static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("***** A First Look at Structures *****\n"); // Point myPoint; // myPoint.X = 349; // myPoint.Y = 76; // myPoint.Display(); // // myPoint.Increment(); // myPoint.Display(); // Console.ReadLine(); // // Point p1 = new Point(); // p1.Display(); // Console.ReadLine(); // // Point p2 = new Point(50,60); // p2.Display(); // // Console.ReadLine(); // // PointWithReadOnly p3 = new PointWithReadOnly(50,60,"Point w/RO"); // p3.Display(); // p3.X = 120; // p3.Y = 340; // readonly can be assigned only in constructor // p3.Name = "New Name"; // readonly can be assigned only in constructor var s = new DisposableRefStruct(50, 60); s.Display(); s.Dispose(); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("***** A First Look at Structures *****\n"); // Create an initial Point. Point myPoint; myPoint.X = 349; myPoint.Y = 76; myPoint.Display(); // Adjust the X and Y values. myPoint.Increment(); myPoint.Display(); Console.ReadLine(); // Call custom constructor. Point p2 = new Point(50, 60); // Prints X=50,Y=60. p2.Display(); PointWithReadOnly p3 = new PointWithReadOnly(50, 60, "Point w/RO"); p3.Display(); var s = new DisposableRefStruct(50, 60); s.Display(); s.Dispose(); }