Example #1
    IEnumerator DigDelay(Vector2 dir, DiggableTile dt)
        bool _okayToDig = true;

        if (dt.isDiggable())
            if (!dt.isOpen())
                if (_PlayerStats.getStamina() >= _TunnelCost)
                    //play Anim
                    _animMoveDelay = true;
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f));

                    _animMoveDelay = false;
                    _okayToDig = false;
            if (_okayToDig)
                _controlled = false;
                if (!_InGround)
                    _animator.SetBool("InGround", true);
                    _InGround = true;
                _CurrentTunnelTile = dt;
                if (dir == Vector2.right)
                    _horizontalMove = 0.75f;
                else if (dir == Vector2.left)
                    _horizontalMove = -0.75f;
                else if (dir == Vector2.down || dir == Vector2.up)
                    // Debug.Log("DT:" + dt.gameObject + "  @" + dt.transform.position.y);
                    // Debug.Log("OUR:" + "king" + "  @" + this.transform.position.y);

                    //Calculate distance because of weird anchor points? - keep player in middle of tile
                    float newY = (this.transform.position.y - dt.transform.position.y) / 2; //can Div by 2 to alter if sprite is wrong pos
                    if (dir == Vector2.up)
                        newY = newY - 2;

                    this.transform.position = new Vector3(dt.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y - newY, 0);
Example #2
    public void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collision)
        if (collision.transform.GetComponent <DiggableTile>())
            // Debug.Log("Exited Collision w diggable tile");

            //Possible to collided with a New Tile Before Exit is called so need this check
            if (!_InGround) // only keep track of top soil tiles
                if (_CurrentSoilTile == collision.transform.GetComponent <DiggableTile>())
                    _CurrentSoilTile = null;
        else if (collision.transform.parent)
            // handle if collider is agro range or base range
            if (collision.transform.GetComponent <BaseHitBox>())
                if (collision.transform.parent.GetComponent <BuildableObject>())
                    //Add to our list of interactable things in range
                    //Can we search it?
                    if (collision.transform.parent.GetComponent <Searchable>())
                        Searchable s = collision.transform.parent.GetComponent <Searchable>();
                            // Debug.LogWarning("Players in range");

                else if (collision.transform.parent.GetComponent <Rodent>())
                    if (_InRange.Contains(collision.transform.parent.gameObject))
Example #3
    private IEnumerator Dig()
        if (!digging)
            digging = true;

            RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(droneTransform.position, droneTransform.forward * distance, distance, LayerMask.NameToLayer(rayTag));

            foreach (RaycastHit h in hits)
                DiggableTile diggableTile = h.collider.GetComponentInChildren <DiggableTile>();

                if (diggableTile != null)

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(diggingDuration));

            digging = false;
Example #4
    //Collect Pickups and search and attack things
    public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
        //Debug.Log("Enter Trigger with" + collision.transform.gameObject);

        if (_wantToAttack && _AttackTarget != null)
            if (collision.gameObject.transform.parent)
                if (collision.gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject == _AttackTarget)
        else if (_MoveLocation == collision.gameObject)
            _horizontalMove = 0;

        if (collision.transform.GetComponent <DiggableTile>())
            // Debug.Log("Collider w diggable tile");
            if (!_InGround) // only keep track of top soil tiles
                _CurrentSoilTile = collision.transform.GetComponent <DiggableTile>();
        else if (collision.transform.parent)
            // handle if collider is agro range or base range
            if (collision.transform.GetComponent <BaseHitBox>())
                //print("Collided with a  base hitbox");
                if (collision.transform.parent.GetComponent <BuildableObject>())
                    // print("collded with a buildng hitbox");
                    //Add to our list of interactable things in range
                    //print("Added: " + collision.transform.parent.gameObject);
                    //Can we search it?
                    if (collision.transform.parent.GetComponent <Searchable>())
                        Searchable s = collision.transform.parent.GetComponent <Searchable>();
                            // Debug.LogWarning("Players in range");

                else if (collision.transform.parent.GetComponent <Rodent>())
                    //Add to our list of interactable things in range
                    Rodent r = collision.transform.parent.GetComponent <Rodent>();
                    if (r.getTeam() == 2 && _InRange.Contains(collision.transform.parent.gameObject) == false)

        ///Old Game Jam code, could be reused for pickups
        else if (collision.transform.GetComponent <CoinResource>())
            // if (collision.transform.GetComponent<CoinResource>().isActive())
                ResourceManagerScript.Instance.incrementResource(ResourceManagerScript.ResourceType.Trash, 1);
Example #5
    public bool CheckTile(string Direction)
        // Debug.Log("ourPos:" + this.transform.position);
        Vector3 location;
        Vector2 directionVector = Vector2.zero;

        if (_CurrentTunnelTile != null)
            location = _CurrentTunnelTile.transform.position;
            location = _CurrentSoilTile.transform.position;

        if (Direction.Equals("right"))
            directionVector = Vector2.right;
            // location += new Vector3(-1f, 0, 0);
        else if (Direction.Equals("left"))
            directionVector = Vector2.left;
            //Character is oddly offset due to tail?
            //location += new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
        else if (Direction.Equals("up"))
            directionVector = Vector2.up;
            // location += new Vector3(0.8f, 0, 0);
        else if (Direction.Equals("down"))
            directionVector = Vector2.down;
            // location += new Vector3(0.8f, 0, 0);
        LayerMask _LayerMask = (1 << 11);

        // initial hit has to stay right.. or it misses left.. idk wtf its doing
        RaycastHit2D initialHit = Physics2D.Raycast(location, directionVector, 2f, _LayerMask);

        RaycastHit2D[] hits = Physics2D.RaycastAll(location, directionVector, 8f, _LayerMask);

        //Debug stuff

        Vector2 LocRaised = new Vector2(location.x - 0.1f, location.y + 0.2f);
        Vector3 pos       = (LocRaised + (directionVector * 2));

        Debug.DrawLine(LocRaised, pos, Color.blue, 3f);
        Vector3 pos2 = (new Vector2(location.x, location.y) + (directionVector * 8));

        Debug.DrawLine(location, pos2, Color.red, 3f);

        GameObject localCurrentTile;

        //Have to be able to find the current tile were on first (Note: _CurrentTile Global is next tile at this point)
        if (initialHit.collider)
            //Debug.Log("Local current tile=" + initialHit.collider.gameObject);
            localCurrentTile = initialHit.collider.gameObject;

            foreach (RaycastHit2D h in hits)
                if (h.collider.gameObject != localCurrentTile)
                    if (h.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <DiggableTile>())
                        //  Debug.Log("Found DiggableTile:" + h.collider.gameObject);
                        DiggableTile dt = h.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <DiggableTile>();
                        if (dt.isDiggable())
                            // Debug.Log("Its True:" + h.collider.gameObject);
                            if ((directionVector == Vector2.right || directionVector == Vector2.left))
                                if (!dt.isTopSoil())
                                    StartCoroutine(DigDelay(directionVector, dt));
                                    _MoveLocation.transform.position = h.collider.gameObject.transform.position;
                            else // up and down
                                StartCoroutine(DigDelay(directionVector, dt));

        if (directionVector == Vector2.up && _CurrentTunnelTile.isTopSoil() && _CurrentTunnelTile.isDiggable())
            // Debug.Log("IsPassable Top tile:" +_CurrentTopTile);
            //go up to initial ground level
            this.transform.position          = new Vector3(this.transform.position.x, _YHeight, 0);
            _MoveLocation.transform.position = new Vector3(this.transform.position.x, _YHeight, 0);
            _InGround = false;
            _animator.SetBool("InGround", false);
