Example #1
        public async Task Execute(ulong guildId = 0)
            // Check if we are an admin
            bool isAdmin = DiscordUtil.IsAdministrator(Context.User);

            // Check if a guild is specified
            IGuild guild;

            if (guildId != 0)
                // Check if the user does not permission
                if (!DiscordUtil.IsAdministrator(Context.User))
                    // Return an error
                    await DiscordUtil.SendErrorMessageByLocalizedDescription(Context.Guild, Context.Channel, "discord.error.not_admin");

                    // Set the guild
                    guild = DiscordBot.GetGuild(guildId);

                    // Check if it exists
                    if (guild == null)
                        // Return an error
                        await DiscordUtil.SendErrorMessageByLocalizedDescription(Context.Guild, Context.Channel, "discord.setup.error.guild_not_exist");

                guild = Context.Guild;

                // Check if this is a DM
                if (guild == null)
                    // Return an error
                    await DiscordUtil.SendErrorMessageByLocalizedDescription(Context.Guild, Context.Channel, "discord.setup.error.in_dm");


            // Test if the user does not permission
            if (!isAdmin && !((SocketGuildUser)Context.User).GuildPermissions.Has(GuildPermission.ManageGuild))
                // Return an error
                await DiscordUtil.SendErrorMessageByLocalizedDescription(Context.Guild, Context.Channel, "discord.setup.error.no_permission");


            // Check if there are already setups running
            if (await DiscordBot.IsSetupFlowRunningInGuild(guild))
                // Error
                await DiscordUtil.SendErrorMessageByLocalizedDescription(Context.Guild, Context.Channel, "discord.setup.error.already_running");


            // Run the setup
            await DiscordBot.ActivateInteractiveFlow(new SetupFlow(Context.User, guild, Context.Channel, new Language[] { Language.EnglishUS }, guildId != 0));
        public override async Task <bool> HandleTextMessage(SocketMessage message)
            // Get the guild
            SocketGuild guild = (message.Channel as SocketGuildChannel).Guild;

            // Parse the channel ID
            ulong channelId;

                channelId = MentionUtils.ParseChannel(message.Content);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                await DiscordUtil.SendErrorMessageByLocalizedDescription(guild, this.Channel, "discord.setup.enter_channel.bad_channel");


            // Get the channel
            SocketChannel foundChannel = DiscordBot.GetChannel(channelId);

            // Check if it exists
            if (foundChannel == null)
                await DiscordUtil.SendErrorMessageByLocalizedDescription(guild, this.Channel, "discord.setup.enter_channel.bad_channel");


            // Check this channel's guild
            SocketGuildChannel socketGuildChannel = foundChannel as SocketGuildChannel;

            // Check that this exists and that it is in the user's guild
            if (socketGuildChannel == null || socketGuildChannel.Guild.Id != SetupFlow.Guild.Id)
                await DiscordUtil.SendErrorMessageByLocalizedDescription(guild, this.Channel, "discord.setup.enter_channel.bad_channel");


            // Get the text channel
            SocketTextChannel socketTextChannel = foundChannel as SocketTextChannel;

            // Check if this is a text channel
            if (socketTextChannel == null)
                await DiscordUtil.SendErrorMessageByLocalizedDescription(guild, this.Channel, "discord.setup.enter_channel.bad_channel");


            // Check if this already exists as settings
            if (SetupFlow.GuildSettings.ChannelSettings.Where(p => p.Key == channelId).Count() != 0)
                await DiscordUtil.SendErrorMessageByLocalizedDescription(guild, this.Channel, "discord.setup.enter_channel.already_exists");


            // Get all required permissions
            List <ChannelPermission> requiredPermissions = new ChannelPermissions(Configuration.LoadedConfiguration.DiscordConfig.Permissions).ToList();

            // Get current permissions for this channel
            ChannelPermissions channelPermissions = guild.CurrentUser.GetPermissions(socketTextChannel);

            // Get a list of permissions that the bot does not have
            IEnumerable <ChannelPermission> missingPermissions = requiredPermissions.Where(x => !channelPermissions.Has(x));

            // Check if we are missing any
            if (missingPermissions.Count() > 0)
                // Try to get the default language
                Language language = DiscordUtil.GetDefaultLanguage(guild);

                // Create the description string for the error message
                string description = Localizer.Localize("discord.setup.enter_channel.missing_permissions", language) + "\n\n";

                // Append the permissions
                foreach (ChannelPermission permission in missingPermissions)
                    description += permission.ToString() + "\n";

                // Create an embed
                await DiscordUtil.SendErrorMessageByDescription(guild, this.Channel, description);


            // Set the new message flag
            SetupFlow.ShouldSendNewMessage = true;

            if (SetupFlow.ChannelSettings == null)
                // Create a DynamicSettingsData instance
                SetupFlow.ChannelSettings = new DynamicSettingsData();

                // Set the ID
                SetupFlow.TargetChannelId = channelId;

                // Proceed to language selection
                await SetupFlow.SetPage((int)SetupFlowPage.SelectLanguage);
                // Move the data
                SetupFlow.GuildSettings.ChannelSettings.TryRemove(SetupFlow.TargetChannelId, out DynamicSettingsData data);
                SetupFlow.GuildSettings.ChannelSettings.TryAdd(channelId, data);

                // Set a pre-prompt
                SetupFlow.ModeSelectPrePromptLocalizable = "discord.setup.mode_select.pre_prompt.edits_saved";

                // Change to mode select
                await SetupFlow.SetPage((int)SetupFlowPage.ModeSelect);
