public async Task Send(string jsonPayload)
            using (X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(this.path))
                if (!Program.GetInfo(in cert, out string deviceName, out string vehicleUuid))

                // Retrieves vehicle with Authentication Info from CVS. This step is required to parse out the service authentication key needed
                // to retrieve the vehicle connection information
                using (VehicleConnectionClient vc = new VehicleConnectionClient(new Uri(String.Format("https://{0}:8510", this.domain)), cert))
                    DeviceCredentialInformation deviceInfo = new DeviceCredentialInformation
                        VehicleUuid = vehicleUuid

                    DeviceConnectionInformation connectionInfo = vc.GetDeviceConnectionInfoAsync(deviceInfo, deviceName).Result;

                    if (connectionInfo == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Vehicle ID or device name not found. Please try again");

                    DeviceClient deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(
                        new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey(


                    // construct a basic Device Telemetry Message
                    DeviceTelemetryMessage telemetryMessage = new DeviceTelemetryMessage
                        TelemetryName = this.telemName,

                        // needs to match the prefix of our telemetry extension
                        Payload  = jsonPayload,
                        Priority = MessagePriority.Normal

                    // construct the actual IoT message.  Setting the content type is necessary for prioritization to function properly within CVS.
                    DeviceMessage deviceMessage =
                        new DeviceMessage(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(telemetryMessage)));
                    deviceMessage.ContentType = "application/json";

                    await deviceClient.SendEventAsync(deviceMessage);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Sent telemetry message to IoT hub!");

Example #2
 public override async Task HandleMessageAsync(
     DeviceTelemetryMessage requestBody,
     RequestDetails requestDetails,
     RequestMessageHeaders headers,
     IExtensionGatewayClient client,
     ILogger log)
     await client.PutDeviceTelemetryAsync(requestDetails.DeviceName, requestBody);
        public override async Task HandleMessageAsync(DeviceTelemetryMessage requestBody, RequestDetails requestDetails, RequestMessageHeaders headers, IExtensionGatewayClient client, ILogger log)
            //write telemetry to statestore
            await client.PutDeviceTelemetryAsync(requestDetails.DeviceName, requestBody);

            // Create a secret client using the DefaultAzureCredential

            DefaultAzureCredential cred  = new DefaultAzureCredential();
            DigitalTwinsClient     dtcli = new DigitalTwinsClient(new Uri(""), cred);

            DTUnit du = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <DTUnit>((string)requestBody.Payload);

            var updateOps = new UpdateOperationsUtility();

            if (du.type == "boolean")
                updateOps.AppendAddOp(du.path, bool.Parse(du.value));
            else if ((du.type == "date") || (du.type == "datetime") || (du.type == "time"))
                updateOps.AppendAddOp(du.path, DateTime.Parse(du.value));
            else if (du.type == "double")
                updateOps.AppendAddOp(du.path, double.Parse(du.value));
            else if (du.type == "float")
                updateOps.AppendAddOp(du.path, float.Parse(du.value));
            else if (du.type == "integer")
                updateOps.AppendAddOp(du.path, int.Parse(du.value));
            else if (du.type == "long")
                updateOps.AppendAddOp(du.path, long.Parse(du.value));
                updateOps.AppendAddOp(du.path, du.value);

            string patchPayload = updateOps.Serialize();
            await dtcli.UpdateDigitalTwinAsync(du.dtID, patchPayload);

            // send stuff to the analytics pipeline
            var telemetryItem = new
                VehicleId     = requestDetails.VehicleId,
                TelemetryName = requestBody.TelemetryName,
                Time          = requestBody.Time,
                Payload       = patchPayload

            await client.SendToAnalyticsPipeline(telemetryItem);
        public override async Task HandleMessageAsync(DeviceTelemetryMessage requestBody, RequestDetails requestDetails, RequestMessageHeaders headers, IExtensionGatewayClient client, ILogger log)
            //write telemetry to statestore
            await client.PutDeviceTelemetryAsync(requestDetails.DeviceName, requestBody);

            // Create a secret client using the DefaultAzureCredential

            DefaultAzureCredential cred  = new DefaultAzureCredential();
            DigitalTwinsClient     dtcli = new DigitalTwinsClient(new Uri(""), cred);

            BasicRelationship rel = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <BasicRelationship>((string)requestBody.Payload);

            string relationshipId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            await dtcli.CreateRelationshipAsync(rel.SourceId, relationshipId, (string)requestBody.Payload);
Example #5
        private static async Task HandleDeviceMessage(DeviceMessage deviceCommandMessage,
                                                      DeviceClient primaryClient, DeviceClient secondaryClient,
                                                      string firstHubName, string secondHubName)
            // this section demonstrates how to parse a non-binary DeviceCommandMessage that was sent down.
            // Later more advanced kits will discuss using binary payloads as another possibility.
            string rawContent;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(deviceCommandMessage.BodyStream))
                rawContent = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

            //DeviceCommandMessage parsedMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DeviceCommandMessage>(rawContent);
            DeviceCommandMessage parsedMessage = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize <DeviceCommandMessage>(rawContent);

            // Create a secret client using the DefaultAzureCredential
            DefaultAzureCredential cred  = new DefaultAzureCredential();
            DigitalTwinsClient     dtcli = new DigitalTwinsClient(new Uri(""), cred);

            BasicDigitalTwin twinData = new BasicDigitalTwin();

            JsonElement ele = (JsonElement)parsedMessage.Payload;

            twinData.Id = ele.GetProperty("$dtId").ToString();
            twinData.Metadata.ModelId = ele.GetProperty("$metadata").GetProperty("$model").ToString();

            await dtcli.CreateDigitalTwinAsync(twinData.Id, System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(twinData));

            await primaryClient.CompleteAsync(deviceCommandMessage);

            Console.WriteLine("The received command name is: " + parsedMessage.CommandName);

            Console.Write("Enter a response string:\n>");
            string responseString = Console.ReadLine();

            // construct a basic Device Telemetry Message with a minimal set of fields.  This will be used to respond to the command.
            DeviceTelemetryMessage telemetryMessage = new DeviceTelemetryMessage
                TelemetryName = parsedMessage.CommandName,
                Payload       = new { rawContent },
                Priority      = MessagePriority.Normal,
                CorrelationId = parsedMessage.CorrelationId // setting the correlation ID allows the platform to recognize this is a response to the previous device command message.

            // construct the actual IoT message.  Setting the content type is necessary for prioritization to function properly within CVS.
            using (DeviceMessage deviceMessage = new DeviceMessage(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(telemetryMessage))))
                deviceMessage.ContentType = "application/json";

                // enqueues the event within IoTHub.  The completion of this event means that it has been enqueued to the cloud, but
                // does not imply that the cloud has actually processed the telemetry message yet.
                    await primaryClient.SendEventAsync(deviceMessage);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Sent telemetry message to {firstHubName} IoTHub in response!");
                catch (Exception)
                    await secondaryClient.SendEventAsync(deviceMessage);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Sent telemetry message to {secondHubName} IoTHub in response!");