private static void ConfigureClientDependency(IGlobalSettings globalSettings)
            // Backwards compatibility - set the path and URL type for ClientDependency 1.5.1 [LK]
            XmlFileMapper.FileMapDefaultFolder = SystemDirectories.TempData.EnsureEndsWith('/') + "ClientDependency";
            BaseCompositeFileProcessingProvider.UrlTypeDefault = CompositeUrlType.Base64QueryStrings;

            // Now we need to detect if we are running 'Umbraco.Core.LocalTempStorage' as EnvironmentTemp and in that case we want to change the CDF file
            // location to be there
            if (globalSettings.LocalTempStorageLocation == LocalTempStorage.EnvironmentTemp)
                var cachePath = globalSettings.LocalTempPath;

                //set the file map and composite file default location to the %temp% location
                      = XmlFileMapper.FileMapDefaultFolder
                      = Path.Combine(cachePath, "ClientDependency");

            if (ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/httpRuntime") is HttpRuntimeSection section)
                //set the max url length for CDF to be the smallest of the max query length, max request length
                ClientDependency.Core.CompositeFiles.CompositeDependencyHandler.MaxHandlerUrlLength = Math.Min(section.MaxQueryStringLength, section.MaxRequestLength);

            //Register a custom renderer - used to process property editor dependencies
            var renderer = new DependencyPathRenderer();

            renderer.Initialize("Umbraco.DependencyPathRenderer", new NameValueCollection
                { "compositeFileHandlerPath", ClientDependencySettings.Instance.CompositeFileHandlerPath }

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize objects before anything during the boot cycle happens
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override IBootManager Initialize()
            //This is basically a hack for this item:
            // when Examine initializes it will try to rebuild if the indexes are empty, however in many cases not all of Examine's
            // event handlers will be assigned during bootup when the rebuilding starts which is a problem. So with the examine build
            // it has an event we can subscribe to in order to cancel this rebuilding process, but what we'll do is cancel it and postpone the rebuilding until the
            // boot process has completed. It's a hack but it works.
            ExamineManager.Instance.BuildingEmptyIndexOnStartup += OnInstanceOnBuildingEmptyIndexOnStartup;


            // Backwards compatibility - set the path and URL type for ClientDependency 1.5.1 [LK]
            ClientDependency.Core.CompositeFiles.Providers.XmlFileMapper.FileMapVirtualFolder = "~/App_Data/TEMP/ClientDependency";
            ClientDependency.Core.CompositeFiles.Providers.BaseCompositeFileProcessingProvider.UrlTypeDefault = ClientDependency.Core.CompositeFiles.Providers.CompositeUrlType.Base64QueryStrings;

            var section = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/httpRuntime") as HttpRuntimeSection;

            if (section != null)
                //set the max url length for CDF to be the smallest of the max query length, max request length
                ClientDependency.Core.CompositeFiles.CompositeDependencyHandler.MaxHandlerUrlLength = Math.Min(section.MaxQueryStringLength, section.MaxRequestLength);

            //set master controller factory
                new MasterControllerFactory(FilteredControllerFactoriesResolver.Current));

            //set the render view engine
            ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new RenderViewEngine());
            //set the plugin view engine
            ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new PluginViewEngine());

            //set model binder
            ModelBinderProviders.BinderProviders.Add(new RenderModelBinder()); // is a provider

            ////add the profiling action filter
            //GlobalFilters.Filters.Add(new ProfilingActionFilter());

            //Register a custom renderer - used to process property editor dependencies
            var renderer = new DependencyPathRenderer();

            renderer.Initialize("Umbraco.DependencyPathRenderer", new NameValueCollection
                { "compositeFileHandlerPath", ClientDependencySettings.Instance.CompositeFileHandlerPath }

            // Disable the X-AspNetMvc-Version HTTP Header
            MvcHandler.DisableMvcResponseHeader = true;

            InstallHelper insHelper = new InstallHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);


        private void ConfigureClientDependency()
            // Backwards compatibility - set the path and URL type for ClientDependency 1.5.1 [LK]
            XmlFileMapper.FileMapDefaultFolder = "~/App_Data/TEMP/ClientDependency";
            BaseCompositeFileProcessingProvider.UrlTypeDefault = CompositeUrlType.Base64QueryStrings;

            // Now we need to detect if we are running umbracoLocalTempStorage as EnvironmentTemp and in that case we want to change the CDF file
            // location to be there
            if (GlobalSettings.LocalTempStorageLocation == LocalTempStorage.EnvironmentTemp)
                var appDomainHash = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppId.ToSHA1();
                var cachePath     = Path.Combine(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%temp%"), "UmbracoData",
                                                 //include the appdomain hash is just a safety check, for example if a website is moved from worker A to worker B and then back
                                                 // to worker A again, in theory the %temp%  folder should already be empty but we really want to make sure that its not
                                                 // utilizing an old path

                //set the file map and composite file default location to the %temp% location
                      = XmlFileMapper.FileMapDefaultFolder
                      = Path.Combine(cachePath, "ClientDependency");

            var section = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/httpRuntime") as HttpRuntimeSection;

            if (section != null)
                //set the max url length for CDF to be the smallest of the max query length, max request length
                ClientDependency.Core.CompositeFiles.CompositeDependencyHandler.MaxHandlerUrlLength = Math.Min(section.MaxQueryStringLength, section.MaxRequestLength);

            //Register a custom renderer - used to process property editor dependencies
            var renderer = new DependencyPathRenderer();

            renderer.Initialize("Umbraco.DependencyPathRenderer", new NameValueCollection
                { "compositeFileHandlerPath", ClientDependencySettings.Instance.CompositeFileHandlerPath }