private void ApplyColors(TableRow row, DiffComparison comparison)
     switch (comparison.State)
         case DiffState.Added:
             row.CssClass = "bg-novo";
             if (AddedBackColor.HasValue)
                 row.BackColor = AddedBackColor.Value;
             if (AddedForeColor.HasValue)
                 row.ForeColor = AddedForeColor.Value;
         case DiffState.Deleted:
             row.CssClass = "bg-excluido";
             if (DeletedBackColor.HasValue)
                 row.BackColor = DeletedBackColor.Value;
             if (DeletedForeColor.HasValue)
                 row.ForeColor = DeletedForeColor.Value;
         case DiffState.Modified:
             row.CssClass = "bg-alterado";
             if (ModifiedBackColor.HasValue)
                 row.BackColor = ModifiedBackColor.Value;
             if (ModifiedForeColor.HasValue)
                 row.ForeColor = ModifiedForeColor.Value;
         case DiffState.NotChanged:
             row.CssClass = "bg-igual";
             if (NotChangedBackColor.HasValue)
                 row.BackColor = NotChangedBackColor.Value;
             if (NotChangedForeColor.HasValue)
                 row.ForeColor = NotChangedForeColor.Value;
         case DiffState.Unknow:
             row.CssClass = "bg-inconclusivo";
             if (UnknowBackColor.HasValue)
                 row.BackColor = UnknowBackColor.Value;
             if (UnknowForeColor.HasValue)
                 row.ForeColor = UnknowForeColor.Value;
        protected override void PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable retrievedData)
            if (this.DesignMode)


            // Verify data exists.
            if (retrievedData != null)

                TableRow row;
                TableCell cell1 = null,
                    cell2 = null,
                    cell3 = null,
                    cell4 = null,
                    cell5 = null,
                    cell6 = null,
                    cell7 = null,
                    cell8 = null;

                string dataStr = String.Empty;

                bool titleAlreadyShowed = false;

                foreach (object dataItem in retrievedData)
                    DiffComparison comparison;

                    if (this.DesignMode)
                        comparison = new DiffComparison();
                        comparison.NewValue = "abc";
                        comparison.OldValue = "abc";
                        comparison.PropertyName = "PropertyName";
                        comparison = ((DiffComparison)dataItem);
                        if (!StateFilter.Has(comparison.State))

                        if (PutSpacesInPropertyName)
                            comparison.PropertyName = PutSpaces(comparison.PropertyName);

                        comparison.NewValue = TranslateData(comparison.NewValue);
                        comparison.OldValue = TranslateData(comparison.OldValue);

                    if (LabelDisposition == LabelDisposition.Row)
                        if (!titleAlreadyShowed)
                            row = new TableRow();
                            row.CssClass = "header-row";
                            if (TitleBackColor.HasValue)
                                row.BackColor = TitleBackColor.Value;
                            if (TitleForeColor.HasValue)
                                row.ForeColor = TitleForeColor.Value;
                            CreateCell(cell1, row, true, PropertyNameTextField, PropertyNameStyle);
                            CreateCell(cell3, row, true, OldValueTextField, OldValueStyle);
                            CreateCell(cell5, row, true, NewValueTextField, NewValueStyle);
                            CreateCell(cell7, row, ShowState, StatusTextField, StatusStyle);
                            titleAlreadyShowed = true;

                        row = new TableRow();
                        ApplyColors(row, comparison);

                        CreateCell(cell2, row, true, comparison.PropertyName.PadLeft(comparison.Depth * 3, "&nbsp"));
                        CreateCell(cell4, row, true, comparison.OldValue.ToString());
                        CreateCell(cell6, row, true, comparison.NewValue.ToString());
                        CreateCell(cell8, row, ShowState, GetDiffState(comparison.State).ToString());

                        if (comparison.LastProperty)
                            tbl.Rows[tbl.Rows.Count - 1].CssClass += " separator-row";
                    else if (LabelDisposition == LabelDisposition.Column)
                        row = new TableRow();
                        ApplyColors(row, comparison);
                        CreateCell(cell1, row, ShowPropertyName, PropertyNameTextField, PropertyNameStyle);
                        CreateCell(cell2, row, true, comparison.PropertyName.PadLeft(comparison.Depth * 3, "&nbsp"));
                        CreateCell(cell3, row, ShowOldValueName, OldValueTextField, OldValueStyle);
                        CreateCell(cell4, row, true, comparison.OldValue.ToString());
                        CreateCell(cell5, row, ShowNewValueName, NewValueTextField, NewValueStyle);
                        CreateCell(cell6, row, true, comparison.NewValue.ToString());
                        CreateCell(cell7, row, ShowState, GetDiffState(comparison.State).ToString());
                        row = new TableRow();
                        ApplyColors(row, comparison);
                        CreateCell(cell2, row, true, comparison.PropertyName.PadLeft(comparison.Depth * 3, "&nbsp"));
                        CreateCell(cell4, row, true, comparison.OldValue.ToString());
                        CreateCell(cell6, row, true, comparison.NewValue.ToString());
                        CreateCell(cell7, row, ShowState, GetDiffState(comparison.State).ToString());

Example #3
        private static LongestCommonSubstringResult FindLongestCommonSubstring <T> (
            IList <T> listA, IList <T> listB, int startA, int endA, int startB, int endB, DiffComparison update, DiffCache cache)
            where T : IDiffComparable
            // default result, if we can't find anything
            var result = new LongestCommonSubstringResult();

            for (int index1 = startA; index1 < endA; index1++)
                for (int index2 = startB; index2 < endB; index2++)
                    int length = CountEqual(listA, listB, index1, endA, index2, endB, update, cache);
                    if (length > 0)
                        // Is longer than what we already have? --> record new LCS
                        if (length > result.Length)
                            result = new LongestCommonSubstringResult(index1, index2, length);

Example #4
        private static int CountEqual <T> (
            IList <T> listA, IList <T> listB, int startA, int endA, int startB, int endB, DiffComparison update, DiffCache cache)
            where T : IDiffComparable
            int length = 0;

            while (startA < endA && startB < endB)
                var comp = cache.Compare(listA, startA, listB, startB);
                if (comp != DiffComparison.Same && comp != update)
Example #5
        private static IEnumerable <DiffSection <T> > Calculate <T> (
            IList <T> listA, IList <T> listB, int startA, int endA, int startB, int endB, DiffComparison update, DiffCache cache)
            where T : IDiffComparable
            var lcs = FindLongestCommonSubstring(listA, listB, startA, endA, startB, endB, update, cache);

            if (lcs.Success)
                // deal with the section before
                var sectionsBefore =
                    Calculate(listA, listB, startA, lcs.PositionA, startB, lcs.PositionB, update, cache);

                foreach (var section in sectionsBefore)
                    yield return(section);

                // output the copy operation
                for (int i = 0; i < lcs.Length; i++)
                    int indexA = lcs.PositionA + i, indexB = lcs.PositionB + i;
                    yield return(new DiffSection <T> (DiffType.Copy, indexA, listA [indexA], indexB, listB [indexB]));

                // deal with the section after
                var sectionsAfter =
                    Calculate(listA, listB, lcs.PositionA + lcs.Length, endA, lcs.PositionB + lcs.Length, endB, update, cache);

                foreach (var section in sectionsAfter)
                    yield return(section);

                yield break;
            else if (update == DiffComparison.SoftUpdate)
                var sectionsUpdate = Calculate(listA, listB, startA, endA, startB, endB, DiffComparison.Update, cache);
                foreach (var section in sectionsUpdate)
                    yield return(section);
                yield break;

            // if we get here, no LCS
            if (endA > startA)
                // we got content from first collection --> deleted
                for (int i = 0; i < endA - startA; i++)
                    yield return(new DiffSection <T> (DiffType.Remove, startA + i, listA[startA + i], startB, default(T)));

            if (endB > startB)
                // we got content from second collection --> inserted
                for (int i = 0; i < endB - startB; i++)
                    yield return(new DiffSection <T> (DiffType.Add, startA, default(T), startB + i, listB[startB + i]));