protected override void VisitValue(
            XElement element, XAttribute attribute,
            MSBuildElementSyntax resolvedElement, MSBuildAttributeSyntax resolvedAttribute,
            ValueInfo info, string value, int offset)
            if (!IsTargetsFile && !IsPropsFile)
                if (info.DefaultValue != null && string.Equals(info.DefaultValue, value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        CoreDiagnostics.HasDefaultValue, attribute?.Span ?? element.OuterSpan,
                        ImmutableDictionary <string, object> .Empty.Add("Info", info),
                        DescriptionFormatter.GetKindNoun(info), info.Name, info.DefaultValue);

            //NOTE: doing this here means we can't check for deprecated constructs that don't have values, but there aren't any yet
            CheckDeprecated(info, (INamedXObject)attribute ?? element);

            // we skip calling base, and instead parse the expression with more options enabled
            // so that we can warn if the user is doing something likely invalid
            var kind    = MSBuildCompletionExtensions.InferValueKindIfUnknown(info);
            var options = kind.GetExpressionOptions() | ExpressionOptions.ItemsMetadataAndLists;

            var node = ExpressionParser.Parse(value, options, offset);

            VisitValueExpression(element, attribute, resolvedElement, resolvedAttribute, info, kind, node);
        public void ClearTextAndSymbols()
            UndoMgr      undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB      eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            SymbolDB     symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            string       actual, expected;


            CourseView           courseView    = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(CourseId(4)));
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);

            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);

            DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(symbolDB, description, writer);
            actual   = writer.ToString();
            expected =
                @"      |                                               |
      |                 |                 |           |
(  1) |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
( 11) |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
( 22) |                     :                         |
(  4) |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
( 15) |                     :                         |
(  5) |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
( 18) |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
(  6) |                     :                         |
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Example #3
        // Render the given course id (0 = all controls) and kind to a map, and compare it to the saved version.
        internal void CheckRenderMapStandardChange(string filename, Id <Course> id, DescriptionKind kind, string newDescStandard)
            SymbolDB   symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr    undomgr  = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB    eventDB  = new EventDB(undomgr);
            CourseView courseView;

            symbolDB.Standard = eventDB.GetEvent().descriptionStandard;

            courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, DesignatorFromCourseId(eventDB, id));

            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);

            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(kind == DescriptionKind.Symbols);

            Bitmap bmNew = RenderToMapThenToBitmap(symbolDB, description, kind, 1);

            TestUtil.CheckBitmapsBase(bmNew, DescriptionBrowser.GetBitmapFileName(eventDB, id, "_std_default", kind));

            undomgr.BeginCommand(71231, "change standard");
            symbolDB.Standard = newDescStandard;
            ChangeEvent.UpdateDescriptionToMatchStandard(eventDB, symbolDB);
            description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(kind == DescriptionKind.Symbols);

            bmNew = RenderToMapThenToBitmap(symbolDB, description, kind, 1);
            TestUtil.CheckBitmapsBase(bmNew, DescriptionBrowser.GetBitmapFileName(eventDB, id, "_std_" + newDescStandard, kind));
Example #4
        // Render the given course id (0 = all controls) and kind to a bitmap, and compare it to the saved version.
        internal void CheckRenderBitmap(string filename, Id <Course> id, DescriptionKind kind, int numColumns = 1)
            SymbolDB   symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr    undomgr  = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB    eventDB  = new EventDB(undomgr);
            CourseView courseView;


            courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, DesignatorFromCourseId(eventDB, id));

            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);

            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(kind == DescriptionKind.Symbols);

            Bitmap bmNew = DescriptionBrowser.RenderToBitmap(symbolDB, description, kind, numColumns);

            if (numColumns > 1)
                TestUtil.CheckBitmapsBase(bmNew, DescriptionBrowser.GetBitmapFileName(eventDB, id, "_" + numColumns + "col", kind));
                TestUtil.CheckBitmapsBase(bmNew, DescriptionBrowser.GetBitmapFileName(eventDB, id, "", kind));
        public static (MSBuildDiagnosticDescriptor, object[]) GetExpressionError(ExpressionError error, ValueInfo info)
            (MSBuildDiagnosticDescriptor, object[]) Return(MSBuildDiagnosticDescriptor desc, params object[] args) => (desc, args);

            return(error.Kind switch
                ExpressionErrorKind.MetadataDisallowed => Return(MetadataDisallowed, DescriptionFormatter.GetKindNoun(info), info.Name),
                ExpressionErrorKind.EmptyListEntry => Return(EmptyListValue),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingItemName => Return(ExpectingItemName),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParen => Return(ExpectingChars1, ')'),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParenOrPeriod => Return(ExpectingChars2, ')', '.'),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingPropertyName => Return(ExpectingPropertyName),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingMetadataName => Return(ExpectingMetadataName),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingMetadataOrItemName => Return(ExpectingMetadataOrItemName),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightAngleBracket => Return(ExpectingChars1, '>'),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParenOrDash => Return(ExpectingChars2, ')', '-'),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ItemsDisallowed => Return(ItemsDisallowed, DescriptionFormatter.GetKindNoun(info), info.Name),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingMethodOrTransform => Return(ExpectingFunctionOrTransform),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingMethodName => Return(ExpectingFunctionName),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingLeftParen => Return(ExpectingChars1, '('),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParenOrComma => Return(ExpectingChars2, ')', ','),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParenOrValue => Return(ExpectingRightParenOrValue),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingValue => Return(ExpectingValue),
                ExpressionErrorKind.CouldNotParseNumber => Return(CouldNotParseNumber),
                ExpressionErrorKind.IncompleteValue => Return(IncompleteValue),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingBracketColonColon => Return(ExpectingChars1, "]::"),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingClassName => Return(ExpectingClassName),
                ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingClassNameComponent => Return(IncompleteClassName),
                ExpressionErrorKind.IncompleteString => Return(IncompleteString),
                ExpressionErrorKind.IncompleteProperty => Return(IncompleteProperty),
                _ => throw new System.Exception($"Unhandled ExpressionErrorKind '{error.Kind}'")
Example #6
        protected override void VisitValue(
            XElement element, XAttribute attribute,
            MSBuildElementSyntax resolvedElement, MSBuildAttributeSyntax resolvedAttribute,
            ITypedSymbol valueDescriptor, string value, int offset)
            if (!IsTargetsFile && !IsPropsFile && valueDescriptor is IHasDefaultValue hasDefault)
                if (hasDefault.DefaultValue != null && string.Equals(hasDefault.DefaultValue, value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        CoreDiagnostics.HasDefaultValue, attribute?.Span ?? element.OuterSpan,
                        ImmutableDictionary <string, object> .Empty.Add("Info", valueDescriptor),
                        DescriptionFormatter.GetKindNoun(valueDescriptor), valueDescriptor.Name, hasDefault.DefaultValue);

            if (valueDescriptor is IDeprecatable deprecatable)
                CheckDeprecated(deprecatable, (INamedXObject)attribute ?? element);

            // we skip calling base, and instead parse the expression with more options enabled
            // so that we can warn if the user is doing something likely invalid
            var kind    = MSBuildCompletionExtensions.InferValueKindIfUnknown(valueDescriptor);
            var options = kind.GetExpressionOptions() | ExpressionOptions.ItemsMetadataAndLists;

            var node = ExpressionParser.Parse(value, options, offset);

            VisitValueExpression(element, attribute, resolvedElement, resolvedAttribute, valueDescriptor, kind, node);
Example #7
        public static async Task <object> GetInfoTooltipElement(MSBuildRootDocument doc, BaseInfo info, MSBuildResolveResult rr, CancellationToken token)
            object nameElement = GetNameElement(info);

            if (nameElement == null)

            var imageElement = GetImageElement(info);

            if (imageElement != null)
                nameElement = new ContainerElement(
                    ContainerElementStyle.Wrapped | ContainerElementStyle.VerticalPadding,
                    imageElement, nameElement

            var elements = new List <object> {

            switch (info.Description.DisplayElement)
            case ISymbol symbol:
                await AddSymbolDescriptionElements(symbol, elements.Add, token);


            case object obj:

                var descStr = DescriptionFormatter.GetDescription(info, doc, rr);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(descStr))
                        new ClassifiedTextElement(
                            new ClassifiedTextRun(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.NaturalLanguage, descStr)

            var seenIn = GetSeenInElement(info, doc);

            if (seenIn != null)

            return(elements.Count == 1
                                ? elements[0]
                                : new ContainerElement(ContainerElementStyle.Stacked | ContainerElementStyle.VerticalPadding, elements));
Example #8
        public void HitTestRegular()
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr  undomgr  = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB  eventDB  = new EventDB(undomgr);

            CourseView           courseView    = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(CourseId(4)));
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);

            DescriptionLine[]   description         = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            DescriptionRenderer descriptionRenderer = new DescriptionRenderer(symbolDB);

            descriptionRenderer.Description = description;
            descriptionRenderer.CellSize    = 40;
            descriptionRenderer.Margin      = 5;

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Symbols;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(201, 36), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(79, 50), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(145, 80), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 1, new RectangleF(125, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(289, 60), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 2, new RectangleF(245, 45, 80, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(175, 216), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 5, 5, 4, new RectangleF(165, 205, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(285, 365), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 9, 9, 7, new RectangleF(285, 365, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(81, 193), HitTestKind.Directive, 4, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 165, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(328, 147), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(255, 427), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 10, 10, 0, new RectangleF(5, 405, 320, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Text;
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(201, 36), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(79, 50), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(145, 80), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 1, new RectangleF(125, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(289, 60), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 2, new RectangleF(245, 45, 80, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(175, 216), HitTestKind.NormalText, 5, 5, -1, new RectangleF(85, 205, 240, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(285, 365), HitTestKind.NormalText, 9, 9, -1, new RectangleF(85, 365, 240, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(59, 302), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 7, 7, 1, new RectangleF(45, 285, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(81, 193), HitTestKind.DirectiveText, 4, 4, -1, new RectangleF(5, 165, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(328, 147), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(255, 427), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 10, 10, 0, new RectangleF(5, 405, 320, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.SymbolsAndText;
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(201, 36), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(79, 50), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(145, 80), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 1, new RectangleF(125, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(289, 60), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 2, new RectangleF(245, 45, 80, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(175, 216), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 5, 5, 4, new RectangleF(165, 205, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(285, 365), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 9, 9, 7, new RectangleF(285, 365, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(81, 193), HitTestKind.Directive, 4, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 165, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(431, 56), HitTestKind.None, 1, 1, -1, new RectangleF(325, 45, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(333, 131), HitTestKind.NormalText, 3, 3, -1, new RectangleF(325, 125, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(491, 252), HitTestKind.DirectiveText, 6, 6, -1, new RectangleF(325, 245, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(527, 433), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(255, 427), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 10, 10, 0, new RectangleF(5, 405, 520, 40));
Example #9
        public void HitTestAllControls()
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr  undomgr  = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB  eventDB  = new EventDB(undomgr);

            CourseView           courseView    = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, CourseDesignator.AllControls);
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);

            DescriptionLine[]   description         = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            DescriptionRenderer descriptionRenderer = new DescriptionRenderer(symbolDB);

            descriptionRenderer.Description = description;
            descriptionRenderer.CellSize    = 40;
            descriptionRenderer.Margin      = 5;

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Symbols;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 53), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(259, 78), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 1, new RectangleF(125, 45, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(38, 97), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 2, 2, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(226, 260), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 6, 6, 5, new RectangleF(205, 245, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(68, 999), HitTestKind.Directive, 24, 24, 0, new RectangleF(5, 965, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(3, 184), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(262, 745), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 18, 18, 0, new RectangleF(5, 725, 320, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Text;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(311, 12), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(16, 82), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 76), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 1, new RectangleF(125, 45, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(38, 97), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 2, 2, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(182, 234), HitTestKind.NormalText, 5, 5, -1, new RectangleF(85, 205, 240, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(60, 942), HitTestKind.DirectiveText, 23, 23, -1, new RectangleF(5, 925, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(3, 184), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(262, 745), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 18, 18, 0, new RectangleF(5, 725, 320, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.SymbolsAndText;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(434, 25), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 53), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(259, 78), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 1, new RectangleF(125, 45, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(380, 76), HitTestKind.None, 1, 1, -1, new RectangleF(325, 45, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(38, 97), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 2, 2, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(226, 260), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 6, 6, 5, new RectangleF(205, 245, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(68, 999), HitTestKind.Directive, 24, 24, 0, new RectangleF(5, 965, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(398, 554), HitTestKind.NormalText, 13, 13, -1, new RectangleF(325, 525, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(401, 934), HitTestKind.DirectiveText, 23, 23, -1, new RectangleF(325, 925, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(3, 184), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(262, 745), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 18, 18, 0, new RectangleF(5, 725, 520, 40));
Example #10
        public void HitTestScore()
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr  undomgr  = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB  eventDB  = new EventDB(undomgr);

            CourseView           courseView    = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(CourseId(5)));
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);

            DescriptionLine[]   description         = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            DescriptionRenderer descriptionRenderer = new DescriptionRenderer(symbolDB);

            descriptionRenderer.Description = description;
            descriptionRenderer.CellSize    = 40;
            descriptionRenderer.Margin      = 5;

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Symbols;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 51), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 93), HitTestKind.Header, 2, 2, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(259, 118), HitTestKind.Header, 2, 2, 1, new RectangleF(125, 85, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(38, 137), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 3, 3, 0, new RectangleF(5, 125, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(226, 260), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 6, 6, 5, new RectangleF(205, 245, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(3, 184), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(228, 534), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 13, 13, 0, new RectangleF(5, 525, 320, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Text;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(311, 12), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 51), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(16, 112), HitTestKind.Header, 2, 2, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 116), HitTestKind.Header, 2, 2, 1, new RectangleF(125, 85, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(38, 137), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 3, 3, 0, new RectangleF(5, 125, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(182, 234), HitTestKind.NormalText, 5, 5, -1, new RectangleF(85, 205, 240, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(3, 184), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(228, 534), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 13, 13, 0, new RectangleF(5, 525, 320, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.SymbolsAndText;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 51), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 520, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(434, 25), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 93), HitTestKind.Header, 2, 2, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(259, 118), HitTestKind.Header, 2, 2, 1, new RectangleF(125, 85, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(380, 116), HitTestKind.None, 2, 2, -1, new RectangleF(325, 85, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(38, 137), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 3, 3, 0, new RectangleF(5, 125, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(226, 260), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 6, 6, 5, new RectangleF(205, 245, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(398, 594), HitTestKind.NormalText, 14, 14, -1, new RectangleF(325, 565, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(3, 184), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(451, 534), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 13, 13, 0, new RectangleF(5, 525, 520, 40));
        public static string GetMessage(this ExpressionErrorKind errorKind, ValueInfo info, out bool isWarning)
            isWarning = false;
            switch (errorKind)
            case ExpressionErrorKind.MetadataDisallowed:
                return($"{Name()} does not allow metadata");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.EmptyListEntry:
                isWarning = true;
                return($"Empty list value");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingItemName:
                return($"Expecting item name");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParen:
                return($"Expecting ')'");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParenOrPeriod:
                return($"Expecting ')' or '.'");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingPropertyName:
                return($"Expecting property name");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingMetadataName:
                return($"Expecting metadata name");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingMetadataOrItemName:
                return($"Expecting metadata or item name");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightAngleBracket:
                return($"Expecting '>'");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingApos:
                return($"Expecting single quote");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParenOrDash:
                return($"Expecting '-' or ')'");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ItemsDisallowed:
                return($"{Name()} does not allow metadata");

                return($"Invalid expression: {errorKind}");

            string Name() => DescriptionFormatter.GetTitleCaseKindName(info);
Example #12
        public void HitTestMultiLine()
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr  undomgr  = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB  eventDB  = new EventDB(undomgr);

            CourseView           courseView    = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, DesignatorFromCourseId(eventDB, CourseId(1)));
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);

            DescriptionLine[]   description         = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            DescriptionRenderer descriptionRenderer = new DescriptionRenderer(symbolDB);

            descriptionRenderer.Description = description;
            descriptionRenderer.CellSize    = 40;
            descriptionRenderer.Margin      = 5;

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Symbols;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 80));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(13, 51), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 80));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 101), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 320, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 141), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 320, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 181), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 320, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 213), HitTestKind.Header, 5, 5, 0, new RectangleF(5, 205, 120, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Text;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 80));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(13, 51), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 80));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 101), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 320, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 141), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 320, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 181), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 320, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 213), HitTestKind.Header, 5, 5, 0, new RectangleF(5, 205, 120, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.SymbolsAndText;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 80));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(13, 51), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 80));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 101), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 520, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 141), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 520, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 181), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 520, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 213), HitTestKind.Header, 5, 5, 0, new RectangleF(5, 205, 120, 40));
Example #13
        public static TooltipInformation CreateTooltipInformation(MSBuildRootDocument doc, BaseInfo info, MSBuildResolveResult rr)
            var formatter  = new DescriptionMarkupFormatter(doc);
            var nameMarkup = formatter.GetNameMarkup(info);

            if (nameMarkup.IsEmpty)

            var desc = DescriptionFormatter.GetDescription(info, doc, rr);

            return(new TooltipInformation {
                SignatureMarkup = nameMarkup.AsMarkup(),
                SummaryMarkup = desc.AsMarkup(),
                FooterMarkup = formatter.GetSeenInMarkup(info).AsMarkup()
Example #14
        // Render the given course id (0 = all controls) and kind to a bitmap, and compare it to the saved version.
        internal void CheckRenderBitmapPixelAtATime(Id <Course> id, DescriptionKind kind)
            SymbolDB   symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr    undomgr  = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB    eventDB  = new EventDB(undomgr);
            CourseView courseView;


            courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(id));

            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);

            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);

            Bitmap bmNew = RenderToBitmapPixelAtATime(symbolDB, description, kind);

            TestUtil.CheckBitmapsBase(bmNew, DescriptionBrowser.GetBitmapFileName(eventDB, id, "", kind));
Example #15
        private DescriptionLine[] GetDescription()
            CourseItem  courseItem = (CourseItem)(listBoxCourses.SelectedItem);
            Id <Course> id;

            if (courseItem == null)
                id = Id <Course> .None;
                id =;

            courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(id));

            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForUI);

Example #16
        public string GetNameMarkup(BaseInfo info)
            var color = GetColor(keywordColorId);
            var label = DescriptionFormatter.GetTitle(info);

            if (label.kind == null)
            string modifiers = null;

            if (info is ValueInfo vi)
                var tdesc = vi.GetTypeDescription();
                if (tdesc.Count > 0)
                    modifiers = $" : {string.Join (", ", tdesc)}";
            return($"{label.kind} <span foreground=\"{color}\">{Escape (}</span>{modifiers}");
Example #17
        public override Task RegisterCodeFixesAsync(MSBuildFixContext context)
            foreach (var diag in context.Diagnostics)
                if (!(diag.Properties.TryGetValue("Info", out var val) && val is VariableInfo info))

                switch (context.XDocument.FindAtOffset(diag.Span.Start))
                case XElement el:
                    context.RegisterCodeFix(new RemoveRedundantElementAction(el, DescriptionFormatter.GetKindNoun(info)), diag);

                case XAttribute att:
                    context.RegisterCodeFix(new RemoveRedundantAttributeAction(att, DescriptionFormatter.GetKindNoun(info)), diag);
        // Test the course description formatter with a given file and course
        private void TestCourseFormatter(string testFileName, CourseDesignator courseDesignator, bool createKey, string expected)
            UndoMgr      undomgr  = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB      eventDB  = new EventDB(undomgr);
            SymbolDB     symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            StringWriter writer   = new StringWriter();
            string       actual;


            CourseView courseView;

            courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, courseDesignator);
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);

            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(createKey);

            DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(symbolDB, description, writer);
            actual = writer.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void DisplayAllCourses()
            UndoMgr              undomgr  = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB              eventDB  = new EventDB(undomgr);
            SymbolDB             symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            CourseView           courseView;
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter;

            DescriptionLine[] description;


            foreach (Id <Course> courseId in QueryEvent.SortedCourseIds(eventDB))
                CourseDesignator designator;
                if (QueryEvent.HasVariations(eventDB, courseId))
                    var variationInfo = QueryEvent.GetAllVariations(eventDB, courseId).First();
                    designator = new CourseDesignator(courseId, variationInfo);
                    designator = new CourseDesignator(courseId);
                courseView    = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, designator);
                descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);
                description   = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
                DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(symbolDB, description, Console.Out);

            courseView    = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, CourseDesignator.AllControls);
            descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);
            description   = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(symbolDB, description, Console.Out);
Example #20
 void CheckDeprecated(ValueInfo info, INamedXObject namedObj)
     if (info.IsDeprecated)
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.DeprecationMessage))
        public void ScoreCourseFormatterNoScore()
            UndoMgr      undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB      eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            SymbolDB     symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            string       actual, expected;


            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, Designator(5));

            DescriptionLine[] description = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting).CreateDescription(false);

            DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(symbolDB, description, writer);
            actual   = writer.ToString();
            expected =
                @"      | Sample Event 1                                |   [Sample Event 1]
      | Score more!                                   |   [Score more!]
      |Score 4          |155 points                   |   [155 points]
(  1) |start|     |     |  2.8|  8.5|     |     |     |   [Start: open bare rock]
( 17) |    1|  302|     | 1.14|     |     |11.1S|     |   [S side of pit]
(  2) |    2|   31|  0.3|  2.4|     |   2m|     |     |   [Upper boulder, 2m high]
(  7) |    3|  189|     |  1.8|  1.8| 10.2|     |     |   [Small gully junction]
( 11) |    4|  191|     |  5.2|  5.2| 10.1|11.15|     |   [Between path crossings]
(  8) |    5|  210|     | 5.11| 5.20|     |11.15|     |   [Between building and statue]
( 20) |    6|  305|     |  2.7|     |  6x7|     | 12.4|   [Stony ground, 6m by 7m (manned)]
(  5) |    7|   GO| 0.1N|  5.5|  5.2| 10.1|11.1N| 12.3|   [N side of N power line and path crossing (radio)]
(  4) |    8|   32|     |  3.7|     |     |     | 12.1|   [very marshy spot]
( 16) |    9|  301|     | 1.14|  8.4|  3.0|     |     |   [Overgrown pit, 3m deep]
( 18) |   10|  303|     |  1.3|     |    4|     |     |   [Reentrant, 4m deep]
( 19) |   11|  304| 0.1S|     |  8.5|     |     |     |   [S ]
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Example #22
        public static string GetMessage(this ExpressionErrorKind errorKind, ValueInfo info, out bool isWarning)
            isWarning = false;
            switch (errorKind)
            case ExpressionErrorKind.MetadataDisallowed:
                return($"{Name ()} does not allow metadata");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.EmptyListEntry:
                isWarning = true;
                return($"Empty list value");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingItemName:
                return($"Expecting item name");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParen:
                return($"Expecting ')'");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParenOrPeriod:
                return($"Expecting ')' or '.'");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingPropertyName:
                return($"Expecting property name");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingMetadataName:
                return($"Expecting metadata name");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingMetadataOrItemName:
                return($"Expecting metadata or item name");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightAngleBracket:
                return($"Expecting '>'");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParenOrDash:
                return($"Expecting '-' or ')'");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ItemsDisallowed:
                return($"{Name ()} does not allow metadata");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingMethodOrTransform:
                return($"Expecting item function or transform");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingMethodName:
                return("Expecting method name");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingLeftParen:
                return("Expecting '('");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParenOrComma:
                return("Expecting ')' or ','");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingRightParenOrValue:
                return("Expecting ',' or value");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingValue:
                return("Expecting value");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.CouldNotParseNumber:
                return("Invalid numeric value");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.IncompleteValue:
                return("Incomplete value");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingBracketColonColon:
                return("Expecting ']::'");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingClassName:
                return("Expecting class name");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.ExpectingClassNameComponent:
                return("Incomplete class name");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.IncompleteString:
                return("Incomplete string");

            case ExpressionErrorKind.IncompleteProperty:
                return("Incomplete property");

                return($"Invalid expression: {errorKind}");

            string Name() => DescriptionFormatter.GetTitleCaseKindName(info);
Example #23
        //note: the value is unescaped, so offsets within it are not valid
        void VisitPureLiteral(ValueInfo info, MSBuildValueKind kind, string value, int offset)
            IReadOnlyList <ConstantInfo> knownVals = info.Values ?? kind.GetSimpleValues(false);

            if (knownVals != null && knownVals.Count != 0)
                foreach (var kv in knownVals)
                    if (string.Equals(kv.Name, value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.UnknownValue, DescriptionFormatter.GetKindNoun(info), info.Name, value);
            switch (kind)
            case MSBuildValueKind.Guid:
            case MSBuildValueKind.ProjectKindGuid:
                if (!Guid.TryParseExact(value, "B", out _))
                    AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.InvalidGuid, value);

            case MSBuildValueKind.Int:
                if (!long.TryParse(value, out _))
                    AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.InvalidInteger, value);

            case MSBuildValueKind.Bool:
                if (!bool.TryParse(value, out _))
                    AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.InvalidBool, value);

            case MSBuildValueKind.Url:
                if (!Uri.TryCreate(value, UriKind.Absolute, out _))
                    AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.InvalidUrl, value);

            case MSBuildValueKind.Version:
                if (!Version.TryParse(value, out _))
                    AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.InvalidVersion, value);

             * FIXME: these won't work as-is, as inference will add them to the schema
             * case MSBuildValueKind.TargetName:
             *      if (Document.GetSchemas ().GetTarget (value) == null) {
             *              AddErrorWithArgs (CoreDiagnostics.UndefinedTarget, value);
             *      }
             *      break;
             * case MSBuildValueKind.PropertyName:
             *      if (Document.GetSchemas ().GetProperty (value) == null) {
             *              AddErrorWithArgs (CoreDiagnostics.UnknownProperty, value);
             *      }
             *      break;
             * case MSBuildValueKind.ItemName:
             *      if (Document.GetSchemas ().GetItem (value) == null) {
             *              AddErrorWithArgs (CoreDiagnostics.UnknownProperty, value);
             *      }
             *      break;
            case MSBuildValueKind.Lcid:
                if (int.TryParse(value, out int lcid) && lcid > 0)
                    try {
                    } catch (CultureNotFoundException) {
                        AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.UnknownLcid, value);
                    AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.InvalidLcid, value);

            case MSBuildValueKind.TargetFramework:
                if (!FrameworkInfoProvider.Instance.IsFrameworkShortNameValid(value))
                    AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.UnknownTargetFramework, value);

            case MSBuildValueKind.TargetFrameworkIdentifier:
                if (!FrameworkInfoProvider.Instance.IsFrameworkIdentifierValid(value))
                    AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.UnknownTargetFrameworkIdentifier, value);

            case MSBuildValueKind.TargetFrameworkVersion: {
                if (!Version.TryParse(value.TrimStart('v', 'V'), out Version fxv))
                    AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.InvalidVersion, value);
                fxv = new Version(Math.Max(fxv.Major, 0), Math.Max(fxv.Minor, 0), Math.Max(fxv.Revision, 0), Math.Max(fxv.Build, 0));
                if (Document is MSBuildRootDocument d && d.Frameworks.Count > 0)
                    bool foundMatch = false;
                    foreach (var fx in d.Frameworks)
                        if (FrameworkInfoProvider.AreVersionsEquivalent(fx.Version, fxv) && FrameworkInfoProvider.Instance.IsFrameworkVersionValid(fx.Framework, fxv))
                            foundMatch = true;
                    if (!foundMatch)
                        AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.UnknownTargetFrameworkVersion, value, d.Frameworks[0].Framework);

            case MSBuildValueKind.TargetFrameworkProfile: {
                if (Document is MSBuildRootDocument d && d.Frameworks.Count > 0)
                    bool foundMatch = false;
                    foreach (var fx in d.Frameworks)
                        if (fx.Profile == value && FrameworkInfoProvider.Instance.IsFrameworkProfileValid(fx.Framework, fx.Version, value))
                            foundMatch = true;
                    if (!foundMatch)
                        AddErrorWithArgs(CoreDiagnostics.UnknownTargetFrameworkProfile, value, d.Frameworks[0].Framework, d.Frameworks[0].Version);

            void AddError(MSBuildDiagnosticDescriptor d) => Document.Diagnostics.Add(d, new TextSpan(offset, value.Length));
            void AddErrorWithArgs(MSBuildDiagnosticDescriptor d, params object[] args) => Document.Diagnostics.Add(d, new TextSpan(offset, value.Length), args);
Example #24
        protected override void VisitValueExpression(
            XElement element, XAttribute attribute,
            MSBuildElementSyntax resolvedElement, MSBuildAttributeSyntax resolvedAttribute,
            ValueInfo info, MSBuildValueKind kind, ExpressionNode node)
            bool allowExpressions = kind.AllowExpressions();
            bool allowLists       = kind.AllowListsOrCommaLists();

            if (node is ListExpression list)
                if (!allowLists)
                        new TextSpan(list.Nodes[0].End, list.End - list.Nodes[0].End),
                        ImmutableDictionary <string, object> .Empty.Add("Name", info.Name),
                if (!allowExpressions)
                    var expr = list.Nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => !(n is ExpressionText));
                    if (expr != null)
            else if (node is ExpressionText lit)
                VisitPureLiteral(info, kind, lit.GetUnescapedValue(), lit.Offset);
                if (!allowExpressions)

            foreach (var n in node.WithAllDescendants())
                switch (n)
                case ExpressionError err:
                    var(desc, args) = CoreDiagnostics.GetExpressionError(err, info);
                    Document.Diagnostics.Add(desc, new TextSpan(err.Offset, Math.Max(1, err.Length)), args);

                case ExpressionMetadata meta:
                case ExpressionProperty prop:
                case ExpressionItem item:
                    //TODO: can we validate property/metadata/items refs?
                    //maybe warn if they're not used anywhere outside of this expression?
                    //TODO: deprecation squiggles in expressions

            void AddExpressionWarning(ExpressionNode n)
            => Document.Diagnostics.Add(CoreDiagnostics.UnexpectedExpression,
                                        new TextSpan(n.Offset, n.Length),
        // Test the course description formatter with a given file and course
        private void TestCourseFormatter(string testFileName, CourseDesignator courseDesignator, bool createKey, string expected)
            UndoMgr undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            string actual;


            CourseView courseView;
            courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, courseDesignator);
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(createKey);

            DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(symbolDB, description, writer);
            actual = writer.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void HitTestScore()
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(CourseId(5)));
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            DescriptionRenderer descriptionRenderer = new DescriptionRenderer(symbolDB);
            descriptionRenderer.Description = description;
            descriptionRenderer.CellSize = 40;
            descriptionRenderer.Margin = 5;

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Symbols;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178,51), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 93), HitTestKind.Header, 2, 2, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(259, 118), HitTestKind.Header, 2, 2, 1, new RectangleF(125, 85, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(38, 137), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 3, 3, 0, new RectangleF(5, 125, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(226, 260), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 6, 6, 5, new RectangleF(205, 245, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(3, 184), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(228,534), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 13, 13,0, new RectangleF(5, 525, 320, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Text;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(311, 12), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 51), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(16, 112), HitTestKind.Header, 2, 2, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 116), HitTestKind.Header, 2, 2, 1, new RectangleF(125, 85, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(38, 137), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 3, 3, 0, new RectangleF(5, 125, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(182, 234), HitTestKind.NormalText, 5, 5, -1, new RectangleF(85, 205, 240, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(3, 184), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(228, 534), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 13, 13, 0, new RectangleF(5, 525, 320, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.SymbolsAndText;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 51), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 520, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(434, 25), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 93), HitTestKind.Header, 2, 2, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(259, 118), HitTestKind.Header, 2, 2, 1, new RectangleF(125, 85, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(380, 116), HitTestKind.None, 2, 2, -1, new RectangleF(325, 85, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(38, 137), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 3, 3, 0, new RectangleF(5, 125, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(226, 260), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 6, 6, 5, new RectangleF(205, 245, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(398, 594), HitTestKind.NormalText, 14, 14, -1, new RectangleF(325, 565, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(3, 184), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(451, 534), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 13, 13, 0, new RectangleF(5, 525, 520, 40));
        public void HitTestMultiLine()
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, DesignatorFromCourseId(eventDB, CourseId(1)));
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            DescriptionRenderer descriptionRenderer = new DescriptionRenderer(symbolDB);
            descriptionRenderer.Description = description;
            descriptionRenderer.CellSize = 40;
            descriptionRenderer.Margin = 5;

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Symbols;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 80));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(13, 51), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 80));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 101), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 320, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 141), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 320, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 181), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 320, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 213), HitTestKind.Header, 5, 5, 0, new RectangleF(5, 205, 120, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Text;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 80));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(13, 51), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 80));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 101), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 320, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 141), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 320, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 181), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 320, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 213), HitTestKind.Header, 5, 5, 0, new RectangleF(5, 205, 120, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.SymbolsAndText;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 80));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(13, 51), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 80));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 101), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 520, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 141), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 520, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178, 181), HitTestKind.SecondaryTitle, 2, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 520, 120));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 213), HitTestKind.Header, 5, 5, 0, new RectangleF(5, 205, 120, 40));
Example #28
        public void DescriptionEquals()
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(CourseId(3)));
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);

            CourseObj courseobj1 = new DescriptionCourseObj(Id<Special>.None, new PointF(-4, 4), 0.9F, symbolDB, description, DescriptionKind.Symbols, 1);
            description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            CourseObj courseobj2 = new DescriptionCourseObj(Id<Special>.None, new PointF(-4, 4), 0.9F, symbolDB, description, DescriptionKind.Symbols, 1);
            CourseObj courseobj3 = (CourseObj) courseobj1.Clone();
            CourseObj courseobj4 = new DescriptionCourseObj(Id<Special>.None, new PointF(-4, 3), 0.9F, symbolDB, description, DescriptionKind.Symbols, 1);
            CourseObj courseobj5 = new DescriptionCourseObj(Id<Special>.None, new PointF(-4, 4), 1.0F, symbolDB, description, DescriptionKind.Symbols, 1);
            CourseObj courseobj6 = new DescriptionCourseObj(Id<Special>.None, new PointF(-4, 4), 0.9F, symbolDB, description, DescriptionKind.Text, 1);

            undomgr.BeginCommand(12, "move control");
            ChangeEvent.ChangeControlLocation(eventDB, ControlId(11), new PointF(4, 8));
            description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            CourseObj courseobj7 = new DescriptionCourseObj(Id<Special>.None, new PointF(-4, 4), 0.9F, symbolDB, description, DescriptionKind.Symbols, 1);

            undomgr.BeginCommand(13, "change description");
            ChangeEvent.ChangeDescriptionSymbol(eventDB, ControlId(11), 1, "5.4");

            description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            CourseObj courseobj8 = new DescriptionCourseObj(Id<Special>.None, new PointF(-4, 4), 0.9F, symbolDB, description, DescriptionKind.Symbols, 1);

            undomgr.BeginCommand(13, "change description");  // change description back
            ChangeEvent.ChangeDescriptionSymbol(eventDB, ControlId(11), 1, "5.2");

            description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            CourseObj courseobj9 = new DescriptionCourseObj(Id<Special>.None, new PointF(-4, 4), 0.9F, symbolDB, description, DescriptionKind.Symbols, 1);
            CourseObj courseobj10 = new DescriptionCourseObj(Id<Special>.None, new PointF(-4, 4), 0.9F, symbolDB, description, DescriptionKind.Symbols, 2);

            Assert.AreEqual(courseobj1, courseobj2);
            Assert.AreEqual(courseobj1, courseobj3);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(courseobj1, courseobj4);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(courseobj1, courseobj5);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(courseobj1, courseobj6);
            Assert.AreEqual(courseobj1, courseobj7);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(courseobj1, courseobj8);
            Assert.AreEqual(courseobj1, courseobj9);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(courseobj9, courseobj10);
Example #29
        public DisplayText GetNameMarkup(BaseInfo info)
            var keywordColor = GetColor(keywordColorId);
            var varColor     = GetColor(varColorID);

            var label = DescriptionFormatter.GetTitle(info);

            if (label.kind == null)

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            void AppendColor(string value, string color)
                sb.Append("<span foreground=\"");

            AppendColor(label.kind, keywordColor);
            sb.Append(" ");

            string typeInfo = null;

            if (info is ValueInfo vi)
                var tdesc = vi.GetTypeDescription();
                if (tdesc.Count > 0)
                    typeInfo = string.Join(" ", tdesc);

            if (info is FunctionInfo fi)
                typeInfo = fi.ReturnTypeString;
                if (!fi.IsProperty)
                    bool first = true;
                    foreach (var p in fi.Parameters)
                        if (first)
                            first = false;
                            sb.Append(", ");
                        sb.Append(" : ");
                        AppendColor(p.Type, varColor);

            if (typeInfo != null)
                sb.Append(" : ");
                AppendColor(typeInfo, varColor);

            return(new DisplayText(sb.ToString(), true));
Example #30
        public void ActiveDescription()
            bool success = controller.LoadInitialFile(TestUtil.GetTestFile("selectionmgr\\sampleevent1.coursescribe"), true);


            selectionMgr.ActiveTab = 3;

            Assert.AreEqual("SampleCourse4", selectionMgr.ActiveCourseView.CourseName);

            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            string       actual, expected;

            DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(ui.symbolDB, selectionMgr.ActiveDescription, writer);
            actual   = writer.ToString();
            expected =
                @"      | Sample Event 1                                |   [Sample Event 1]
      |SampleCourse4    |4.7 km           |175 m      |   [Length 4.7 km, climb 175 m]
(  1) |start|     |     |  2.8|  8.5|     |     |     |   [Start: open bare rock]
( 11) |    1|  191|     |  5.2|  5.2| 10.1|11.15|     |   [Between path crossings]
( 22) |                 13.4:                         |   [Mandatory passage]
(  4) |    2|   32|     |  3.7|     |     |     | 12.1|   [very marshy spot]
( 15) |                 13.3:                         |   [Mandatory crossing point]
(  5) |    3|   GO| 0.1N|  5.5|  5.2| 10.1|11.1N| 12.3|   [N side of N power line and path crossing (radio)]
( 18) |    4|  303|     |  1.3|     |    4|     |     |   [Reentrant, 4m deep]
(  6) |                 14.2: 1420 m                  |   [Navigate 1420 m to finish funnel]
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            selectionMgr.ActiveTab = 0;

            Assert.AreEqual("All controls", selectionMgr.ActiveCourseView.CourseName);

            writer = new StringWriter();
            DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(ui.symbolDB, selectionMgr.ActiveDescription, writer);
            actual   = writer.ToString();
            expected =
                @"      | Sample Event 1                                |   [Sample Event 1]
      |All controls     |17 controls                  |   [17 controls]
(  1) |start|     |     |  2.8|  8.5|     |     |     |   [Start: open bare rock]
( 23) |start|     |0.2NW|  1.7|     |  2.5|     |     |   [Start: NW gully, 2.5m deep]
(  2) |     |   31|  0.3|  2.4|     |   2m|     |     |   [Upper boulder, 2m high]
(  4) |     |   32|     |  3.7|     |     |     | 12.1|   [very marshy spot]
( 12) |     |   74|     |  2.4|     |0.5/2.5|11.15|     |   [Between boulders, 0.5m to 2.5m high]
(  7) |     |  189|     |  1.8|  1.8| 10.2|     |     |   [Small gully junction]
( 10) |     |  190|     |  5.1|  5.5| 10.1|11.1N|     |   [N side of road and power line crossing]
( 11) |     |  191|     |  5.2|  5.2| 10.1|11.15|     |   [Between path crossings]
(  8) |     |  210|     | 5.11| 5.20|     |11.15|     |   [Between building and statue]
(  9) |     |  211|     |  3.7|  3.7|4x4|5x6|11.15|     |   [Between marshes, 4m by 4m and 5m by 6m]
( 13) |     |  290| 0.1N|  5.2|     | 10.2|     |     |   [N path junction]
( 14) |     |  291|     | 1.10|  2.4|     |     |     |   [Knoll and boulder]
( 16) |     |  301|     | 1.14|  8.4|  3.0|     |     |   [Overgrown pit, 3m deep]
( 17) |     |  302|     | 1.14|     |     |11.1S|     |   [S side of pit]
( 18) |     |  303|     |  1.3|     |    4|     |     |   [Reentrant, 4m deep]
( 19) |     |  304| 0.1S|     |  8.5|     |     |     |   [S ]
( 20) |     |  305|     |  2.7|     |  6x7|     | 12.4|   [Stony ground, 6m by 7m (manned)]
( 21) |     |  306|     |     |     |     |     |     |   []
(  5) |     |   GO| 0.1N|  5.5|  5.2| 10.1|11.1N| 12.3|   [N side of N power line and path crossing (radio)]
(  6) |                 14.2:                         |   [Navigate to finish funnel]
( 24) |                 14.1:                         |   [Follow tapes to finish]
(  3) |                 13.3:                         |   [Mandatory crossing point]
( 15) |                 13.3:                         |   [Mandatory crossing point]
( 22) |                 13.4:                         |   [Mandatory passage]
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            writer = new StringWriter();
        public void ClearTextAndSymbols()
            UndoMgr undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            string actual, expected;


            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(CourseId(4)));
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);

            DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(symbolDB, description, writer);
            actual = writer.ToString();
            expected =
            @"      |                                               |
              |                 |                 |           |
            (  1) |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
            ( 11) |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
            ( 22) |                     :                         |
            (  4) |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
            ( 15) |                     :                         |
            (  5) |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
            ( 18) |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
            (  6) |                     :                         |
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Example #32
        // Create a description course object to use in testing.
        DescriptionCourseObj CreateDescriptionCourseObj(CourseAppearance appearance, int numColumns = 1)
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(CourseId(3)));
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);

            return new DescriptionCourseObj(Id<Special>.None, new PointF(-4, 4), 0.9F / numColumns, symbolDB, description, DescriptionKind.Symbols, numColumns);
Example #33
        public ClassifiedTextElement GetNameElement(ISymbol info)
            var label = DescriptionFormatter.GetTitle(info);

            if (label.kind == null)

            var runs = new List <ClassifiedTextRun> ();

            runs.Add(new ClassifiedTextRun(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Keyword, label.kind));
            runs.Add(new ClassifiedTextRun(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.WhiteSpace, " "));
            runs.Add(new ClassifiedTextRun(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Identifier,;

            string typeInfo = null;

            if (info is VariableInfo vi)
                var tdesc = vi.GetTypeDescription();
                if (tdesc.Count > 0)
                    typeInfo = string.Join(" ", tdesc);

            if (info is FunctionInfo fi)
                typeInfo = fi.ReturnTypeString;
                if (!fi.IsProperty)
                    runs.Add(new ClassifiedTextRun(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Other, "("));

                    bool first = true;
                    foreach (var p in fi.Parameters)
                        if (first)
                            first = false;
                            runs.Add(new ClassifiedTextRun(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Other, ", "));

                        runs.Add(new ClassifiedTextRun(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.SymbolReference, p.Name));
                        runs.Add(new ClassifiedTextRun(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Other, " : "));
                        runs.Add(new ClassifiedTextRun(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Type, p.Type));
                    runs.Add(new ClassifiedTextRun(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Other, ")"));

            if (typeInfo != null)
                runs.Add(new ClassifiedTextRun(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Other, " : "));
                runs.Add(new ClassifiedTextRun(PredefinedClassificationTypeNames.Type, typeInfo));

            return(new ClassifiedTextElement(runs));
        public void HitTestAllControls()
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, CourseDesignator.AllControls);
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            DescriptionRenderer descriptionRenderer = new DescriptionRenderer(symbolDB);
            descriptionRenderer.Description = description;
            descriptionRenderer.CellSize = 40;
            descriptionRenderer.Margin = 5;

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Symbols;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 53), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(259,78), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 1, new RectangleF(125, 45, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(38,97), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 2, 2, 0, new RectangleF(5,85, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(226,260), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 6, 6, 5, new RectangleF(205,245, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(68,999), HitTestKind.Directive, 24, 24, 0, new RectangleF(5, 965, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(3, 184), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(262,745), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 18, 18,0, new RectangleF(5, 725, 320, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Text;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(311,12), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(16,82), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(178,76), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 1, new RectangleF(125, 45, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(38, 97), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 2, 2, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(182,234), HitTestKind.NormalText, 5, 5, -1, new RectangleF(85,205, 240, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(60,942), HitTestKind.DirectiveText, 23, 23,-1, new RectangleF(5,925, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(3, 184), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(262,745), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 18, 18,0, new RectangleF(5, 725, 320, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.SymbolsAndText;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(143, 22), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(434, 25), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(116, 53), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(259, 78), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 1, new RectangleF(125, 45, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(380, 76), HitTestKind.None, 1, 1, -1, new RectangleF(325,45, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(38, 97), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 2, 2, 0, new RectangleF(5, 85, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(226, 260), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 6, 6, 5, new RectangleF(205, 245, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(68, 999), HitTestKind.Directive, 24, 24, 0, new RectangleF(5, 965, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(398,554), HitTestKind.NormalText, 13, 13, -1, new RectangleF(325,525, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(401, 934), HitTestKind.DirectiveText, 23, 23, -1, new RectangleF(325, 925, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(3, 184), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(262,745), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 18, 18,0, new RectangleF(5, 725, 520, 40));
        // Render the given course id (0 = all controls) and kind to a map, and compare it to the saved version.
        internal void CheckRenderMap(string filename, Id<Course> id, DescriptionKind kind, int numColumns = 1)
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            CourseView courseView;


            courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, DesignatorFromCourseId(eventDB, id));

            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(kind == DescriptionKind.Symbols);

            Bitmap bmNew = RenderToMapThenToBitmap(symbolDB, description, kind, numColumns);
            if (numColumns > 1)
                TestUtil.CheckBitmapsBase(bmNew, DescriptionBrowser.GetBitmapFileName(eventDB, id, "_ocad_" + numColumns + "col", kind));
                TestUtil.CheckBitmapsBase(bmNew, DescriptionBrowser.GetBitmapFileName(eventDB, id, "_ocad", kind));
        public void HitTestRegular()
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(CourseId(4)));
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            DescriptionRenderer descriptionRenderer = new DescriptionRenderer(symbolDB);
            descriptionRenderer.Description = description;
            descriptionRenderer.CellSize = 40;
            descriptionRenderer.Margin = 5;

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Symbols;

            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(201,36), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(79,50), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(145,80), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 1, new RectangleF(125, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(289, 60), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 2, new RectangleF(245, 45, 80, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(175,216), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 5, 5,4, new RectangleF(165,205, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(285,365), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 9, 9,7, new RectangleF(285, 365, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(81,193), HitTestKind.Directive, 4, 4,0, new RectangleF(5,165, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(328,147), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(255, 427), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 10, 10, 0, new RectangleF(5, 405, 320, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.Text;
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(201, 36), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(79, 50), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(145, 80), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 1, new RectangleF(125, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(289, 60), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 2, new RectangleF(245, 45, 80, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(175, 216), HitTestKind.NormalText, 5, 5, -1, new RectangleF(85, 205, 240, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(285, 365), HitTestKind.NormalText, 9, 9, -1, new RectangleF(85, 365, 240, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(59, 302), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 7, 7, 1, new RectangleF(45,285, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(81, 193), HitTestKind.DirectiveText, 4, 4, -1, new RectangleF(5, 165, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(328, 147), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(255, 427), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 10, 10, 0, new RectangleF(5, 405, 320, 40));

            descriptionRenderer.DescriptionKind = DescriptionKind.SymbolsAndText;
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(201, 36), HitTestKind.Title, 0, 0, 0, new RectangleF(5, 5, 520, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(79, 50), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 0, new RectangleF(5, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(145, 80), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 1, new RectangleF(125, 45, 120, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(289, 60), HitTestKind.Header, 1, 1, 2, new RectangleF(245, 45, 80, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(175, 216), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 5, 5, 4, new RectangleF(165, 205, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(285, 365), HitTestKind.NormalBox, 9, 9, 7, new RectangleF(285, 365, 40, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(81, 193), HitTestKind.Directive, 4, 4, 0, new RectangleF(5, 165, 320, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(431, 56), HitTestKind.None, 1, 1, -1, new RectangleF(325, 45, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(333, 131), HitTestKind.NormalText, 3, 3, -1, new RectangleF(325, 125, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(491,252), HitTestKind.DirectiveText, 6, 6, -1, new RectangleF(325, 245, 200, 40));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(527,433), HitTestKind.None, -1, -1, -1, new RectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0));
            CheckHitTest(descriptionRenderer, new Point(255, 427), HitTestKind.OtherTextLine, 10, 10, 0, new RectangleF(5, 405, 520, 40));
        public void DisplayAllCourses()
            UndoMgr undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            CourseView courseView;
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter;
            DescriptionLine[] description;


            foreach (Id<Course> courseId in QueryEvent.SortedCourseIds(eventDB)) {
                CourseDesignator designator;
                if (QueryEvent.HasVariations(eventDB, courseId)) {
                    var variationInfo = QueryEvent.GetAllVariations(eventDB, courseId).First();
                    designator = new CourseDesignator(courseId, variationInfo);
                else {
                    designator = new CourseDesignator(courseId);
                courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, designator);
                descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
                description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
                DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(symbolDB, description, Console.Out);

            courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, CourseDesignator.AllControls);
            descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
            description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(symbolDB, description, Console.Out);
        // Render the given course id (0 = all controls) and kind to a bitmap, and compare it to the saved version.
        internal void CheckRenderBitmapPixelAtATime(Id<Course> id, DescriptionKind kind)
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            UndoMgr undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            CourseView courseView;


            courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(id));

            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
            DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);

            Bitmap bmNew = RenderToBitmapPixelAtATime(symbolDB, description, kind);
            TestUtil.CheckBitmapsBase(bmNew, DescriptionBrowser.GetBitmapFileName(eventDB, id, "", kind));
        public void ScoreCourseFormatterNoScore()
            UndoMgr undomgr = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB eventDB = new EventDB(undomgr);
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            string actual, expected;


            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, Designator(5));
            DescriptionLine[] description = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB).CreateDescription(false);

            DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(symbolDB, description, writer);
            actual = writer.ToString();
            expected =
            @"      | Sample Event 1                                |   [Sample Event 1]
              | Score more!                                   |   [Score more!]
              |Score 4          |155 points                   |   [155 points]
            (  1) |start|     |     |  2.8|  8.5|     |     |     |   [Start: open bare rock]
            ( 17) |    1|  302|     | 1.14|     |     |11.1S|     |   [S side of pit]
            (  2) |    2|   31|  0.3|  2.4|     |   2m|     |     |   [Upper boulder, 2m high]
            (  7) |    3|  189|     |  1.8|  1.8| 10.2|     |     |   [Small gully junction]
            ( 11) |    4|  191|     |  5.2|  5.2| 10.1|11.15|     |   [Between path crossings]
            (  8) |    5|  210|     | 5.11| 5.20|     |11.15|     |   [Between building and statue]
            ( 20) |    6|  305|     |  2.7|     |  6x7|     | 12.4|   [Stony ground, 6m by 7m (manned)]
            (  5) |    7|   GO| 0.1N|  5.5|  5.2| 10.1|11.1N| 12.3|   [N side of N power line and path crossing (radio)]
            (  4) |    8|   32|     |  3.7|     |     |     | 12.1|   [very marshy spot]
            ( 16) |    9|  301|     | 1.14|  8.4|  3.0|     |     |   [Overgrown pit, 3m deep]
            ( 18) |   10|  303|     |  1.3|     |    4|     |     |   [Reentrant, 4m deep]
            ( 19) |   11|  304| 0.1S|     |  8.5|     |     |     |   [S ]
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        private DescriptionLine[] GetDescription()
            CourseItem courseItem = (CourseItem)(listBoxCourses.SelectedItem);

            CourseView courseView;
            Id<Course> id;

            if (courseItem == null)
                id = Id<Course>.None;
                id =;

            courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(id));

            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB);
            return descFormatter.CreateDescription(customKeyCheckBox.Checked);
        protected override void VisitValueExpression(
            XElement element, XAttribute attribute,
            MSBuildElementSyntax resolvedElement, MSBuildAttributeSyntax resolvedAttribute,
            ValueInfo info, MSBuildValueKind kind, ExpressionNode node)
            bool allowExpressions = kind.AllowExpressions();
            bool allowLists       = kind.AllowListsOrCommaLists();

            if (node is ListExpression list)
                if (!allowLists)
                        new TextSpan(list.Nodes[0].End, list.End - list.Nodes[0].End),
                        ImmutableDictionary <string, object> .Empty.Add("Name", info.Name),
                if (!allowExpressions)
                    var expr = list.Nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => !(n is ExpressionText));
                    if (expr != null)
            else if (node is ExpressionText lit)
                VisitPureLiteral(info, kind, lit.GetUnescapedValue(), lit.Offset);
                if (!allowExpressions)

            foreach (var n in node.WithAllDescendants())
                switch (n)
                case ExpressionError err:
                    var(desc, args) = CoreDiagnostics.GetExpressionError(err, info);
                    Document.Diagnostics.Add(desc, new TextSpan(err.Offset, Math.Max(1, err.Length)), args);

                case ExpressionMetadata meta:
                    var metaItem = meta.GetItemName();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(metaItem) && !IsMetadataUsed(metaItem, meta.MetadataName, ReferenceUsage.Write))
                            ImmutableDictionary <string, object> .Empty
                            .Add("ItemName", metaItem)
                            .Add("Name", meta.MetadataName)
                            .Add("Spans", new [] { new TextSpan(meta.MetadataNameOffset, meta.MetadataName.Length) }),
                            metaItem, meta.MetadataName

                case ExpressionPropertyName prop:
                    if (!IsPropertyUsed(prop.Name, ReferenceUsage.Write))
                            ImmutableDictionary <string, object> .Empty
                            .Add("Name", prop.Name)
                            .Add("Spans", new[] { new TextSpan(prop.Offset, prop.Length) }),

                case ExpressionItemName item:
                    if (!IsItemUsed(item.Name, ReferenceUsage.Write))
                            ImmutableDictionary <string, object> .Empty
                            .Add("Name", item.Name)
                            .Add("Spans", new[] { new TextSpan(item.Offset, item.Length) }),
                    //TODO: deprecation squiggles in expressions

            void AddExpressionWarning(ExpressionNode n)
            => Document.Diagnostics.Add(CoreDiagnostics.UnexpectedExpression,
                                        new TextSpan(n.Offset, n.Length),