommand(admin, true, "-clrQuota", "/");
                // 20: setQuota on the root directory ("/") should succeed
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-setQuota", "1000000", "/");
                RunCommand(admin, true, "-clrQuota", "/");
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-clrSpaceQuota", "/");
                RunCommand(admin, new string[] { "-clrQuota", parent.ToString() }, false);
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-clrSpaceQuota", parent.ToString());
                // 2: create directory /test/data2
                Path childDir2 = new Path(parent, "data2");
                Path childFile2  = new Path(childDir2, "datafile2");
                Path childFile3  = new Path(childDir2, "datafile3");
                long spaceQuota2 = DefaultBlockSize * replication;
                long fileLen2    = DefaultBlockSize;
                // set space quota to a real low value
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota", System.Convert.ToString(spaceQuota2),
                // clear space quota
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-clrSpaceQuota", childDir2.ToString());
                // create a file that is greater than the size of space quota
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, childFile2, fileLen2, replication, 0);
                // now set space quota again. This should succeed
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota", System.Convert.ToString(spaceQuota2),
                hasException = false;
                    DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, childFile3, fileLen2, replication, 0);
                catch (DSQuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                // now test the same for root
                Path childFile4 = new Path("/", "datafile2");
                Path childFile5 = new Path("/", "datafile3");
                RunCommand(admin, true, "-clrQuota", "/");
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-clrSpaceQuota", "/");
                // set space quota to a real low value
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota", System.Convert.ToString(spaceQuota2),
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-clrSpaceQuota", "/");
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, childFile4, fileLen2, replication, 0);
                RunCommand(admin, false, "-setSpaceQuota", System.Convert.ToString(spaceQuota2),
                hasException = false;
                    DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, childFile5, fileLen2, replication, 0);
                catch (DSQuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(4, cluster.GetNamesystem().GetFSDirectory().GetYieldCount
Example #13
        /// <summary>Test race between delete operation and commitBlockSynchronization method.
        ///     </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Test race between delete operation and commitBlockSynchronization method.
        /// See HDFS-6825.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="hasSnapshot"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        private void TestDeleteAndCommitBlockSynchronizationRace(bool hasSnapshot)
            Log.Info("Start testing, hasSnapshot: " + hasSnapshot);
            AList <AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry <string, bool> > testList = new AList <AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry
                                                                                           <string, bool> >();

            testList.AddItem(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry <string, bool>("/test-file",
            testList.AddItem(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry <string, bool>("/test-file1"
                                                                                 , true));
            testList.AddItem(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry <string, bool>("/testdir/testdir1/test-file"
                                                                                 , false));
            testList.AddItem(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry <string, bool>("/testdir/testdir1/test-file1"
                                                                                 , true));
            Path          rootPath = new Path("/");
            Configuration conf     = new Configuration();

            // Disable permissions so that another user can recover the lease.
            conf.SetBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DfsPermissionsEnabledKey, false);
            conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsBlockSizeKey, BlockSize);
            FSDataOutputStream stm = null;
            IDictionary <DataNode, DatanodeProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB> dnMap = new Dictionary
                                                                                   <DataNode, DatanodeProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB>();

                cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NumDataNodes(3).Build();
                DistributedFileSystem fs = cluster.GetFileSystem();
                int stId = 0;
                foreach (AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry <string, bool> stest in testList)
                    string testPath  = stest.Key;
                    bool   mkSameDir = stest.Value;
                    Log.Info("test on " + testPath + " mkSameDir: " + mkSameDir + " snapshot: " + hasSnapshot
                    Path fPath = new Path(testPath);
                    //find grandest non-root parent
                    Path grandestNonRootParent = fPath;
                    while (!grandestNonRootParent.GetParent().Equals(rootPath))
                        grandestNonRootParent = grandestNonRootParent.GetParent();
                    stm = fs.Create(fPath);
                    Log.Info("test on " + testPath + " created " + fPath);
                    // write a half block
                    AppendTestUtil.Write(stm, 0, BlockSize / 2);
                    if (hasSnapshot)
                        SnapshotTestHelper.CreateSnapshot(fs, rootPath, "st" + stId.ToString());
                    // Look into the block manager on the active node for the block
                    // under construction.
                    NameNode           nn              = cluster.GetNameNode();
                    ExtendedBlock      blk             = DFSTestUtil.GetFirstBlock(fs, fPath);
                    DatanodeDescriptor expectedPrimary = DFSTestUtil.GetExpectedPrimaryNode(nn, blk);
                    Log.Info("Expecting block recovery to be triggered on DN " + expectedPrimary);
                    // Find the corresponding DN daemon, and spy on its connection to the
                    // active.
                    DataNode primaryDN = cluster.GetDataNode(expectedPrimary.GetIpcPort());
                    DatanodeProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB nnSpy = dnMap[primaryDN];
                    if (nnSpy == null)
                        nnSpy            = DataNodeTestUtils.SpyOnBposToNN(primaryDN, nn);
                        dnMap[primaryDN] = nnSpy;
                    // Delay the commitBlockSynchronization call
                    GenericTestUtils.DelayAnswer delayer = new GenericTestUtils.DelayAnswer(Log);
                                                                                                 .Eq(blk), Org.Mockito.Mockito.AnyInt(), Org.Mockito.Mockito.AnyLong(), Org.Mockito.Mockito
                                                                                                 .Eq(true), Org.Mockito.Mockito.Eq(false), (DatanodeID[])Org.Mockito.Mockito.AnyObject
                                                                                                     (), (string[])Org.Mockito.Mockito.AnyObject());
                    // new genstamp
                    // new length
                    // close file
                    // delete block
                    // new targets
                    // new target storages
                    Log.Info("Waiting for commitBlockSynchronization call from primary");
                    Log.Info("Deleting recursively " + grandestNonRootParent);
                    fs.Delete(grandestNonRootParent, true);
                    if (mkSameDir && !grandestNonRootParent.ToString().Equals(testPath))
                        Log.Info("Recreate dir " + grandestNonRootParent + " testpath: " + testPath);
                    Log.Info("Now wait for result");
                    Exception t = delayer.GetThrown();
                    if (t != null)
                        Log.Info("Result exception (snapshot: " + hasSnapshot + "): " + t);
                // end of loop each fPath
                Log.Info("Now check we can restart");
                Log.Info("Restart finished");
                if (stm != null)
                if (cluster != null)
 /* Ignored */
 /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
 public virtual void TestDelete()
     fs.Delete(objInSnapshot, true);
Example #15
        public virtual void TestNamespaceCommands()
            Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();

            // Make it relinquish locks. When run serially, the result should
            // be identical.
            conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsContentSummaryLimitKey, 2);
            MiniDFSCluster        cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NumDataNodes(2).Build();
            DistributedFileSystem dfs     = cluster.GetFileSystem();

                // 1: create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(dfs.Mkdirs(new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30")
                // 2: set the quota of /nqdir0/qdir1 to be 6
                Path quotaDir1 = new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1");
                dfs.SetQuota(quotaDir1, 6, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet);
                ContentSummary c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 3);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 6);
                // 3: set the quota of /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20 to be 7
                Path quotaDir2 = new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20");
                dfs.SetQuota(quotaDir2, 7, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir2);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 2);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 7);
                // 4: Create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21 and set its quota to 2
                Path quotaDir3 = new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21");
                dfs.SetQuota(quotaDir3, 2, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir3);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 2);
                // 5: Create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir32
                Path tempPath = new Path(quotaDir3, "nqdir32");
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir3);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 2);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 2);
                // 6: Create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir33
                tempPath = new Path(quotaDir3, "nqdir33");
                bool hasException = false;
                catch (NSQuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir3);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 2);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 2);
                // 7: Create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir31
                tempPath = new Path(quotaDir2, "nqdir31");
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir2);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 3);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 7);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 6);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 6);
                // 8: Create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir33
                tempPath     = new Path(quotaDir2, "nqdir33");
                hasException = false;
                catch (NSQuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                // 9: Move /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir32 /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30
                tempPath = new Path(quotaDir2, "nqdir30");
                dfs.Rename(new Path(quotaDir3, "nqdir32"), tempPath);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir2);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 4);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 7);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 6);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 6);
                // 10: Move /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30 to /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21
                hasException = false;
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(dfs.Rename(tempPath, quotaDir3));
                catch (NSQuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(dfs.Exists(new Path(quotaDir3, "nqdir30")));
                // 10.a: Rename /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30 to /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir32
                hasException = false;
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(dfs.Rename(tempPath, new Path(quotaDir3, "nqdir32"
                catch (QuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(dfs.Exists(new Path(quotaDir3, "nqdir32")));
                // 11: Move /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30 to /nqdir0
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(dfs.Rename(tempPath, new Path("/nqdir0")));
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir2);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 2);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 7);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 4);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 6);
                // 12: Create directory /nqdir0/nqdir30/nqdir33
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(dfs.Mkdirs(new Path("/nqdir0/nqdir30/nqdir33")));
                // 13: Move /nqdir0/nqdir30 /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/qdir30
                hasException = false;
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(dfs.Rename(new Path("/nqdir0/nqdir30"), tempPath));
                catch (NSQuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                // 14: Move /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21 /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(dfs.Rename(quotaDir3, quotaDir2));
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 4);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 6);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir2);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 3);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 7);
                tempPath = new Path(quotaDir2, "qdir21");
                c        = dfs.GetContentSummary(tempPath);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 2);
                // 15: Delete /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/qdir21
                dfs.Delete(tempPath, true);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir2);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 2);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 7);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 3);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 6);
                // 16: Move /nqdir0/qdir30 /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(dfs.Rename(new Path("/nqdir0/nqdir30"), quotaDir2));
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir2);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 5);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 7);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetDirectoryCount(), 6);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetQuota(), 6);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(14, cluster.GetNamesystem().GetFSDirectory().GetYieldCount
Example #16
        /// <summary>Test deleting a file with snapshots.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Test deleting a file with snapshots. Need to check the blocksMap to make
        /// sure the corresponding record is updated correctly.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestDeletionWithSnapshots()
            Path file0 = new Path(sub1, "file0");
            Path file1 = new Path(sub1, "file1");
            Path sub2  = new Path(sub1, "sub2");
            Path file2 = new Path(sub2, "file2");
            Path file3 = new Path(sub1, "file3");
            Path file4 = new Path(sub1, "file4");
            Path file5 = new Path(sub1, "file5");

            // Create file under sub1
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file0, 4 * Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file1, 2 * Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file2, 3 * Blocksize, Replication, seed);
                // Normal deletion
                INodeFile             f2     = AssertBlockCollection(file2.ToString(), 3, fsdir, blockmanager);
                BlockInfoContiguous[] blocks = f2.GetBlocks();
                hdfs.Delete(sub2, true);
                // The INode should have been removed from the blocksMap
                foreach (BlockInfoContiguous b in blocks)
            // Create snapshots for sub1
            string[] snapshots = new string[] { "s0", "s1", "s2" };
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file3, 5 * Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            SnapshotTestHelper.CreateSnapshot(hdfs, sub1, snapshots[0]);
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file4, 1 * Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            SnapshotTestHelper.CreateSnapshot(hdfs, sub1, snapshots[1]);
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file5, 7 * Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            SnapshotTestHelper.CreateSnapshot(hdfs, sub1, snapshots[2]);
                // set replication so that the inode should be replaced for snapshots
                INodeFile f1 = AssertBlockCollection(file1.ToString(), 2, fsdir, blockmanager);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreSame(typeof(INodeFile), f1.GetType());
                hdfs.SetReplication(file1, (short)2);
                f1 = AssertBlockCollection(file1.ToString(), 2, fsdir, blockmanager);
            // Check the block information for file0
            INodeFile f0 = AssertBlockCollection(file0.ToString(), 4, fsdir, blockmanager);

            BlockInfoContiguous[] blocks0 = f0.GetBlocks();
            // Also check the block information for snapshot of file0
            Path snapshotFile0 = SnapshotTestHelper.GetSnapshotPath(sub1, "s0", file0.GetName

            AssertBlockCollection(snapshotFile0.ToString(), 4, fsdir, blockmanager);
            // Delete file0
            hdfs.Delete(file0, true);
            // Make sure the blocks of file0 is still in blocksMap
            foreach (BlockInfoContiguous b_1 in blocks0)
            AssertBlockCollection(snapshotFile0.ToString(), 4, fsdir, blockmanager);
            // Compare the INode in the blocksMap with INodes for snapshots
            string s1f0 = SnapshotTestHelper.GetSnapshotPath(sub1, "s1", file0.GetName()).ToString

            AssertBlockCollection(s1f0, 4, fsdir, blockmanager);
            // Delete snapshot s1
            hdfs.DeleteSnapshot(sub1, "s1");
            // Make sure the first block of file0 is still in blocksMap
            foreach (BlockInfoContiguous b_2 in blocks0)
            AssertBlockCollection(snapshotFile0.ToString(), 4, fsdir, blockmanager);
                INodeFile.ValueOf(fsdir.GetINode(s1f0), s1f0);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("Expect FileNotFoundException when identifying the INode in a deleted Snapshot"
            catch (IOException e)
                GenericTestUtils.AssertExceptionContains("File does not exist: " + s1f0, e);
Example #17
        public virtual void TestSpaceCommands()
            Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();

            // set a smaller block size so that we can test with smaller
            // diskspace quotas
            conf.Set(DFSConfigKeys.DfsBlockSizeKey, "512");
            // Make it relinquish locks. When run serially, the result should
            // be identical.
            conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsContentSummaryLimitKey, 2);
            MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NumDataNodes(2).Build();
            FileSystem     fs      = cluster.GetFileSystem();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Not a HDFS: " + fs.GetUri(), fs is DistributedFileSystem
            DistributedFileSystem dfs = (DistributedFileSystem)fs;

                int   fileLen     = 1024;
                short replication = 3;
                int   fileSpace   = fileLen * replication;
                // create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(dfs.Mkdirs(new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30")
                // set the quota of /nqdir0/qdir1 to 4 * fileSpace
                Path quotaDir1 = new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1");
                dfs.SetQuota(quotaDir1, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet, 4 * fileSpace);
                ContentSummary c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceQuota(), 4 * fileSpace);
                // set the quota of /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20 to 6 * fileSpace
                Path quotaDir20 = new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20");
                dfs.SetQuota(quotaDir20, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet, 6 * fileSpace);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir20);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceQuota(), 6 * fileSpace);
                // Create /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21 and set its space quota to 2 * fileSpace
                Path quotaDir21 = new Path("/nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21");
                dfs.SetQuota(quotaDir21, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet, 2 * fileSpace);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir21);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceQuota(), 2 * fileSpace);
                // 5: Create directory /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir32
                Path tempPath = new Path(quotaDir21, "nqdir32");
                // create a file under nqdir32/fileDir
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, new Path(tempPath, "fileDir/file1"), fileLen, replication
                                       , 0);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir21);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), fileSpace);
                // Create a larger file /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir33/
                bool hasException = false;
                    DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, new Path(quotaDir21, "nqdir33/file2"), 2 * fileLen, replication
                                           , 0);
                catch (DSQuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                // delete nqdir33
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(dfs.Delete(new Path(quotaDir21, "nqdir33"), true));
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir21);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), fileSpace);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceQuota(), 2 * fileSpace);
                // Verify space before the move:
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir20);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), 0);
                // Move /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/nqdir32 /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30
                Path dstPath = new Path(quotaDir20, "nqdir30");
                Path srcPath = new Path(quotaDir21, "nqdir32");
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(dfs.Rename(srcPath, dstPath));
                // verify space after the move
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir20);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), fileSpace);
                // verify space for its parent
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), fileSpace);
                // verify space for source for the move
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir21);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), 0);
                Path file2    = new Path(dstPath, "fileDir/file2");
                int  file2Len = 2 * fileLen;
                // create a larger file under /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, file2, file2Len, replication, 0);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir20);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), 3 * fileSpace);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir21);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), 0);
                // Reverse: Move /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir20/nqdir30 to /nqdir0/qdir1/qdir21/
                hasException = false;
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(dfs.Rename(dstPath, srcPath));
                catch (DSQuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                // make sure no intermediate directories left by failed rename
                // directory should exist
                // verify space after the failed move
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir20);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), 3 * fileSpace);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir21);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), 0);
                // Test Append :
                // verify space quota
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceQuota(), 4 * fileSpace);
                // verify space before append;
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(dstPath);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), 3 * fileSpace);
                OutputStream @out = dfs.Append(file2);
                // appending 1 fileLen should succeed
                @out.Write(new byte[fileLen]);
                file2Len += fileLen;
                // after append
                // verify space after append;
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(dstPath);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), 4 * fileSpace);
                // now increase the quota for quotaDir1
                dfs.SetQuota(quotaDir1, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet, 5 * fileSpace);
                // Now, appending more than 1 fileLen should result in an error
                @out         = dfs.Append(file2);
                hasException = false;
                    @out.Write(new byte[fileLen + 1024]);
                catch (DSQuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                file2Len += fileLen;
                // after partial append
                // verify space after partial append
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(dstPath);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), 5 * fileSpace);
                // Test set replication :
                // first reduce the replication
                dfs.SetReplication(file2, (short)(replication - 1));
                // verify that space is reduced by file2Len
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(dstPath);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), 5 * fileSpace - file2Len);
                // now try to increase the replication and and expect an error.
                hasException = false;
                    dfs.SetReplication(file2, (short)(replication + 1));
                catch (DSQuotaExceededException)
                    hasException = true;
                // verify space consumed remains unchanged.
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(dstPath);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), 5 * fileSpace - file2Len);
                // now increase the quota for quotaDir1 and quotaDir20
                dfs.SetQuota(quotaDir1, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet, 10 * fileSpace);
                dfs.SetQuota(quotaDir20, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet, 10 * fileSpace);
                // then increasing replication should be ok.
                dfs.SetReplication(file2, (short)(replication + 1));
                // verify increase in space
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(dstPath);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), 5 * fileSpace + file2Len);
                // Test HDFS-2053 :
                // Create directory /hdfs-2053
                Path quotaDir2053 = new Path("/hdfs-2053");
                // Create subdirectories /hdfs-2053/{A,B,C}
                Path quotaDir2053_A = new Path(quotaDir2053, "A");
                Path quotaDir2053_B = new Path(quotaDir2053, "B");
                Path quotaDir2053_C = new Path(quotaDir2053, "C");
                // Factors to vary the sizes of test files created in each subdir.
                // The actual factors are not really important but they allow us to create
                // identifiable file sizes per subdir, which helps during debugging.
                int sizeFactorA = 1;
                int sizeFactorB = 2;
                int sizeFactorC = 4;
                // Set space quota for subdirectory C
                dfs.SetQuota(quotaDir2053_C, HdfsConstants.QuotaDontSet, (sizeFactorC + 1) * fileSpace
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir2053_C);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceQuota(), (sizeFactorC + 1) * fileSpace);
                // Create a file under subdirectory A
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, new Path(quotaDir2053_A, "fileA"), sizeFactorA * fileLen
                                       , replication, 0);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir2053_A);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), sizeFactorA * fileSpace);
                // Create a file under subdirectory B
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, new Path(quotaDir2053_B, "fileB"), sizeFactorB * fileLen
                                       , replication, 0);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir2053_B);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), sizeFactorB * fileSpace);
                // Create a file under subdirectory C (which has a space quota)
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, new Path(quotaDir2053_C, "fileC"), sizeFactorC * fileLen
                                       , replication, 0);
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir2053_C);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), sizeFactorC * fileSpace);
                // Check space consumed for /hdfs-2053
                c = dfs.GetContentSummary(quotaDir2053);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(c.GetSpaceConsumed(), (sizeFactorA + sizeFactorB
                                                                       + sizeFactorC) * fileSpace);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(20, cluster.GetNamesystem().GetFSDirectory().GetYieldCount
 public virtual void CreateFiles()
     hdfs.Delete(new Path(testdir), true);
     hdfs.Mkdirs(new Path(testdir));
     DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, new Path(testdir + "/f1"), 0, (short)1, 0);
        public virtual void TestPendingAndInvalidate()
            Configuration Conf = new HdfsConfiguration();

            Conf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsBlockSizeKey, 1024);
            Conf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsHeartbeatIntervalKey, DfsReplicationInterval);
            Conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsNamenodeReplicationIntervalKey, DfsReplicationInterval
            MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(Conf).NumDataNodes(DatanodeCount

            FSNamesystem          namesystem = cluster.GetNamesystem();
            BlockManager          bm         = namesystem.GetBlockManager();
            DistributedFileSystem fs         = cluster.GetFileSystem();

                // 1. create a file
                Path filePath = new Path("/tmp.txt");
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, filePath, 1024, (short)3, 0L);
                // 2. disable the heartbeats
                foreach (DataNode dn in cluster.GetDataNodes())
                    DataNodeTestUtils.SetHeartbeatsDisabledForTests(dn, true);
                // 3. mark a couple of blocks as corrupt
                LocatedBlock block = NameNodeAdapter.GetBlockLocations(cluster.GetNameNode(), filePath
                                                                       .ToString(), 0, 1).Get(0);
                    bm.FindAndMarkBlockAsCorrupt(block.GetBlock(), block.GetLocations()[0], "STORAGE_ID"
                                                 , "TEST");
                    bm.FindAndMarkBlockAsCorrupt(block.GetBlock(), block.GetLocations()[1], "STORAGE_ID"
                                                 , "TEST");
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(bm.GetPendingReplicationBlocksCount(), 1L);
                                                                                          ().GetLocalBlock()), 2);
                // 4. delete the file
                fs.Delete(filePath, true);
                // retry at most 10 times, each time sleep for 1s. Note that 10s is much
                // less than the default pending record timeout (5~10min)
                int  retries    = 10;
                long pendingNum = bm.GetPendingReplicationBlocksCount();
                while (pendingNum != 0 && retries-- > 0)
                    // let NN do the deletion
                    pendingNum = bm.GetPendingReplicationBlocksCount();
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(pendingNum, 0L);
Example #20
        /// <summary>Test listing all the snapshottable directories</summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestListSnapshottableDir()
            // Initially there is no snapshottable directories in the system
            SnapshottableDirectoryStatus[] dirs = hdfs.GetSnapshottableDirListing();
            // Make root as snapshottable
            Path root = new Path("/");

            dirs = hdfs.GetSnapshottableDirListing();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, dirs.Length);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, dirs[0].GetDirStatus().GetLocalName
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(root, dirs[0].GetFullPath());
            // Make root non-snaphsottable
            dirs = hdfs.GetSnapshottableDirListing();
            // Make dir1 as snapshottable
            dirs = hdfs.GetSnapshottableDirListing();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, dirs.Length);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir1.GetName(), dirs[0].GetDirStatus().GetLocalName
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir1, dirs[0].GetFullPath());
            // There is no snapshot for dir1 yet
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, dirs[0].GetSnapshotNumber());
            // Make dir2 as snapshottable
            dirs = hdfs.GetSnapshottableDirListing();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, dirs.Length);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir1.GetName(), dirs[0].GetDirStatus().GetLocalName
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir1, dirs[0].GetFullPath());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir2.GetName(), dirs[1].GetDirStatus().GetLocalName
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir2, dirs[1].GetFullPath());
            // There is no snapshot for dir2 yet
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, dirs[1].GetSnapshotNumber());
            // Create dir3
            Path dir3 = new Path("/TestSnapshot3");

            // Rename dir3 to dir2
            hdfs.Rename(dir3, dir2, Options.Rename.Overwrite);
            // Now we only have one snapshottable dir: dir1
            dirs = hdfs.GetSnapshottableDirListing();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, dirs.Length);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir1, dirs[0].GetFullPath());
            // Make dir2 snapshottable again
            // Create a snapshot for dir2
            hdfs.CreateSnapshot(dir2, "s1");
            hdfs.CreateSnapshot(dir2, "s2");
            dirs = hdfs.GetSnapshottableDirListing();
            // There are now 2 snapshots for dir2
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir2, dirs[1].GetFullPath());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, dirs[1].GetSnapshotNumber());
            // Create sub-dirs under dir1
            Path sub1  = new Path(dir1, "sub1");
            Path file1 = new Path(sub1, "file1");
            Path sub2  = new Path(dir1, "sub2");
            Path file2 = new Path(sub2, "file2");

            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file1, Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(hdfs, file2, Blocksize, Replication, seed);
            // Make sub1 and sub2 snapshottable
            dirs = hdfs.GetSnapshottableDirListing();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(4, dirs.Length);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir1, dirs[0].GetFullPath());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir2, dirs[1].GetFullPath());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(sub1, dirs[2].GetFullPath());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(sub2, dirs[3].GetFullPath());
            // reset sub1
            dirs = hdfs.GetSnapshottableDirListing();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(3, dirs.Length);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir1, dirs[0].GetFullPath());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir2, dirs[1].GetFullPath());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(sub2, dirs[2].GetFullPath());
            // Remove dir1, both dir1 and sub2 will be removed
            hdfs.Delete(dir1, true);
            dirs = hdfs.GetSnapshottableDirListing();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, dirs.Length);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir2.GetName(), dirs[0].GetDirStatus().GetLocalName
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(dir2, dirs[0].GetFullPath());
        public static void CreateOriginalFSImage()
            MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;

                Configuration conf = new Configuration();
                conf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsNamenodeDelegationTokenMaxLifetimeKey, 10000);
                conf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsNamenodeDelegationTokenRenewIntervalKey, 5000);
                conf.SetBoolean(DFSConfigKeys.DfsNamenodeDelegationTokenAlwaysUseKey, true);
                conf.Set(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HadoopSecurityAuthToLocal, "RULE:[2:$1@$0](JobTracker@.*FOO.COM)s/@.*//"
                         + "DEFAULT");
                cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NumDataNodes(1).Build();
                DistributedFileSystem hdfs = cluster.GetFileSystem();
                // Create a reasonable namespace
                for (int i = 0; i < NumDirs; i++)
                    Path dir = new Path("/dir" + i);
                    writtenFiles[dir.ToString()] = PathToFileEntry(hdfs, dir.ToString());
                    for (int j = 0; j < FilesPerDir; j++)
                        Path file            = new Path(dir, "file" + j);
                        FSDataOutputStream o = hdfs.Create(file);
                        writtenFiles[file.ToString()] = PathToFileEntry(hdfs, file.ToString());
                // Create an empty directory
                Path emptydir = new Path("/emptydir");
                writtenFiles[emptydir.ToString()] = hdfs.GetFileStatus(emptydir);
                //Create a directory whose name should be escaped in XML
                Path invalidXMLDir = new Path("/dirContainingInvalidXMLChar\u0000here");
                // Get delegation tokens so we log the delegation token op
                Org.Apache.Hadoop.Security.Token.Token <object>[] delegationTokens = hdfs.AddDelegationTokens
                                                                                         (TestRenewer, null);
                foreach (Org.Apache.Hadoop.Security.Token.Token <object> t in delegationTokens)
                    Log.Debug("got token " + t);
                Path snapshot = new Path("/snapshot");
                hdfs.Mkdirs(new Path("/snapshot/1"));
                hdfs.Delete(snapshot, true);
                // Set XAttrs so the fsimage contains XAttr ops
                Path xattr = new Path("/xattr");
                hdfs.SetXAttr(xattr, "user.a1", new byte[] { unchecked ((int)(0x31)), unchecked ((int
                                                                                                  )(0x32)), unchecked ((int)(0x33)) });
                hdfs.SetXAttr(xattr, "user.a2", new byte[] { unchecked ((int)(0x37)), unchecked ((int
                                                                                                  )(0x38)), unchecked ((int)(0x39)) });
                // OIV should be able to handle empty value XAttrs
                hdfs.SetXAttr(xattr, "user.a3", null);
                writtenFiles[xattr.ToString()] = hdfs.GetFileStatus(xattr);
                // Write results to the fsimage file
                hdfs.SetSafeMode(HdfsConstants.SafeModeAction.SafemodeEnter, false);
                // Determine location of fsimage file
                originalFsimage = FSImageTestUtil.FindLatestImageFile(FSImageTestUtil.GetFSImage(
                if (originalFsimage == null)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Didn't generate or can't find fsimage");
                Log.Debug("original FS image file is " + originalFsimage);
                if (cluster != null)
        public virtual void TestMissingBlocksAlert()
            MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;

                Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
                //minimize test delay
                conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsNamenodeReplicationIntervalKey, 0);
                conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsClientRetryWindowBase, 10);
                int fileLen = 10 * 1024;
                conf.SetInt(DFSConfigKeys.DfsBlockSizeKey, fileLen / 2);
                //start a cluster with single datanode
                cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).Build();
                BlockManager          bm  = cluster.GetNamesystem().GetBlockManager();
                DistributedFileSystem dfs = cluster.GetFileSystem();
                // create a normal file
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, new Path("/testMissingBlocksAlert/file1"), fileLen, (
                                           short)3, 0);
                Path corruptFile = new Path("/testMissingBlocks/corruptFile");
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, corruptFile, fileLen, (short)3, 0);
                // Corrupt the block
                ExtendedBlock block = DFSTestUtil.GetFirstBlock(dfs, corruptFile);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(cluster.CorruptReplica(0, block));
                // read the file so that the corrupt block is reported to NN
                FSDataInputStream @in = dfs.Open(corruptFile);
                    @in.ReadFully(new byte[fileLen]);
                catch (ChecksumException)
                // checksum error is expected.
                Log.Info("Waiting for missing blocks count to increase...");
                while (dfs.GetMissingBlocksCount() <= 0)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(dfs.GetMissingBlocksCount() == 1);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(4, dfs.GetUnderReplicatedBlocksCount());
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(3, bm.GetUnderReplicatedNotMissingBlocks());
                MBeanServer mbs        = ManagementFactory.GetPlatformMBeanServer();
                ObjectName  mxbeanName = new ObjectName("Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeInfo"
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, (long)(long)mbs.GetAttribute(mxbeanName, "NumberOfMissingBlocks"
                // now do the reverse : remove the file expect the number of missing
                // blocks to go to zero
                dfs.Delete(corruptFile, true);
                Log.Info("Waiting for missing blocks count to be zero...");
                while (dfs.GetMissingBlocksCount() > 0)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, dfs.GetUnderReplicatedBlocksCount());
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, bm.GetUnderReplicatedNotMissingBlocks());
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, (long)(long)mbs.GetAttribute(mxbeanName, "NumberOfMissingBlocks"
                Path replOneFile = new Path("/testMissingBlocks/replOneFile");
                DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, replOneFile, fileLen, (short)1, 0);
                ExtendedBlock replOneBlock = DFSTestUtil.GetFirstBlock(dfs, replOneFile);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(cluster.CorruptReplica(0, replOneBlock));
                // read the file so that the corrupt block is reported to NN
                @in = dfs.Open(replOneFile);
                    @in.ReadFully(new byte[fileLen]);
                catch (ChecksumException)
                // checksum error is expected.
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, dfs.GetMissingReplOneBlocksCount());
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, (long)(long)mbs.GetAttribute(mxbeanName, "NumberOfMissingBlocksWithReplicationFactorOne"
                if (cluster != null)