public static BitmapSource Render(this PdfDocumentWrapper doc, int page, double factor, bool fixDpi = true) { var scale = DisplayDeviceHelper.GetCurrentScaleFactor(); var dpiX = fixDpi ? scale.Horizontal * DisplayDeviceHelper.DefaultDpi : 96; var dpiY = fixDpi ? scale.Vertical * DisplayDeviceHelper.DefaultDpi : 96; Bitmap bitmap; lock (LockObj) { var size = doc.PdfDocument.PageSizes[page]; var realWidth = (int)Math.Round(size.Width * scale.Horizontal * factor); var realHeight = (int)Math.Round(size.Height * scale.Vertical * factor); bitmap = doc.PdfDocument.Render(page, realWidth, realHeight, dpiX, dpiY, PdfRotation.Rotate0, PdfRenderFlags.LimitImageCacheSize | PdfRenderFlags.LcdText | PdfRenderFlags.Annotations | PdfRenderFlags.ForPrinting, true) as Bitmap; } var bs = bitmap?.ToBitmapSource(); bitmap?.Dispose(); bs?.Freeze(); return(bs); }
public override Task <BitmapSource> GetRenderedFrame(int index) { var fullSize = Meta.GetSize(); return(new Task <BitmapSource>(() => { var settings = new MagickReadSettings { BackgroundColor = MagickColors.None, Defines = new DngReadDefines { OutputColor = DngOutputColor.SRGB, UseCameraWhitebalance = true, DisableAutoBrightness = false } }; try { using (var mi = new MagickImage(Path.LocalPath, settings)) { if (SettingHelper.Get("UseColorProfile", false, "QuickLook.Plugin.ImageViewer")) { if (mi.ColorSpace == ColorSpace.RGB || mi.ColorSpace == ColorSpace.sRGB || mi.ColorSpace == ColorSpace.scRGB) { mi.SetProfile(ColorProfile.SRGB); if (ContextObject.ColorProfileName != null) { mi.SetProfile(new ColorProfile(ContextObject.ColorProfileName)); // map to monitor color } } } mi.AutoOrient(); if (mi.Width != (int)fullSize.Width || mi.Height != (int)fullSize.Height) { mi.Resize((int)fullSize.Width, (int)fullSize.Height); } mi.Density = new Density(DisplayDeviceHelper.DefaultDpi * DisplayDeviceHelper.GetCurrentScaleFactor().Horizontal, DisplayDeviceHelper.DefaultDpi * DisplayDeviceHelper.GetCurrentScaleFactor().Vertical); var img = mi.ToBitmapSourceWithDensity(); img.Freeze(); return img; } } catch (Exception e) { ProcessHelper.WriteLog(e.ToString()); return null; } })); }
private Icon GetTrayIconByDPI() { var scale = DisplayDeviceHelper.GetCurrentScaleFactor().Vertical; if (!App.IsWin10) { return(scale > 1 ? : Resources.app_16); } return(OSThemeHelper.SystemUsesDarkTheme() ? (scale > 1 ? Resources.app_white : Resources.app_white_16) : (scale > 1 ? Resources.app_black : Resources.app_black_16)); }
private Rect ResizeAndCentreNewWindow(Size size) { var desktopRect = WindowHelper.GetCurrentDesktopRectInPixel(); var scale = DisplayDeviceHelper.GetCurrentScaleFactor(); var pxSize = new Size(scale.Horizontal * size.Width, scale.Vertical * size.Height); var pxLocation = new Point( desktopRect.X + (desktopRect.Width - pxSize.Width) / 2, desktopRect.Y + (desktopRect.Height - pxSize.Height) / 2); // return absolute location and relative size return(new Rect(pxLocation, size)); }
public static void DpiHack(BitmapSource img) { // a dirty hack... but is the fastest var newDpiX = (double)DisplayDeviceHelper.DefaultDpi * DisplayDeviceHelper.GetCurrentScaleFactor().Horizontal; var newDpiY = (double)DisplayDeviceHelper.DefaultDpi * DisplayDeviceHelper.GetCurrentScaleFactor().Vertical; var dpiX = img.GetType().GetField("_dpiX", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); var dpiY = img.GetType().GetField("_dpiY", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); dpiX?.SetValue(img, newDpiX); dpiY?.SetValue(img, newDpiY); }
public GlassLayer() { InitializeComponent(); var scale = DisplayDeviceHelper.GetCurrentScaleFactor(); noiseBrush.Viewport = new Rect(new Size( noiseBrush.ImageSource.Width / scale.Horizontal, noiseBrush.ImageSource.Height / scale.Vertical)); LayoutUpdated += (sender, e) => { BindingOperations.GetBindingExpressionBase(brush, TileBrush.ViewboxProperty)?.UpdateTarget(); }; }
public GifProvider(Uri path, MetaProvider meta, ContextObject contextObject) : base(path, meta, contextObject) { if (!ImageAnimator.CanAnimate(Image.FromFile(path.LocalPath))) { _nativeProvider = new NativeProvider(path, meta, contextObject); return; } _fileHandle = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(path.LocalPath); _fileHandle.SetResolution(DisplayDeviceHelper.DefaultDpi * DisplayDeviceHelper.GetCurrentScaleFactor().Horizontal, DisplayDeviceHelper.DefaultDpi * DisplayDeviceHelper.GetCurrentScaleFactor().Vertical); Animator = new Int32AnimationUsingKeyFrames { RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever }; Animator.KeyFrames.Add(new DiscreteInt32KeyFrame(0, KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0)))); Animator.KeyFrames.Add(new DiscreteInt32KeyFrame(1, KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10)))); Animator.KeyFrames.Add(new DiscreteInt32KeyFrame(2, KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20)))); }
private Rect ResizeAndCentreExistingWindow(Size size) { // align window just like in macOS ... // // |10%| 80% |10%| // |---|-----------|---|--- // |TL | T |TR |10% // |---|-----------|---|--- // | | | | // |L | C | R |80% // | | | | // |---|-----------|---|--- // |LB | B |RB |10% // |---|-----------|---|--- var scale = DisplayDeviceHelper.GetScaleFactorFromWindow(this); var limitPercentX = 0.1 * scale.Horizontal; var limitPercentY = 0.1 * scale.Vertical; // use absolute pixels for calculation var pxSize = new Size(scale.Horizontal * size.Width, scale.Vertical * size.Height); var pxOldRect = this.GetWindowRectInPixel(); // scale to new size, maintain centre var pxNewRect = Rect.Inflate(pxOldRect, (pxSize.Width - pxOldRect.Width) / 2, (pxSize.Height - pxOldRect.Height) / 2); var desktopRect = WindowHelper.GetDesktopRectFromWindowInPixel(this); var leftLimit = desktopRect.Left + desktopRect.Width * limitPercentX; var rightLimit = desktopRect.Right - desktopRect.Width * limitPercentX; var topLimit = desktopRect.Top + desktopRect.Height * limitPercentY; var bottomLimit = desktopRect.Bottom - desktopRect.Height * limitPercentY; if (pxOldRect.Left < leftLimit && pxOldRect.Right < rightLimit) // L { pxNewRect.Location = new Point(Math.Max(pxOldRect.Left, desktopRect.Left), pxNewRect.Top); } else if (pxOldRect.Left > leftLimit && pxOldRect.Right > rightLimit) // R { pxNewRect.Location = new Point(Math.Min(pxOldRect.Right, desktopRect.Right) - pxNewRect.Width, pxNewRect.Top); } else // C, fix window boundary { pxNewRect.Offset( Math.Max(0, desktopRect.Left - pxNewRect.Left) + Math.Min(0, desktopRect.Right - pxNewRect.Right), 0); } if (pxOldRect.Top < topLimit && pxOldRect.Bottom < bottomLimit) // T { pxNewRect.Location = new Point(pxNewRect.Left, Math.Max(pxOldRect.Top, desktopRect.Top)); } else if (pxOldRect.Top > topLimit && pxOldRect.Bottom > bottomLimit) // B { pxNewRect.Location = new Point(pxNewRect.Left, Math.Min(pxOldRect.Bottom, desktopRect.Bottom) - pxNewRect.Height); } else // C, fix window boundary { pxNewRect.Offset(0, Math.Max(0, desktopRect.Top - pxNewRect.Top) + Math.Min(0, desktopRect.Bottom - pxNewRect.Bottom)); } // return absolute location and relative size return(new Rect(pxNewRect.Location, size)); }
internal void BeginShow(IViewer matchedPlugin, string path, Action <string, ExceptionDispatchInfo> exceptionHandler) { _path = path; Plugin = matchedPlugin; ContextObject.Reset(); // assign monitor color profile ContextObject.ColorProfileName = DisplayDeviceHelper.GetMonitorColorProfileFromWindow(this); // get window size before showing it try { Plugin.Prepare(path, ContextObject); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler(path, ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(e)); return; } SetOpenWithButtonAndPath(); // revert UI changes ContextObject.IsBusy = true; var newHeight = ContextObject.PreferredSize.Height + BorderThickness.Top + BorderThickness.Bottom + (ContextObject.TitlebarOverlap ? 0 : windowCaptionContainer.Height); var newWidth = ContextObject.PreferredSize.Width + BorderThickness.Left + BorderThickness.Right; var newSize = new Size(newWidth, newHeight); // if use has adjusted the window size, keep it if (_customWindowSize != Size.Empty) { newSize = _customWindowSize; } else { _ignoreNextWindowSizeChange = true; } PositionWindow(newSize); if (Visibility != Visibility.Visible) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => this.BringToFront(Topmost)), DispatcherPriority.Render); Show(); } //ShowWindowCaptionContainer(null, null); //WindowHelper.SetActivate(new WindowInteropHelper(this), ContextObject.CanFocus); // load plugin, do not block UI Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { try { Plugin.View(path, ContextObject); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler(path, ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(e)); } }), DispatcherPriority.Input); }