Example #1
        private void ParseDiffs(string oldScript, string newScript)
            StringBuilder   textBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            List <DiffItem> diffItems   = Diff.DiffTexts(oldScript, newScript);

            foreach (DiffItem diffItem in diffItems)
                switch (diffItem.type)
                case DiffItem.DiffType.Deleted:
                case DiffItem.DiffType.Inserted:
                    DiffSegment segment = new DiffSegment()
                        StartOffset = textBuilder.Length,
                        Length      = diffItem.data.Length,
                        type        = diffItem.type

                string newline = Environment.NewLine;
                textBuilder.Remove(textBuilder.Length - newline.Length, newline.Length);
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {} // pass

            scriptView.Text = textBuilder.ToString();
Example #2
            private void DrawSegment(DiffSegment segment, TextView textView, DrawingContext drawingContext)
                BackgroundGeometryBuilder geoBuilder = new BackgroundGeometryBuilder
                    AlignToWholePixels = true,
                    BorderThickness    = 0,
                    CornerRadius       = 3,

                Brush markerBrush;

                switch (segment.type)
                case DiffItem.DiffType.Deleted:
                    markerBrush = deletedBrush;
                    geoBuilder.AddSegment(textView, segment);

                case DiffItem.DiffType.Inserted:
                    markerBrush = addedBrush;
                    geoBuilder.AddSegment(textView, segment);

                    markerBrush = null;

                Geometry geometry = geoBuilder.CreateGeometry();

                if (geometry != null)
                    drawingContext.DrawGeometry(markerBrush, null, geometry);
Example #3
        public DiffUsingTFS(string[] args)
            Debug.Assert(args.Count() >= 2, "Usage: SyntaxDiff.exe file1 file2");
            string      file1 = args[0], file2 = args[1];
            DiffOptions diffOptions = new DiffOptions();

            diffOptions.UseThirdPartyTool = false;
            diffOptions.OutputType        = DiffOutputType.Unified;

            // Wherever we want to send our text-based diff output
            diffOptions.StreamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput());

            Console.WriteLine("Difference.DiffFiles - output to console");
            DiffSegment diffs = Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.Difference.DiffFiles(
                file1, FileType.Detect(file1, null), file2, FileType.Detect(file2, null), diffOptions);

            var diff = diffs;

            while (diff != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Diff ==> {0} {1}:{2}:{3} {4}:{5}:{6}",
                                  diff.Type, diff.OriginalStart, diff.OriginalLength, diff.OriginalStartOffset, diff.ModifiedStart, diff.ModifiedLength, diff.ModifiedStartOffset);
                diff = diff.Next;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a list of line numbers in s and t that differ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="t"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Tuple <List <int>, List <int> > DiffStrings(List <string> s, List <string> t)
            if (s.Count == t.Count && s.Zip(t).Where(x => x.Item1 != x.Item2).Count() == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No diffs");
                return(Tuple.Create(new List <int>(), new List <int>()));

            //dump to a file and call DiffFiles
            var sFileName = "___tmp_diff_str_1";
            var tFileName = "___tmp_diff_str_2";
            var sFile     = new StreamWriter(sFileName);
            var tFile     = new StreamWriter(tFileName);

            s.Iter(l => sFile.WriteLine(l)); sFile.Close();
            t.Iter(l => tFile.WriteLine(l)); tFile.Close();

            DiffOptions diffOptions = new DiffOptions();

            diffOptions.UseThirdPartyTool = false;
            diffOptions.OutputType        = DiffOutputType.Unified;

            // Wherever we want to send our text-based diff output
            diffOptions.StreamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput());

            DiffSegment diffs = Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.Difference.DiffFiles(
                sFileName, FileType.Detect(sFileName, null), tFileName, FileType.Detect(tFileName, null), diffOptions);

            var diff       = diffs;
            var sDiffLines = new List <int>();
            var tDiffLines = new List <int>();

            if (diff.Next != null) //some diff
                int sLast = int.MaxValue;
                int tLast = int.MaxValue;
                while (diff != null)
                    /*Console.WriteLine("Diff ==> {0} {1}:{2}:{3} {4}:{5}:{6}",
                     *  diff.Type, diff.OriginalStart, diff.OriginalLength, diff.OriginalStartOffset, diff.ModifiedStart, diff.ModifiedLength, diff.ModifiedStartOffset);*/
                    sDiffLines.AddRange(ComputeRange(sLast, diff.OriginalStart));
                    sLast = diff.OriginalStart + diff.OriginalLength;
                    tDiffLines.AddRange(ComputeRange(tLast, diff.ModifiedStart));
                    tLast = diff.ModifiedStart + diff.ModifiedLength;
                    diff  = diff.Next;
            return(Tuple.Create(sDiffLines, tDiffLines));
Example #5
        private static Dictionary <int, int> Diff(DiffSegment diffSegment)
            var result = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            while (diffSegment != null)
                int originalLine = diffSegment.OriginalStart;
                int modifiedLine = diffSegment.ModifiedStart;
                for (var i = 0; i < diffSegment.OriginalLength; i++)
                    result.Add(originalLine, modifiedLine);

                diffSegment = diffSegment.Next;

Example #6
        public static DiffSummary DiffFiles(String source, Int32 sourceCodePage,
                                            String target, Int32 targetCodePage,
                                            DiffOptions diffOptions)
            DiffSegment currSegment = Difference.DiffFiles(source, sourceCodePage, target, targetCodePage, diffOptions);
            DiffSummary summary     = new DiffSummary();

            // Initialize a set of position markers which will be used to walk
            // through the files
            Int32 currentOriginalPosition = 0;
            Int32 currentModifiedPosition = 0;

            while (currSegment != null)
                // Everything between the postiion markers and the start of the current common segment
                // will be either lines which were deleted or lines which were added
                Int32 linesDeleted = currSegment.OriginalStart - currentOriginalPosition;
                Int32 linesAdded   = currSegment.ModifiedStart - currentModifiedPosition;

                summary.TotalLinesModified += Math.Min(linesDeleted, linesAdded);
                summary.TotalLinesAdded    += Math.Max(0, linesAdded - linesDeleted);
                summary.TotalLinesDeleted  += Math.Max(0, linesDeleted - linesAdded);

                // Advance the position markers to the end of the common section
                currentOriginalPosition = currSegment.OriginalStart + currSegment.OriginalLength;
                currentModifiedPosition = currSegment.ModifiedStart + currSegment.ModifiedLength;

                // Move to the next segment in the linked-list
                currSegment = currSegment.Next;

            // After walking the linked-list of common sections, the position markers
            // will be pointing to the end of the file, thus we can infer how many lines
            // are in each file.
            summary.OriginalLineCount = currentOriginalPosition;
            summary.ModifiedLineCount = currentModifiedPosition;

        private static Dictionary<int, int> Diff(DiffSegment diffSegment)
            var result = new Dictionary<int, int>();

            while (diffSegment != null)
                int originalLine = diffSegment.OriginalStart;
                int modifiedLine = diffSegment.ModifiedStart;
                for (int i = 0; i < diffSegment.OriginalLength; i++)
                    result.Add(originalLine, modifiedLine);

                diffSegment = diffSegment.Next;

            return result;
Example #8
 public void AddSegment(DiffSegment segment)