Example #1
        //Compute Recast and Detour navmesh
        public bool ComputeSystem()

            Recast.rcCalcBounds(m_verts, m_vertCount, m_bmin, m_bmax);

            // Step 1. Initialize build config.

            // Init build configuration from GUI
            m_cfg = new Recast.rcConfig();

            m_cfg.cs = m_RecastMeshParams.m_cellSize;
            m_cfg.ch = m_RecastMeshParams.m_cellHeight;
            m_cfg.walkableSlopeAngle     = m_RecastMeshParams.m_agentMaxSlope;
            m_cfg.walkableHeight         = (int)Math.Ceiling(m_RecastMeshParams.m_agentHeight / m_cfg.ch);
            m_cfg.walkableClimb          = (int)Math.Floor(m_RecastMeshParams.m_agentMaxClimb / m_cfg.ch);
            m_cfg.walkableRadius         = (int)Math.Ceiling(m_RecastMeshParams.m_agentRadius / m_cfg.cs);
            m_cfg.maxEdgeLen             = (int)(m_RecastMeshParams.m_edgeMaxLen / m_RecastMeshParams.m_cellSize);
            m_cfg.maxSimplificationError = m_RecastMeshParams.m_edgeMaxError;
            m_cfg.minRegionArea          = (int)(m_RecastMeshParams.m_regionMinSize * m_RecastMeshParams.m_regionMinSize);              // Note: area = size*size
            m_cfg.mergeRegionArea        = (int)(m_RecastMeshParams.m_regionMergeSize * m_RecastMeshParams.m_regionMergeSize);          // Note: area = size*size
            m_cfg.maxVertsPerPoly        = (int)m_RecastMeshParams.m_vertsPerPoly;
            m_cfg.detailSampleDist       = m_RecastMeshParams.m_detailSampleDist < 0.9f ? 0 : m_RecastMeshParams.m_cellSize * m_RecastMeshParams.m_detailSampleDist;
            m_cfg.detailSampleMaxError   = m_RecastMeshParams.m_cellHeight * m_RecastMeshParams.m_detailSampleMaxError;

            // Set the area where the navigation will be build.
            // Here the bounds of the input mesh are used, but the
            // area could be specified by an user defined box, etc.
            Recast.rcVcopy(m_cfg.bmin, m_bmin);
            Recast.rcVcopy(m_cfg.bmax, m_bmax);
            Recast.rcCalcGridSize(m_cfg.bmin, m_cfg.bmax, m_cfg.cs, out m_cfg.width, out m_cfg.height);

            // Reset build times gathering.

            // Start the build process.

            m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_PROGRESS, "Building navigation:");
            m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_PROGRESS, " - " + m_cfg.width + " x " + m_cfg.height + " cells");
            m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_PROGRESS, " - " + m_vertCount / 1000.0f + "K verts, " + m_triCount / 1000.0f + "K tris");

            // Step 2. Rasterize input polygon soup.

            // Allocate voxel heightfield where we rasterize our input data to.
            m_solid = new Recast.rcHeightfield();
            if (m_solid == null)
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'solid'.");
            if (!Recast.rcCreateHeightfield(m_ctx, m_solid, m_cfg.width, m_cfg.height, m_cfg.bmin, m_cfg.bmax, m_cfg.cs, m_cfg.ch))
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not create solid heightfield.");

            // Allocate array that can hold triangle area types.
            // If you have multiple meshes you need to process, allocate
            // and array which can hold the max number of triangles you need to process.
            m_triareas = new byte[m_triCount];
            if (m_triareas == null)
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'm_triareas' (" + m_triCount + ").");

            // Find triangles which are walkable based on their slope and rasterize them.
            // If your input data is multiple meshes, you can transform them here, calculate
            // the are type for each of the meshes and rasterize them.
            //memset(m_triareas, 0, ntris*sizeof(byte));

            Recast.rcMarkWalkableTriangles(m_ctx, m_cfg.walkableSlopeAngle, m_verts, m_vertCount, m_tris, m_triCount, m_triareas);
            Recast.rcRasterizeTriangles(m_ctx, m_verts, m_vertCount, m_tris, m_triareas, m_triCount, m_solid, m_cfg.walkableClimb);

            if (!m_keepInterResults)
                m_triareas = null;

            // Step 3. Filter walkables surfaces.

            // Once all geoemtry is rasterized, we do initial pass of filtering to
            // remove unwanted overhangs caused by the conservative rasterization
            // as well as filter spans where the character cannot possibly stand.
            Recast.rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles(m_ctx, m_cfg.walkableClimb, m_solid);
            Recast.rcFilterLedgeSpans(m_ctx, m_cfg.walkableHeight, m_cfg.walkableClimb, m_solid);
            Recast.rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans(m_ctx, m_cfg.walkableHeight, m_solid);

            // Step 4. Partition walkable surface to simple regions.

            // Compact the heightfield so that it is faster to handle from now on.
            // This will result more cache coherent data as well as the neighbours
            // between walkable cells will be calculated.
            m_chf = new Recast.rcCompactHeightfield();
            if (m_chf == null)
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'chf'.");
            if (!Recast.rcBuildCompactHeightfield(m_ctx, m_cfg.walkableHeight, m_cfg.walkableClimb, m_solid, m_chf))
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not build compact data.");

            if (!m_keepInterResults)
                m_solid = null;

            // Erode the walkable area by agent radius.
            if (!Recast.rcErodeWalkableArea(m_ctx, m_cfg.walkableRadius, m_chf))
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not erode.");

             * // (Optional) Mark areas.
             * ConvexVolume[] vols = m_geom.getConvexVolumes();
             * for (int i  = 0; i < m_geom.getConvexVolumeCount(); ++i)
             * rcMarkConvexPolyArea(m_ctx, vols[i].verts, vols[i].nverts, vols[i].hmin, vols[i].hmax, (byte)vols[i].area, *m_chf);

            if (m_RecastMeshParams.m_monotonePartitioning)
                // Partition the walkable surface into simple regions without holes.
                // Monotone partitioning does not need distancefield.
                if (!Recast.rcBuildRegionsMonotone(m_ctx, m_chf, 0, m_cfg.minRegionArea, m_cfg.mergeRegionArea))
                    m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not build regions.");
                // Prepare for region partitioning, by calculating distance field along the walkable surface.
                if (!Recast.rcBuildDistanceField(m_ctx, m_chf))
                    m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not build distance field.");

                // Partition the walkable surface into simple regions without holes.
                if (!Recast.rcBuildRegions(m_ctx, m_chf, 0, m_cfg.minRegionArea, m_cfg.mergeRegionArea))
                    m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not build regions.");

            // Step 5. Trace and simplify region contours.

            // Create contours.
            m_cset = new Recast.rcContourSet();
            if (m_cset == null)
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'cset'.");
            if (!Recast.rcBuildContours(m_ctx, m_chf, m_cfg.maxSimplificationError, m_cfg.maxEdgeLen, m_cset, -1))
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not create contours.");


            // Step 6. Build polygons mesh from contours.

            // Build polygon navmesh from the contours.
            m_pmesh = new Recast.rcPolyMesh();
            if (m_pmesh == null)
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'pmesh'.");
            if (!Recast.rcBuildPolyMesh(m_ctx, m_cset, m_cfg.maxVertsPerPoly, m_pmesh))
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not triangulate contours.");


            // Step 7. Create detail mesh which allows to access approximate height on each polygon.

            m_dmesh = new Recast.rcPolyMeshDetail();            //rcAllocPolyMeshDetail();
            if (m_dmesh == null)
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'pmdtl'.");

            if (!Recast.rcBuildPolyMeshDetail(m_ctx, m_pmesh, m_chf, m_cfg.detailSampleDist, m_cfg.detailSampleMaxError, m_dmesh))
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not build detail mesh.");


            if (!m_keepInterResults)
                m_chf  = null;
                m_cset = null;

            // At this point the navigation mesh data is ready, you can access it from m_pmesh.
            // See duDebugDrawPolyMesh or dtCreateNavMeshData as examples how to access the data.

            // (Optional) Step 8. Create Detour data from Recast poly mesh.

            // The GUI may allow more max points per polygon than Detour can handle.
            // Only build the detour navmesh if we do not exceed the limit.
            if (m_cfg.maxVertsPerPoly <= Detour.DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON)
                //unsigned char* navData = 0;
                Detour.dtRawTileData navData = null;
                //int navDataSize = 0;

                // Update poly flags from areas.
                for (int i = 0; i < m_pmesh.npolys; ++i)
                    if (m_pmesh.areas[i] == Recast.RC_WALKABLE_AREA)
                        m_pmesh.areas[i] = (byte)SamplePolyAreas.GROUND;

                    if (m_pmesh.areas[i] == (byte)SamplePolyAreas.GROUND)
                        m_pmesh.flags[i] = (ushort)SamplePolyFlags.WALK;

                     * if (m_pmesh.areas[i] == Recast.RC_WALKABLE_AREA)
                     * m_pmesh.areas[i] =  SAMPLE_POLYAREA_GROUND;
                     * if (m_pmesh.areas[i] == SAMPLE_POLYAREA_GROUND ||
                     * m_pmesh.areas[i] == SAMPLE_POLYAREA_GRASS ||
                     * m_pmesh.areas[i] == SAMPLE_POLYAREA_ROAD)
                     * {
                     * m_pmesh.flags[i] = SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALK;
                     * }
                     * else if (m_pmesh.areas[i] == SAMPLE_POLYAREA_WATER)
                     * {
                     * m_pmesh.flags[i] = SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_SWIM;
                     * }
                     * else if (m_pmesh.areas[i] == SAMPLE_POLYAREA_DOOR)
                     * {
                     * m_pmesh.flags[i] = SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALK | SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DOOR;
                     * }*/

                Detour.dtNavMeshCreateParams navMeshCreateParams = new Detour.dtNavMeshCreateParams();
                navMeshCreateParams.verts            = m_pmesh.verts;
                navMeshCreateParams.vertCount        = m_pmesh.nverts;
                navMeshCreateParams.polys            = m_pmesh.polys;
                navMeshCreateParams.polyAreas        = m_pmesh.areas;
                navMeshCreateParams.polyFlags        = m_pmesh.flags;
                navMeshCreateParams.polyCount        = m_pmesh.npolys;
                navMeshCreateParams.nvp              = m_pmesh.nvp;
                navMeshCreateParams.detailMeshes     = m_dmesh.meshes;
                navMeshCreateParams.detailVerts      = m_dmesh.verts;
                navMeshCreateParams.detailVertsCount = m_dmesh.nverts;
                navMeshCreateParams.detailTris       = m_dmesh.tris;
                navMeshCreateParams.detailTriCount   = m_dmesh.ntris;
                navMeshCreateParams.offMeshConVerts  = null;            //m_geom.getOffMeshConnectionVerts();
                navMeshCreateParams.offMeshConRad    = null;            //m_geom.getOffMeshConnectionRads();
                navMeshCreateParams.offMeshConDir    = null;            //m_geom.getOffMeshConnectionDirs();
                navMeshCreateParams.offMeshConAreas  = null;            //m_geom.getOffMeshConnectionAreas();
                navMeshCreateParams.offMeshConFlags  = null;            //m_geom.getOffMeshConnectionFlags();
                navMeshCreateParams.offMeshConUserID = null;            //m_geom.getOffMeshConnectionId();
                navMeshCreateParams.offMeshConCount  = 0;               //m_geom.getOffMeshConnectionCount();
                navMeshCreateParams.walkableHeight   = m_RecastMeshParams.m_agentHeight;
                navMeshCreateParams.walkableRadius   = m_RecastMeshParams.m_agentRadius;
                navMeshCreateParams.walkableClimb    = m_RecastMeshParams.m_agentMaxClimb;
                Recast.rcVcopy(navMeshCreateParams.bmin, m_pmesh.bmin);
                Recast.rcVcopy(navMeshCreateParams.bmax, m_pmesh.bmax);
                navMeshCreateParams.cs          = m_cfg.cs;
                navMeshCreateParams.ch          = m_cfg.ch;
                navMeshCreateParams.buildBvTree = true;

                if (!Detour.dtCreateNavMeshData(navMeshCreateParams, out navData))
                    m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "Could not build Detour navmesh.");

                m_navMesh = new Detour.dtNavMesh();
                if (m_navMesh == null)
                    m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "Could not create Detour navmesh");

                dtStatus status;

                status = m_navMesh.init(navData, (int)Detour.dtTileFlags.DT_TILE_FREE_DATA);
                if (Detour.dtStatusFailed(status))
                    m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "Could not init Detour navmesh");

                m_navQuery = new Detour.dtNavMeshQuery();
                status     = m_navQuery.init(m_navMesh, 2048);
                if (Detour.dtStatusFailed(status))
                    m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_ERROR, "Could not init Detour navmesh query");

                m_rawTileData = navData;
                m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_WARNING, "Detour does not support more than " + Detour.DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON + " verts per polygon. A navmesh has not been generated.");


            // Show performance stats.
            m_ctx.log(Recast.rcLogCategory.RC_LOG_PROGRESS, ">> Polymesh: " + m_pmesh.nverts + " vertices  " + m_pmesh.npolys + " polygons");

            m_totalBuildTimeMs = (float)m_ctx.getAccumulatedTime(Recast.rcTimerLabel.RC_TIMER_TOTAL);
