
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialise new FileChangeWatcher that will watch the given files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileNames">
        /// names of files to watch. Each file will be watched only the once, no
        /// matter how many times it might be mentioned.</param>
        public FileChangeWatcher(ICollection <string> fileNames)
            var dirWatchersByDirName = new Dictionary <string, DirWatcher>();

            _dirWatchers = new List <DirWatcher>();

            foreach (string fileName in fileNames)
                var dir  = Misc.GetPathDirectoryName(fileName);
                var name = Misc.GetPathFileName(fileName);

                if (dir == null || name == null)

                DirWatcher dirWatcher;

                if (!dirWatchersByDirName.TryGetValue(dir, out dirWatcher))
                    dirWatcher = new DirWatcher(this, dir);

                    dirWatchersByDirName.Add(dir, dirWatcher);


            foreach (DirWatcher dirWatcher in _dirWatchers)
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>
        /// convertapi-automator provides easy way to convert your files to various formats.
        /// Supported conversion types available available at https://www.convertapi.com/doc/supported-formats .
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// convertapi-automator converts files located inside input directory (set by --dir option).
        /// Conversion destination format(s) are set by creating subdirectories inside input directory named by format.
        /// For example conv-dir/jpg all files placed inside conv-dir will be converted to jpg format and saved inside jpg directory.
        /// Application can run in "watch" mode that will constantly monitor input directory for new files and convert them.
        /// For more usage examples please visit https://github.com/ConvertAPI/convertapi-automator .
        /// IMPORTANT: all files that are placed inside input directory will be DELETED during conversion.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="secret">Your convertapi.com secret. Alternatively can be set to CONVERTAPI_SECRET environment variable.</param>
        /// <param name="dir">File input directory(ies)</param>
        /// <param name="level">File input directory depth level. Default: 0 (supplied directory is an input directory)</param>
        /// <param name="watch">Watch input directory for new files and automatically convert them</param>
        /// <param name="concurrency">File conversion maximum concurrency. Default 10</param>
        static int Main(string secret, List <string> dir, int level, bool watch = false, int concurrency = 10)
            Console.WriteLine($"convertapi-automator {Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version}");
            var exitCode = 0;

            secret ??= Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CONVERTAPI_SECRET");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(secret))
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No secret provided. Please set --secret option. Sign in and get your secret at https://www.convertapi.com");
                exitCode = 1;
            if (dir.Any())
                dir.FindAll(d => !Directory.Exists(d)).ForEach(d =>
                    Console.Error.WriteLine($"Input directory {d} does not exist. Please set valid path to --dir option.");
                    exitCode = 1;
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No input directory provided. Please set --dir option to a path of your input directory.");
                exitCode = 1;

            if (exitCode == 0)
                Lib.Queue.Init(secret, concurrency);

                var dirInfos = dir.Select(d => new DirectoryInfo(d)).ToList();

                if (watch)
                    .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
                        services.AddHostedService <Worker>(p => new Worker(dirInfos, level));
                    Lib.Queue.Cde = new CountdownEvent(1);
                    var inputDirs       = dirInfos.SelectMany(d => DirWatcher.SubDirsByLevel(d, level));
                    var sourceFileCount = inputDirs.Sum(d => Queue.ConvertDir(d));
                    if (sourceFileCount > 0)
                        Lib.Queue.Cde.Wait();                       // If no source files provided exiting
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Use --help for detail information.");

 public Worker(List <DirectoryInfo> dirInfos, int level)
     _dirWatcher = new DirWatcher(dirInfos, level);