Example #1
    public Path PEstep(int MaxIteration)

        // ALGORITHM
        int iteration = 0;

        while (Vbest > 0 && iteration < MaxIteration)

            // for each configuration of the robot
            for (int n1 = 0; n1 < N; n1++)
                for (int n2 = 0; n2 < N; n2++)
                    // for each future configuration of the robot
                    for (int m1 = 0; m1 < N; m1++)
                        if (isVisibleFrom(n1, m1))
                            for (int m2 = 0; m2 < N; m2++)
                                if (isVisibleFrom(n2, m2))
                                    // Calculate next step and, if it is a better value, update the matrix d, v and path
                                    int[][]  Ahat = modifyAdjacency(A, r);
                                    DirtySet Dhat = d[n1][n2].multiplication(Ahat);
                                    int      Vhat = Dhat.cardinality();

                                    if (Vhat < v[m1][m2])
                                        path[m1][m2].add(m1, m2);
                                        d[m1][m2] = Dhat;
                                        v[m1][m2] = Vhat;

                                    // check for the best path so far
                                    if (v[m1][m2] < Vbest)
                                        Vbest = v[m1][m2];
                                        Pbest = path[m1][m2];

Example #2
    public void inizializzation()
        // Assign first value to all data
        DirtySet d = new DirtySet(N);

        d.updateVisibility(r, A);
        //d.print ();

        //for (int i = 0; i < Np2; i++) {
        x [0] [0] = r [0];
        x [0] [1] = r [1];

        //path[0].add (r);
        v[0] = d.cardinality();

        Vbest = v[0];
        Pbest = path[0];
Example #3
    public void PEOneStep()
        // for each configuration of the robot
        for (int n1 = 0; n1 < N; n1++)
            for (int n2 = 0; n2 < N; n2++)
                // for each future configuration of the robot
                for (int m1 = 0; m1 < N; m1++)
                    if (isVisibleFrom(n1, m1))
                        for (int m2 = 0; m2 < N; m2++)
                            if (isVisibleFrom(n2, m2))
                                // Calculate next step and, if it is a better value, update the matrix d, v and path
                                int[][]  Ahat = modifyAdjacency(A, r);
                                DirtySet Dhat = d[n1][n2].multiplication(Ahat);
                                int      Vhat = Dhat.cardinality();

                                if (Vhat < v[m1][m2])
                                    path[m1][m2].add(m1, m2);
                                    d[m1][m2] = Dhat;
                                    v[m1][m2] = Vhat;

                                // check for the best path so far
                                if (v[m1][m2] < Vbest)
                                    Vbest = v[m1][m2];
                                    Pbest = path[m1][m2];
Example #4
    public void PEOneStep()
        int Qsize = Q.Count;

        //Debug.Log ("Q size "+Qsize);
        // for each configuratioQ.Countn of the robot
        for (int d = 0; d < Qsize; d++)
            DirtySet D = (DirtySet)Q[d];

            // try to move one robot at a time
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                int[] Xhat = new int[2] {
                    x[d][0], x[d][1]
                if (debugOn)
                    Debug.Log("X hat (" + Xhat[0] + ", " + Xhat[1] + ")");

                // find the next node for the robot i
                for (int m = 0; m < N; m++)
                    if (x[d][i] != m && isVisibleFrom(x[d][i], m))
                        Xhat[i] = m;

                        int[][] Ahat = modifyAdjacency(A, Xhat);

                        //Debug.Log("new robots: "+Xhat[0]+" "+Xhat[1]);

                         * string log = "";
                         * for (int k=0; k<N; k++) {
                         *      for (int j=0; j<N; j++) {
                         *              log += Ahat[k][j] + " ";
                         *      }
                         *      log += "\n";
                         * }
                         * Debug.Log(log);*/
                        DirtySet Dhat = D.multiplication(Ahat);
                        if (debugOn)
                            Debug.Log("M: " + m + " Dhat: ");
                        if (debugOn)

                        int Vhat = Dhat.cardinality();

                        int Dindex = find(Dhat, Q);
                        if (Dindex == -1)
                            // new dirty set
                            x[Qsize] = Xhat;

                            path[Qsize] = new Path(path[d]);

                            //Debug.Log("Q: "+Qsize);
                            v[Qsize] = Vhat;

                            Dindex = Qsize;

                            if (Vhat == Vbest && path[Dindex].path.Count < Pbest.path.Count)
                                Pbest = new Path(path[Dindex]);
                                Vbest = Vhat;
                            else if (Vhat < Vbest)
                                Pbest = new Path(path[Dindex]);
                                Vbest = Vhat;
                        else if (Vhat < v[Dindex] || (Vhat == v[Dindex] &&
                                                      dist(Xhat, Dhat.dirtySet) < dist(x[d], Dhat.dirtySet)))
                            // update old dirty set with new info

                            //Debug.Log(dist(Xhat, Dhat.dirtySet));
                            x[Dindex] = Xhat;
                            //Debug.Log("Before: ");
                            //Debug.Log("Q: "+Dindex);
                            v[Dindex] = Vhat;

                            if (Vhat == Vbest && path[Dindex].path.Count < Pbest.path.Count)
                                Pbest = new Path(path[Dindex]);
                                Vbest = Vhat;
                            else if (Vhat < Vbest)
                                Pbest = new Path(path[Dindex]);
                                Vbest = Vhat;

                         * if ( Vhat == Vbest) {
                         *              if (path[Dindex].path.Count < Pbest.path.Count) {
                         *                      Pbest = new Path(path[Dindex]);
                         *                      Vbest = Vhat;
                         *              }
                         *      } else if ( Vhat < Vbest) {
                         *              Pbest = new Path(path[Dindex]);
                         *              Vbest = Vhat;
                         *      }*/