public bool Save(string path) { gvTasks.CloseEditor(); gvLevelItems.CloseEditor(); gvAttachmentTypes.CloseEditor(); int selectionStart = txtLog.Text.Length - 1; if (!_pack.Save(path)) { tabBottom.SelectedTabPage = tbpLog; txtLog.Select(selectionStart, txtLog.Text.Length - selectionStart); txtLog.ScrollToCaret(); DialogUtility.ShowWarning("Pack was not saved, see errors on the \"{0}\" tab.", tbpLog.Text); return(false); } Text = path; IsNeedSave = false; IsNew = false; return(true); }
private bool ValidateData() { gvItems.CloseEditor(); gvItems.UpdateCurrentRow(); if (txtCount.Value <= 1) { DialogUtility.ShowWarning("{0} must be greater than 1.", lblCount.Text); return(false); } if (txtInterval.Value <= 0) { DialogUtility.ShowWarning("{0} must be greater than 0.", lblInterval.Text); return(false); } if (_items.Count == 0) { DialogUtility.ShowWarning("No items added."); return(false); } int prevFocused = gvItems.FocusedRowHandle; bool hasItemErrors = false; for (int i = 0; i < gvItems.DataRowCount; i++) { gvItems.FocusedRowHandle = i; // NOTE: HasColumnErrors doesn't work foreach (GridColumn gc in gvItems.Columns) { if (!gvItems.GetColumnError(gc).IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { hasItemErrors = true; break; } } if (hasItemErrors) { break; } } gvItems.FocusedRowHandle = prevFocused; if (hasItemErrors) { DialogUtility.ShowWarning("One ore more items in the grid has errors. Correct or remove invalid item(s)."); return(false); } return(true); }
private void EndBinding() { int counter = Interlocked.Decrement(ref _unstableCounter); if (counter < 0) { DialogUtility.ShowError("Unexpected unstable counter: {0}", counter); _unstableCounter = 0; } }
public void LogFormat(UnityEngine.LogType logType, UnityEngine.Object context, string format, params object[] args) { _handler.LogFormat(logType, context, format, args); var level = logType.Cast(); #if DEBUG || PROFILE if (level == LoggerLogLevel.Assert || level == LoggerLogLevel.Exception) { DialogUtility.OpenStackJumpDialog(System.Enum.GetName(typeof(LoggerLogLevel), level) + "!", string.Format(format, args), 3); } #endif }
private async UniTask OpenJoinRoomDialog() { var dialog = await DialogUtility.CreateDialog <RoomDialogPresenter>(DialogType.RoomDialog); var name = await dialog.WaitClose(); if (dialog.Result.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return; } await _roomConnector.ConnectRoom(name); }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { if (Multiplayer.IsRunning) { Multiplayer.WatchBegin(); } var listingStandard = new Listing_Standard { ColumnWidth = inRect.width }; listingStandard.Begin(inRect); var comp = map.GetMapComponent(); Multiplayer.mapFields?.Watch(comp); string labelStay = "AreaToStay".Translate(); string labelBuy = "AreaToBuy".Translate(); var rectStayLabel = listingStandard.GetRect(Text.CalcHeight(labelStay, listingStandard.ColumnWidth)); var rectStay = listingStandard.GetRect(24); var rectBuyLabel = listingStandard.GetRect(Text.CalcHeight(labelBuy, listingStandard.ColumnWidth)); var rectBuy = listingStandard.GetRect(24); DialogUtility.LabelWithTooltip(labelStay, "AreaToStayTooltip".Translate(), rectStayLabel); GenericUtility.DoAreaRestriction(rectStay, comp.defaultAreaRestriction, area => comp.defaultAreaRestriction = area, AreaUtility.AreaAllowedLabel_Area); DialogUtility.LabelWithTooltip(labelBuy, "AreaToBuyTooltip".Translate(), rectBuyLabel); GenericUtility.DoAreaRestriction(rectBuy, comp.defaultAreaShopping, area => comp.defaultAreaShopping = area, GenericUtility.GetShoppingLabel); var rectImproveRelationship = listingStandard.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); DialogUtility.CheckboxLabeled(listingStandard, "ImproveRelationship".Translate(), ref comp.defaultEntertain, rectImproveRelationship, false, ITab_Pawn_Guest.txtImproveTooltip); var rectMakeFriends = listingStandard.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); DialogUtility.CheckboxLabeled(listingStandard, "MakeFriends".Translate(), ref comp.defaultMakeFriends, rectMakeFriends, false, ITab_Pawn_Guest.txtMakeFriendsTooltip); listingStandard.GapLine(24); var rectGuestsAreWelcome = listingStandard.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); DialogUtility.CheckboxLabeled(listingStandard, "GuestsWelcome".Translate(), ref comp.guestsAreWelcome, rectGuestsAreWelcome, false, "GuestsWelcomeTooltip".Translate()); listingStandard.End(); if (Multiplayer.IsRunning) { Multiplayer.WatchEnd(); } }
private void packForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { DialogResult res = DialogResult.Yes; var packForm = (PackForm)sender; if (packForm.IsNew || packForm.IsNeedSave) { string message = String.Format("Save pack \"{0}\"?", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(packForm.Text)); res = DialogUtility.ShowConfirm(true, message); if (res == DialogResult.Yes && !SaveCurrentPack(false)) { res = DialogResult.Cancel; } } e.Cancel = (res == DialogResult.Cancel); }
private void miNavigationNext_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var packForm = GetActivePack(); if (ActiveMdiChild != null) { if (packForm.NextLevel()) { UpdateLevelIndex(); } else { DialogResult res = DialogUtility.ShowConfirm(true, "Current level is the last. Add new level?"); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { miLevelsAdd_Click(sender, e); } } } }
private static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs e) { string fullDetail = String.Format("Unhandled application error occurred: {0}{1}{0}{0}{2}", Environment.NewLine, e.Exception.Message, e.Exception.ToString()); bool isLogged = false; if (_mainForm != null) { var log = _mainForm.ActiveMdiChild as ILog; if (log != null) { log.Write(fullDetail); isLogged = true; } } if (isLogged) { DialogUtility.ShowError("{1}{0}{0}See log tab for detail.", Environment.NewLine, e.Exception.Message); } else { DialogUtility.ShowError(fullDetail); } }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { Rect rect = new Rect(MarginFS, 0f, inRect.width, TitleHeight); Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Widgets.Label(rect, Title); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; // re-render pawn try { if (this.RerenderPawn) {; PortraitsCache.SetDirty(Pawn); this.RerenderPawn = false; } if (!this.Initialized) { this.DresserDto = new DresserDTO(Pawn); this.DresserDto.SetUpdatePawnListeners(this.UpdatePawn); } } catch (Exception ex) { } List <TabRecord> list = new List <TabRecord>(); TabRecord item = new TabRecord( "FacialStuffEditor.Hair".Translate(), this.SetTabFaceStyle(FaceStyleTab.Hair), this.Tab == FaceStyleTab.Hair); list.Add(item); if (this.CompFace.Props.hasBeard) { if (Pawn.gender == Gender.Male) { TabRecord item2 = new TabRecord( "FacialStuffEditor.Beard".Translate(), this.SetTabFaceStyle(FaceStyleTab.Beard), this.Tab == FaceStyleTab.Beard); list.Add(item2); } } if (this.CompFace.Props.hasEyes) { TabRecord item3 = new TabRecord( "FacialStuffEditor.Eye".Translate(), this.SetTabFaceStyle(FaceStyleTab.Eye), this.Tab == FaceStyleTab.Eye); list.Add(item3); TabRecord item4 = new TabRecord( "FacialStuffEditor.Brow".Translate(), this.SetTabFaceStyle(FaceStyleTab.Brow), this.Tab == FaceStyleTab.Brow); list.Add(item4); } if (Controller.settings.ShowBodyChange && Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing) { TabRecord item5 = new TabRecord( "FacialStuffEditor.TypeSelector".Translate(), this.SetTabFaceStyle(FaceStyleTab.TypeSelector), this.Tab == FaceStyleTab.TypeSelector); list.Add(item5); } Rect contentRect = new Rect( 0f, TitleHeight + TabDrawer.TabHeight + MarginFS / 2, inRect.width, inRect.height - TitleHeight - MarginFS * 2 - TabDrawer.TabHeight); TabDrawer.DrawTabs(contentRect, list); this.DrawUI(contentRect); Action backAct = delegate { this.RemoveColorPicker(); // SoundDef.Named("InteractShotgun").PlayOneShotOnCamera(); if (this.OriginalGender != Gender.Male && this.Tab == FaceStyleTab.Beard) { this.Tab = FaceStyleTab.Hair; } this.ResetPawnFace(); }; DialogUtility.DoNextBackButtons( inRect, "Randomize".Translate(), "FacialStuffEditor.Accept".Translate(), backAct, this.FaceRandomizer, this.SaveAndClose); }
private void OpenPack(string fileName, bool isShowDialog) { string formCaption = null; if (isShowDialog) { openPackDialog.InitialDirectory = _lastDirectory; if (openPackDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } fileName = openPackDialog.FileName; AddRecentPack(fileName); _lastDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(openPackDialog.FileName); } else if (!fileName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { return; } var frmOpened = MdiChildren.FirstOrDefault(frm => frm.Text == fileName); if (frmOpened != null) { frmOpened.Activate(); if (DialogUtility.ShowConfirm(true, "File is already opened, do you want to reopen it?") == DialogResult.Yes) { frmOpened.Close(); // проверяем, закрылось ли (могли предложить сохранить и закрытия не произошло) if (MdiChildren.Contains(frmOpened)) { return; } } else { return; } } } else { int index = MdiChildren.Length; do { formCaption = String.Format("Noname{0}", ++index); } while (MdiChildren.Any(frm => frm.Text == formCaption)); } try { var packForm = new PackForm(_levelTemplatePath, fileName); packForm.MdiParent = this; packForm.Activated += packForm_Activated; packForm.FormClosing += packForm_FormClosing; packForm.Disposed += packForm_Disposed; if (formCaption != null) { packForm.Text = formCaption; } packForm.Show(); UpdateFormState(); } catch (Exception ex) { DialogUtility.ShowError("Error while opening pack: {0}", ex.Message); } }