private async Task ProcessTextChannels(SocketGuild guild) { using (BotDBContext DBContext = DBFactory.Create <BotDBContext>()) { foreach (SocketTextChannel textChannel in guild.TextChannels) { DBContext.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking; var channelObj = new DiscordTextChannel(textChannel.Id.ToString(), guild.Id.ToString(), textChannel.Name, textChannel.Topic, textChannel.CreatedAt, ((textChannel as ISocketPrivateChannel) != null)); var channelRecord = await DBContext.TextChannels.FindAsync(channelObj.Id); if (channelRecord == null) { ConsoleEx.WriteColoredLine(LogSeverity.Verbose, ConsoleTextFormat.TimeAndText, "Adding new Text Channel ", ConsoleColor.Cyan, textChannel.Name, ConsoleColor.Gray, " to the database."); await DBContext.AddAsync(channelObj); } else { DBContext.DetachLocal(channelObj, channelObj.Id); } await DBContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } } }
private void GuildTracker() { Client.JoinedGuild += async(guild) => { using (BotDBContext DBContext = DBFactory.Create <BotDBContext>()) { DBContext.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking; var existingGuild = DBContext.Guilds.FromSql("SELECT * FROM Guilds WHERE Id = {0} LIMIT 1", guild.Id.ToString()).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(); var newGuild = new DiscordGuild(guild.Id, guild.Name, guild.OwnerId, guild.CreatedAt, guild.IconUrl, guild.SplashUrl); if (existingGuild == null) { await DBContext.AddAsync(newGuild); ConsoleEx.WriteColoredLine($"Joined new Guild $[[DarkCyan]]${guild.Name}$[[Gray]]$!"); foreach (ITextChannel channel in guild.TextChannels) { var newChannel = new DiscordTextChannel(channel.Id.ToString(), channel.GuildId.ToString(), channel.Name, channel.Topic, channel.CreatedAt, ((channel as ISocketPrivateChannel) != null)); ConsoleEx.WriteColoredLine($"Joined new Channel $[[DarkCyan]]${channel.Name}$[[Gray]]$ within the Guild $[[DarkCyan]]${guild.Name}$[[Gray]]$!"); } } else { DBContext.DetachLocal(newGuild, existingGuild.Id); ConsoleEx.WriteColoredLine($"Joined existing Guild $[[DarkCyan]]${guild.Name}$[[Gray]]$, updating data."); await ProcessTextChannels(guild); await ProcessUsers(guild); } await DBContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } }; Client.GuildUpdated += async(oldGuild, newGuild) => { using (BotDBContext DBContext = DBFactory.Create <BotDBContext>()) { DBContext.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking; DiscordGuild foundGuild = DBContext.Guilds.FromSql("SELECT * FROM Guilds WHERE Id = {0} LIMIT 1", oldGuild.Id.ToString()).AsNoTracking().First(); var addedGuild = new DiscordGuild(newGuild.Id, newGuild.Name, newGuild.OwnerId, newGuild.CreatedAt, newGuild.IconUrl, newGuild.SplashUrl); if (foundGuild == null) { await DBContext.AddAsync(addedGuild); await ProcessTextChannels(newGuild); await ProcessUsers(newGuild); } else { DBContext.DetachLocal(addedGuild, oldGuild.Id.ToString()); ConsoleEx.WriteColoredLine($"Updating existing Guild $[[DarkCyan]]${oldGuild.Name}$[[Gray]]$, adjusting record."); } await DBContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } }; Client.ChannelCreated += async(channel) => { ITextChannel textChannel = channel as ITextChannel; if (textChannel == null) { return; } using (BotDBContext DBContext = DBFactory.Create <BotDBContext>()) { DBContext.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking; var existingTextChannel = DBContext.TextChannels.FromSql("SELECT * FROM TextChannels WHERE Id = {0} LIMIT 1", channel.Id.ToString()).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(); if (existingTextChannel == null) { var newChannel = new DiscordTextChannel(textChannel.Id.ToString(), textChannel.GuildId.ToString(), textChannel.Name, textChannel.Topic, textChannel.CreatedAt, ((textChannel as ISocketPrivateChannel) != null)); await DBContext.AddAsync(newChannel); ConsoleEx.WriteColoredLine($"Added new TextChannel $[[DarkCyan]]${textChannel.Name}$[[Gray]]$!"); } else { DBContext.DetachLocal(existingTextChannel, existingTextChannel.Id); ConsoleEx.WriteColoredLine($"Channel already exists somehow, $[[DarkCyan]]${textChannel.Name}$[[Gray]]$, updating records."); } await DBContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } }; Client.ChannelUpdated += async(oldChan, newChan) => { ITextChannel oldTextChannel = oldChan as ITextChannel; ITextChannel newTextChannel = newChan as ITextChannel; if (oldTextChannel == null || newTextChannel == null) { return; } using (BotDBContext DBContext = DBFactory.Create <BotDBContext>()) { DBContext.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking; var existingChannel = DBContext.TextChannels.FromSql("SELECT * FROM TextChannels WHERE Id = {0} LIMIT 1", oldChan.Id.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); var newChannel = new DiscordTextChannel(newTextChannel.Id.ToString(), newTextChannel.GuildId.ToString(), newTextChannel.Name, newTextChannel.Topic, newTextChannel.CreatedAt, ((newTextChannel as ISocketPrivateChannel) != null)); if (existingChannel == null) { await DBContext.AddAsync(newChannel); ConsoleEx.WriteColoredLine($"Added new TextChannel $[[DarkCyan]]${newTextChannel.Name}$[[Gray]]$ that $[[Red]]$should$[[Gray]]$ have existed!"); } else { DBContext.DetachLocal(newChannel, newTextChannel.Id.ToString()); ConsoleEx.WriteColoredLine($"Updating existing TextChannel $[[DarkCyan]]${oldTextChannel.Name}$[[Gray]]$, adjusting record."); } await DBContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } }; }
void OnGUI() { if (!client.isOnline) { bot = GUILayout.Toggle(bot, "Bot"); if (!bot) { email = GUILayout.TextField(email); password = GUILayout.PasswordField(password, '*'); } else { token = GUILayout.TextField(token); } if (GUILayout.Button("Start")) { if (!bot) { client.Start(email, password, ClientOpened); } else { client.StartBot(token, ClientOpened); } } } else { serverName = GUILayout.TextField(serverName); channelName = GUILayout.TextField(channelName); memberName = GUILayout.TextField(memberName); roleName = GUILayout.TextField(roleName); editRole = GUILayout.Toggle(editRole, "Role"); if (GUILayout.Button("Give Permission for specific channel")) { if (server == null) { server = client.servers.Where(x => == serverName).FirstOrDefault(); } else if ( != serverName) { server = client.servers.Where(x => == serverName).FirstOrDefault(); } if (channel == null) { channel = server.channels.Where(x => == channelName).FirstOrDefault(); } else if ( != channelName) { channel = server.channels.Where(x => == channelName).FirstOrDefault(); } if (editRole) { if (role == null) { role = server.roles.Where(x => == roleName).FirstOrDefault(); } else if ( != roleName) { role = server.roles.Where(x => == roleName).FirstOrDefault(); } Debug.Log((role == null)); Debug.Log((channel == null)); channel.OverwritePermissions(role, new DiscordPermission[1] { DiscordPermission.SendMessages }, new DiscordPermission[0], OnPermissionChanged); } else { if (member == null) { member = server.members.Where(x => == memberName).FirstOrDefault(); } else if ( != memberName) { member = server.members.Where(x => == memberName).FirstOrDefault(); } channel.OverwritePermissions(member, new DiscordPermission[1] { DiscordPermission.SendMessages }, new DiscordPermission[0], OnPermissionChanged); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Remove Permission for specific channel")) { if (server == null) { server = client.servers.Where(x => == serverName).FirstOrDefault(); } else if ( != serverName) { server = client.servers.Where(x => == serverName).FirstOrDefault(); } if (channel == null) { channel = server.channels.Where(x => == channelName).FirstOrDefault(); } else if ( != channelName) { channel = server.channels.Where(x => == channelName).FirstOrDefault(); } if (editRole) { if (role == null) { role = server.roles.Where(x => == roleName).FirstOrDefault(); } else if ( != roleName) { role = server.roles.Where(x => == roleName).FirstOrDefault(); } channel.OverwritePermissions(role, new DiscordPermission[0], new DiscordPermission[1] { DiscordPermission.SendMessages }, OnPermissionChanged); } else { if (member == null) { member = server.members.Where(x => == memberName).FirstOrDefault(); } else if ( != memberName) { member = server.members.Where(x => == memberName).FirstOrDefault(); } channel.OverwritePermissions(member, new DiscordPermission[0], new DiscordPermission[1] { DiscordPermission.SendMessages }, OnPermissionChanged); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Stop")) { client.Stop(ClientClosed); } } }