public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> GetDeviceCode( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = "device/connect/{deviceID?}")] HttpRequestMessage req, string deviceID, TraceWriter log) { DeviceConnectionInfo info = await _deviceManagement.ConnectDeviceAsync(deviceID); return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK) { Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(info), Encoding.UTF8, JsonMediaType) }); }
/// <summary> /// デバイスにメッセージを送信する /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceConnectionInfo">デバイス接続情報</param> /// <param name="messageBody">メッセージ</param> /// <remarks>エラーが発生した場合には例外を投げる</remarks> /// <returns>成功:true 失敗:falseを返す</returns> public async Task SendMessageAsync(DeviceConnectionInfo deviceConnectionInfo, string messageBody) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(deviceConnectionInfo != null, "deviceConnectionInfo != null"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(deviceConnectionInfo?.EdgeId != null, "deviceConnectionInfo?.EdgeId != null"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionInfo?.IotHubConnectionString.Key), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionInfo?.IotHubConnectionString.Key)"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionInfo?.IotHubConnectionString.Value), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionInfo?.IotHubConnectionString.Value)"); bool result = false; try { _logger.EnterJson("{0}", new { deviceConnectionInfo, messageBody }); // メッセージを変換する var message = new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messageBody)); using (var serviceClient = ServiceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(deviceConnectionInfo.IotHubConnectionString.Value)) { // メッセージの送信を依頼する await _iotHubPolly.ExecuteAsync( async() => { await serviceClient.SendAsync(deviceConnectionInfo.EdgeId.ToString(), message); }); } result = true; } catch (FormatException ex) { // 設定した接続文字列のフォーマットが不正 throw new RmsInvalidAppSettingException(ErrorMessage.InvalidFormat(deviceConnectionInfo.EdgeId, deviceConnectionInfo.IotHubConnectionString.Key), ex); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { // 接続文字列の認証が通らない throw new RmsException(ErrorMessage.UnauthroizedAccess(deviceConnectionInfo.EdgeId, deviceConnectionInfo.IotHubConnectionString.Key), ex); } catch (Exception ex) { // その他例外 throw new RmsException(ErrorMessage.Others(deviceConnectionInfo.EdgeId, deviceConnectionInfo.IotHubConnectionString.Key), ex); } finally { _logger.LeaveJson("{0}", new { result }); } }
/// <summary> /// デバイスツインのdesiredプロパティを更新する /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceTwin">更新対象デバイスツイン</param> /// <param name="deviceConnectionInfo">デバイス接続情報</param> /// <param name="messageBody">desiredプロパティに設定するJSON文字列</param> /// <returns>非同期実行タスク</returns> /// <remarks> /// - プロパティに設定するJSON文字列の正当性はService層でチェックすること /// - エラーが発生した場合には例外を投げる /// </remarks> public async Task UpdateDeviceTwinDesiredProperties(Twin deviceTwin, DeviceConnectionInfo deviceConnectionInfo, string messageBody) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(deviceConnectionInfo != null, "deviceConnectionInfo != null"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(deviceConnectionInfo?.EdgeId != null, "deviceConnectionInfo?.EdgeId != null"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionInfo?.IotHubConnectionString.Key), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionInfo?.IotHubConnectionString.Key)"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionInfo?.IotHubConnectionString.Value), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionInfo?.IotHubConnectionString.Value)"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(deviceTwin != null, "deviceTwin != null"); bool result = false; try { _logger.EnterJson("{0}", new { deviceTwin, deviceConnectionInfo }); using (var registryManager = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString(deviceConnectionInfo.IotHubConnectionString.Value)) { // メッセージの送信を依頼する await _iotHubPolly.ExecuteAsync( async() => { await registryManager.UpdateTwinAsync(deviceTwin.DeviceId, messageBody, deviceTwin.ETag); }); } result = true; } catch (FormatException ex) { // 設定した接続文字列のフォーマットが不正 throw new RmsInvalidAppSettingException(ErrorMessage.InvalidFormat(deviceConnectionInfo.EdgeId, deviceConnectionInfo.IotHubConnectionString.Key), ex); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { // 接続文字列の認証が通らない throw new RmsException(ErrorMessage.UnauthroizedAccess(deviceConnectionInfo.EdgeId, deviceConnectionInfo.IotHubConnectionString.Key), ex); } catch (Exception ex) { // その他例外 throw new RmsException(ErrorMessage.Others(deviceConnectionInfo.EdgeId, deviceConnectionInfo.IotHubConnectionString.Key), ex); } finally { _logger.LeaveJson("{0}", new { result }); } }
/// <summary> /// ゲートウェイ機器にメッセージを送信する(ラッパー) /// </summary> /// <param name="deveiceConnectionInfo">デバイス接続情報</param> /// <param name="deliveryMessage">配信メッセージ</param> /// <param name="gatewayDevice">ゲートウェイ機器</param> /// <returns>送信依頼処理成功/失敗</returns> private async Task <bool> SendMessageAsyncWrapper(DeviceConnectionInfo deveiceConnectionInfo, string deliveryMessage, DtDevice gatewayDevice) { bool ret = false; try { await _requestDeviceRepository.SendMessageAsync(deveiceConnectionInfo, deliveryMessage); ret = true; } catch (Exception e) { // Sq1.6 _logger.Error(e, nameof(Resources.CO_DLV_DLV_015), new object[] { gatewayDevice.EdgeId, gatewayDevice.EquipmentUid, e.Message }); } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// デバイスツインを取得する /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceConnectionInfo">デバイス接続情報</param> /// <returns>デバイスツイン</returns> public async Task <Twin> GetDeviceTwin(DeviceConnectionInfo deviceConnectionInfo) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(deviceConnectionInfo != null, "deviceConnectionInfo != null"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(deviceConnectionInfo?.EdgeId != null, "deviceConnectionInfo?.EdgeId != null"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionInfo?.IotHubConnectionString.Key), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionInfo?.IotHubConnectionString.Key)"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionInfo?.IotHubConnectionString.Value), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceConnectionInfo?.IotHubConnectionString.Value)"); Twin deviceTwin = null; try { _logger.EnterJson("{0}", new { deviceConnectionInfo }); using (var registryManager = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString(deviceConnectionInfo.IotHubConnectionString.Value)) { deviceTwin = await registryManager.GetTwinAsync(deviceConnectionInfo.EdgeId.ToString()); } } catch (FormatException ex) { // 設定した接続文字列のフォーマットが不正 throw new RmsInvalidAppSettingException(ErrorMessage.InvalidFormat(deviceConnectionInfo.EdgeId, deviceConnectionInfo.IotHubConnectionString.Key), ex); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { // 接続文字列の認証が通らない throw new RmsException(ErrorMessage.UnauthroizedAccess(deviceConnectionInfo.EdgeId, deviceConnectionInfo.IotHubConnectionString.Key), ex); } catch (Exception ex) { // その他例外 throw new RmsException(ErrorMessage.Others(deviceConnectionInfo.EdgeId, deviceConnectionInfo.IotHubConnectionString.Key), ex); } finally { _logger.LeaveJson("{0}", new { deviceTwin }); } return(deviceTwin); }
/// <summary> /// デバイス接続情報を取得する(ラッパー) /// </summary> /// <param name="gatewayDevice">ゲートウェイ機器</param> /// <returns>デバイス接続情報</returns> private async Task <DeviceConnectionInfo> GetDeviceConnectionInfoAsyncWrapper(DtDevice gatewayDevice) { DeviceConnectionInfo deveiceConnectionInfo = null; try { deveiceConnectionInfo = await _requestDeviceRepository.GetDeviceConnectionInfoAsync(gatewayDevice.EdgeId); if (deveiceConnectionInfo == null) { // Sq1.5(デバイスが見つからない場合) throw new RmsException("IoTHubの接続文字列が見つかりません"); } } catch (Exception e) { // Sq1.5 _logger.Error(e, nameof(Resources.CO_DLV_DLV_013), new object[] { gatewayDevice.EdgeId, gatewayDevice.EquipmentUid, e.Message }); } return(deveiceConnectionInfo); }
/// <summary> /// 端末へリモート接続のリクエストを行う /// </summary> /// <remarks>sd 03-2.リモート接続(ワンタイム接続)</remarks> /// <param name="request">リクエスト</param> /// <returns>結果</returns> public async Task <Result> RequestRemoteAsync(RequestRemote request) { Result result = null; RequestRemoteAsyncStatus status = RequestRemoteAsyncStatus.ReadDtDevice; try { _logger.EnterJson("In Param: {0}", request); // 端末データからDeviceIDをDeviceEdgeIdを取得する。 DtDevice model = _dtDeviceRepository.ReadDtDevice(request.DeviceId); if (model == null) { _logger.Error(nameof(Resources.CO_API_DRC_003)); result = new Result(ResultCode.NotFound, Resources.CO_API_DRC_003); return(result); } // Sq3.1.1 接続先情報を取得する status = RequestRemoteAsyncStatus.GetDeviceConnectionInfoAsync; DeviceConnectionInfo deveiceConnectionInfo = await _requestDeviceRepository.GetDeviceConnectionInfoAsync(model.EdgeId); if (deveiceConnectionInfo == null) { _logger.Error(nameof(Resources.CO_API_DRC_004)); result = new Result(ResultCode.NotFound, Resources.CO_API_DRC_004); return(result); } // Sq3.1.2 メッセージを生成する string message = CreateMessage(request, out result); // Sq3.1.3 メッセージを送信する status = RequestRemoteAsyncStatus.SendMessageAsync; await _requestDeviceRepository.SendMessageAsync(deveiceConnectionInfo, message); _logger.Info(nameof(Resources.CO_API_DRC_007)); result = new Result(ResultCode.Succeed, Resources.CO_API_DRC_007); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { switch (status) { // ReadDtDeviceでnullを返さずにExceptionが発生した場合 case RequestRemoteAsyncStatus.ReadDtDevice: _logger.Error(nameof(Resources.CO_API_DRC_003)); result = new Result(ResultCode.NotFound, Resources.CO_API_DRC_003); break; case RequestRemoteAsyncStatus.GetDeviceConnectionInfoAsync: _logger.Error(ex, nameof(Resources.CO_API_DRC_004)); result = new Result(ResultCode.ServerEerror, Resources.CO_API_DRC_004); break; case RequestRemoteAsyncStatus.SendMessageAsync: default: _logger.Error(ex, nameof(Resources.CO_API_DRC_006)); result = new Result(ResultCode.ServerEerror, Resources.CO_API_DRC_006); break; } return(result); } finally { _logger.LeaveJson("Result Param: {0}", result); } }
public CDPParser(IScriptExecutorBase Executor, DeviceConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo, bool AllowRecursion) { _Executor = Executor; _ConnectionInfo = ConnectionInfo; _AllowRecursion = AllowRecursion; }
public NXOS_CDPParser(IScriptExecutorBase Executor, DeviceConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo, bool AllowRecursion) : base(Executor, ConnectionInfo, AllowRecursion) { }
public override eDeviceError ConnectDevice(DeviceConnectionInfo param) { Connect(param.Address, param.TcpPort); Connected = true; return(base.ConnectDevice(param)); }
/// <summary> /// デバイス接続情報を取得する。 /// </summary> /// <param name="edgeId">端末ID</param> /// <returns>デバイス接続情報を返す。対象デバイスが見つからない場合nullを返す。</returns> public async Task <DeviceConnectionInfo> GetDeviceConnectionInfoAsync(Guid edgeId) { DeviceConnectionInfo result = null; string connectionStringDps = null; try { _logger.Enter($"{nameof(edgeId)}: {{0}}", new object[] { edgeId }); // DPS接続文字列取得 connectionStringDps = _appSettings.DpsConnectionString; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionStringDps)) { throw new RmsInvalidAppSettingException("DpsConnectionString is required."); } string iotHubName = null; using (var service = ProvisioningServiceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionStringDps)) { await _dpsPolly.ExecuteAsync( async() => { // 見つからなかったらProvisioningServiceClientHttpExceptionが発生して、 // その例外のStatusCodeにHttpStatusCode型のNotFoundになる。 // これ以外はとりあえず500にする。 DeviceRegistrationState deviceRegistrationState = await service.GetDeviceRegistrationStateAsync(edgeId.ToString()); iotHubName = deviceRegistrationState.AssignedHub; }); } string iotHubConnectionStringKey = string.Format(IoTHubNamePrefixOnAppSettings, iotHubName); // IoTHub接続文字列取得 string iotHubConnectionStringValue = _appSettings.GetConnectionString(iotHubConnectionStringKey); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iotHubConnectionStringValue)) { throw new RmsInvalidAppSettingException(string.Format("{0} is required.", iotHubConnectionStringKey)); } result = new DeviceConnectionInfo() { EdgeId = edgeId, IotHubConnectionString = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(iotHubConnectionStringKey, iotHubConnectionStringValue), }; return(result); } catch (RmsException) { throw; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { // 接続文字列がフォーマットに則っていない。 throw new RmsInvalidAppSettingException("DpsConnectionString is invalid format.", ex); } catch (ProvisioningServiceClientHttpException ex) when(ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { // 対象デバイスが見つからない result = null; return(result); } catch (ProvisioningServiceClientHttpException ex) when(ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { // 使用した接続文字列で認証が通らなかった throw new RmsException(string.Format("DPSで認証エラーが発生しました。({0})", connectionStringDps), ex); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RmsException("接続先のIoT Hub", ex); } finally { _logger.LeaveJson("{0}", new { result }); } }
public void HostUnreachable(IScriptExecutorBase Executor, DeviceConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo) { }
public bool DoCustomAction(IScriptExecutorBase Executor, DeviceConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo, out dynamic ActionResult, out bool ConnectionDropped, out bool BreakExecution) { bool result = false; ActionResult = "Custom action not implemented"; ConnectionDropped = false; BreakExecution = false; IScriptableSession st = (IScriptableSession)Executor.Session; int DeviceID = 0; if (ConnectionInfo.CustomActionID == "PGTNetworkDiscovery") { if (ConnectionInfo.VendorName.ToLowerInvariant() == "cisco") { #region Cisco ActionResult = "Error processing PGTNetworkDiscovery for Cisco"; string show_ver = string.Empty; string device_type = "router"; string actual_hostname = string.Empty; string show_inventory = string.Empty; string system_serial = string.Empty; #region SHOW VER, Virtual switch, Stacked switch Executor.ShowActivity("Retrieving device information..."); show_ver = st.ExecCommand("sh ver"); actual_hostname = st.GetHostName(); string virtualswitch = st.ExecCommand("sh switch virtual"); bool isVSS = false; try { isVSS = virtualswitch.SplitByLine().First().Split(':')[1].ToLowerInvariant().Trim() == "virtual switch"; } catch (Exception Ex) { DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : error parsing \"sh virtual switch\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug); } int stackCount = 0; string stackedswitches = st.ExecCommand("sh switch"); try { if (stackedswitches.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("switch/stack")) { stackCount = stackedswitches.SplitByLine().Count(l => l.SplitBySpace()[0].Trim('*').IsInt()); } } catch (Exception Ex) { DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : error parsing \"sh switch\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug); } #endregion try { #region Identify device show_inventory = st.ExecCommand("show inventory"); // Indicates that we are connected to an ASA, using later for VLAN discovery bool isASA = show_inventory.IndexOf("Adaptive Security Appliance") >= 0; // some switches doe no support the "show inventory" command bool exec_error = show_inventory.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => show_inventory.IndexOf(w) >= 0); if (exec_error) { DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : switch does not support \"sh inventory\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug); // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers try { system_serial = string.Join(",", show_ver.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim())); } catch (Exception Ex) { DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : error searching serial number in \"sh version\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug); } } else { // This should return system serial most of the time try { if (stackCount > 0) { // if stackCount > 0 the switch supported the "show switch" command. Probably also understands "show module" string modules = st.ExecCommand("show module"); // some switches who support the "show switch" command may still do not understand "show modules" exec_error = modules.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => modules.IndexOf(w) >= 0); if (exec_error) { DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : switch does not support \"sh module\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug); // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers system_serial = string.Join(",", show_ver.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim())); } else { // select lines starting with a number. These are assumed the be the switches in stack var switchList = modules.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.SplitBySpace()[0].Trim('*').IsInt()); // each line contains the serial number in th 4th column system_serial = string.Join(",", switchList.Select(m => m.SplitBySpace()[3])); } } else { system_serial = show_inventory.SplitByLine().First(l => l.StartsWith("PID:")).Split(',')[2].Split(':')[1].Trim(); } } catch (Exception Ex) { system_serial = "parsing error"; DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Error parsing serial number : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Error); } } #endregion #region Add New Device to DB with inlist // Two devices considered identical if : // - have the same hostname, or // - have the same IPAddress CDPDataSet.DevicesRow device_row = local_dataset.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.IP_Address.SplitBySemicolon().Any(thisIP => thisIP == ConnectionInfo.DeviceIP) || d.Name.SplitBySemicolon().Any(thisName => DottedNameSpace.CompateTLD(thisName, ConnectionInfo.HostName)) ); if (device_row == null) //If NOT found in the DB have to ADD as new { device_row = local_dataset.Devices.NewDevicesRow(); device_row.SystemSerial = system_serial; device_row.IP_Address = ConnectionInfo.DeviceIP; device_row.Name = actual_hostname; device_row.VersionInfo = show_ver; device_row.Type = isASA ? "ASA" : isVSS ? "VSS" : stackCount > 1 ? string.Format("Stack{0}", stackCount) : device_type; device_row.Inventory = show_inventory; local_dataset.Devices.AddDevicesRow(device_row); DeviceID = device_row.ID; } else //IF found in the existing DB have to update! { device_row.VersionInfo = show_ver; device_row.Inventory = show_inventory; device_row.SystemSerial = system_serial; if (isASA) { device_row.Type = "ASA"; } else if (isVSS) { device_row.Type = "VSS"; } else if (stackCount > 1) { device_row.Type = string.Format("Stack{0}", stackCount); } } #endregion #region SHOW CDP NEIGHBOUR if (!isASA) { Executor.ShowActivity("Checking for CDP neighbors..."); string cdpResult = st.ExecCommand("sh cdp neighbors detail"); CDPParser thisParser; if (show_ver.IndexOf("NX-OS") >= 0) { thisParser = new NXOS_CDPParser(Executor, ConnectionInfo, AllowRecursion); thisParser.ProcessCDPResult(cdpResult, device_row, local_dataset); } else { thisParser = new IOS_CDPParser(Executor, ConnectionInfo, AllowRecursion); thisParser.ProcessCDPResult(cdpResult, device_row, local_dataset); } } #endregion #region Collect interface configuration details for CDP connected interfaces Executor.ShowActivity("Collecting CDP connected interface information..."); var query_local_interfaces = from device in local_dataset.Devices where (device.ID == device_row.ID) join neigh in local_dataset.Neighbours on device.ID equals neigh.Parent_ID select new { local_int = neigh.Local_Interface, ID = device.ID, }; foreach (var thisInterface in query_local_interfaces) { CDP2VISIO.CDPDataSet.InterfacesRow interface_row = null; interface_row = local_dataset.Interfaces.NewInterfacesRow(); string command = "sh run interface " + thisInterface.local_int; string commandResult = st.ExecCommand(command); commandResult = commandResult.ToLower(); string[] lines_in_commandresult = commandResult.Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string interface_config = string.Empty; bool addtoconfig = false; foreach (var line in lines_in_commandresult) { if (line.IndexOf(RevConvInt(thisInterface.local_int)) >= 0) { addtoconfig = true; } if (addtoconfig) { interface_config = interface_config + line + "\r\n"; } } interface_row.ID = thisInterface.ID; interface_row.Name = thisInterface.local_int; interface_row.Running_config = interface_config; local_dataset.Interfaces.AddInterfacesRow(interface_row); } #endregion #region Collect overall interface status information if (Options.Default.DisplayConnected && !isASA) { Executor.ShowActivity("Checking interface status..."); string[] ifDesc = st.ExecCommand("show interface description").SplitByLine(); foreach (string thisIfDescription in ifDesc.SkipWhile((string s, int i) => i < 1)) { string[] ifDescrWords = thisIfDescription.SplitBySpace(); string IFName = Common.ConvInt(ifDescrWords[0]); if (!IFName.StartsWith("vl")) // Don't care vlan interfaces here { string IFStatus = string.Format("{0}/{1}", ifDescrWords[1], ifDescrWords[2]); string IFDescription = string.Join(" ", ifDescrWords.SkipWhile((string s, int i) => i < 3)); var foundIF = from thisIF in local_dataset.Interfaces where thisIF.ID == device_row.ID && thisIF.Name == IFName select thisIF; if (foundIF.Count() == 1) { // Update existing IF data foundIF.ElementAt(0).Status = IFStatus; foundIF.ElementAt(0).Description = IFDescription; } else { // Add as new IF CDPDataSet.InterfacesRow thisIF = local_dataset.Interfaces.NewInterfacesRow(); thisIF.ID = device_row.ID; thisIF.Name = IFName; thisIF.Status = IFStatus; thisIF.Description = IFDescription; local_dataset.Interfaces.AddInterfacesRow(thisIF); } } } } #endregion #region Collect VLAN interface information if (isASA) { Executor.ShowActivity("Gathering VLAN information..."); // Contains the L3 information : interface names, interface ip, network, mask List <string> VLANInfo = new List <string>(); string asaIFs = st.ExecCommand("sh int ip brief"); device_row.L3InterfaceInformation = asaIFs; foreach (string thisInterface in asaIFs.SplitByLine().SkipWhile(l => l.StartsWith("Interface"))) { string[] ifWords = thisInterface.SplitBySpace(); string asaIFName = ifWords[0]; string nameIF = ""; string secLevel = ""; string vlanIPAddr = ""; string vlanNetMask = ""; string netaddress = ""; int maskLength = 0; int vlanID = 0; string thisIFConfig = st.ExecCommand(string.Format("sh run int {0}", asaIFName)); foreach (string thisConfigLine in thisIFConfig.SplitByLine().Select(s => s.Trim())) { if (thisConfigLine.StartsWith("vlan")) { int.TryParse(thisConfigLine.SplitBySpace()[1], out vlanID); } else if (thisConfigLine.StartsWith("nameif")) { nameIF = thisConfigLine.SplitBySpace()[1]; } else if (thisConfigLine.StartsWith("security-level")) { secLevel = thisConfigLine.SplitBySpace()[1]; } else if (thisConfigLine.StartsWith("ip address")) { string[] lineWords = thisConfigLine.SplitBySpace(); vlanIPAddr = lineWords[2]; vlanNetMask = lineWords[3]; maskLength = IPOperations.GetMaskLength(vlanNetMask); netaddress = IPOperations.GetNetworkAddress(vlanIPAddr, maskLength); } } string networkAddressPrint = ""; if (maskLength > 0) { networkAddressPrint = string.Format("{0}/{1}", netaddress, maskLength); } string reportedIFName = string.Format("{0} name: {1} security-level: {2}", asaIFName, nameIF, secLevel); VLANInfo.Add(string.Join(";", new string[] { vlanID == 0 ? "routed" : vlanID.ToString(), reportedIFName, vlanIPAddr, vlanNetMask, networkAddressPrint })); #region Add ASA interface to inventory database string IFStatus = "n/a"; if (ifWords.Length == 6) { IFStatus = string.Format("{0}/{1}", ifWords[4], ifWords[5]); } else if (ifWords.Length == 7) { IFStatus = string.Format("{0} {1}/{2}", ifWords[4], ifWords[5], ifWords[6]); } var foundIF = from thisIF in local_dataset.Interfaces where thisIF.ID == device_row.ID && thisIF.Name == asaIFName select thisIF; if (foundIF.Count() == 1) { // Update existing IF data foundIF.ElementAt(0).Status = IFStatus; foundIF.ElementAt(0).Description = reportedIFName; } else { // Add as new IF CDPDataSet.InterfacesRow thisIF = local_dataset.Interfaces.NewInterfacesRow(); thisIF.ID = device_row.ID; thisIF.Name = asaIFName; thisIF.Status = IFStatus; thisIF.Description = reportedIFName; local_dataset.Interfaces.AddInterfacesRow(thisIF); } #endregion } device_row.VLANInformation = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, VLANInfo); } else { Executor.ShowActivity("Gathering VLAN interface information..."); // TODO : for routers, also include "sh ip int brief" string vlanIFs = st.ExecCommand("sh ip int brief | i [Vv]lan"); device_row.L3InterfaceInformation = vlanIFs; #region Collect network details for VLANs // Contains the list of VLAN interface names List <string> VLANInterfaces = Regex.Matches(vlanIFs, "^Vlan(\\d+)", RegexOptions.Multiline).Cast <Match>().Select(m => m.Value.ToLowerInvariant()).ToList(); // Contains the L3 information : interface names, interface ip, network, mask List <string> VLANInfo = new List <string>(); string vlans = st.ExecCommand("sh vlan"); bool addLineToOutput = false; foreach (string line in vlans.SplitByLine()) { if (line.StartsWith("---")) { addLineToOutput = !addLineToOutput; if (!addLineToOutput) { break; } } else if (addLineToOutput) { string[] words = line.SplitBySpace(); int vlanID = -1; if (int.TryParse(words[0], out vlanID)) { string vlanName = words[1]; string vlanIPAddr = ""; string vlanNetMask = ""; string netaddress = ""; int maskLength = 0; // Check if current VLAN has a corresponding VLAN interface definition if (VLANInterfaces.Contains(string.Format("vlan{0}", vlanID))) { string vlanIntConfig = st.ExecCommand(string.Format("sh run int vlan{0}", vlanID)); string ipAddressLine = vlanIntConfig.SplitByLine().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Trim().StartsWith("ip address")); if (ipAddressLine != null) { string[] addr = ipAddressLine.SplitBySpace(); vlanIPAddr = addr[2]; vlanNetMask = addr[3]; maskLength = IPOperations.GetMaskLength(vlanNetMask); netaddress = IPOperations.GetNetworkAddress(vlanIPAddr, maskLength); } else { ipAddressLine = vlanIntConfig.SplitByLine().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Trim().StartsWith("no ip address")); if (ipAddressLine != null) { vlanIPAddr = "no ip address"; } } } string networkAddressPrint = ""; if (maskLength > 0) { networkAddressPrint = string.Format("{0}/{1}", netaddress, maskLength); } VLANInfo.Add(string.Join(";", new string[] { vlanID.ToString(), vlanName, vlanIPAddr, vlanNetMask, networkAddressPrint })); } } } device_row.VLANInformation = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, VLANInfo); #endregion } #endregion result = true; ActionResult = "Discovery information processing finished successfully."; if (system_serial == "") { ActionResult += "Warning : Could not identify system serial number."; } } catch (Exception Ex) { ActionResult = string.Format("Unexpected processing error : {0} {1}", Ex.Message, Ex.InnerException?.Message); } #endregion } else if (ConnectionInfo.VendorName.ToLowerInvariant() == "junos") { #region JunOS // // // ActionResult = "Error processing PGTNetworkDiscovery for JunOS"; string show_ver = string.Empty; string device_type = "router"; string actual_hostname = string.Empty; string show_inventory = string.Empty; string system_serial = string.Empty; int stackCount = 0; #region Identify device show_inventory = st.ExecCommand("show chassis hardware"); // Indicates that we are connected to an ASA, using later for VLAN discovery bool isASA = show_inventory.IndexOf("Adaptive Security Appliance") >= 0; // some switches doe no support the "show inventory" command bool exec_error = show_inventory.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => show_inventory.IndexOf(w) >= 0); if (exec_error) { DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : switch does not support \"sh inventory\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug); // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers try { system_serial = string.Join(",", show_ver.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim())); } catch (Exception Ex) { DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : error searching serial number in \"sh version\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug); } } else { // This should return system serial most of the time try { if (stackCount > 0) { // if stackCount > 0 the switch supported the "show switch" command. Probably also understands "show module" string modules = st.ExecCommand("show module"); // some switches who support the "show switch" command may still do not understand "show modules" exec_error = modules.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => modules.IndexOf(w) >= 0); if (exec_error) { DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : switch does not support \"sh module\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug); // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers system_serial = string.Join(",", show_ver.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim())); } else { // select lines starting with a number. These are assumed the be the switches in stack var switchList = modules.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.SplitBySpace()[0].Trim('*').IsInt()); // each line contains the serial number in th 4th column system_serial = string.Join(",", switchList.Select(m => m.SplitBySpace()[3])); } } else { system_serial = show_inventory.SplitByLine().First(l => l.StartsWith("PID:")).Split(',')[2].Split(':')[1].Trim(); } } catch (Exception Ex) { system_serial = "parsing error"; DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Error parsing serial number : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Error); } } #endregion #endregion } } return(result); }