Example #1
 public void OnPresenceUpdated(DiscordPresence presence)
     foreach (var e in status)
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello from C#!", Console.LogLevel.Info);
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("args = [{0}]", string.Join(",", args)), Console.LogLevel.Info);

            Console.AddCommand("test", TestCommand);
            Console.Execute("print t");

            Events.Add <Input.KeyEvent>(KeyCallback);
            Events.Add <TestEvent>(TestEventCallback);

            DiscordEventHandler discordEventHandler = new DiscordEventHandler();

            DiscordRPC.Init("424302031822520320", ref discordEventHandler, true, "480");

            DiscordPresence presence = new DiscordPresence();

            presence.details       = "Jazz weeb";
            presence.state         = ":3c:";
            presence.largeImageKey = "icon-large";
            presence.smallImageKey = "icon-small";

            DiscordRPC.UpdatePresence(ref presence);

            SteamworksClient = new Client(480);
        protected override string FormatState(PlayerInfoResponse playerInfo, DiscordPresence presence)
            bool hasActivePlanet   = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerInfo.ActivePlanet);
            bool hasActiveZone     = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerInfo.ActiveZonePosition);
            bool hasActiveBossZone = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerInfo.ActiveBossGame);

            var state = "Inactive";

            if (hasActivePlanet && (hasActiveZone || hasActiveBossZone))
                state = $"Planet {playerInfo.ActivePlanet} - ";
                if (hasActiveBossZone)
                    state += $"Boss Zone";
                else if (hasActiveZone)
                    state += $"Zone {playerInfo.ActiveZonePosition}";
                var planet = SaliensApi.GetPlanet(playerInfo.ActivePlanet);
                if (hasActiveZone && int.TryParse(playerInfo.ActiveZonePosition, out int zonePos))
                    var zone = planet.Zones[zonePos];
                    if (zone != null)
                        state += $" ({zone.RealDifficulty.ToString().Substring(0, 1)})";
            else if (hasActivePlanet && !hasActiveZone)
                state = $"Planet {playerInfo.ActivePlanet}";
Example #4
        public static bool HasMinimumStatus(DiscordPresence MemberPresence, UserStatus MinimumStatus)
            UserStatus MemberStatus = UserStatus.Offline;

            if (MemberPresence != null) // Apparently offline means null presence instead of offline presence
                MemberStatus = MemberPresence.Status;

            switch (MinimumStatus)
            case UserStatus.Offline:

            case UserStatus.Online:
                return(MemberStatus == UserStatus.Online);

            case UserStatus.Idle:
            case UserStatus.DoNotDisturb:
                return(MemberStatus == UserStatus.Idle || MemberStatus == UserStatus.Online || MemberStatus == UserStatus.DoNotDisturb);

            case UserStatus.Invisible:
                return(MemberStatus != UserStatus.Offline);

        protected override string FormatDetails(PlayerInfoResponse playerInfo, DiscordPresence presence)
            var details = $"Level {playerInfo.Level}";

            if (long.TryParse(playerInfo.Score, out long xp))
                details += $" - {xp.ToString("#,##0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)} XP";
Example #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FFProcess       process  = new FFProcess(FFProcess.DX11_DEFAULT_NAME, true);
            DiscordPresence presence = new DiscordPresence(DISCORD_CLIENT_ID);

            bool shutdown = false;

            new Thread(x => {
                while (!shutdown)
                    if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)
                        shutdown = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("Stopping application...");

            Console.WriteLine("Press ESC to stop");
                while (Scanner.Instance.IsScanning)
                CurrentPlayer currentPlayer = Reader.GetCurrentPlayer().CurrentPlayer;
                ActorItem     player        = null /*ActorItem.CurrentUser*/;
                if (player == null)
                    ActorResult aResult = Reader.GetActors();
                    KeyValuePair <uint, ActorItem> playerKeyValue = aResult.CurrentPCs.ToList().Find(x => x.Value.Name == currentPlayer.Name);
                    ActorItem playerItem = playerKeyValue.Value;

                    player = playerItem;

                if (player != null)
                    presence.playerName = player.Name;
                    presence.lvl        = player.Level.ToString();
                    presence.job        = player.Job.ToString();

                    uint    mapID = player.MapTerritory;
                    MapItem zone  = ZoneLookup.GetZoneInfo(mapID);
                    presence.place = zone.Name.English;

            } while (!shutdown);

Example #7
        public void UpdateFields(DiscordPresence presence)
            this.presence     = presence;
            inputState.text   = presence.state;
            inputDetails.text = presence.details;

            inputLargeTooltip.text = presence.largeAsset.tooltip;
            inputLargeKey.text     = presence.largeAsset.image;

            inputSmallTooltip.text = presence.smallAsset.tooltip;
            inputSmallKey.text     = presence.smallAsset.image;
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the Rich Presence of the Discord Client through a HTTP connection. This differs from <see cref="SetPresence(DiscordPresence)"/> as it does not attempt to connect to the websocket and is a write-only operation with no state validation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="applicationID">The ID of this application</param>
    /// <param name="presence">The presence to set the client</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static IEnumerator SendPresence(string applicationID, DiscordPresence presence)
        var requestPayload = DiscordRPC.Web.WebRPC.PrepareRequest(presence.ToRichPresence(), applicationID);

        byte[] encodedRequest = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestPayload.Data);

        WWW www = new WWW(requestPayload.URL, encodedRequest, requestPayload.Headers);

        yield return(www);

         * RichPresence p;
         * string response = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(www.bytes);
         * DiscordRPC.Web.WebRPC.TryParseResponse(response, out p);
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the Discord Rich Presence
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="presence">The Rich Presence to be shown to the client</param>
    public void SetPresence(DiscordPresence presence)
        if (client == null)
            Debug.LogError("[DRP] Attempted to send a presence update but no client exists!");

        if (!client.IsInitialized)
            Debug.LogError("[DRP] Attempted to send a presence update to a client that is not initialized!");

        //Set the presence
        client.SetPresence(presence != null ? presence.ToRichPresence() : null);
        protected override Assets GetAssets(PlayerInfoResponse playerInfoResponse, DiscordPresence presence)
            string smallImageKey  = null;
            string smallImageText = null;

            switch (playerInfoResponse.Level)
            case var level when level > 0 && level < 6:
                smallImageKey  = "badge1";
                smallImageText = "Rank 1";

            case var level when level >= 6 && level < 9:
                smallImageKey  = "badge2";
                smallImageText = "Rank 2";

            case var level when level >= 9 && level < 11:
                smallImageKey  = "badge3";
                smallImageText = "Rank 3";

            case var level when level >= 11 && level < 16:
                smallImageKey  = "badge4";
                smallImageText = "Rank 4";

            case var level when level >= 16 && level < 21:
                smallImageKey  = "badge5";
                smallImageText = "Rank 5";

            case var level when level >= 21:
                smallImageKey  = "badge6";
                smallImageText = "Rank 6";
            return(new Assets
                SmallImageKey = smallImageKey,
                SmallImageText = smallImageText,
                LargeImageKey = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerInfoResponse.ActiveBossGame) ? "logo_boss" : "logo_large",
                LargeImageText = "Steam Summer Saliens"
Example #11
        public virtual RichPresence FormatPresence(PlayerInfoResponse playerInfo, DiscordPresence presence)
            if (playerInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(playerInfo));
            if (presence == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(presence));

            return(new RichPresence
                Details = this.FormatDetails(playerInfo, presence),
                State = this.FormatState(playerInfo, presence),
                Timestamps = this.FormatTimestamps(playerInfo, presence),
                Assets = this.GetAssets(playerInfo, presence)
Example #12
        public static void GameStateMessage(string csgoDataJson)

            var    csgoData = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <dynamic>(csgoDataJson);
            string steamId  = csgoData["provider"]["steamid"];

            if (!rpcInitialized)
                rpcInitialized = true;
                var eventHandler = new DiscordEventHandler();
                DiscordRPC.Init(discordAppId, ref eventHandler, true, steamId);
                startAt = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;


            DiscordPresence presence = FormatPresence(csgoData);

            DiscordRPC.UpdatePresence(ref presence);
Example #13
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the Rich Presence of the Discord Client through the pipe connection.
    /// <para>This will log a error if the client is null or not yet initiated.</para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="presence">The Rich Presence to be shown to the client</param>
    public void SetPresence(DiscordPresence presence)
        if (client == null)
            Debug.LogError("[DRP] Attempted to send a presence update but no client exists!");

        if (!client.IsInitialized)
            //Debug.LogWarning("[DRP] Attempted to send a presence update to a client that is not initialized! The messages will be enqueued instead!");

        //Just do some validation
        if (!presence.secrets.IsEmpty() && _currentSubscription == DiscordEvent.None)
            Debug.LogWarning("[DRP] Sending a secret, however we are not actually subscribed to any events. This will cause the messages to be ignored!");

        //Set the presence
        _currentPresence = presence;
        client.SetPresence(presence != null ? presence.ToRichPresence() : null);
Example #14
 protected abstract Timestamps FormatTimestamps(PlayerInfoResponse playerInfo, DiscordPresence presence);
Example #15
 protected abstract string FormatState(PlayerInfoResponse playerInfo, DiscordPresence presence);
Example #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the discord client if able to. Wont initialize if <see cref="active"/> is false, we are not in playmode, we already have a instance or we already have a client.
    /// <para>This function is empty unless UNITY_WSA || UNITY_WSA_10_0 || UNITY_STANDALONE) && !DISABLE_DISCORD is meet.</para>
    /// </summary>
    public void Initialize()
        if (!active)
            return;                         //Are we allowed to be active?
        if (!Application.isPlaying)
            return;                         //We are not allowed to initialize while in the editor.
        //This has a instance already that isn't us
        if (_instance != null && _instance != this)
            Debug.LogWarning("[DAPI] Multiple DiscordManagers exist already. Destroying self.", _instance);

        //Make sure the client doesnt already exit
        if (_client != null)
            Debug.LogError("[DAPI] Cannot initialize a new client when one is already initialized.");

        //Assign the instance
        _instance = this;

        //Prepare the logger
        DiscordRPC.Logging.ILogger logger = null;

        //Update the logger to the unity logger
        if (Debug.isDebugBuild)
            logger = new DiscordRPC.Logging.FileLogger("discordrpc.log")
                Level = logLevel
        if (Application.isEditor)
            logger = new DiscordRPC.Unity.UnityLogger()
                Level = logLevel

        //We are starting the client. Below is a break down of the parameters.
        Debug.Log("[DRP] Starting Discord Rich Presence");
        _client = new DiscordRPC.DiscordRpcClient(
            applicationID,                                  //The Discord Application ID
            pipe: (int)targetPipe,                          //The target pipe to connect too
            logger: logger,                                 //The logger,
            autoEvents: false,                              //WE will manually invoke events
            client: new DiscordRPC.Unity.UnityNamedPipe()   //The client for the pipe to use. Unity MUST use a NativeNamedPipeClient since its managed client is broken.

        if (registerUriScheme)

        //Subscribe to some initial events
        #region Event Registration
        client.OnError         += (s, args) => Debug.LogError("[DRP] Error Occured within the Discord IPC: (" + args.Code + ") " + args.Message);
        client.OnJoinRequested += (s, args) => Debug.Log("[DRP] Join Requested");

        client.OnReady += (s, args) =>
            //We have connected to the Discord IPC. We should send our rich presence just incase it lost it.
            Debug.Log("[DRP] Connection established and received READY from Discord IPC. Sending our previous Rich Presence and Subscription.");

            //Set the user and cache their avatars
            _currentUser = args.User;
            _currentUser.GetAvatar(this, DiscordAvatarSize.x128);
        client.OnPresenceUpdate += (s, args) =>
            Debug.Log("[DRP] Our Rich Presence has been updated. Applied changes to local store.");
            _currentPresence = (DiscordPresence)args.Presence;
        client.OnSubscribe += (s, a) =>
            Debug.Log("[DRP] New Subscription. Updating local store.");
            _currentSubscription = client.Subscription.ToUnity();
        client.OnUnsubscribe += (s, a) =>
            Debug.Log("[DRP] Removed Subscription. Updating local store.");
            _currentSubscription = client.Subscription.ToUnity();

        //Register the unity events

        //Set initial presence and sub. (This will enqueue it)

        //Start the client
        Debug.Log("[DRP] Discord Rich Presence intialized and connecting...");
Example #17
        private static DiscordPresence FormatPresence(dynamic csgoData)
            DiscordPresence presence = new DiscordPresence
                startTimestamp = startAt
            string map     = "";
            string tScore  = "0";
            string ctScore = "0";

            if (!csgoData.ContainsKey("player") || !csgoData["player"].ContainsKey("activity"))
                presence.state         = "?";
                presence.largeImageKey = "menu";
                string activity = csgoData["player"]["activity"];
                presence.state         = activity;
                presence.largeImageKey = "menu";
                if (csgoData.ContainsKey("map"))
                    if (csgoData["map"].ContainsKey("mode"))
                        presence.smallImageKey = DiscordAssets.AssetForGameString(csgoData["map"]["mode"]);
                        string mode = csgoData["map"]["mode"];
                        presence.smallImageText = "Mode: " + csgoData["map"]["mode"];

                        presence.state = mode + " - " + activity;

                    if (csgoData["map"].ContainsKey("name"))
                        presence.largeImageKey = DiscordAssets.AssetForGameString(csgoData["map"]["name"]);
                        map = csgoData["map"]["name"];
                        presence.largeImageText = "Map: " + map;

                    if (csgoData["map"].ContainsKey("phase"))
                        if ("warmup" == csgoData["map"]["phase"])
                            presence.details = "Warmup";
                            if (csgoData.ContainsKey("player") && csgoData["player"].ContainsKey("team"))
                                if (csgoData["map"].ContainsKey("team_t") && csgoData["map"]["team_t"].ContainsKey("score"))
                                    tScore = csgoData["map"]["team_t"]["score"].ToString();
                                if (csgoData["map"].ContainsKey("team_ct") && csgoData["map"]["team_ct"].ContainsKey("score"))
                                    ctScore = csgoData["map"]["team_ct"]["score"].ToString();

                                if (tScore == "0" && ctScore == "0")
                                    if (!matchStarted)
                                        matchStarted = true;
                                        matchStartAt = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
                                    matchStarted = false;

                                string teamName = csgoData["player"]["team"];
                                string displayScore;
                                if ("T" == csgoData["player"]["team"])
                                    displayScore = "[ " + tScore + " : " + ctScore + " ]";
                                else if ("CT" == csgoData["player"]["team"])
                                    displayScore = "[ " + ctScore + " : " + tScore + " ]";
                                    displayScore = "[ T:" + tScore + " , CT:" + ctScore + " ]";

                                presence.details        = displayScore + " " + map + " (" + teamName + ")";
                                presence.startTimestamp = matchStartAt != 0 ? matchStartAt : startAt;
                                presence.details = map;
                else if ("menu" == csgoData["player"]["activity"])
                    presence.state          = "In Main Menu";
                    presence.largeImageKey  = "menu";
                    presence.largeImageText = "Main Menu";
                    if (csgoData.ContainsKey("player") && csgoData["player"].ContainsKey("name"))
                        //presence.details = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(csgoData["player"]["name"]));

 protected override Timestamps FormatTimestamps(PlayerInfoResponse playerInfo, DiscordPresence presence)
Example #19
 internal PresenceUpdatedEventArgs(DiscordPresence presence)
     Presence = presence;
        protected override Timestamps FormatTimestamps(PlayerInfoResponse playerInfo, DiscordPresence presence)
            bool hasActivePlanet   = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerInfo.ActivePlanet);
            bool hasActiveZone     = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerInfo.ActiveZonePosition);
            bool hasActiveBossZone = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerInfo.ActiveBossGame);

            Timestamps timestamps = null;

            if (!hasActiveBossZone)
                if (hasActivePlanet && hasActiveZone &&
                    long.TryParse(playerInfo.Score, out long xp) &&
                    long.TryParse(playerInfo.NextLevelScore, out long nextLevelXp))
                    if (xp > this.LastXp)
                        if (this.LastXp > 0 && this.MeasureStartTime.Ticks > 0)
                            int diffXp   = (int)(xp - this.LastXp);
                            var diffTime = DateTime.Now - this.MeasureStartTime - playerInfo.TimeInZone;
                            var eta      = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(diffTime.TotalSeconds * ((double)(nextLevelXp - xp) / diffXp));
                            this.PredictedLevelUpDate = DateTime.Now + eta - playerInfo.TimeInZone;
                        this.MeasureStartTime = DateTime.Now - playerInfo.TimeInZone;
                    this.LastXp = xp;
                else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerInfo.NextLevelScore))
                    this.PredictedLevelUpDate = DateTime.Now;

                // Only show when it's less than a day: Discord doesn't show days
                if (this.PredictedLevelUpDate > DateTime.Now && this.PredictedLevelUpDate < DateTime.Now.AddDays(1))
                    timestamps = new Timestamps {
                        End = this.PredictedLevelUpDate.ToUniversalTime()

            // Fallbacks
            if (timestamps == null && hasActivePlanet && (hasActiveZone || hasActiveBossZone))
                timestamps = new Timestamps {
                    Start = (DateTime.Now - playerInfo.TimeInZone).ToUniversalTime()

            if (timestamps == null && hasActivePlanet)
                timestamps = new Timestamps {
                    Start = (DateTime.Now - playerInfo.TimeOnPlanet).ToUniversalTime()

            if (hasActivePlanet && hasActiveZone)
                this.MeasureStartTime = DateTime.Now - playerInfo.TimeInZone;

    private void OnEnable()
        //Make sure we are allowed to be active.
        if (!active || !gameObject.activeSelf)
        if (!Application.isPlaying)

        //This has a instance already that isn't us
        if (_instance != null && _instance != this)

        //Assign the instance
        _instance = this;

        //We are starting the client. Below is a break down of the parameters.
        Debug.Log("[DRP] Starting Discord Rich Presence");
        _client = new DiscordRpcClient(
            applicationID,                                              //The Discord Application ID
            steamID,                                                    //The Steam App. This can be null or empty string to disable steam intergration.
            registerUriScheme,                                          //Should the client register a custom URI Scheme? This must be true for endpoints
            (int )targetPipe,                                           //The target pipe to connect too
            new NativeNamedPipeClient()                                 //The client for the pipe to use. Unity MUST use a NativeNamedPipeClient since its managed client is broken.

        //Update the logger to the unity logger
        _client.Logger = new UnityLogger()
            Level = logLevel

        //Subscribe to some initial events
        #region Event Registration
        client.OnReady += (s, args) =>
            //We have connected to the Discord IPC. We should send our rich presence just incase it lost it.
            Debug.Log("[DRP] Connection established and received READY from Discord IPC. Sending our previous Rich Presence and Subscription.");

            //Set the user and cache their avatars
            _currentUser = args.User;
            _currentUser.GetAvatar(this, DiscordAvatarSize.x128);
        client.OnPresenceUpdate += (s, args) =>
            Debug.Log("[DRP] Our Rich Presence has been updated. Applied changes to local store.");
            _currentPresence = (DiscordPresence)args.Presence;
        client.OnSubscribe += (s, a) =>
            Debug.Log("[DRP] New Subscription. Updating local store.");
            _currentSubscription = client.Subscription.ToUnity();
        client.OnUnsubscribe += (s, a) =>
            Debug.Log("[DRP] Removed Subscription. Updating local store.");
            _currentSubscription = client.Subscription.ToUnity();
        client.OnError += (s, args) =>
            //Something bad happened while we tried to send a event. We will just log this for clarity.
            Debug.LogError("[DRP] Error Occured within the Discord IPC: (" + args.Code + ") " + args.Message);

        client.OnJoinRequested += (s, args) =>
            Debug.Log("[DRP] Join Requested");


        //Start the client
        Debug.Log("[DRP] Discord Rich Presence intialized and connecting...");

        //Set initial presence and sub. (This will enqueue it)
Example #22
 // discord status events
 public void OnPresenceUpdated(DiscordPresence presence)
Example #23
 protected abstract Assets GetAssets(PlayerInfoResponse playerInfoResponse, DiscordPresence presence);
 private void ClientOnPresenceUpdate(object sender, PresenceMessage args)
     //Our Rich Presence has updated, better update our reference
     Debug.Log("[DRP] Our Rich Presence has been updated. Applied changes to local store.");
     _currentPresence = (DiscordPresence)args.Presence;
        protected override Timestamps FormatTimestamps(PlayerInfoResponse playerInfo, DiscordPresence presence)
            bool hasActivePlanet   = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerInfo.ActivePlanet);
            bool hasActiveBossZone = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(playerInfo.ActiveBossGame);

            if (hasActivePlanet && hasActiveBossZone)
                return(new Timestamps
                    Start = (DateTime.Now - playerInfo.TimeInZone).ToUniversalTime()

            if (hasActivePlanet)
                return(new Timestamps
                    Start = (DateTime.Now - playerInfo.TimeOnPlanet).ToUniversalTime()