Example #1
    private void OnValidate()
#if CSHARP_7_3_OR_NEWER && UNITY_2020
        if (Movable == null)
            Movable = GetComponent <MovablePiece>();

        if (Destructable == null)
            Destructable = GetComponent <DestructablePiece>();
        if (_movable == null)
            _movable = GetComponent <MovablePiece>();

        if (_destructable == null)
            _destructable = GetComponent <DestructablePiece>();
Example #2
    void FireBullet()
        GameObject muzF = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(weapon.MuzzlePrefab, weapon.MuzzleTransform.position, weapon.MuzzleTransform.rotation);

        GameObject.Destroy(muzF, .2f);
        weapon.FireRate          = weapon.FireRateReset;
        this.transform.position -= this.transform.forward * weapon.RecoilTranslation;
        this.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0) * weapon.RecoilRotation);
        Vector3 direction = this.transform.parent.transform.forward;

        myCameraAudioSource.clip = weapon.FireNoise;

        //only raycast if we arent firing a rigidbody
        if (!weapon.FiresRigidbody)
            //make our aesthetic-only bullet
            GameObject bul = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(weapon.BulletPrefab, weapon.MuzzleTransform.position, weapon.MuzzleTransform.rotation);
            bul.GetComponent <Bullet> ().Set(weapon.MuzzleTransform.position, weapon.MuzzleTransform.position + direction, direction * 1.6f);
            //create the actual ray - fires from center of camera instead of gun like the bullet does
            Ray        ray = new Ray(this.transform.parent.position, this.transform.parent.forward);
            RaycastHit rh;
            bool       isHit = Physics.Raycast(ray, out rh, 100000);

            if (isHit)
                RaycastInfo ri = rh.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastInfo>();
                BodyPart    bp = rh.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <BodyPart>();
                if (ri != null)
                    Vector3    point = rh.point;
                    Quaternion rot   = Quaternion.LookRotation(rh.normal);
                    GameObject ps    = (GameObject)Instantiate(ri.onHitParticleSystem, point, rot);

                    Vector3 newBulletDir = rh.point - weapon.MuzzleTransform.position;
                    bul.GetComponent <Bullet> ().Set(weapon.MuzzleTransform.position, weapon.MuzzleTransform.position + newBulletDir, newBulletDir * 1.6f);

                    DestructablePiece dp = rh.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <DestructablePiece>();
                    //see if it is descturctable
                    if (dp != null)
                        Destructable d = rh.collider.gameObject.transform.root.GetComponent <Destructable>();
                        d.Activate(400, point, 80);
                else if (bp != null)
                    bp.DoDamage(rh.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(rh.normal), weapon.Damage, rh.collider.gameObject.name);

                    Vector3 newBulletDir = rh.point - weapon.MuzzleTransform.position;
                    bul.GetComponent <Bullet> ().Set(weapon.MuzzleTransform.position, weapon.MuzzleTransform.position + newBulletDir, newBulletDir * 1.6f);
            //we are using a rocket or something.
            GameObject projectile = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(weapon.BulletPrefab, weapon.MuzzleTransform.position, weapon.MuzzleTransform.rotation);
            projectile.GetComponent <Rocket> ().Init(direction, 1);

            //tell the "Rocket" part on the gun to become inactive, since we just shot it
            weapon.MuzzleTransform.gameObject.active = false;
            weapon.MuzzleTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;

            //now we need to raycast to see if the user is pointing at a wall - in which case it should fire towards the wall
            Ray        ray = new Ray(this.transform.parent.position, this.transform.parent.forward);
            RaycastHit rh;
            bool       isHit = Physics.Raycast(ray, out rh, 100000);
            //if we have hit something, adjust the trajectory of the projectile
            if (isHit)
                RaycastInfo ri = rh.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <RaycastInfo>();
                if (ri != null)
                    Vector3 newBulletDir = rh.point - weapon.MuzzleTransform.position;
                    projectile.GetComponent <Rocket> ().Init(newBulletDir, 1);

        //check if we should / can reload
        if (weapon.currentClip == 0 && weapon.ammoStockpile > 0)
        else if (weapon.currentClip > 0 && weapon.BoltAction)