private ITransformation CreateTransFromDC(int hDC, int lWidth, int lHeight) { // Calculate the parameters for the new transformation, based on the dimensions passed to this function. IEnvelope pBoundsEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass(); pBoundsEnvelope.PutCoords(0, 0, lWidth, lHeight); tagRECT deviceRect; deviceRect.left = 0; = 0; deviceRect.right = lWidth; deviceRect.bottom = lHeight; //int dpi; //dpi = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY); //if (dpi == 0) return null; // Create a new display transformation and set its properties. IDisplayTransformation pDisplayTransformation = new DisplayTransformationClass(); pDisplayTransformation.VisibleBounds = pBoundsEnvelope; pDisplayTransformation.Bounds = pBoundsEnvelope; pDisplayTransformation.set_DeviceFrame(ref deviceRect); pDisplayTransformation.Resolution = 300; return(pDisplayTransformation); }
protected void DrawSymbol(int int_0, Rectangle rectangle_0, object object_0) { tagRECT grect; IDisplayTransformation transformation = new DisplayTransformationClass(); IEnvelope envelope = new EnvelopeClass(); envelope.PutCoords((double)rectangle_0.Left, (double)rectangle_0.Top, (double)rectangle_0.Right, (double)rectangle_0.Bottom); grect.left = rectangle_0.Left; grect.right = rectangle_0.Right; grect.bottom = rectangle_0.Bottom; = rectangle_0.Top; transformation.set_DeviceFrame(ref grect); transformation.Bounds = envelope; ISymbol symbol = object_0 as ISymbol; if (symbol != null) { symbol.SetupDC(int_0, transformation); if (symbol is IMarkerSymbol) { this.method_3((IMarkerSymbol)symbol, rectangle_0); } else if (symbol is ILineSymbol) { this.method_4((ILineSymbol)symbol, rectangle_0); } else if (symbol is IFillSymbol) { this.method_5((IFillSymbol)symbol, rectangle_0); } symbol.ResetDC(); } }
/// <summary> /// 实现将Symbol转换为Bitmap /// </summary> /// <param name="Symbol">符号对象</param> /// <param name="Width">宽度值</param> /// <param name="Height">高度值</param> /// <returns>图像对象</returns> public static Bitmap PreviewItem(ISymbol Symbol, int Width, int Height) { Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(Width, Height); Graphics mGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); double dpi = mGraphics.DpiY; IEnvelope pEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass(); pEnvelope.PutCoords(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height); tagRECT myRect = new tagRECT(); myRect.bottom = bitmap.Height; myRect.left = 0; myRect.right = bitmap.Width; = 0; IDisplayTransformation pDisplayTransformation = new DisplayTransformationClass(); pDisplayTransformation.VisibleBounds = pEnvelope; pDisplayTransformation.Bounds = pEnvelope; pDisplayTransformation.set_DeviceFrame(ref myRect); pDisplayTransformation.Resolution = dpi; IntPtr pIntPtr = mGraphics.GetHdc(); int hDC = pIntPtr.ToInt32(); Symbol.SetupDC(hDC, pDisplayTransformation); IGeometry pGeometry = GetSymbolGeometry(Symbol, pEnvelope); Symbol.Draw(pGeometry); Symbol.ResetDC(); mGraphics.ReleaseHdc(pIntPtr); mGraphics.Dispose(); return(bitmap); }
//设备句柄仿射变换 private static ITransformation CreateTransformationFromHDC(IntPtr HDC, int width, int height) { IEnvelope env = new EnvelopeClass(); env.PutCoords(0, 0, width, height); //目标矩形的大小 tagRECT frame = new tagRECT(); frame.left = 0; = 0; frame.right = width; frame.bottom = height; double dpi = Graphics.FromHdc(HDC).DpiY;//设备句柄的垂直分辨率 long lDpi = (long)dpi; if (lDpi == 0) { //XtraMessageBox.Show("获取设备比例尺失败!"); return(null); } IDisplayTransformation dispTrans = new DisplayTransformationClass(); dispTrans.Bounds = env; dispTrans.VisibleBounds = env; dispTrans.set_DeviceFrame(ref frame); dispTrans.Resolution = dpi; return(dispTrans); }
public unsafe ITransformation CreateTransFromDC(int iWidth, int iHeight, long lDpi) { try { if (iWidth == 0) { return(null); } if (iHeight == 0) { return(null); } if (lDpi == 0L) { return(null); } IEnvelope envelope = null; envelope = new EnvelopeClass(); envelope.PutCoords(0.0, 0.0, (double)iWidth, (double)iHeight); tagRECT grect = new tagRECT(); IDisplayTransformation transformation = null; transformation = new DisplayTransformationClass(); IDisplayTransformation transformation2 = transformation; transformation2.VisibleBounds = envelope; transformation2.Bounds = envelope; transformation2.set_DeviceFrame(ref grect); transformation2.Resolution = lDpi; return(transformation); } catch (Exception exception) { this.mErrOpt.ErrorOperate(this.mSubSysName, "FunFactory.SymbolFun", "CreateTransFromDC", exception.GetHashCode().ToString(), exception.Source, exception.Message, "", "", ""); return(null); } }
private static ITransformation CreateTransFromDC(int hDC, double dblWidth, double dblHeight) { IEnvelope pBoundsEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass(); pBoundsEnvelope.PutCoords(0, 0, dblWidth, dblHeight); tagRECT deviceRect = new tagRECT(); deviceRect.left = 0; = 0; deviceRect.right = (int)dblWidth; deviceRect.bottom = (int)dblHeight; IDisplayTransformation pDisplayTransformation = new DisplayTransformationClass(); pDisplayTransformation.VisibleBounds = pBoundsEnvelope; pDisplayTransformation.Bounds = pBoundsEnvelope; pDisplayTransformation.set_DeviceFrame(ref deviceRect); pDisplayTransformation.Resolution = 96; return(pDisplayTransformation as ITransformation); }
/// <summary> /// Previews the item. /// </summary> /// <param name="Symbol">The symbol.</param> /// <param name="Width">The width.</param> /// <param name="Height">The height.</param> /// <returns>System.Drawing.Bitmap.</returns> public static System.Drawing.Bitmap PreviewItem(ISymbol Symbol, int Width, int Height) { if (Symbol == null) { return(null); } System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(Width, Height); System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; double resolution = (double)graphics.DpiY; IEnvelope envelope = new EnvelopeClass(); envelope.PutCoords(0.0, 0.0, (double)bitmap.Width, (double)bitmap.Height); tagRECT tagRECT = default(tagRECT); tagRECT.bottom = bitmap.Height; tagRECT.left = 0; tagRECT.right = bitmap.Width; = 0; IDisplayTransformation displayTransformation = new DisplayTransformationClass(); displayTransformation.VisibleBounds = envelope; displayTransformation.Bounds = envelope; displayTransformation.set_DeviceFrame(ref tagRECT); displayTransformation.Resolution = resolution; System.IntPtr hdc = graphics.GetHdc(); int hDC = hdc.ToInt32(); Symbol.SetupDC(hDC, displayTransformation); IGeometry symbolGeometry = CommonAPI.GetSymbolGeometry(Symbol, envelope); Symbol.Draw(symbolGeometry); Symbol.ResetDC(); graphics.ReleaseHdc(hdc); graphics.Dispose(); return(bitmap); }
private ITransformation getTransformation(PictureBox picTarget) { RECT boundsRect; GetWindowRect(picTarget.Handle.ToInt32(), out boundsRect); int lWidth = boundsRect.Right - boundsRect.Left; int lHeight = boundsRect.Bottom - boundsRect.Top; IDisplayTransformation pDispTrans = new DisplayTransformationClass(); IEnvelope pBounds = new EnvelopeClass(); pBounds.PutCoords(picTarget.Left, picTarget.Top, picTarget.Right, picTarget.Bottom); //pBounds.PutCoords(0, 0, lHeight, lWidth); pDispTrans.VisibleBounds = pBounds; pDispTrans.Bounds = pBounds; tagRECT deviceRect; deviceRect.left = 0; = 0; deviceRect.right = lWidth; deviceRect.bottom = lHeight; pDispTrans.set_DeviceFrame(ref deviceRect); IntPtr lHDC = picTarget.Handle; int lDpi = GetDeviceCaps(lHDC, LOGPIXELSY); if (lDpi == 0) { lDpi = 300; } pDispTrans.Resolution = lDpi; return(pDispTrans); }
private Image SymbolToBitmap(IGradientFillSymbol iSymbol, int iStyle, int iWidth, int iHeight) { IntPtr iHDC = new IntPtr(); Bitmap iBitmap = new Bitmap(iWidth, iHeight); Graphics iGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(iBitmap); tagRECT itagRECT; IEnvelope iEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass() as IEnvelope; IDisplayTransformation iDisplayTransformation; IPoint iPoint; IGeometryCollection iPolyline; IGeometryCollection iPolygon; IRing iRing; ISegmentCollection iSegmentCollection; IGeometry iGeometry = null; object Missing = Type.Missing; iEnvelope.PutCoords(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight); itagRECT.left = 0; itagRECT.right = iWidth; = 0; itagRECT.bottom = iHeight; iDisplayTransformation = new DisplayTransformationClass(); iDisplayTransformation.VisibleBounds = iEnvelope; iDisplayTransformation.Bounds = iEnvelope; iDisplayTransformation.set_DeviceFrame(ref itagRECT); iDisplayTransformation.Resolution = iGraphics.DpiX / 100000; iHDC = iGraphics.GetHdc(); //获取Geometry; if (iSymbol is ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IMarkerSymbol) { switch (iStyle) { case 0: iPoint = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point(); iPoint.PutCoords(iWidth / 2, iHeight / 2); iGeometry = iPoint; break; default: break; } } else { if (iSymbol is ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ILineSymbol) { iSegmentCollection = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Path() as ISegmentCollection; iPolyline = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Polyline() as IGeometryCollection; switch (iStyle) { case 0: iSegmentCollection.AddSegment(CreateLine(0, iHeight / 2, iWidth, iHeight / 2) as ISegment, ref Missing, ref Missing); iPolyline.AddGeometry(iSegmentCollection as IGeometry, ref Missing, ref Missing); iGeometry = iPolyline as IGeometry; break; case 1: iSegmentCollection.AddSegment(CreateLine(0, iHeight / 4, iWidth / 4, 3 * iHeight / 4) as ISegment, ref Missing, ref Missing); iSegmentCollection.AddSegment(CreateLine(iWidth / 4, 3 * iHeight / 4, 3 * iWidth / 4, iHeight / 4) as ISegment, ref Missing, ref Missing); iSegmentCollection.AddSegment(CreateLine(3 * iWidth / 4, iHeight / 4, iWidth, 3 * iHeight / 4) as ISegment, ref Missing, ref Missing); iPolyline.AddGeometry(iSegmentCollection as IGeometry, ref Missing, ref Missing); iGeometry = iPolyline as IGeometry; break; default: break; } } else if (iSymbol is ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IFillSymbol) { iSegmentCollection = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Ring() as ISegmentCollection; iPolygon = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Polygon() as IGeometryCollection; switch (iStyle) { case 0: iSegmentCollection.AddSegment(CreateLine(5, iHeight - 5, iWidth - 6, iHeight - 5) as ISegment, ref Missing, ref Missing); iSegmentCollection.AddSegment(CreateLine(iWidth - 6, iHeight - 5, iWidth - 6, 6) as ISegment, ref Missing, ref Missing); iSegmentCollection.AddSegment(CreateLine(iWidth - 6, 6, 5, 6) as ISegment, ref Missing, ref Missing); iRing = iSegmentCollection as IRing; iRing.Close(); iPolygon.AddGeometry(iSegmentCollection as IGeometry, ref Missing, ref Missing); iGeometry = iPolygon as IGeometry; break; default: break; } } else if (iSymbol is ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ISimpleTextSymbol) { switch (iStyle) { case 0: iPoint = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point(); iPoint.PutCoords(iWidth / 2, iHeight / 2); iGeometry = iPoint; break; default: break; } } }//////////////////////// if (iGeometry == null) { MessageBox.Show("几何对象不符合!", "错误"); return(null); } ISymbol pOutputSymbol = iSymbol as ISymbol; pOutputSymbol.SetupDC(iHDC.ToInt32(), iDisplayTransformation); pOutputSymbol.Draw(iGeometry); pOutputSymbol.ResetDC(); iGraphics.ReleaseHdc(iHDC); iGraphics.Dispose(); return(iBitmap); }
protected void DrawSymbol(int int_3, System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle_0, object object_0) { if (object_0 != null) { IDisplayTransformation displayTransformation = new DisplayTransformationClass(); IEnvelope envelope = new EnvelopeClass(); envelope.PutCoords((double)rectangle_0.Left, (double)rectangle_0.Top, (double)rectangle_0.Right, (double)rectangle_0.Bottom); tagRECT tagRECT; tagRECT.left = rectangle_0.Left; tagRECT.right = rectangle_0.Right; tagRECT.bottom = rectangle_0.Bottom; = rectangle_0.Top; displayTransformation.set_DeviceFrame(ref tagRECT); displayTransformation.Bounds = envelope; displayTransformation.Resolution = 96.0; displayTransformation.ReferenceScale = 1.0; displayTransformation.ScaleRatio = 1.0; ISymbol symbol; if (object_0 is ISymbol) { symbol = (ISymbol)object_0; } else if (object_0 is IColorRamp) { IGradientFillSymbol gradientFillSymbol = new GradientFillSymbolClass(); ILineSymbol outline = gradientFillSymbol.Outline; outline.Width = 0.0; gradientFillSymbol.Outline = outline; gradientFillSymbol.ColorRamp = (IColorRamp)object_0; gradientFillSymbol.GradientAngle = 180.0; gradientFillSymbol.GradientPercentage = 1.0; gradientFillSymbol.IntervalCount = 100; gradientFillSymbol.Style = esriGradientFillStyle.esriGFSLinear; symbol = (ISymbol)gradientFillSymbol; } else if (object_0 is IColor) { symbol = (ISymbol) new ColorSymbolClass { Color = (IColor)object_0 }; } else if (object_0 is IAreaPatch) { symbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); IRgbColor rgbColor = new RgbColorClass(); rgbColor.Red = 227; rgbColor.Green = 236; rgbColor.Blue = 19; ((IFillSymbol)symbol).Color = rgbColor; } else if (object_0 is ILinePatch) { symbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass(); } else { if (object_0 is INorthArrow) { IDisplay display = new ScreenDisplayClass(); display.StartDrawing(int_3, 0); display.DisplayTransformation = displayTransformation; ((IMapSurround)object_0).Draw(display, null, envelope); display.FinishDrawing(); ((IMapSurround)object_0).Refresh(); return; } if (object_0 is IMapSurround) { IDisplay display = new ScreenDisplayClass(); display.StartDrawing(int_3, 0); display.DisplayTransformation = displayTransformation; IEnvelope envelope2 = new EnvelopeClass(); envelope2.PutCoords((double)(rectangle_0.Left + 5), (double)(rectangle_0.Top + 5), (double)(rectangle_0.Right - 5), (double)(rectangle_0.Bottom - 5)); ((IMapSurround)object_0).QueryBounds(display, envelope, envelope2); bool flag; ((IMapSurround)object_0).FitToBounds(display, envelope2, out flag); ((IMapSurround)object_0).Draw(display, null, envelope2); display.FinishDrawing(); ((IMapSurround)object_0).Refresh(); return; } if (object_0 is IBackground) { IDisplay display = new ScreenDisplayClass(); display.StartDrawing(int_3, 0); display.DisplayTransformation = displayTransformation; IGeometry geometry = ((IBackground)object_0).GetGeometry(display, envelope); ((IBackground)object_0).Draw(display, geometry); display.FinishDrawing(); return; } if (object_0 is IShadow) { IDisplay display = new ScreenDisplayClass(); display.StartDrawing(int_3, 0); display.DisplayTransformation = displayTransformation; double horizontalSpacing = ((IShadow)object_0).HorizontalSpacing; double verticalSpacing = ((IShadow)object_0).VerticalSpacing; ((IShadow)object_0).HorizontalSpacing = 0.0; ((IShadow)object_0).VerticalSpacing = 0.0; IGeometry geometry = ((IShadow)object_0).GetGeometry(display, envelope); ((IShadow)object_0).Draw(display, geometry); ((IShadow)object_0).HorizontalSpacing = horizontalSpacing; ((IShadow)object_0).VerticalSpacing = verticalSpacing; display.FinishDrawing(); return; } if (object_0 is IBorder) { IDisplay display = new ScreenDisplayClass(); display.StartDrawing(int_3, 0); display.DisplayTransformation = displayTransformation; IPointCollection pointCollection = new PolylineClass(); object value = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; IPoint point = new PointClass(); point.PutCoords((double)(rectangle_0.X + 4), (double)rectangle_0.Top); pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref value, ref value); point.PutCoords((double)(rectangle_0.X + 4), (double)rectangle_0.Bottom); pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref value, ref value); point.PutCoords((double)(rectangle_0.Right - 4), (double)rectangle_0.Bottom); pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref value, ref value); IGeometry geometry = ((IBorder)object_0).GetGeometry(display, (IGeometry)pointCollection); ((IBorder)object_0).Draw(display, geometry); display.FinishDrawing(); return; } return; } if (symbol is IPictureFillSymbol || symbol is IPictureLineSymbol) { symbol.SetupDC(int_3, null); } else { symbol.SetupDC(int_3, displayTransformation); } if (object_0 is IPatch) { this.method_3(symbol, (IPatch)object_0, rectangle_0); } else if (symbol is IMarkerSymbol) { this.method_2((IMarkerSymbol)symbol, rectangle_0); } else if (symbol is ILineSymbol) { this.method_4((ILineSymbol)symbol, rectangle_0); } else if (symbol is IFillSymbol) { this.method_5((IFillSymbol)symbol, rectangle_0); } else if (symbol is ITextSymbol) { this.method_7((ITextSymbol)symbol, rectangle_0); } symbol.ResetDC(); } }
protected void DrawSymbol(int int_3, Rectangle rectangle_0, object object_0) { if (object_0 != null) { tagRECT grect; ISymbol symbol; IDisplayTransformation transformation = new DisplayTransformationClass(); IEnvelope bounds = new EnvelopeClass(); bounds.PutCoords((double)rectangle_0.Left, (double)rectangle_0.Top, (double)rectangle_0.Right, (double)rectangle_0.Bottom); grect.left = rectangle_0.Left; grect.right = rectangle_0.Right; grect.bottom = rectangle_0.Bottom; = rectangle_0.Top; transformation.set_DeviceFrame(ref grect); transformation.Bounds = bounds; transformation.Resolution = 96.0; transformation.ReferenceScale = 1.0; transformation.ScaleRatio = 1.0; if (object_0 is ISymbol) { symbol = object_0 as ISymbol; } else if (object_0 is IColorRamp) { IGradientFillSymbol symbol2 = new GradientFillSymbolClass(); ILineSymbol outline = symbol2.Outline; outline.Width = 0.0; symbol2.Outline = outline; symbol2.ColorRamp = object_0 as IColorRamp; symbol2.GradientAngle = 180.0; symbol2.GradientPercentage = 1.0; symbol2.IntervalCount = 100; symbol2.Style = esriGradientFillStyle.esriGFSLinear; symbol = (ISymbol)symbol2; } else if (object_0 is IColor) { IColorSymbol symbol4 = new ColorSymbolClass { Color = object_0 as IColor }; symbol = (ISymbol)symbol4; } else if (object_0 is IAreaPatch) { symbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass(); IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass { Red = 227, Green = 236, Blue = 19 }; ((IFillSymbol)symbol).Color = color; } else { if (!(object_0 is ILinePatch)) { IDisplay display; if (object_0 is INorthArrow) { display = new ScreenDisplayClass(); display.StartDrawing(int_3, 0); display.DisplayTransformation = transformation; ((IMapSurround)object_0).Draw(display, null, bounds); display.FinishDrawing(); ((IMapSurround)object_0).Refresh(); } else if (object_0 is IMapSurround) { bool flag; display = new ScreenDisplayClass(); display.StartDrawing(int_3, 0); display.DisplayTransformation = transformation; IEnvelope newBounds = new EnvelopeClass(); newBounds.PutCoords((double)(rectangle_0.Left + 5), (double)(rectangle_0.Top + 5), (double)(rectangle_0.Right - 5), (double)(rectangle_0.Bottom - 5)); ((IMapSurround)object_0).QueryBounds(display, bounds, newBounds); ((IMapSurround)object_0).FitToBounds(display, newBounds, out flag); ((IMapSurround)object_0).Draw(display, null, newBounds); display.FinishDrawing(); ((IMapSurround)object_0).Refresh(); } else { IGeometry geometry; if (object_0 is IBackground) { display = new ScreenDisplayClass(); display.StartDrawing(int_3, 0); display.DisplayTransformation = transformation; geometry = ((IBackground)object_0).GetGeometry(display, bounds); ((IBackground)object_0).Draw(display, geometry); display.FinishDrawing(); } else if (object_0 is IShadow) { display = new ScreenDisplayClass(); display.StartDrawing(int_3, 0); display.DisplayTransformation = transformation; double horizontalSpacing = ((IShadow)object_0).HorizontalSpacing; double verticalSpacing = ((IShadow)object_0).VerticalSpacing; ((IShadow)object_0).HorizontalSpacing = 0.0; ((IShadow)object_0).VerticalSpacing = 0.0; geometry = ((IShadow)object_0).GetGeometry(display, bounds); ((IShadow)object_0).Draw(display, geometry); ((IShadow)object_0).HorizontalSpacing = horizontalSpacing; ((IShadow)object_0).VerticalSpacing = verticalSpacing; display.FinishDrawing(); } else if (object_0 is IBorder) { display = new ScreenDisplayClass(); display.StartDrawing(int_3, 0); display.DisplayTransformation = transformation; IPointCollection points = new PolylineClass(); object before = Missing.Value; IPoint inPoint = new PointClass(); inPoint.PutCoords((double)(rectangle_0.X + 4), (double)rectangle_0.Top); points.AddPoint(inPoint, ref before, ref before); inPoint.PutCoords((double)(rectangle_0.X + 4), (double)rectangle_0.Bottom); points.AddPoint(inPoint, ref before, ref before); inPoint.PutCoords((double)(rectangle_0.Right - 4), (double)rectangle_0.Bottom); points.AddPoint(inPoint, ref before, ref before); geometry = ((IBorder)object_0).GetGeometry(display, (IGeometry)points); ((IBorder)object_0).Draw(display, geometry); display.FinishDrawing(); } } return; } symbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass(); } if ((symbol is IPictureFillSymbol) || (symbol is IPictureLineSymbol)) { symbol.SetupDC(int_3, null); } else { symbol.SetupDC(int_3, transformation); } if (object_0 is IPatch) { this.method_3(symbol, (IPatch)object_0, rectangle_0); } else if (symbol is IMarkerSymbol) { this.method_2((IMarkerSymbol)symbol, rectangle_0); } else if (symbol is ILineSymbol) { this.method_4((ILineSymbol)symbol, rectangle_0); } else if (symbol is IFillSymbol) { this.method_5((IFillSymbol)symbol, rectangle_0); } else if (symbol is ITextSymbol) { this.method_7((ITextSymbol)symbol, rectangle_0); } symbol.ResetDC(); } }
private ITransformation getTransformation(PictureBox picTarget) { RECT boundsRect; GetWindowRect(picTarget.Handle.ToInt32(), out boundsRect); int lWidth = boundsRect.Right - boundsRect.Left; int lHeight = boundsRect.Bottom - boundsRect.Top; IDisplayTransformation pDispTrans = new DisplayTransformationClass(); IEnvelope pBounds = new EnvelopeClass(); pBounds.PutCoords(picTarget.Left, picTarget.Top, picTarget.Right, picTarget.Bottom); //pBounds.PutCoords(0, 0, lHeight, lWidth); pDispTrans.VisibleBounds = pBounds; pDispTrans.Bounds = pBounds; tagRECT deviceRect; deviceRect.left = 0; = 0; deviceRect.right = lWidth; deviceRect.bottom = lHeight; pDispTrans.set_DeviceFrame(ref deviceRect); IntPtr lHDC = picTarget.Handle; int lDpi = GetDeviceCaps(lHDC, LOGPIXELSY); if (lDpi == 0) lDpi = 300; pDispTrans.Resolution = lDpi; return pDispTrans; }
private ITransformation CreateTransFromDC(int hDC, int lWidth, int lHeight) { // Calculate the parameters for the new transformation, based on the dimensions passed to this function. IEnvelope pBoundsEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass(); pBoundsEnvelope.PutCoords(0, 0, lWidth, lHeight); tagRECT deviceRect; deviceRect.left = 0; = 0; deviceRect.right = lWidth; deviceRect.bottom = lHeight; //int dpi; //dpi = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY); //if (dpi == 0) return null; // Create a new display transformation and set its properties. IDisplayTransformation pDisplayTransformation = new DisplayTransformationClass(); pDisplayTransformation.VisibleBounds = pBoundsEnvelope; pDisplayTransformation.Bounds = pBoundsEnvelope; pDisplayTransformation.set_DeviceFrame(ref deviceRect); pDisplayTransformation.Resolution = 300; return pDisplayTransformation; }
/// <summary> /// 将符号转化为图片 /// </summary> /// <param name="pSymbol">符号</param> /// <param name="width">图片宽度</param> /// <param name="height">图片高度</param> /// <returns>图片</returns> public static Image Symbol2Picture(ISymbol pSymbol, int width, int height) { if (pSymbol == null || width < 1 || height < 1) { return(null); } //根据高宽创建图象 Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height); Graphics gImage = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); gImage.Clear(Color.White); double dpi = gImage.DpiX; ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IEnvelope pEnvelope = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.EnvelopeClass(); pEnvelope.PutCoords(0, 0, (double)bmp.Width, (double)bmp.Height); tagRECT deviceRect; deviceRect.left = 0; deviceRect.right = bmp.Width; = 0; deviceRect.bottom = bmp.Height; IDisplayTransformation pDisplayTransformation = new DisplayTransformationClass(); pDisplayTransformation.VisibleBounds = pEnvelope; pDisplayTransformation.Bounds = pEnvelope; pDisplayTransformation.set_DeviceFrame(ref deviceRect); pDisplayTransformation.Resolution = dpi; System.IntPtr hdc = new IntPtr(); hdc = gImage.GetHdc(); ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IGeometry pGeo = CreateSymShape(pSymbol, pEnvelope); //将符号的形状绘制到图象中 pSymbol.SetupDC((int)hdc, pDisplayTransformation); pSymbol.Draw(pGeo); pSymbol.ResetDC(); gImage.ReleaseHdc(hdc); gImage.Dispose(); return(bmp); ////IStyleGalleryClass pStyleClass = null; ////if (pSymbol is IMarkerSymbol) //// pStyleClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.MarkerSymbolStyleGalleryClassClass(); ////else if (pSymbol is ILineSymbol) //// pStyleClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.LineSymbolStyleGalleryClassClass(); ////else if (pSymbol is IFillSymbol) //// pStyleClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.FillSymbolStyleGalleryClassClass(); ////else //// return null; //IStyleGalleryItem pStyleItem = new ServerStyleGalleryItemClass(); //pStyleItem.Name = "tempSymbol"; //pStyleItem.Item = pSymbol; //Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); //System.Drawing.Graphics pGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); //tagRECT rect = new tagRECT(); //rect.right = bitmap.Width; //rect.bottom = bitmap.Height; ////生成预览 //IntPtr hdc = new IntPtr(); //hdc = pGraphics.GetHdc(); //pStyleClass.Preview(pStyleItem, hdc.ToInt32(), ref rect); //pGraphics.ReleaseHdc(hdc); //pGraphics.Dispose(); //return bitmap; }