Example #1
        public HDDialog(Context context, string HD) : base(context)
            _DieRoll = DieRoll.FromString(HD);




            EditText et = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.modText);

            et.Text         = _DieRoll.mod.ToString();
            et.TextChanged += (object sender, Android.Text.TextChangedEventArgs e) =>
                int val;
                if (int.TryParse(et.Text, out val))
                    _DieRoll.mod = val;

            ((Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.cancelButton)).Click +=
                (object sender, EventArgs e) => { Dismiss(); };

            ((Button)FindViewById(Resource.Id.okButton)).Click +=
                (object sender, EventArgs e) => { Dismiss(); FireOk(); };

Example #2
            public AttackRollResult(Attack atk)
                _Attack = atk;

                _Name = atk.Name;

                Rolls = new List <SingleAttackRoll>();

                if (atk.Weapon != null)
                    _Name = atk.Weapon.Name;

                int totalAttacks = atk.Count * atk.Bonus.Count;

                for (int atkcount = 0; atkcount < atk.Count; atkcount++)
                    foreach (int mod in atk.Bonus)
                        SingleAttackRoll sr = new SingleAttackRoll();

                        DieRoll roll = new DieRoll(1, 20, mod);

                        sr.Result = roll.Roll();
                        sr.Damage = atk.Damage.Roll();

                        if (atk.Plus != null)
                            Regex plusRegex = new Regex("(?<die>[0-9]+d[0-9]+((\\+|-)[0-9]+)?) (?<type>[a-zA-Z]+)");
                            Match dm        = plusRegex.Match(atk.Plus);
                            if (dm.Success)
                                DieRoll     bonusRoll = DieRoll.FromString(dm.Groups["die"].Value);
                                BonusDamage bd        = new BonusDamage();
                                bd.Damage     = bonusRoll.Roll();
                                bd.DamageType = dm.Groups["type"].Value;

                        if (sr.Result.Rolls[0].Result >= atk.CritRange)
                            sr.CritResult = roll.Roll();

                            sr.CritDamage = new RollResult();

                            for (int i = 1; i < atk.CritMultiplier; i++)
                                RollResult crit = atk.Damage.Roll();

                                sr.CritDamage = crit + sr.CritDamage;

Example #3
        public void FromStringTest()
            string  st       = "2d8-1";
            DieRoll expected = new DieRoll(2, 8, -1);
            DieRoll actual   = DieRoll.FromString(st);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.ToString(), actual.ToString());
Example #4
        void Roll()
            EditText dieText = View.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.rollText);

            DieRoll roll = DieRoll.FromString(dieText.Text);

Example #5
        void RollButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DieRoll r = DieRoll.FromString(_DieText);

Example #6
        protected void ButtonRoll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DieRoll dr = DieRoll.FromString(TextDieRoll.Text);

            int rollCount;

                rollCount = Convert.ToInt32(TextRollCount.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                rollCount = 1;

            if (rollCount > 0)
                DieRollResults results = Roll(dr, rollCount);

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("Minimum, Maximum, Average for ");
                sb.Append(": ");
                sb.Append(", ");
                sb.Append(", ");
                sb.Append("<br />Roll results: ");
                sb.Append("<br />Sorted: ");
                sb.Append("<br />Reversed: ");
                sb.Append("<br />Lowest, Highest, Average rolled: ");
                sb.Append(", ");
                sb.Append(", ");

                if (rollCount > 3)
                    sb.Append("<br />Top 3 rolls: ");
                    sb.Append(", total ");
                LabelResult.Text = sb.ToString();
                LabelResult.Text = "Number of Rolls must be a positive integer.";
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to parse the string expression of Monster Hit Dice
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The Monster Hit Dice string expression was succesfully parsed and set to HitPoints</returns>
        public bool TryParseHitPoints()
            DieRoll dr = DieRoll.FromString(this.monster.HitDice);

            if (dr != null)
                this.HitPoints = dr.Roll().Total;

Example #8
        void HandleDieSwipe(UISwipeGestureRecognizer rec)
            GradientButton b = _Recs[rec];


            int value = (int)b.Tag;

            DieRoll r = DieRoll.FromString("1d" + value);

            SlideView(b, true);

Example #9
        void AddDieRoll(int die)
            EditText dieText = View.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.rollText);

            DieRoll roll = DieRoll.FromString(dieText.Text);

            if (roll == null)
                roll = new DieRoll(1, die, 0);
                roll.AddDie(new DieStep(1, die));

            dieText.Text = roll.Text;
Example #10
        void DieClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DieRoll roll = DieRoll.FromString(_DieText);

            if (roll == null)
                roll = new DieRoll(1, (int)((UIButton)sender).Tag, 0);
                roll.AddDie(new DieStep(1, (int)((UIButton)sender).Tag));

            SlideView((UIView)sender, false);
            _DieText = roll.Text;
Example #11
        RollableList GetADnDTreasureTypes()
            // Generate the ADnD 1E TreasureTypes list
            // TODO:
            // - read from XML or another data source; I don't think the syntax to specify some of these things exists yet
            // - on the other hand, this is a good demo for generating tables in code
            // - generate individual spells for scrolls
            // - incorporate gp values for gems and jewelery, and XP values for magic items;
            //	-- this will involve creating descendant GameObject classes with these attributes;
            //	-- add the option to hide gem names and to consolidate the values into one, e.g. "gems (50,000 gp)"
            //	-- include a total GP and XP value for each trove, or the data for computing it on the client side
            RollableList List = new RollableList();
            // establish session
            XmlProvider provider = new XmlProvider(Repository.GetCurrentRepository(), GemsPath);

            provider.FilePath = ADnDPath;

            // Treasure types table from AD&D 1E Monster Manual
            ItemList list = new ItemList();

            // ****** A die roll string consisting only of a constant N should convert to 0d0+N
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("cp", "cp"), DieRoll.FromString("d6"), 1000, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("sp", "sp"), DieRoll.FromString("d6"), 1000, 30));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("ep", "ep"), DieRoll.FromString("d6"), 1000, 35));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("gp", "gp"), DieRoll.FromString("d10"), 1000, 40));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("pp", "pp"), DieRoll.FromString("d4"), 100, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("4d10"), 1, 60));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("3d10"), 1, 50));
            TableRoll tempRoll = new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("I. Map or Magic Determination"));

            tempRoll.Rolls = 3;
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(tempRoll, DieRoll.FromString("d1"), 1, 30));
            List.Add("A", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("cp", "cp"), DieRoll.FromString("d8"), 1000, 50));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("sp", "sp"), DieRoll.FromString("d6"), 1000, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("ep", "ep"), DieRoll.FromString("d4"), 1000, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("gp", "gp"), DieRoll.FromString("d3"), 1000, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("d8"), 1, 30));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("d4"), 1, 20));

            // Sword, armor or misc. weapon: 10%
            //   This means 10% of the time we have to pick one of three tables (Swords, Armor, and Misc. Weapons) and roll on that table.
            //   - create a temporary RollableTable that contains TableRolls for those three tables;
            //   - create an ItemRoll that rolls on the temp table 10% of the time;
            //   - add the ItemRoll to the List.
            RollableTable tempTable = new RollableTable();

            tempTable.Dice = new DieRoll("d3");
            tempTable.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Swords")), 1);
            tempTable.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Armor and Shields")), 2);
            tempTable.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Miscellaneous Weapons")), 3);
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(tempTable), DieRoll.FromString("d1"), 1, 10));
            List.Add("B", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("cp", "cp"), DieRoll.FromString("d12"), 1000, 20));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("sp", "sp"), DieRoll.FromString("d6"), 1000, 30));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("ep", "ep"), DieRoll.FromString("d4"), 1000, 10));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("d6"), 1, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("d3"), 1, 20));
            tempRoll       = new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("I. Map or Magic Determination"));
            tempRoll.Rolls = 2;
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(tempRoll, DieRoll.FromString("d1"), 1, 10));
            List.Add("C", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("cp", "cp"), DieRoll.FromString("d8"), 1000, 10));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("sp", "sp"), DieRoll.FromString("d12"), 1000, 15));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("ep", "ep"), DieRoll.FromString("d8"), 1000, 15));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("gp", "gp"), DieRoll.FromString("d6"), 1000, 50));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("d10"), 1, 30));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("d6"), 1, 25));
            // Any 2 plus 1 potion: 15%
            // This means 15% of the time we roll 2 Maps-or-Magic results, AND we roll a potion;
            // - create a TableRoll that rolls twice on the Maps and Magic table
            // - create a TableRoll that rolls once on the Potions table
            // - put both TableRolls in an ItemList
            // - create an ItemRoll that returns the ItemList 15% of the time.
            tempRoll       = new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("I. Map or Magic Determination"));
            tempRoll.Rolls = 2;
            ItemList tempList = new ItemList();

            // don't need tempRoll for the potions since Rolls = 1
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Potions")));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(tempList, DieRoll.FromString("d1"), 1, 15));
            List.Add("D", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("cp", "cp"), DieRoll.FromString("d10"), 1000, 5));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("sp", "sp"), DieRoll.FromString("d12"), 1000, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("ep", "ep"), DieRoll.FromString("d6"), 1000, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("gp", "gp"), DieRoll.FromString("d8"), 1000, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("d12"), 1, 15));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("d8"), 1, 10));
            // Any 3 plus 1 scroll: 25% -- same pattern as D
            tempRoll       = new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("I. Map or Magic Determination"));
            tempRoll.Rolls = 3;
            tempList       = new ItemList();
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Scrolls")));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(tempList, DieRoll.FromString("d1"), 1, 25));
            List.Add("E", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("sp", "sp"), DieRoll.FromString("d20"), 1000, 10));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("ep", "ep"), DieRoll.FromString("d12"), 1000, 15));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("gp", "gp"), DieRoll.FromString("d10"), 1000, 40));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("pp", "pp"), DieRoll.FromString("d8"), 100, 35));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("3d10"), 1, 20));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("d10"), 1, 10));

            // Any 3 except swords or misc. weapons, plus 1 potion and 1 scroll: 30%
            // To exclude swords or misc. weapons we can ignore results above 75 on the Magic Items table.
            // This requires a modified version the Map or Magic Determination table.
            tempTable      = new RollableTable();
            tempTable.Dice = new DieRoll("d100");
            tempTable.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("II. Map Table")), 10);
            tempRoll             = new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Magic Items"));
            tempRoll.IgnoreAbove = 75;
            tempTable.Add(tempRoll, 100);
            // create a TableRoll to roll 3 times on the temp table
            tempRoll       = new TableRoll(tempTable);
            tempRoll.Rolls = 3;
            // create an ItemList and add the tempRoll and the potion and scroll rolls
            tempList = new ItemList();
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Potions")));
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Scrolls")));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(tempList, DieRoll.FromString("d1"), 1, 30));

            List.Add("F", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("gp", "gp"), DieRoll.FromString("10d4"), 1000, 50));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("pp", "pp"), DieRoll.FromString("d20"), 100, 50));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("5d4"), 1, 30));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("d10"), 1, 25));

            // Any 4 plus 1 scroll: 35% -- same pattern as E
            tempRoll       = new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("I. Map or Magic Determination"));
            tempRoll.Rolls = 4;
            tempList       = new ItemList();
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Scrolls")));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(tempList, DieRoll.FromString("d1"), 1, 35));

            List.Add("G", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("cp", "cp"), DieRoll.FromString("5d6"), 1000, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("sp", "sp"), DieRoll.FromString("d100"), 1000, 40));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("ep", "ep"), DieRoll.FromString("10d4"), 1000, 40));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("gp", "gp"), DieRoll.FromString("10d6"), 1000, 55));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("pp", "pp"), DieRoll.FromString("5d10"), 100, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("d100"), 1, 50));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("10d4"), 1, 50));

            // Any 4 plus 1 scroll: 35% -- same pattern as E
            tempRoll       = new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("I. Map or Magic Determination"));
            tempRoll.Rolls = 4;
            tempList       = new ItemList();
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Potions")));
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Scrolls")));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(tempList, DieRoll.FromString("d1"), 1, 15));

            List.Add("H", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("pp", "pp"), DieRoll.FromString("3d6"), 100, 30));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("2d10"), 1, 55));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("d12"), 1, 50));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("I. Map or Magic Determination")), DieRoll.FromString("d1"), 1, 15));
            List.Add("I", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("cp", "cp"), DieRoll.FromString("3d8")));
            List.Add("J", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("sp", "sp"), DieRoll.FromString("3d6")));
            List.Add("K", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("gp", "gp"), DieRoll.FromString("2d6")));
            List.Add("L", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("ep", "ep"), DieRoll.FromString("2d4")));
            List.Add("M", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("pp", "pp"), DieRoll.FromString("d6")));
            List.Add("N", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("cp", "cp"), DieRoll.FromString("d4"), 1000, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("sp", "sp"), DieRoll.FromString("d3"), 1000, 20));
            List.Add("O", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("sp", "sp"), DieRoll.FromString("d6"), 1000, 30));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("ep", "ep"), DieRoll.FromString("d2"), 1000, 25));
            List.Add("P", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("d4"), 1, 50));
            List.Add("Q", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("gp", "gp"), DieRoll.FromString("2d4"), 1000, 40));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("pp", "pp"), DieRoll.FromString("10d6"), 100, 50));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("4d8"), 1, 55));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("d12"), 1, 45));
            List.Add("R", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Potions")), DieRoll.FromString("2d4"), 1, 40));
            List.Add("S", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Scrolls")), DieRoll.FromString("d4"), 1, 50));
            List.Add("T", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("10d8"), 1, 90));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("5d6"), 1, 80));
            // 1 roll on each magic item table excluding potions and scrolls: 70%
            tempList = new ItemList();
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Rings")));
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Rods, Staves and Wands")));
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Miscellaneous Magic")));
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Armor and Shields")));
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Swords")));
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Miscellaneous Weapons")));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(tempList, new DieRoll("d1"), 1, 70));
            List.Add("U", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            // 2 rolls on each magic item table excluding potions and scrolls: 85%
            // Just reuse the temp list from "U" but resolve it twice
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(tempList, new DieRoll("2d1"), 1, 85));
            List.Add("V", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("gp", "gp"), DieRoll.FromString("5d6"), 1000, 60));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("pp", "pp"), DieRoll.FromString("d8"), 100, 15));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("10d8"), 1, 60));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("5d8"), 1, 50));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("II. Map Table")), DieRoll.FromString("d1"), 1, 55));
            List.Add("W", list);

            list     = new ItemList();
            tempList = new ItemList();
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Miscellaneous Magic")));
            tempList.Add(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Potions")));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(tempList, new DieRoll("d1"), 1, 60));
            List.Add("X", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("gp", "gp"), DieRoll.FromString("2d6"), 1000, 70));
            List.Add("Y", list);

            list = new ItemList();
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("cp", "cp"), DieRoll.FromString("d3"), 1000, 20));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("sp", "sp"), DieRoll.FromString("d4"), 1000, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("ep", "ep"), DieRoll.FromString("d4"), 1000, 25));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("gp", "gp"), DieRoll.FromString("d4"), 1000, 30));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new GameObject("pp", "pp"), DieRoll.FromString("d6"), 100, 30));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Gems and Jewels")), DieRoll.FromString("10d6"), 1, 55));
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("Jewelry")), DieRoll.FromString("5d6"), 1, 50));
            tempRoll       = new TableRoll(Repository.GetTable("III. Magic Items"));
            tempRoll.Rolls = 3;
            list.Add(new ItemRoll(tempRoll, DieRoll.FromString("d1"), 1, 50));
            List.Add("Z", list);
