Example #1
 protected override void OnParametersSet()
     if (AdditionalAttributes == null)
         AdditionalAttributes = new Dictionary <string, object>();
     if (!AdditionalAttributes.ContainsKey("class"))
         //check if have a table css class on the model send
         DisplayTableAttribute cssClass = typeof(T).GetCustomAttribute <DisplayTableAttribute>();
         if (cssClass != null && cssClass.TableClass != null)
             AdditionalAttributes.Add("class", cssClass.TableClass);
             AdditionalAttributes.Add("class", DefaultCSSClass);
     if (Items != null)
         StringBuilder  html       = new StringBuilder();
         PropertyInfo[] properties = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
         if (properties.Length > 2)
             foreach (T item in Items)
Example #2
        protected override void OnParametersSet()
            if (Items != null)
                if (AdditionalAttributes == null)
                    AdditionalAttributes = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                if (!AdditionalAttributes.ContainsKey("class"))
                    //check if have a table css class on the model send
                    DisplayTableAttribute cssClass = typeof(T).GetCustomAttribute <DisplayTableAttribute>();
                    if (cssClass != null && cssClass.TableClass != null)
                        AdditionalAttributes.Add("class", cssClass.TableClass);
                        AdditionalAttributes.Add("class", DefaultCSSClass);

                PropertyInfo[] properties = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public |           //get public names
                                                                    BindingFlags.Instance);         //get instance names

                //get all my attributes
                DisplayTableAttribute[] attributes = new DisplayTableAttribute[properties.Length];

                StringBuilder html;
                if (Head == null)
                    html = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
                        attributes[i] = properties[i].GetCustomAttribute <DisplayTableAttribute>();                  //get if my custom attributes
                                                                                                                     //custom header class
                        string OpenTHTag = attributes[i] != null && attributes[i].HeaderClass != null ? $"<th class=\"{attributes[i].HeaderClass}\">" : "<th>";
                        //custom header name
                        Attribute alias  = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(properties[i], typeof(DisplayAttribute));         //get if have attribute display to change the name of the property
                        string    header = attributes[i] != null && attributes[i].Header != null ? attributes[i].Header : //custom header name
                                           alias == null ? properties[i].Name : ((DisplayAttribute)alias).GetName();      //if not get the display attribute or name
                    DefaultHead = new MarkupString(html.ToString());
                if (Body == null)
                    html = new StringBuilder();
                    //get all the item to show the values
                    foreach (T item in Items)
                        //show the values
                        for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
                            attributes[i] = properties[i].GetCustomAttribute <DisplayTableAttribute>();                  //get if my custom attributes
                            string OpenTDTag = attributes[i] != null && attributes[i].ColClass != null ? $"<td class=\"{attributes[i].ColClass}\">" : "<td>";
                            var    value     = attributes[i] != null && attributes[i].ValueFormat != null?string.Format(attributes[i].ValueFormat, properties[i].GetValue(item)) : properties[i].GetValue(item);

                    DefaultBody = new MarkupString(html.ToString());