Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the DISM API library associated with the provided DismGeneration.
        /// NOTE: This must be called before calling DismApi.Initialize(), as the initialization takes precedence based on Dynamic Link Library loading.
        /// If a DismGeneration library has already been loaded when initialize() is called, that version of the DISM generation library is utilized. If no DISM API library
        /// is loaded when initialization is called, it will attempt to load the DISM API installed on the local system (System32), if available.
        /// Only a single DISM generation library may be loaded at a given time. To switch versions, the caller can use LoadDismGenerationLibrary() and UnloadDismGenerationLibrary()
        /// to switch between DISM generations (WAIK and/or WADK) and/or what's natively available on the local system (System32).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generation">
        /// The DismGeneration to be loaded.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
        /// </returns>
        public static bool LoadDismGenerationLibrary(DismGeneration generation)
            if (_hDismApi != IntPtr.Zero)

            string dismApiPath = string.Empty;

            switch (generation)
            case DismGeneration.Win10:
                dismApiPath = WADK10DismApiPath;

            case DismGeneration.Win8_1:
                dismApiPath = WADK81DISMAPIPath;

            case DismGeneration.Win8:
                dismApiPath = WADK80DISMAPIPath;

            case DismGeneration.Win7:
                dismApiPath = WAIKDISMAPIPath;


            return((_hDismApi = NativeMethods.LoadLibrary(dismApiPath)) != IntPtr.Zero);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes DISM API, using the specified DISM Generation. Initialize must be called once per process before calling any other DISM API functions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logLevel">Indicates the level of logging.</param>
        /// <param name="logFilePath">A relative or absolute path to a log file. All messages generated will be logged to this path. If NULL, the default log path, %windir%\Logs\DISM\dism.log, will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="scratchDirectory">A relative or absolute path to a scratch directory. DISM API will use this directory for internal operations. If null, the default temp directory, \Windows\%Temp%, will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="dismGeneration">The DISM Generational Library to be used.</param>
        /// /// <exception cref="Exception">If an error occurs loading the latest DISM Generational Library.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="DismException">When a failure occurs.</exception>
        public static void InitializeEx(DismLogLevel logLevel, string logFilePath, string scratchDirectory, DismGeneration dismGeneration)
            if (CurrentDismGeneration != DismGeneration.NotFound)
                throw new Exception($"A DISM Generation library is already loaded ({dismGeneration}). Please call Shutdown() first to release the existing library.");

            if (dismGeneration != DismGeneration.NotFound && !DismUtilities.LoadDismGenerationLibrary(dismGeneration))
                throw new Exception($"Loading the latest DISM Generation library ({dismGeneration}) failed.");

            DismApi.Initialize(logLevel, logFilePath, scratchDirectory);

            CurrentDismGeneration = dismGeneration;